#finally had the gall to rewatch s1 after so long and just all the feels came rushing back
teruel-a-witch · 2 years
Do you ever lay awake at night and think about the fact that when Steve and Danny met he thought he finally found the one person who'd stay with him?
That after his own father sends him away, Steve "realizes" that he'd never be enough but that changes when he meets Danny? He thinks that maybe, just maybe, he's enough.
But then he sees Danny with Rachel, sees that perfect little family and its hit with the realization that he'd never be a part of it. That he doesn't get to have good things in life.
When Rachel tells Danny she wants to go back to Jersey, Steve knows he'll lose him. No one stays. Why would he? There's nothing that Steve can give Danny, can't give him children, can't give him the white picket fence.
He knows Danny will leave and he doesn't say a thing, because how could he deprive him of the life he's always wante?
So he breaks into the Governor’s house instead.
I just made myself sad 😭
as evidenced by my blog I spent countless sleepless nights thinking about it 😂 i wrote a similar essay last year that even ended on the beat of Steve breaking into the governor's house
season One from Steve's POV (through McDanno lense)
(underlining the cyclical nature of s1 because it starts with Steve breaking into his father's house before he's had Danny and ends with him breaking into the Governor's house after he thinks he's lost him to Rachel coming full circle) .
I don't feel like rehashing it all especially since I have recently rambled so much about it so I'm just gonna put up a bunch of links to all the posts I made about 1x23
the GALL to look at him like this when you are cozying up to your ex, tsk, tsk
2.15 'I just feel in my heart there's still a shot, okay?'/ 1.23 'How long has this been going on? Were you ever going to tell me or...?'
How many times can the same thing break your heart? - As long as you love it.
When are you going to be willing to risk your heart? - I did.
Danny didn't buy Steve acting aloof for even a second
before he's met danny steve never stopped to think the way he was raised was wrong. his parents raised him to be strong. a warrior.
The end of Season One Love Triangle™ in memes or what happens after your boyfriend swings by your hospital room to pick up your daughter and catches you cuddled up with your baby mama
the most recent thing I've noticed while rewatching 1x23 is that Danny is totally THROWN by Steve's attitude after he returns to the HQ from the hospital.
headcanon for how it came to be that danny thought steve loved his eggs.
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