#finally put this dress back on lmao and now with real piercings
ccuriousmischieff · 1 year
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landhoehoehoe · 2 years
love sounds - Charles Leclerc 
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Soooo I told you I was writing a Dennis fic but last night the inspiration struck for a Charles story, I'm so sorry lmao but the Dennis fic is in the works I promise!
This was supposed to be full on smut but it turned out kind of fluffy? (Don’t worry there’s still smut)
Also I'm still new to this so idk what warnings I'm supposed to put... please don't have unprotected sex in real life!
Charles Leclerc x reader; In which he realizes she‘s the one for him ;)
He let his gaze wander along your curves, taking in the way your blue dress perfectly hugged your body, exposing enough skin for his imagination to go wild. 
How could you stand there, talking so innocently all while looking so devilishly tempting? 
Charles didn’t want to admit it but in that very moment he hated not being the man at your side right now. Instead, some random mechanic’s arm was snaked around your waist.
“Still drooling over y/n?”, someone commented besides Charles, finally making him rip his hungry eyes off of you. 
“Shut up, Arthur. You don’t know anything about love.” 
Arthur laughed as Charles took a sip of his whiskey. 
“Oh so it’s love now? I thought you and y/n were just a casual thing?”
Charles gave his brother the death stare which made Arthur lift his hands defensively. 
“Your words, not mine, brother.”
Charles scoffed. He knew his brother was right. 
You and Charles had never been “in love” per se. No question there was a certain tension between you two, but Charles had always been too afraid of fully committing to you. 
And now he payed the price for it: Getting to watch you attend the prize-giving gala in Paris with another man. 
“You know, if you still want her, you should honestly just go talk to her.”, Arthur chimed in again, making Charles roll his eyes. 
Arthur always thought everything in the world could be resolved by simply having an honest conversation. But Arthur had never fallen for you. 
He didn’t know how complicated yours and Charles’ situation was. 
So instead of answering his brother, Charles downed his drink, eyes searching for you once again.
“I’m getting another drink.”, he let his brother know and quickly disappeared into the crowd before Arthur could say anything else. 
As Charles pushed his way through all the FIA officials and drivers making small talk, his mind suddenly went foggy. 
A smell of sweet lilies surrounded him, trapping him in his thoughts. 
There was only one person on earth he knew who used this perfume. 
He jerked around, trying to make you out in the people surrounding him. 
However, you were nowhere to be seen. 
Charles even stood on his tiptoes to get a better view of the crowd, but he couldn’t spot your bright blue dress in-between all the black suits. 
Was this the alcohol playing tricks on him already? 
Charles shook his head to get his thoughts in order again. What was his mission again? 
Ah yes: getting another drink. 
If Charles had to endure watching you flirt with your date all evening, he could at least numb the piercing pain in his chest. 
So he made his way to the bar, ordering another whiskey. 
While he waited, he leaned against the bar, scanning the room once again for a certain blue dress. God, he was pathetic. Not enough courage to tell you how much he wanted you to be his but not enough strength to finally let you go either. 
Charles’ head flew around. 
His eyes were met with shiny blue fabric stopping right beneath your ass. 
He breathed in the enticing scent of lilies, let his gaze roam your body before he stopped at your shy smile. It was breathtaking. 
You were breathtaking. 
“Here you go, sir.”, the bartender placed down a fresh glass of whiskey before Charles, who was still too stunned to speak. 
“Um.. hi.”, he finally managed to snap back to reality. 
“Having a good time?”, he asked after another awkward pause, suddenly noticing that you were alone. 
Where had your escort gone? Charles took his eyes off of you again to look for your date amongst the attending people. 
“Yeah, everyone’s really nice. What about you?”
Charles looked back at you and he couldn’t believe you were talking to him so casually, since the last time you “talked”, you were shouting at him to get out of your apartment. 
And maybe it was the alcohol in his system, but he just couldn’t help but make a salty comment. Because arguing with you came more naturally than having a civil conversation. 
“Where did you leave your manwhore?”, he saw your eyes grow wide, then narrowing at him as he took another sip of whiskey. 
“Don’t give me that, Leclerc. You know damn well it’s your own fault we’re not here together.”
Charles shrugged, now definitely feeling the alcohol.
“It always takes two to fight, ma chérie.”
You scoffed. 
“And it only takes one to ruin a relationship.”, you bit back, making Charles alert immediately. Relationship? None of you had ever classified whatever thing you had had as a relationship. 
“Relationship?”, Charles could only ask dumbfounded. 
“I was serious about you, Charles.”, you replied in a much softer, quieter voice, letting your head sink. 
You were too ashamed to look him in the eyes, now that you’d pretty much confessed your deep and buried feelings. 
“You were?”, he checked to make sure he hadn’t just hallucinated. Now he needed another sip of whiskey.
But before he could drink, your hand came up to take the glass away from him. He watched as you downed the drink, wanting nothing more than to finally kiss you again. 
You contorted your face as the liquid stung in your throat, making Charles laugh. 
“For what it’s worth: I was serious about you, too.”, he confessed, blaming his sudden honesty on the alcohol. 
After all this was his third drink of the night. 
Now it was your turn to be surprised. 
“But…you never wanted anything serious?”, you replied, then turned to order a gin and tonic. Charles ordered another whiskey before looking at you again. 
“Chérie, any man who’d ever say no to you is a fucking idiot. I know that now.”
You gulped, not expecting any of his words. 
It had been weeks since you’d last seen Charles and you’d thought you’d gotten over the way his gaze made you shiver. 
But right now his eyes were burning into your skin, showing you exactly what he wanted. 
Before you could reply, your drinks arrived. 
Charles handed you your gin before downing his own drink. You weren’t planning on finishing your drink right then and there but Charles got up, brushing past you while letting his hands squeeze your waist for a quick second. 
You gasped, looking after him as he turned around once again, winking at you. 
You knew what he meant, having done this a thousand times before. You searched the room for your date. 
Were you really going to do this again? Start everything over? 
Give Charles another chance to break your heart? 
Fuck it. 
You downed your drink before discreetly following him to the restrooms. 
Charles smirked to himself as he saw a flash of blue following him, but he walked past the restrooms, making you frown. 
No, he didn’t want this to be like every other time you had hooked up. This time was going to be special. 
A night you’d never forget. 
So he turned around to grab your hand and pull you with him towards the hotel reception. 
“Excuse me, I would like to book your room with the nicest view, please.”, he smiled at the nice lady behind the desk while your eyes went wide. 
“Charles!”, you whisper-shouted, slapping his arm, but Charles had already gotten handed the keycard. He turned around, smiling at you with a hint of mischief in his eyes. 
Instead of saying anything though, he just grabbed your hand again, leading you to the elevators. 
“What are you doing?!”, you giggled, suddenly excited about not knowing what was about to happen.
“I’m doing what I was supposed to do a long time ago.”, he answered honestly, letting his gaze fall to your lips. 
Your eyes wandered in-between his lips and eyes, the urge to kiss him too big to resist. 
As your bodies automatically moved closer to each other you could already feel his whiskey- coated breath on your skin, his hands sheepishly finding their way to your waist.  
However just as you were about to kiss, Charles sighed, pulling away from you but still holding you close to him with his arms around your waist. 
“Not yet, chérie.”, he whispered, making you groan. 
You were slowly but surely growing impatient. 
When the elevator finally arrived, you took its privacy as a chance to kiss Charles, but he just held you close to him the entire ride up, never giving in to your tempting lips. 
Instead, he studied your face closely, remembering every single feature. 
Normally you’d hate when people stared at you because you got insecure very easily, but with Charles you felt more comfortable than ever. 
Maybe because you were too busy with your own staring that you didn’t notice him doing the same. 
“We’re here.”, he motioned towards the door with the number 314, already swiping the keycard. His other arm was still wrapped around your waist tightly, guiding you inside the room. 
You held your breath as Charles lead you to the huge glass windows at the other end of the room. It really was the most beautiful view of Paris you had ever seen. 
The city beneath you was a sea of lights, shining brightly in the night sky. 
You were so in awe over the view that you almost forgot Charles was in the room with you until he chuckled next to you. You looked at him. 
He was already looking at you. 
You didn’t understand how he could possibly look at you when this breathtaking view was right in front of him. 
“Charles…the lights..”, you whispered, “It’s beautiful.”
Charles smiled, squeezing your waist. 
“Chérie, you shine even brighter than all these city lights..”
You blushed, thankful about the darkness hiding it from Charles. 
“Don’t say that, Charles..”, you replied, a trace of sadness in your voice. 
Because all these things he said could easily turn out to be sweet nothings. 
“But it’s true. And I mean it, I truly do, y/n.”, he carefully tucked a strand of hair behind your ear while looking at you with so much love and affection in his eyes that you thought your heart might melt. 
He leaned his forehead against yours, holding you tightly. 
“I don’t want you to break my heart again. I’m scared, Charles.”, your voice cracked, closing your eyes to avoid tears from falling. 
It was true: You were terrified of the idea of losing Charles so you’d always thought you’d be better off with never having him in the first place. 
“I’m scared, too, y/n. But I am willing to try. To take that leap of faith with you, to give you my heart so that you may shatter it to pieces if you wanted to.”, he sounded soft, but determined. Because he was. 
He’d known it for the longest of times but only today had he realized that you would always be the one his heart wanted. 
So he’d rather die trying to make things work with you than getting drunk every other night because he couldn’t have you. 
“You don’t have to say anything right now. I just wanted to let you know how I felt, let you know that I am completely serious about you.” 
Then Charles removed his forehead from yours, only to finally kiss you. 
And it was the most magical kiss you had ever shared. You were so full of love as your hands wandered into his hair, leaning even further into him as his hands rested on the small of your back. The sparkling city lights behind you only made everything even more perfect.
Your kiss didn’t stay innocent for long though. 
Too long had you been deprived of his touch, his scent, his hands roaming your body. 
Without stopping your kiss, Charles lead you to the huge double bed in the room. 
Carefully, he laid you down on the mattress as you let him guide your movements. He sighed into the kiss, laying on top of you while resting his weight on his forearms beside your head. 
“I’ve missed this.”, he whispered breathlessly. You could only hum in response. 
Eventually he broke up the kiss, but only to kiss his way down to your jaw, sucking on your neck. Your body welcomed him, arching your back to get even closer to him. 
His kisses trailed further down until he reached your clothed cleavage. 
Quickly he sat up, riding your dress up to your waist to then pull it over your head as you sat up as well. 
After sharing another hungry kiss he gently but firmly pushed you back down into the mattress. He took a second to take you in: lying beneath him in nothing but your underwear, the beautiful black lace set he still loved so much. 
“Charles..”, you warned, not wanting to spend the night begging for him to touch you. 
However, that was not Charles’ plan tonight. Tonight was all about you. 
About bringing you the most amount of pleasure. To quite literally show you how much you meant to him. 
So he connected his lips with your skin again, kissing down your stomach to your hips. 
As he slowly worked his way down your thigh, he felt your hips jerking up suddenly, desperate for his touch. 
“Shhhhhh, chérie..”, his voice was soft as he watched you screw your eyes shut in anticipation when he hooked his thumbs in your slip to pull it down your legs. 
He wanted to take a picture of you looking this angelic only for him. 
When he finally licked the first stripe through your folds, your hands gripped onto the bed sheets tightly. 
“Charles, please..”, you moaned, arching your back. 
Charles wasted no time in pleasuring you, flicking his tongue inside you quickly. The small screams that left your mouth sounded like heaven to him, spurring him on even further. 
“That’s it, mon amour.”, he panted, watching your face contort in pleasure as he inserted a finger. 
You gripped the sheets even tighter, not caring about being quiet. 
A number of curse words fell from your mouth as he added a second finger, moving them even faster than before now. 
“Ch-arles.”, you moaned again, mind going foggy. 
Your mouth hang open wide as you were no longer able to form a sentence, all of your senses were completely focused on Charles. 
His hand that wasn’t inside of you came up to cup your breast, squeezing it lightly, pulling another moan from your lips. 
He smiled against your core, proud of himself for having you a moaning mess under him within seconds. 
As he sped up even further you could feel your high approaching rather rapidly. It had been too long since he last touched you, no wonder you were desperately chasing your high. 
Your hips bucked up into him once more as his tongue flicked at your clit. 
Charles could feel by the way you were clenching around his fingers that you were close. You just needed a few more words to push you over the edge. 
“Let go, chérie. I’ve got you.”
You moaned, gripping on to his hand on your breast, brain not functioning properly anymore. 
“Make a mess all over my fingers, come on darling… I know you’ve got it in you…. So good for me.”, he groaned, having to pause in-between his sentences. 
And it finally sent you over the edge, your high washing over you, making you scream in pleasure. Charles watched in awe as your face contorted and you were in your own post-orgasmic bubble. He loved seeing you like this: so natural, so incredibly attractive. 
You caught your breath, pulling him back up to you by his hair. 
Giving him a hazy smile, you kissed him again: a silent thank you for the pleasure. Your lips connected, his tongue swirling inside your mouth. 
You weren’t sure why, but this time everything felt different. 
So much more personal and intimate than the times before. 
Like Charles actually meant his drunken words from before. Like this was a fresh start for the both of you. 
The start of something serious. 
As the kiss got more heated again, you rolled on top of him, Charles letting you take over control. You sat up, straddling him while letting your fingers wander under his shirt. 
You knew where to touch him to make his mind go crazy so you innocently brushed past his sensitive spot on his right side, feeling his abs tense up.
 He took a sharp breath as you unbuttoned his shirt, watching you intently. 
Once you had freed him of his shirt, you began kissing down his body until you reached his belt. His hand came down to push a loose strand of hair out of your face, making you smile as you looked up at him, biting down on your lip.
 It was a sight Charles didn’t ever want to forget. 
When you went to push down his pants he held up his hips to help you, but as soon as you leaned back over him, he grabbed your hips, rolling you back over. Your arms naturally found their way around his neck. 
“Tonight is all about you, baby.”, he whispered in your ear, giving you goosebumps. 
After kissing you once more he aligned himself with your entrance before pushing into you slowly. You both moaned at feeling each other again, feeling so incredibly good. “Oh my god.”, you exclaimed, having to get used to his size again. 
Before he started moving he looked back up at you again, searching for permission which you happily granted him with a nod. 
Slowly he pushed further into you until he was filling you up completely, your hips touching. 
Your breath hitched at the sensation of the stretch. 
Unlike all the other times you had slept together, Charles didn’t pick up the pace this time.
 Instead he continued his slow but oh so deep thrusts into you, keeping eye contact with you the whole time. 
“You’re so beautiful, chérie. So tight.”, he whispered before hitting your G-spot again. You whined, pulling slightly at his roots to which he groaned into your ear. 
“Gonna make me go insane, darling.”
Was this what making love felt like? Actual love? Not just a casual hookup? 
Because this was definitely more than that. 
This was a feeling of safety, comfort and absolute trust. Trust in the man above you who was currently making you see stars. 
His steady thrusts continued, hitting all the right spots inside of you. 
“Charles.. I’m.. I’m gonna..”, you stuttered, feeling that familiar knot tighten in your stomach again. 
Even though you didn’t finish your sentence Charles still understood, picking up the pace to go a little bit faster. 
“So good for me.”, he kept looking directly at you, watching as you tried to keep your eyes open as well. 
However the feeling of him inside you made it hard not to screw your eyes shut. 
“Please, Charles..”, you moaned, not sure what you were begging for. 
Charles understood regardless. 
He filled you up completely, resting his hips against yours for a second, then pushing even further into you. 
Your mouth hang agape from the sensation, your whole body craving the release. 
After a few more deep deep thrusts, it didn’t take much longer until you came undone all over his dick, his name falling from your mouth yet again. 
You clenching around him was all Charles needed to send him over the edge as well, as he came only moments after you, releasing inside you. 
Then he let himself collapse onto you, still resting most of his bodyweight on his arms. 
His head sunk to your chest, using you as a pillow. Your hands automatically ran through his hair, the both of you staying silent while coming down from your highs. 
“That was…”, you began, but Charles interrupted you: “Amazing.”
He lifted his head off your chest to look you in the eyes, studying your face again. 
“Why do you keep staring so much tonight?”, you laughed, making him smile. 
“I just can’t help myself, chérie. You’re the most beautiful thing I have ever seen..”, he answered honestly, leaving you speechless. 
When you didn’t reply Charles only leaned forward, connecting your lips to a kiss that was the complete opposite of the rough, sloppy kisses you had exchanged just moments before. 
This one was filled with all kinds of emotions: adoration, fear, desire and confusion…but most importantly, it was filled with love. 
So much love that you thought your heart might burst. 
Which is why you decided to finally take that leap of faith with him, too. 
Just like he’d done before. You would give him your heart. 
Trust that he wouldn’t break it this time. 
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aesthetic-weird0 · 1 year
Lmao u thought SAGAU
TW: Blood, Mentions of graphic violence. Characters being dense mfs, and swearing. Lots. And i mean LOTS of swearing. Reader is female with female anatomy.
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It was a horrible day, you decided to go to the park because your introverted ass needed some sun. And while doing your chor- daily commisions, some motherfucker with dusty shoes, dressed in rags, looked like a mf homeless man that stole this car (not truck-kun lmao sorry) drove into the park, the little bitch rammed into the bench you were in, blood splattered everywhere, not just blood, but combined with your... period?
Back to the present, here you were, placed in the arena of the statue of eternity, in inazuma. Bruised and weak. Archons and characters gathered alike to see the "imposters" death. Suddenly, a girl walked towards you. Holding your chin up. She looked exactly like you, it was unsettling. The only difference was... she looked like royalty. A necklace, tiara, and earrings that looked more expensive than ningguangs existence, in such beautiful, golden clothes, that completely resembled your weird period. Spoke. "Insolent creature." She spat, venom in her words "You dare copy the face of the creator of Teyvat!?? Your Blasphemous Transgressions will not go unpunished, Heathen." -your pov-What the fuck? This bitch. You have never wanted to punch someone that looks like you more than now. The thing is... when you fell into teyvat. You were on your period. you checked and yyyyup. That is not normal blood. That's a fucking golden period. "Can i sell this?" You said. You were in monstadtat the time. The characters... Eula and Amber saw you. They looked like they were gonna rip you to shreds. And watch 2 kinds of blood spill. But decided on hiding until you let your guard down/fell asleep. Then kidnapped you and handed you in to the knights of favonius.
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"Do you have anything to say. Wretched imposter?" Zhongli spoke. With eyes that pierced through your soul. Polearm in hand, that YOU gave him. (Unless u dont have him like me❤️) The real imposter sat back on the throne they placed by the statue. The bitch must've gone there while you spaced out. "Actually. I do!" Zhongli raised a brow at this. You quickly dug your hands into your pants. people looked disgusted at your actions (i would be too✌️😙✌️) Their faces went from disgust. To shock. To anger. Anger not directed at you. But at the copy of you sitting- well now standing panicked by the throne. You had whipped out your fhucking gold stained pad. That was some believable fucking evidence. People turned to her. Anger and betrayed looks. "NO! THATS FAKE!" Raiden cut the imposter with her polearm gently. And watched as the RED blood spilled. Nahida, Xiao, Albedo and the traveler looked with smug faces. Finally, The true god has been recognised. The crowd roared in anger. "We're such fools... SEIZE THEM!!" zhongli demanded, voice piercing through the crowd. A small group of an army ran and seized the true imposter. With that. Her fate was sealed. Nahida ran to you, slowing down her pace and stopping infront of you, she smiled brightly as ever. "I'm glad you're recognised now. Your grace!" She said. you smiled. A bit embarrassed but nontheless happy to be proven innocent. Dirty pad in hand as you kinda just. Put it back in your pants. And stood up Finally. You can have some good fucking food and fresh pads.
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made this as a celebration of hitting 50+ likes on that comedypost. Kinda proofread. Feel free to reblog ig. And maybe give me a follow or like. Hope you enjoyed!❤️ ... reuploaded because i logged out and lost my account hahahaha imgonnamfkms😄🔫
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david-box · 1 year
Liveblog (but a day late ish) of Succession season 4 ep. 1
3:38 love how Shiv didn't kiss Kendall also is very clearly lying lol. Rome is so focuking rude it's hilarious. Wtf is their new venture are they trying to make a new media outlet??? And shiv is talking to Tom
They're already on to her lmao. Glad she's semi honest. Ajjajahw. "he's not a real junkie" ahhaha. Kendall is saying "don't bail on me I don't want to put effort into this and not have you reciprocating". Shiv really is into it.
Ohhh my god Logan is visually miserable. Hows it feel old man you motherfucker. He is not dating that woman still Jesus Christ. I mean good for her probably, damn, but what the fuck. What happened to the Italian princess Greg?? He's so clean shaven... Also "friend assistant and advisor" lol. Girl when. Her face is funny as hell also I love these actors. Is it "random fuck". Greg's face lol.
Shiv don't sound bored. Kendall is into it. Tom looking out for Shiv?? You alwars awkward awkward man. Paying with one hand. You're not being fair Shiv rn but I don't blame you also low blow with the st. Paul remark. Best response Tom. She's really freaking out damn. THEYRE STILL HERE AKHAHAHHA. Rome the only chill one here hahahhaa. The investor advisors walked off in separate directions. Aaannnnd Greg's gf snitched lol. They're paranoid. They have every reason to be. Oh those are their investors.
Connor is dressed like a president and the gf is insiding. Connor how broke are you, you're always worried about money. Who was Logan's first wife? Why is the Left going after them? Are they buying Pierce? Also the audacity to call them rats... And the side piece is literally just standing there. Logan doesn't know what Tom looks like when he lies. His awkwardness helps though imagine asking your FIL for marriage AND business advice. Logan looks so annoyed Toms ass sucking but I honestly think it helps and as much as Logan is annoyed that's exactly where he wants him to be. Tom killing Logan 2023 hashtag or whatever. Who hosts a party and waits for food??? They fucking rich people.
Two parties vying for Pierce is going to make the Gojo buyout easier because the Waystair side won't bother squeezing Connor out. Unless they just try harder and he has to pay more to stay lol. Roman the most mature one here. Kendall is being stupid. Who was walking in the background also they're just sitting there huh those Saudis or whoever lolll. They do kinda have a point tho.
Tom doesn't even wait to cut Greg down a 6 inch. And she's fucking recording??? Greg is too excited for their marriage thing. Greg is delusional. I wouldn't switch gears personally but I'd be anxious telling the other guys to keep waiting if they're even still there.
Logan has the world and isn't even happy. Right in front of her "hoop de hoop". Nan's family is a matriarchal version of Logan and Shiv is correct he has no patience but Nan's gonna be busy ain't he. Nan is funny also. I love the way Shiv dresses casually ahahha good lines. Kendall might honestly be better to go but Nan's picky and pickier than what's good. Oh fuck off Kendall its about Dad. And Rome is scared of conflict and I don't blame him also it would be funny if they can do it.
Why is he going you're my pal. You're mybest pal. What the fuck does this mean. This poor man. People are exonomic units??? Bro. Is he really thinking about marriage??? Bro. Gee I wonder why
People turn against you everywhere you go. He's getting old and finally feeling it. Only person he trusts isn't even family and business only.
Ahhahahhahhaha I didn't think Roman would repeattt thatttt ahahha. She looks so hurt :-(. That means he didn't ask. You can pop it back in your mouth now lolll. Who they calling. Oh Logan? Pierce is making calls huh I bet.
Connor is so excited for the wedding and it's gonna be bad if he pushes for more money or if he pushes for less I bet. I love this man. Get a rapper and jetpacks. Dude. Bumfuts. Oh it's about the election cycle. Poor Willa. She's trying. She'll do a lot for him huh.
Greg has the worst timing and Tom low-key thinks it's funny. Greg. No. She's crunchy peanut butter. Dude. The guest bedroo?? Dude. And he's really worried ahahaha. I think he's more amused Greg is scared and is mayyybbee fucking fucking with him. He's making him tell him this is so gross hahahaha.
Is this fucking Marthas vineyard? Italian themed Waystair rocyo? Do they realize Logan can just wait on the sale so they won't be able to buy her out? The sex implications with the headache is great. I think she's going to use it as leverage. Oh butter my beanpole ahahha. Tom saving his ass and isn't even needing to lie, everyone DOES know. He's got some fucked up machinations. Greg is worse off saying something than not. He hasn't eaten. He gave him candy. And he's just holding it. Ahahhaha. Shhshhahha the thumbs up. Lmao. Poor Greg. Poor poor Greg. Think of something better. I would not be honest. He really doesn't think about things critically, like, ever.
Who's the garbder? They're showing more servants today.
Logan smiled? What the fuck?? Tom is so right but he also clearly thinks its both funny and disgusting. Greg don't push it. Greg. Dude. Ahahah. God be willing. Nan thinks smiles and warm energy is important and is complaining about spending money. Interesting. Roy might be better for that than the kids. She's ruthless. Shiv is better for this than anyone else. Oh, but it's not wrapped up. It's fine :-)) come drink with me :-)). Don't curse. Kendall. Dude. She wants to drink? Take the offer to drink... Kendall it is not robust. What happened to Maine? I'm getting a divorce ahahhahaa okay damn. Kendall if you're gonna call her on the numbers don't be shitty. That was clever Roman.
Nobody tells jokes any idea so they. I'm saying Carl, it's a big dry in here. Do you have any jokes? Frank, start, be funny, abhahahahahahahahahahaa roast me dhshshhshshshs skanshshshs absghshshshhsjsjsjsjsjsjsh he can't even do it. That's not funny. Greg is too honest. Ahahhahaa "where are your kids?" AhahhahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhaahhHahaha. Not a good retort there Logan sorry. So it is the money. Logan's mood is much better when he has something to do. He's going to win. But that's cus I got spoiled.
Roman is correct. 8 is bad. Oh ton don't pussy foot. "This is dusgusting :-)" lol. call your wife. Nan likes the bidding and they can't do 8.5. Tom hiding his face. They do not have 9.5. they go to 10 they lose. 10 is a lot. They don't have 10. And he's being loud. He's outvoted. Ouch. Shiv is so happy. She's gonna cry. Tom said 12 she fucked herself.
Congratulations on saying the biggest number. Romans not sure and they left. That's when the Gojo falls through innit? Lol. Or the lack of a divorce. They still living in the same house? Cute dog. Swear it's different from last year, lol. They don't even look at the accounts anymore. Oh, they still here. Tom still kinda trying to connect, he really does love her. Who wouldn't? Where's the disgusting brothers thing and Shiv is really trying to hurt him and she's hurt from it. And he's right to fire right tf back. Is Mondale even let out at night? Shiv is really, really upset. She doesn't want to move on but now she has an excuse to force herself so this is when the deal gets fucked and now she's divorced for no reason. Shiv doesn't wanna talk because she arguably did worse. No responsibility. Tom won't fight her and a small part of her wishes he did. Tom what the fuck ahahhahaa. Dude. What the fuck. He's genuine . He isn't but he is. I think Shiv would be happy just having him be there. They're so sweet together. My little cats. They do love eachother :-(. If only they could make it work.
Is Logan watching court dv? Or his own news? He's mad the reporters ugly. Wild. They actually won. Oh, new number.
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silversatoru · 3 years
Can i regurst a gojo x reader smut where y/n is gojo’s ex girlfriend and also a strong jujutsu sorcerer and they get back together asdfghjkl 🥺😂? Tyy 🥺
hehhee yes ma’am here u are!!! i actually loved writing this one (i think i just have a thing for writing gojo lately lmao) anyway! i! hope! you! enjoy!
to heaven and back
gojo satoru x f! sorcerer!reader
synopsis: you and your ex, gojo satoru, beat the hell out of a few special grade curses and then head back to his house to rekindle an old (and kind of kinky) flame
tags/warnings: nsfw (18+), smut, handcuffs, blindfolding, little bit of oral sex, teasing, alcohol consumption, some fluff at the end? just a little
word count: 3.1k
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You lifted your elegant glass of random wine that you could care less about knowing the name of, and took a long sip. All of these old rich bastards talked way too much about brand names, aging, and what cheese paired well with each wine. They were missing what was really important — which one would get you drunk the quickest. 
These kinds of formal events weren’t really your scene, and having to listen to a bunch of old, conservative, high-up jujutsu leaders was terribly boring — so why not take this opportunity to get a little tipsy? You deserved it for putting up with all of these assholes. After all, the only reason they invited you to this prestigious event was for protection. If that pesky band of special grade curses caught wind that all of the higher ups from both Kyoto and Tokyo were in the same place, they were sure to launch some kind of attack. The old, wrinkly douchebags couldn’t care less about your opinions of the jujutsu world and how you would change it, they only liked you for incredible cursed technique. 
And so here you were, spitefully wearing your most elegant dress and downing glasses of wine in an attempt to drown out all of the nonsense around you. There was only one thing that could make this event any worse and— 
“Hello everyone! The strongest jujutsu sorcerer has arrived — I know you were all looking forward to my appearance”. 
And there it was. There was that one thing that could make this event any worse. Gojo Satoru.
You dipped your head low, burying yourself in your glass of wine and praying to any god who would listen to not let this man see you. It’s been over two years since the two of you broke up, but he still wasn’t someone you enjoyed running into. 
Gojo was terribly notorious for having a long line of girls at his disposal, and with his incredible strength and annoyingly good-looks, it wasn’t hard to understand why. The two of you had never been in an officially committed relationship, and so technically Gojo was free to do as he pleased — but you were practically dating and your heart ached every time you caught wind of him being with another woman. And so two years ago you cut things off with him for good — you were tired of being the one he always ran back to at the end of the day. 
He’d looked at you with eyes full of pain that night, begging and pleading to stay with him. He showed you a vulnerable side to him that you had never seen before — and he swore to you that if you had asked to make things official, he would have committed himself to you fully. You declined however, because you felt like you shouldn’t have needed to ask for that kind of thing — but maybe that was just your ego getting in the way. 
“Hey, beautiful, I’ve never seen you around before, you must be from the Tokyo campus,” Some random assistant casually leaned against the counter you were sitting at and shook you out of your thoughts.
“If you’ve never seen me before then you must not be very important,” You shot him a distasteful glance, taking another sip of your wine. 
The man’s face lit up with panic — he must not have been expecting such retaliation to his pathetic attempt of flirting. 
“Are you bothering her?” A familiar voice came from behind you — a long, slender hand slapping down onto your shoulder, “Please don’t flirt with my wife”. 
“Ah- Wife? I’m so sorry, sir,” The man stumbled over his words, bowing his head to Gojo and scurrying away. 
Gojo wasted no time sliding into the seat next to you and pouring himself a glass of wine from the bottle you’d already been working on. 
“Really? You’re telling people I’m your wife now?” You gave him a deadpanned look. 
“It worked, didn’t it?” He shrugged his shoulders and took a sip from his glass. 
You rolled your eyes hard, “Why are you here, Satoru?” 
“Same reason as you. The old, conservative pussies are afraid those special grades might attack — so why not invite their two prized sorcerers to protect them?” 
“Fair,” You let out a heavy sigh, “Not sure that was their best move though — I don’t think either one of us is very motivated to save these fuckers”. 
“No, but I brought my students with me today. So, if anything does happen, make sure you put on a show for them,” He winked, already topping off his wine glass. 
You looked over to see a few kids sitting a couple tables away from the two of you, chatting amongst themselves and wondering why the fuck they had to be here. 
And so an hour or two went by, and to your surprise, you found yourself laughing hysterically alongside Gojo. The two of you had definitely drank a bit too much, and your personalities complimented each other a little too perfectly. You shared the same terrible sense of humor and he had quite the knack for bringing out this lighthearted side of you. You had missed moments like this these past two years. 
Neither of you were paying any attention to the current debate that was occurring between the higher ups when a loud crash sent broken pieces of glass flying through the grand hall. Sure enough, the curses had made their appearance and came flying into the building through a now broken window.
“It’s our time to shine, huh?” Gojo looked over at you, and you imagined that his icy blue eyes were swirling with excitement under that mask. 
“Yeah, let’s make this quick,” You found a warm ball of excitement churning in your own stomach — it’d been a long time since the two of you had fought together. 
Your technique revolved around the manipulation of cursed energy and converting it into light. You could wrap yourself in a shield of light, send curse-filled bursts of light at your enemies, and move at the speed of light as well — which was almost as efficient as Gojo’s teleportation abilities. You had a series of more advanced moves as well, but those required more energy output and therefore you used them a little less often.
The two of you were both able to move so fast that the curses really didn’t stand a chance. You found yourself laughing as you flipped through the air, hurling balls of light at the curses as Gojo worked closer in hand-to-hand combat. At one point, while the two of you were flying past each other, Gojo stuck out his hand and gave you a high five, both of you smiling like maniacs who enjoyed fighting a little too much. 
Between Gojo’s Limitless and your extreme agility and bursts of light, the curses were quickly forced to flee. Both of you were feeling much too drunk and much too lazy to chase after them, even with all of the higher ups begging you to do so. Gojo simply flipped them off and stuck out his tongue, saying that he did what they paid him to do — keep the curses away — and now that the curses had been scared off, he was no longer needed. 
“You want to come back with me, relieve more of our old memories together? I remember how much you loved sleeping in my king sized bed,” Gojo looked back at you, offering one of his large, slender hands. 
Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was your stupid, stupid heart, but you reached out and took his hand, “Fuck it, let’s go”. 
Gojo’s house on the outskirts of the Tokyo campus was just as you remembered — sleek black interior with modern furniture and extravagantly silky sheets on his bed — his same bed that you were currently sprawled out on, laying in nothing but your undergarments. 
Gojo joined you a couple minutes later, his bare skin warm and familiar against yours. He pressed a few sloppy kisses to your lips, both of you still incredibly tipsy and unable to stop the small giggles from leaking out between your lips while you kissed. 
“Take the blind fold off you weirdo,” You pulled at the back of the black fabric. 
“Mmm, okay,” He mumbled, undoing the knot and exposing his piercing blue eyes.
“So pretty,” You murmured under your breath — his eyes really were the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen in your life
His fluffy silver hair fell down messily over his face, a drunken smile stretched across his lips. His smile quickly turned into a devilish grin as he slipped the mask over your eyes instead, tying a tight not at the back of your head.
“This isn’t what I meant,” You droned, but you didn’t argue — you certainly weren’t opposed to being blindfolded.
“It looks good on you,” He slurred, his words messy and his lips even messier as he pressed them back against yours. 
The kisses seemed to last forever, and both of you were perfectly okay with that — your hands taking their time exploring each other’s bodies for the first time in far too long. 
Gojo’s hands worked their way up your back, tracing lines along your toned muscles until he finally reached the nape of your neck. His fingers entangled themselves in your hair, soft hums coming from his lips.
“I still have handcuffs, if you’re still into that sort of thing,” he mused, massaging his fingertips into your scalp. 
“Damn, I can’t believe you remember what I like. I thought my preferences would have gotten lost among the sea of other women you were pleasing,” You let the snarky remark roll off your tongue, though there was clearly no real spite in your words — you’re both adults and what happened then was in the past now.
“It wasn’t even that many,” He defended, “And you were the only one who ever mattered”. 
“I’m flattered,” You laughed, “Now, where are those handcuffs?” 
Gojo stifled a deep laugh, his hands leaving your hair as he lifted himself up and stood from the bed. When he returned a few moments later, there was cool metal wrapping around both of your wrists. He had two sets of handcuffs, putting one on each wrist and then hooking the other side to the bed posts. 
You were entirely at his disposal now, your hands secured over your head and your vision blocked off by the black mask. 
“I could tickle you right now and there’s nothing you could do,” Gojo observed aloud, pressing kisses up the side of your torso.
“Satoru, I would kick the living shit out of you,” You threaten, goosebumps growing under your skin. 
“Yeah, but you can’t touch me unless I let you,” He retaliated, his soft hands reaching underneath your bra to feel your breasts.
You groaned in response — his Limitless really did make him impossible.
He cupped each of his hands around your firm lumps, gently massaging them between his fingers. His cool fingertips then made their way down to your lower body, swiftly removing your remaining underwear. You were now completely exposed to him, chills running down your spine as you wondered what he would do next. 
You heard a shaky breath leave his lips, his hungry hands massaging circles into your thighs, “God, you’re so beautiful. I missed you so much, you know that?” 
“I’m sure you did,” You breathed, “I’m a wonderful person to be around”. 
Gojo let out a hearty laugh, and you heard what you assumed to be the sound of his own underwear getting thrown to the floor. A few seconds later he was straddling your torso, his warm thighs wrapped around your body. You couldn’t see it, but you knew his massive member had to be right in front of your face now. 
“Remind me what that pretty mouth can do,” He cooed, pressing the tip of his length gently to your lips. 
You graciously granted him access, parting your lips and taking the head of his cock into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around the sensitive tip, earning a few twitches from Gojo’s body. You began to bob your head back and forth as much as the handcuffs allowed, a few quiet moans leaving his throat in response. 
He began to move his hips against you, gingerly pushing his member deeper and deeper into your mouth until you were taking the full length down your throat. He groaned and let a few curse words slide from between his teeth — your mouth was wrapped so perfectly around him. Tears pricked at your eyes and a couple rough gags ripped through your throat, Gojo finally pulling away and allowing you to catch your breath. 
After that, you felt a single one of his long, slim fingers slide into your mouth, and you wasted no time wrapping it in your tongue and sucking hard. 
“Good girl,” He murmured, plucking his finger back out of your mouth and moving it down to your aching entrance. 
Between the saliva on his finger and the slick juices around your opening — his finger slid in effortlessly. He started moving in quick movements, curling his finger up into your g-spot each time. A few light moans left your lips, your fists clenching in the cuffs as your yearned for more. His finger felt good, but you wanted the real thing — you needed it.
“Satoru, please,” You practically whined his name, a tiny bit ashamed for how desperate you were for him right now. 
“Patience, love,” He clicked his tongue and your heart did somersaults at the endearing name. 
He removed his singular finger and intertwined it with a second one before sliding them back into your cavern. He picked up a steady pace again, your breath hitching in your throat. Two fingers was certainly better than one, but the continuous teasing was just making you even more desperate to feel his member inside of you. You mumbled his name over and over, small pleads and shameless whispers leaving your mouth as you bucked your hips against his hands.
“No ones fucked you as good as I used to, have they? You’re horribly desperate right now” He clicked his tongue again, removing his fingers and moving them up to your clit. He rubbed the smallest, softest circles against the small nub, your core growing warmer with desire. 
“I won’t make you wait any longer then,” He whispered, sitting back and positioning the head of his length against your throbbing cunt. 
“Please,” You mumbled fervently, any ego or pride that you once had was completely down the drain now. 
Your pleads were finally rewarded, Gojo pressing himself deep into your tight walls. The immediate feeling was complete bliss, your head rolling back in pleasure as you heard a throaty moan creep it’s way out of Gojo’s mouth. His moans were so pretty — god, you’d missed the sound of them.  
He moved in and out at a tantalizingly slow pace at first, your hips bucking and wiggling as you made fervent attempts to make him go faster.
“So eager…” He shook his head, continuing to move at a pace that was absolutely agonizing — you thought you might die if he didn’t rail the hell out of you soon. 
“Please, fuck,” You gasped, “Stop moving so goddamn slowly”. 
“Your whines are so pretty, baby. Say my name and maybe I’ll give you what you want,” He murmured, his voice low and husky. 
“Fucking hell,” You gritted your teeth, “Please Satoru, please fuck me already”. 
“Shit,” He mumbled under his breath, your words sending electricity coursing through his body. 
After hearing you say that, he was quick to give you what you wanted, picking up his pace and wrapping his hands firmly around your hips. Strangled combinations of moans, whimpers, and cries filled the air as they flew from your mouth. You didn’t care how loud or desperate you sounded, you wanted him to know how good he was making you feel. 
The two of you were an entangled mess of sweaty skin and throaty moans, Gojo filling your ears with praises and compliments the entire time. His lengthy member railed into you over and over, hitting that perfect pleasure point with each stroke and sending warm surges of ecstasy through your veins. 
Your bodies moved together in sync, your breaths aligning and your climaxes threatening to arrive simultaneously. After a few more firm strokes, you felt yourself drowning in pleasure — euphoria crashing through your body like waves. Gojo reached his end point just a few moments later, his loud cuss words and strangled moans filling your ears. 
The two of you rode out your orgasms together, and almost immediately afterwards Gojo collapsed next to you. He lazily reached up and uncuffed each of your hands, leaving the cuffs dangling from his bed posts just in case there was a round two in his future. He rolled the sticky condom off his member and tossed into a nearby trash bin, a relaxed sigh slipping between his parted lips. You peeled the black mask off of your eyes, finally able to meet his again. 
He was staring at you with eyes filled with all kinds of emotions — the emotions that he’d been too afraid to admit to the first time the two of you were together. But he wasn’t afraid of commitment anymore, he was absolutely certain about what he wanted, and it was you. 
“Stay with me,” He asked, his eyes pleading with you, “I’m ready this time, I promise. I’m all yours, if you’ll have me”. 
You found a small smile tugging at the edges of your lips as you looked deeper into his eyes, “Of course I’ll stay, as long as you still feel this way when you wake up sober tomorrow”. 
“I’ll feel this way forever,” He pressed his head into you and mumbled into your chest, “And I’ll remind you as many times as you need to hear it”. 
You wrapped your arms around him in response, the two of you fitting impeccably together. He placed a few gentle kisses to your skin before his breathes began to slow. You found your own breathing to be evening out, your cloudy thoughts pushing you closer and closer to sleep. The two of you slowly drifted off together, your heavy breaths falling perfectly in sync.
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tuanyiems · 3 years
The Spirit of Christmas
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Jaebum x Reader holiday!au, roommate!au words: 2.8k
Plot: You are sugar and spice and everything nice and your roommate, Jaebum is coal—at least, that’s how it seems at first glance. With the pandemic and Christmas Eve coming to an end, maybe it’s not just Jaebum that needs a little Christmas spirit. 
a/n – guess whose household got covid in time for Christmas? 2020 hates me lol anyways, I said I was going to post a Jackson holiday au but that was taking too long, I’ll post it next Christmas lmao here is jb and his kitties in the meantime <3 happy holidays folks, stay safe and merry and I’ll meet you in the new year
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“What is that?” Jaebum looks at you incredulously as you carry an armful of green into his living room. You let it fall onto the floor, much to his annoyance and his cats’ pleasure. Nora flops onto her belly, rubbing against the green sticks.
“It’s our Christmas tree!” you grin, running your fingers through the fur of her belly and earning a nip to your fingers. You giggle at the tickle of her teeth on your thumb. Despite her feisty disposition, Nora very rarely ever bites for real.
“That’s a pile of plastic,” your roommate plops himself on the couch, feet thrown over the coffee table.
Your mouth twists as you push the ottoman closer to him with a gentle push of your fuzzy sock-clad feet. Jaebum glances at the bright yellow ottoman you brought into the apartment when he told you about a million times that the thing was a waste of money (and a neon eyesore). He then looks over at your feet looking awfully like a red stocking, and he truly does mean the awful part. He keeps his feet on the coffee table and leans back into the couch, arms behind his head.
“It’s a Christmas tree,” you emphasize, lifting his legs with a huff onto the ottoman. You dust your hands before placing them onto your hips. “And you’re going to help me put it up!”
He frowns, looking into your eager eyes. “Remind me why I moved in with you again?”
“Because I had a spare room and you needed someone willing to live with five cats,” you answer easily like you always do. You throw one of the plastic limbs at him. “Now come on, let’s get festive!”
“Your festive and my festive are very different,” Jaebum sighs, but he gets up anyways.
“Noted,” you chuckle, clearing a space on the floor for him to sit beside you.
You grab your phone to turn on your playlist, lovingly titled “HO! HO! HO!iday Cheer” and immediately you can see Jaebum’s face sour at the familiar jingle as Mariah Carey’s voice echoes through the room. 
“Oh, we’re going with my festive, just so you know,” you warn him belatedly. He blows at his bangs, shoulders slumping in surrender.
“Let’s just get this over with before my ears start bleeding,” he grumbles, grabbing hold of a couple plastic limbs.
“That’s the spirit!” you cheer, slapping him on the back. You don’t miss the small twitch of his lips.
You had a lot of hopes for this year, all of which pretty much went down the drain. That was life though, you rolled with the punches. But you certainly did not expect that when you opened your home to Jaebum and his five cats, that just two weeks after, he would be your only social life for the next nine months (if you didn’t count your biweekly grocery outings). 
And while you have nothing against Jaebum—in fact, you absolutely love his five cats—it doesn’t take a genius to tell that the two of you are very different. Jaebum’s black on black fashion, motorcycle riding, sterling silver face piercing-self, next to your pastel, soft knit cardigan-wearing, always smelling like bread and daisies…the two of you are a walking metaphorical neon sign flashing “opposites!”
“Why does that matter? He’s going to be my roommate, not my husband!” you had shrugged Jinyoung’s warning without a second thought. 
That memory would come back to bite you during the first three months of shared living, for every time he woke you up from his random 3am showers or played horror movies in the living room right before your bedtime, and especially whenever he responded to your silly jokes with a deadpan face or worse, his unrelenting despondency. 
Over time though, you learned how to read him—like how he was nicer after a cup of coffee or how he has trouble sleeping but always manages to fall asleep on the living room couch when you’re baking bread in the open kitchen. You’ve learned that when Jaebum scowls, it’s mostly just a reflex and actually, if you can catch a reflection whenever he’s looking away, usually he’s smiling. And although he will grumble about it the entire way through, if you ask for help, he will always be there (even when he tells you he won’t). 
Maybe you both express yourselves differently. You say “I love you” and he will ask “Did you eat yet?” You bake cupcakes and have teatime on the porch with the older neighbors, Jaebum installs cameras and buys extra essentials whenever you go grocery shopping together. You fill the windowsills with abandoned plants and bring them back to life, Jaebum leaves cat food and old blankets in your backyard for the strays. 
No one else understands when you tell them you think you and Jaebum might be the same person, but they haven’t seen him the way you have over the last nine months. Beneath his hardboiled exterior is a sensitive soul who loves quietly and cares a lot.
“There’s no point in putting this up,” Jaebum grumbles as he fits another limb into the trunk of the tree. “No one’s even gonna see it, it’s already Christmas Eve. Anyways, the Christmas party is canceled.”
“You will see it. I will see it,” you hand him another part. “Isn’t that reason enough?”
“It’s a waste of electricity,” he adds, not even glancing at you.
“The lights I bought have a timer!”
“And then it’ll be more work taking it down again.”
With a pout, you stand up and Jaebum turns his head in surprise.
“Where are you going, it almost done?”
Your frown easily twists back into a smile, seeing the way he hurries to put the last limb into the tree. “Time for the decorations!”
Jaebum rolls his eyes and looks down again and you can just tell he’s hiding another smile. You hurry off into your bedroom to grab the supplies.
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!” you sing as you reenter the living room and Michael Bublé’s voice rings from your phone. Twirling in an oversized pajama pullover (which might be Jaebum’s that got lost in your laundry three months back), you settle the box of ornaments on the floor. “I’m so excited to show you!”
He looks at you blankly, waiting for you to continue.
You squeeze your shoulders together, excitement barely contained as you reach into the box and pull out an emerald velvet pouch.
“It came in the mail just in time!” you grin, clutching the bag to your chest. 
He lifts his brow at you, but the rise of his cheekbones gives him away.
“Ta da!” you squeal, pulling round orbs out of the bag. “One of my co-workers has a side business making custom ornaments and I got one for each of the cats!”
“Woah,” Jaebum takes one of the ornaments into his palms, eyeing it closely.
You bite your lip, holding in a satisfied giggle lest you ruin the moment. He sits quietly, admiring each ornament of the cats. When he gets to the last one, you pull out one more orb from the bag, holding it up by its gold, glittering string.
“And I got one of us too,” you say quietly, showing it off to him. 
He slides closer, nose practically touching the ornament. It’s a simple, clear bulb and inside are your figurine versions, dusted with glittering snow around a Christmas tree.
Finally, Jaebum breaks into a smile, eyes disappearing into crescents. You find yourself letting out a breath you had been holding.
“They even got my cheek piercings,” he chuckles, pointing to the tiny orb. “And your derpy smile too!”
“Hey, my smile isn’t derpy!” you whine, smiling.
“It’s cute,” he adds and you falter, wondering if he means the ornament or your smile. But in true Jaebum fashion, he doesn’t explain himself and turns back to the cat ornaments. “This is really well made.”
You ignore the pulsing in your chest, nodding your head. “Yeah, I told her she should raise her prices.”
He gets up from the floor and offers you his hand. “Let’s put them up.”
Cheeks flushing, you let him help you up. 
“Do you think it’s okay though? The cats might knock them down,” his brows furrow with worry.
You chuckle, grabbing the ornament from his hand and hang it off the tree. “Pretty things are meant to be shown and if it breaks…then we’ll get new ones!”
Jaebum rolls his eyes at your optimism but a small smile stretches across his face. “I think your co-worker would be offended to hear how you treat her work.”
You shrug, crouching down to Nora and Odd as both cats swat at the ornament hanging precariously off your finger. “Art should not belong behind glass walls. They’re meant to be seen and enjoyed, like your music!”
You giggle as Odd jumps into your lap, pawing at the shiny orb as you lift it out of reach each time. You miss the way Jaebum looks at you.
“Okay, less playing and more decorating,” he replies, throwing a string of gold tinsel at your head, much to the cats’ delight. You laugh at their excitement, glancing at Jaebum’s reddened ears.
Humming to the Christmas jingles, you stand alongside Jaebum, dressing the plastic tree in glittering ornaments and lights. Once in a while, you even catch Jaebum swaying to the music when he thinks you aren’t paying attention.
“Aaand,” Jaebum lifts the shining star from the box to you and you rise onto your tiptoes.
“Done!” You cheer, placing the star on the top of the tree. You clap gleefully, elbowing Jaebum to follow. He gives you three limp claps before you give up and crouch down to Odd instead, forcing the kitty to clap paws.
“Okay, can I go to my room now?”
“Not yet!”
He groans, plopping onto the couch. “What else is there left to put up?”
You pout, hands on your hip. “We can’t have a Christmas tree without the Christmas tree lighting ceremony!”
He sighs, pinching at the bridge of his nose. “There’s a ceremony?”
“Of course there is!” you laugh, rushing towards the light switch. You flick the switch without warning, covering the living room in darkness.
With only the light from the streetlamp peeking through the windows, the falling snow is even more visible. The sight fills you with childlike excitement.
“Are you ready?” you whisper, walking over to the switch for the Christmas lights.
“Yeah, go ahead.”
“We need to count down,” Your lips jut out at his indifference as you eye his dark figure. In the darkness, you can just barely see his features, but you imagine he is rolling his eyes at you.
Just as you are about to give in, you hear him sigh loudly, “Five,”
You break into a smile, “Four, three, two,”
“Merry Christmas!” you sing, twisting the knob and flooding the room with small twinkling lights. 
But you don’t look at the tree. Instead, your gaze remains in Jaebum’s direction and you watch as the lights illuminate his face. And you are pleased to see he is smiling. You know it’s just the reflection of the lights, but he looks like he has stars in his eyes.
Sensing your gaze, Jaebum looks at you and frowns, embarrassed. “What?”
You smile, cheeks warming. “Your cheek piercing looks like it’s twinkling from here.”
“Don’t be weird,” he scowls. “Are we done now?”
“Do you want hot chocolate?” you offer, moving over to sit next to him on the couch. 
He shakes his head, getting up. “I’m going to bed.”
Chuckling, you let him leave, watching as the cats follow behind him. “Merry Christmas, Jaebum!”
“It’s not Christmas yet!” he yells back before you hear the sound of his bedroom door closing shut.
With a quiet sigh, you grab your phone from the coffee table and turn off the music. The silence feels even quieter with only the lights from the Christmas tree flickering around the room. Without anyone else in the room, your energy quickly depletes.
Outside, the snow whips by in flurries.
This is not how you imagined you’d be spending your favorite holiday, although the festive lights do make you feel a little bit better.
You wanted the Christmas gatherings though.
You were a family person through and through.
You missed it all—the packed house, cooking dinner with the aunties, playing board games with the little cousins, throwing said boardgame across the room when you rage quit, making up for it with freshly baked cookies that you’d nibble on at midnight while opening gifts by the Christmas tree. You even missed the nagging from your parents, asking when you’ll get a boyfriend and settle down.
Snuggling closer into the arm of the couch, you hug yourself. 
It’s colder this year. 
“So, you turn off the Christmas music after I leave?” You jump in surprise at Jaebum’s voice entering the room again. He takes a seat next to you on the couch. “You listen to it just to annoy me, don’t you?”
You blink back, wondering why he returned. “Did you forget something?”
He shrugs, leaning back into the couch and gazes at the Christmas tree. “It’s my first Christmas tree, I thought I should look at it a little longer.”
“This is your first Christmas tree?” you look at him in surprise.
He nods nonchalantly. “Never really celebrated Christmas.”
You sink into your seat, thigh touching his. “What a year to start celebrating.”
“Only because you have me hostage.”
You chuckle softly. “Well, I’m glad you had no choice but to be stuck with me. Would’ve been a lonely year without you here.”
“Hmm,” he looks at you thoughtfully. “Never pegged you as the lonely type.”
“The holidays can do that.”
“Then just think like me, pretend it’s any other day.”
You sigh, leaning into Jaebum. He doesn’t scoot away like he normally does. Instead, you find his arm resting around your shoulder.
“I don’t want this to be any other day though. This whole year has been a blur of any other days.” Your lips jut out in a pout as you look up at your roommate. “I know I must sound like a child, but I want Christmas.”
Jaebum laughs softly. You can feel the rumble of his chest.
“Cute,” he mutters, and you flush. His arm around you pulls you tighter. “Then, do you want to open your present at midnight or in the morning?”
Your eyes widen and he laughs at your expression once more. “You got me a present?”
“Well, yeah,”
“But…you said you don’t celebrate Christmas.”
“But you do,” he answers easily, looking at the tree again. “And anyways, if you’re gonna make me do all the work, I might as well celebrate the whole thing, right?”
You grin, poking his chest. “Admit you had fun tonight, Jaebum.”
He shrugs, smiling. “The ornaments were cool. I’ll be the DJ next time though.”
“Deal,” you beam, holding out your pinky. You giggle when he looks at your outstretched pinky with an arched brow. You keep your hand raised though. “Come on!”
He lets out a loud breath but eventually curls his pinky around yours.
Your heart warms, seeing how big his pinky measures around yours. It’s why when he moves to let go, you keep your pinky curled.
Laughing at his confused frown, you show him your thumb. “You have to seal the promise, Jaebum!”
“You’re an actual five-year-old,” he groans.
“Yes, I am,” you grin, eyes curling into crescents. His tone doesn’t faze you. From up close, you can confirm that there are indeed, stars in his eyes. They twinkle in amusement at your gesture and his lips lift once more when his thumb presses against yours.
And this time, he doesn’t pull away.
Pursing your lips shyly, you let your hand fall to his lap.
Looking back up at him, his gaze is soft on you. You pretend not to notice the way his fingers thread around yours.
“To answer your question, I’d like my present at midnight.”
“As you wish. Then shall we make hot chocolate and watch a movie until then?”
“Sounds like the perfect Christmas,” you tell him softly.
“Okay, Joker or The Dark Knight? You can pick.”
You grin, squeezing his hand. “We’re gonna watch Home Alone, Jaebum.”
“You’re terrible,” he feigns.
Chuckling, you let go of his hand and rise from the couch. “I’ll go make the hot chocolate.”
Jaebum grabs your hand again and you turn back curiously.
His thumb brushes the back of your hand gently.
“Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Jaebum.”
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futurewriter2000 · 3 years
Heartless - pt. 15
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A/N: New year, new me! No, jk. Lmao, Imma try to post more frequently but man it’s so hard to actually put myself behind the computer. But part 15 is out and I’ll try to post part 16 soon. Hope you like it. 
 ‘ “Gorgeous, isn’t it?”
You turned away from the angelic view of the sea to those green eyes that seemed to pierce your soul. Your smile faded, your eyes rolled back. 
“Can’t you let me enjoy my dreams for once?” you rubbed your arms and hugged them, due to the strong wind that blew away your white dress and your hair. 
The two of you walked forwards, one to another. He kept his hands in his pockets and swung his feet along the tall grass. “You think you’re dreaming this?”
“I’m asleep, aren’t I?”
“Do you even know where you are?” he wiggled his eyebrows at you, showing off his smirk. 
“Somewhere.” you turned around at the view, seeing the sun rise higher up in the sky as the waterfall far away from you caught your attention. Your eyes drifted to the gigantic rocky hill then back to the green of his eyes. 
“Faroe Islands.” he spoke amusingly. “Danemark.” he walked past you and to the edge of the cliff. “My mother took me here when I was around...” he turned back to you over his shoulder and saw you looking at him with wide eyes. “Twelve.” he finished, turning his gaze upon the sea. “It’s my safe place.” 
Your brows furrowed, your feet willingly walking to his side. “Then why did you brought ME here?” 
“Because I want you to trust me.” 
“I would never.”
“But you do.” he turned to you with his whole body facing you, his energy soft and safe, his hold on your shoulder was tender, gentle even as his eyes kept reading into yours. “You do know we are Legilimen. I can feel you. I cannot only see your mind- I can see your emotions, your fears, your vulnerability.”
“And so do I.” you put your hands on his cheeks and ran your hands through his thick, curly hair. “I can feel your heartbeat racing whenever you are with me. You’re in love with me.”
And thought you could feel his fear rushing in, he did not let it take over for long. Courage replaced his whole-self and you could feel the safety of him wash you over like that waterfall far from both of you. “I might fancy you- yes but love? That’s a bit extreme, don’t you think (y/n)?” he now mirrored your hands and cupped your cheeks as well and the two of you felt closer than you had ever felt with anybody in your entire life... even with Sirius. “I can feel your heart racing as well. I can feel you like nobody else- I understand you.” he leaned his head on the side of yours and kept whispering in your ear. “Don’t you understand?”
“No. I don’t. You’re cruel and vile. I would never be with you.” 
“And you’re a Potter- pureblood egoist with a hero complex who took in a blood-traitor. I would never be with you either but oh, darling I know you feel it.” he whispered so wonderfully in your ear that your hands gripped his shoulders and your knees started to give in. “And how many lifetimes you get to feel this?” he said, pulling his lips away from your ear and to your forehead- giving it a tender, loving kiss that burnt your skin, lit your soul on fire. ‘
You woke up, bolting up in your bed and staring at nothing but the darkness. You were alone but his energy was still lingering on you like warmth, fading into cold breeze. You touched your forehead where his lips left a mark. Your fingertips gently brushed against it and your lips, despite the resilience, turned upwards. 
And your thoughts would wander to the feeling of his hair, to the colour of his eyes... to the softness of his lips and then you would wonder why him? From all people, Mulciber had to be the one to make you feel this way. 
And you contemplated about your connection with him until the morning light- until the sunlight kissed your windows and the rays of light flashed your eyes. Your feet swung themselves on the floor, carried you to the kitchen and with your thoughts far away from reality, your hands simply kept making you food. It was odd in a way, how used you were to the real world, doing daily things such as making breakfast. You haven’t even noticed you finished it until you were sitting behind the table and finding yourself being watched by other family members. 
It seemed you were still stuck in 5D world, present elsewhere but your physical body was here, behind the table. 
You felt a flick on the side of your forehead and it shook you- the whole vision crumbling down like rocks as you were finally awake- finally in this world- material world. 
“What the fuck?” James couldn’t help himself meanwhile your father shot him a glare.
“Watch your language, James!” 
“Okay. What the duck?” 
Act normal. “What?” you dug into your scrambled eggs and started to eat. “Oh my God, dad!”  you tried to distract everybody from yourself. “Mrs. Holloway asked about those documents of the newest potion your brewing. She said that the dates do not match the timeline and she thinks you might have time travelled- which was totally odd because she’s is some barmy old lady that I still do not know why works at the Ministry when she could easily retire-”
“Time travel?” your father scoffed, laughing. “Sure, I would love but I don’t have any objects or experiences to do it- plus time travelling is dangerous.”
“Like I said- barmy.”
“She isn’t that barmy, (y/n).” he tried to be nice but you could see him agreeing with you through his words. 
“Who the hell is Mrs. Holloway?” your mother asked, glaring at your father. 
“I thought I explained this.” you smiled at your mother’s jealous, taking another bite at the eggs. “A barmy old lady who works at the Ministry.”
“I still want to know what the-”
“Oh, what’s the time?” you cut James off, seeing the fury rise up in the redness of his cheeks and the tension between his brows. “I have to get ready. I’m going out with Nina.”
“Stop ignoring me!” James raised his voice but his father shot him another glare. 
“James. Tone down.”
“Didn’t you see her like 5 minutes ago?!”
“Beautiful, aren’t I?” you teased, making him roll his eyes and other stiffen their laughter. 
“Don’t be- OI! Get back here!” he started stomping after you as you quickly ran to your room and turned on the radio. He barged in with a furious look on his face. “I will not be ignored.”
“Ignored? James Potter?” you started to goad him a bit, feeling your anger bubble as well, due to him sticking his nose into everything. 
“Tell me what’s going on!”
“I’m going out with Nina. Last week before school starts.” you shrugged. 
“Not that! Tell me what’s going on with you! Why are you so odd! Why do you keep hiding things from me! What happened that stupid night and what the hell was Mulciber and his arse of a father doing here!”
“I dunno.” you turned around and started making your bed. “Ask dad.” 
“Bullshit!” he exploded. 
“It’s none of your business, James!” you exploded as well. 
“Hell, of course it’s my business! You brought those bloody twats into our home! You’re the reason they’re here!”
“Just bog off, James!” you started shoving him out of your room. “Get out of my room!”
“No!” he started to shove your hands away from you. “It’s not fair for mum and dad and Moody to know but not your own twin brother!” 
“Oh, trust me James, if your gut ever gave a fuck about me, we wouldnt’ be here in the first place!”
“What does that supposed to mean?”
“You’re blind like a goat, James.” you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. “There were plenty of times something was wrong that your gut didn’t detect. Mostly because it was too busy playing tag games in the woods.”
“When you tell me why the hell are you running in the woods every night, maybe I’ll tell you why everything is happening here.”
“I can’t tell you that.”
“Exactly. That’s why I can’t tell you this either.”
“You don’t get it. It’s to protect someone.”
“Well, now you get it why I’m doing the same thing.”
“To protect me?”
“To protect all of you!”
“I don’t need to be protected!”
“Well, James- believe it or not, it’s not just you. I’m not pulling you into this.”
“I’m already pulled into it-”
“Oh, believe me. You are far from into it.” you shoved him out the door and slammed them to his face. 
He wanted to barge back in but it was as if they were glued to the wall. 
“Oh, really! I’ll find out sooner or later!”
“Stay out of my life, James!”
“YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!” he shouted desperately, roaring through the door. “OPEN THE BLOODY DOOR, (Y/N)!” he kept shouting, feeling his eyes tear up and the lump in his throat prevent him from speaking any further. 
All he wants is to be by your side. If he wasn’t in the past, then he sure wants to be today... now- just... please (y/n)...
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nightglider124 · 4 years
So, like most people... I was not impressed with the newest and last in the series DCAMU movie; JLD: Apokolips War. 
It was honestly like some kind of awfully written fanfic. I hated it and my otp were literally tormented, so not a fan lmao. 
So, I did what most writers do in these scenarios. I wrote a bit of a fix it fic. It’s cliche and similar to ‘it was all a dream’ but it felt like a bit more of a believable route. They did it in YJ so I thought why not. 
Anyway, I hope this helps as some kind of comfort after watching that atrocious piece of garbage. ^.^
The light filled the entirety of the sky, stroking licks of gold and blinding white all across the planes of existence, swelling and growing until it was suffocating everything and everyone that was within its path.
It was enveloping them by the second, growing stronger and stronger and despite how hard Damian narrowed his eyes to try and catch one last fleeting glimpse of Flash sprinting across the ocean, in an attempt to reset their fractured timeline, the struggle was becoming one he could not control.
His chest felt tight, like all the air was slowly being released from his lungs and his heart was hammering, right against his ribcage. 
Casting a glance over his shoulder, he watched as Clark and Diana shielded their eyes from the onslaught of light that was swallowing them up. When he turned his head towards his father, however, he found Batman staring straight back at him, as if he knew something the others did not; something that he wanted Damian to piece together himself. 
His head was filled with so many things; memories, information… emotions.
No matter how much he tried to push it away, there was a weight in his heart. He had survived this ordeal with Darkseid, as well as those who currently surrounded him, even though the numbers were a little less than he had hoped for when they began the secondary crusade at redemption for those they had lost to the Apokoliptic tyrant two years prior. 
And yet, he didn’t feel like it was a victory. It felt bittersweet. They had finally won but at what cost? 
Half of humanity had been eradicated from existence or molded into some kind of slave herd to do Darkseid’s bidding for him. His friends, his team, his family; all of it had been ripped away from him and there was no coming back from it. There was no way to salvage what had happened, no matter what Kent was trying to spew as a pep talk.
The morale was empty and at that moment, waiting for the effects of the flashpoint to seize control of their world and rectify the magnitude of problems felt like an eternity but they had to wait; to simply sit and wait for their absolution and for the world to restart, not that any of them would remember.
That would probably be for the best. He didn’t want to remember living in this kind of dystopian future where everywhere he looked, there was destruction and roaring flames accompanied by an unsettling silence where in its stead should have been the reverberation of crowds and people, living their lives on a day to day basis.
Damian sighed and from where he sat, he glanced at Raven, dressed in her white uniform and cloak. He wasn’t sure how they’d gotten to this point in their relationship and it felt… unusual to him, like something wasn’t right, including where his feelings were concerned in accordance to the girl beside him.
He cared for her deeply; she was a teammate, his friend but anything more? He couldn’t be certain.
Shaking his head, Damian decided not to dwell, knowing whatever he was feeling would soon be erased and he would wind up with a completely different mindset in just a few minutes.
He scanned his surroundings from beneath his mask and his eyes fell upon his former team leader and his… brother. 
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Damian couldn’t stop how the weight became heavier, pulling his heart down towards his stomach like a wrecking ball was attached.
Raven was right. He had promised not to use the Lazarus Pit to revive Dick but, when everything was said and done and the dust had settled on the Titans joint demise, having tried their damndest to ensure Darkseid wouldn’t break their defenses and claim Earth, he felt cheated.
He had finally found a family who accepted him, flaws and all and he was supposed to just accept having them brutally torn away from him?
He couldn’t leave his brother there. He couldn’t just leave Dick lying there in a pool of his own blood, still trickling out from the wound in his chest. 
Damian had wanted to save all of them but he knew time had been of the essence. The quicker someone can be taken to the pit, the more likely it is that they will return as themselves. Or at least, that was what his grandfather had told him once as a boy. 
He hadn’t known how true it was or even if it was true at all but he had gotten Dick to the temple as quickly as he could.
Not that it had mattered in the end.
He’d gotten there too late. His heart had held hope that he would return to the living, just as he was but it wasn’t to be.
Damian exhaled through his nose and allowed the memory of that day to fade. He didn’t need to relive that as well. The straight jacket Dick constantly wore was reminder enough as to why he had immediately regretted using the pit. 
There are some things worse than death. He knew that now. Too bad it was about two years too late.
His eyes wandered across Kory’s face and his brows furrowed, aghast at what Darkseid had done to her. After he had returned ‘home’ to the League of Assassins, or what was left of it at least, he hadn’t looked back; didn’t have any knowledge of what had become of his dead teammates.
Some of them remained dead whilst others had purposes that did not expire when their lives had. Darkseid had ensured the strongest were put to work amongst his ranks, whether they wanted to or not. 
Kory had become one of his guards, with most of her body replaced with parts and machinery, perfecting her into a loyal, brainwashed slave; something Kory had once told him that she never wanted to be again.
Damian watched as Kory gently stroked some of Dick’s hair out of his face. His head rested on her lap whilst twitching and mumbling every now and then, his mind a warped version of what it had once been before any of this. It ticked overtime for different reasons now. 
He saw the hesitation, recognised the look of someone who now viewed themself as some kind of monster. She was careful of her hands, her fingers now replaced with metal daggers that looked sharp enough to cut steel if given the chance.
Kory lowered her hand and stared down at Dick, who was yet to wake from his tormented slumber. Damian took solace in the fact he had seemed to recognize Kory, somewhat.
When he had brought him to Titans tower where, what was left of their backup plan party, decided to rendezvous, he had been manic and animalistic, hissing and trying to attack those around him who he had once called friends.
Damian hadn’t been sure if it was a good idea but his father had suggested it, to start on resolving the problems caused from this apocalyptic fallout. 
When Kory had stepped forth, her lime eyes lingering on her love, Damian had seen tears; uncommon when it came to Kory considering her warrior upbringing. It caused her pain, of that he knew, if only from the way her footing faltered and she stayed back, in fear; something she had never ever felt around Dick in the life they’d shared before.
But, Dick had surprised them all, staring at her for a long moment and it gave him a strange flicker of hope that possibly, a piece of the real Dick was still in there somewhere, lost amongst all the mess in his mind. 
He had still been hesitant as she offered a hand to him. He jerked back but then stepped forward until he let her lead him to where they sat now. Damian was certain that things may change when he woke up but for now, it seemed to be enough for Kory just to spend these last few minutes with him, unaware of what awaited them in the new timeline Barry was creating. 
Just a few minutes of peace, sitting there with one another. 
Damian looked away, suddenly feeling like he was intruding on something private to the couple, if he could even call them that anymore. 
His eyes shifted to the ocean, stretching wide and untouched in front of them, mother nature clearly protecting her own. The waves were gentle, flowing and ebbing and repeating. It seeped forward, water rushing over the bed of sand at the edge of the island before it retreated back from where it came.
Suddenly, there was a resounding pulse that rocked the air around them and a ringing in his ears started growing louder with each passing moment. The sound was becoming piercing and unbearable, so much so he had to lift a hand to one of his ears and grind his teeth in an effort to make it stop. 
The ground beneath their feet shook wildly as existence prepared to repair what had been damaged. That light that had been burning in the distance shone brighter, stretching over their heads now and soaring in from behind them as well, fully encompassing the last of the world’s greatest heroes and everything in the area, sentient or not. 
Damian gulped again, his mind confirming that Barry had done it and reality was resetting itself.
His skin felt sharp and he felt lightheaded, unable to make out any shapes or sounds around him anymore. His arms felt like they were being pulled away from his body, like something was expanding in his chest.
Damian willingly allowed what he assumed was the erasure of his being. He let a sigh of relief slip from between his lips as he finally felt himself disappearing into nothingness, along with all the other heroes around him.
Squeezing his eyes tightly closed, he waited for their finality to come.
He was ready for it to change; go back to how it was before… before any of this.
No one deserved a fate such as this one. _______ Damian’s eyes snapped open and he gasped a haggard breath, his heart beating a mile a minute as all he could see was the blurred lights from the ceiling above his head. 
His fingers dug into what felt like sheets beneath him as he struggled to control his rapid breaths.
He recognized the steel tone of his father and he shot upward, moving fast enough to make his head spin.
Remembering his training since the age of two years old, he took a deep breath and exhaled through his nostrils, taking charge of his body once again.
He narrowed his eyes and pressed a hand to his temple, tiling his chin upward to see his father, wearing the cowl, sat just on the end of the little makeshift bed he appeared to be in.
“It’s alright, Damian… you’re back now. Everything is fine.” Bruce explained, nodding and giving no emotion away under the bat guise he had grown so comfortable in.
“Back?” Damian paused, “Back where?” 
“In the real world. The simulation is over. The others are starting to wake up.” Batman informed him before he stood up and looked down upon his son,
Damian only just now was noticing exactly where he was. 
High tech lined against the walls, the view of the solar system outside the huge glass windows and the metal paneling along the computer systems was enough to drag him straight back to reality. The watchtower wasn’t a place that a person could easily forget. 
Turning his body, he watched as his friends; the Titans started to come to from their unconscious states as well.
“Ugh… Bruce, when you said… you wanted us to go through training simulation… that was a lot different than what I thought you had in mind.” Dick groaned from his place several beds over from where Damian sat,
Nightwing sat up, rubbing his forehead and shaking his head as if getting over the remnants of a bad dream. He rolled his shoulders back before checking on each and every member of their team, all of them in a similar position to how he was sat. 
Donna was sitting with her legs crossed, Raven too and on the other side of them, Gar was still lying down but with an arm thrown across his face, moaning with nausea symptoms.
Kon, Jaime and Wally were already quietly murmuring between themselves over what they had just gone through and witnessed.
Dick turned his head to the left, his heart racing at some sounds he just knew belonged to Kory. He smiled softly as he watched her rub her head, fingers sliding through her long auburn hair that pooled beautifully down her back. 
“Ow… that was... much more brutal than I had anticipated…” Kory grunted, stretching her arms above her head in an attempt to make her mind less muzzy. 
“How are you all feeling?” Diana asked, addressing them all as she stood at the panel, clicking a few buttons to ensure the simulation had ended properly as well as making sure no one was still unconscious. 
“Like I just got smacked in the head with a shovel…” Gar voiced, whining as he forced himself into a sitting position,
“That will pass in a few minutes. It took Vic a long time to figure out how to make this program without it having a lasting effect on us.” Superman told them, offering them one of his gentle smiles.
“Clark… what was this?” Dick asked, his brows furrowed as he stared at the man of steel, “I mean… now that I’m awake… I have it coming back to me that this was part of a… training exercise but after seeing… everything we just saw in there… I’d say it’s a little overboard just for mandatory training.” 
Superman sighed, losing the smile and he stared up at the images now lit upon the hologram screen behind him. There were photos of Darkseid and his homeworld, with some recent footage of said tyrant moving across planets in the furthest parts of the galaxy.
“Recently, there has been movement on Apokolips and footage was retrieved of Darkseid… taking control of three planets in his own dimension. They were small and lacked much life.” 
“But there was some life on those planets, right? Kory murmured, her brows knitted together in concern,
Clark nodded solemnly, “There was, Kory. To us, right now… Darkseid is not a threat. To the best of our knowledge, he isn’t considering Earth as a target to take control of. But, that could change, very quickly.”
“We don’t take his recent movements lightly and we’ve begun preparing different strategies and plans for when the time is right.” Bruce continued, his dark cape curling around his feet as he moved, “The simulations that just played out… they were completely in your mind, programmed by Vic for you to witness, as if you were there and what the possible outcomes could be, should we take the route that was created in this scenario.”
“Isn’t that…  a bit overkill? To design a program simply to test possibilities that might just be… hypothetical?” Jaime queried, dragging his knee to his chin as he stared at the three Justice League members. 
Superman made a small noise of apprehension before he looked back up, his eyes glossing over each and every member of the Titans, “None of you have ever had to face Darkseid… thankfully. He is… an interdimensional despot who holds immense power. He is not a criminal to be taken lightly. All the things you saw in this simulation are things he has been known to do to those planets he has already desecrated. Brutality and violence are his weapons and we need to be prepared for any situation involving him.” 
“These simulations are only being tested on the Justice League and Titans when we feel we may have mapped a possibly victorious battle plan. They will be few but this was one that had been considered, early on in our knowledge of what Darkseid has been doing.” Wonder Woman elaborated,
“But that plan clearly didn’t work… so why would you show it to us?” Raven asked, her dark eyes brushing across Clark who had apparently become her travelling companion when the world went down the drain in the simulation,
“We wanted to show you so that you can help us to rectify where… we may have gone wrong in the plan.” Clark told them,
Damian folded his arms over his chest, “It was probably taking the war to Darkseid without realizing how dangerous it would be which in the simulation, you already seemed to realize once it was too late.” He paused and thought back on something from the simulation, “Oh and… there was the fact Darkseid knew the whole plan from hacking Cyborg’s cybernetic eye.” 
Superman nodded his head, “Yes, we’re… talking to Victor about preventing this. It would have probably ended differently in the simulation, had Darkseid not learned everything before the plan was executed.” 
“You can’t plan for what you don’t know yet.” Raven reminded them,
Clark gave her a smile, “No, but we can try in order to keep our future as far away from the possibility of what you just lived through.” 
The Titans nodded amongst themselves, understanding their efforts and all secretly hoping they wouldn’t have to face anything like what they’d seen for a long time or ever, if the universe deemed them lucky.
“I can’t believe I died right at the start!” Gar complained, his playful nature reinserting some lightheartedness where it was desperately needed, “I mean… a guy plays all the video games in the world and I can’t even make it?”
Raven smirked and glanced at him, “I don’t think video games and Darkseid are exactly the same, Gar.”
He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, “Yeah, well. I’m not happy about it! I want a redo!”
Damian rolled his eyes before raising a brow at him, “You want to live through that all again?”
Gar paused and blinked several times before grinning sheepishly, “Uh… on second thought… I’m good. Sad I went out that early but y’know what… I’m good!”
“If you’re all feeling a little more with us now, come into the hall. We want your feedback.” Batman told them, leading the way into the hall, followed by Diana and then the Titans, with Superman politely showing them the way through the watchtower.
“Feedback on this training? Hm… that would be a solid 0/10, Bruce.” Dick muttered as he helped Kory hop down from the medical bed she had been perched upon, earning a quiet giggle from her,
Clark smiled at the two as they continued after the other Titans, right on Batman’s heels to give their input into what the Justice League were planning, in case of an emergency.
Gar’s mouth stretched wide as he lifted his arms over his head and yawned loudly, earning an elbow in the stomach from Donna as she passed him,
“Ow! Hey! What’d I do?” He grumbled, rubbing the spot she had hit,
“Do you really have to be that loud, Gar?” She laughed, shaking her head, “Just yawn like a normal person, would you?” 
He smirked, flashing a fang in her direction, “Nah, there’s no fun in that.”
Kory cleared her throat before they could all escape in opposite directions to their respective bedrooms, “Titans. I need to speak with you all for a moment, please.” 
The group exchanged glances between one another, curiosity washing over each of them before they shuffled towards the couch, situated just in front of the large window panes where the moonlight was already beginning to filter through. 
“Are… we in trouble? Whatever it is… I didn’t do it.” Kon rebuffed, immediately holding his hands up in defense as he took a seat on the edge of the sofa,
“Me either!” Gar and Jaime added simultaneously,
Kory smiled softly and shook her head at them, walking around until she stood before them, “No. You’re not in trouble; any of you.”
“So… what do you want to talk to us about, Kory?” Raven queried, giving her leader a small smile,
“I wanted to talk to you about what happened today.” 
Gar’s brows knitted together, “You mean the training over at the watchtower?” 
The Princess nodded her head, her long red locks falling over her shoulder.
Damian narrowed his eyes, equally perplexed and confused as his teammates, “What about it?”
Kory took a deep breath and folded her arms over her chest, “Well… the things in the simulation that happened, that you saw… it was…” She paused and tried to grapple for the correct word,
“Pretty traumatic.” Dick interjected, aiding her and coming to stand by her side, having a feeling he knew what Kory was aiming for with this little chat, “And, it’s okay if it affected you guys. God knows… it was a lot for a training session based on possibility.”
Instead of doing what the adult Titans thought they would, the younger roster of heroes remained silent, all of them contemplating and reflecting on what they had been witness to whilst under the spell of the simulation. 
Kory frowned and her brows wrinkled before she looked to Dick, who only matched her facial expression. 
“I mean… I joked about being murdered by those parademon things so early on in it but… it was pretty scary. The simulation was designed differently so we didn’t wake up as soon as we died inside of it. I had to watch it all unfold… like some kind of horror movie… not so cool when it’s your friends being killed instead of fictional characters.” Gar mumbled, his jade eyes focused on the coffee table before them with his hands pressed firmly to his thighs. 
Jaime nodded, “It was… espantoso. It just… went south so quickly.”
Donna made a noise of agreement and shuddered, as if gripped by a memory from the simulated battle. Wally looked off to the side, unable to speak about what he felt, just yet anyway.
Kon lifted his chin and his usual boisterous and cheeky demeanour had slipped, “I don't know if it was worse or not… living longer in that world wasn’t much fun either.” He gently reached a gloved hand to his neck and he closed his eyes, “I can still remember how… my neck…”
He coughed and shook his head, clamming up from talking through the experience of it all.
Kory looked towards Raven and tilted her head, as if encouraging her to speak about how she had felt, “Raven?”
She lifted her head and lowered the hood of her cloak from her head, “I… It was… I’ve seen terrible things before. Being the daughter of an interdimensional demon will do that but this… it was barbaric and I hope it never actually comes to pass.”
Dick nodded, “Well… this is why the league is trying to come up with a more solid plan, a way to be ready should Darkseid be a problem we need to worry about.” He paused and shrugged, “Safe to say… Clark’s plan of going head on into a war with Darkseid on his home world is no longer the plan on the table.”
“There were too many inconsistencies and problems with his plan. But, it would have been intriguing to see if it worked, had Darkseid not found out through Cyborg’s cybernetics.” Damian pointed out, looking mildly indifferent,
Nodding, Dick eyed his adoptive younger brother for a long moment, “And what about you, Damian?”
Damian looked up, his arms folded over his chest and a scowl on his face. For a moment, he did nothing more than stare at Dick before his features softened ever so slightly and he frowned, “It isn’t something that I ever wish to see again.”
Knowing that was all Damian was willing to give them, at least for tonight, Dick exhaled and nodded once, signalling that he didn’t expect more. 
He glanced towards his girlfriend whose concern was almost tangible, just from the way her face was contorted. She chewed on her lip for a long time before she sighed and her shoulders fell, 
“We will revisit this tomorrow. I do not want anyone to feel like this was something small. If anything, I wish the league had given us more of a warning of what we were going into.” Kory commenting, briefly locking her gaze with Dick’s who looked equally as unhappy that they had been left out of the loop,
“Yeah, I think I’ll be giving Bruce a call tomorrow.” He paused and addressed the younger Titans once more, “And… Kory and I will be arranging some therapy sessions with a league member to deal with the things you saw.”
“I don’t think we need-” 
Dick cut Damian off with a raised hand, “We’re not going to force you guys into them but they will be made available to you all, should you need to talk to someone.”
Damian pressed his lips into a thin line and gave Dick one sharp nod. 
“Do you guys mind if we… go to bed now? I kinda just wanna sleep it off…” Gar muttered, tapping his fingertips together,
Kory smiled and nodded, “Of course, Gar. Dick and I are going to make sure the Tower is all locked up before we go home but we will be back in the morning…” She paused and let her eyes wander across them, “And I believe morning training can be cancelled tomorrow.”
Gar suddenly perked up at that news, “Yes! I get to sleep in!” 
She giggled whilst Dick smirked and rolled his eyes, “But… remember, if one of you needs us… just call us. Okay?”
They all nodded their heads in confirmation before they began trudging off towards their rooms, muttering their farewells and goodnights before they left.
Once the main room had practically emptied of Titans, only Damian remained and as he passed by the couple, he stopped and looked up at his brother,
“Apologies for… using the Lazarus Pit on you, Grayson.” He stated, something in his face telling Dick that he had hoped for a better outcome of his decision made within the simulation.
His older brother gave him a brief smile and gripped one of his shoulders with his hand, “It’s alright, Damian. Let’s just hope it never has to come to it where you have to make that kind of choice for real.” 
Damian considered that and wished them goodnight before he left for his room as well. 
Dick watched him go but his attention was drawn back to the woman standing beside him as she sighed heavily and closed her eyes.
“How’re you feeling, Kor?” He checked, lacing his fingers with hers,
She turned and smiled at him, exhaustion slipping into the creases of her face, “Tired… and wanting to go to bed.” 
He matched her smile and lifted her hand to his mouth, dropping a kiss to the back of it, “Don’t have to tell me twice. Let’s go home.”
Dick took a deep breath as he observed himself in the bathroom mirror, his hair still damp and water dribbling down his face after hopping out of the shower. He was trying his best to remain unaffected by the scenes that had plagued him in the simulation earlier that day but it was proving to be a challenge to just push all of it to the back of his mind. 
He couldn’t pinpoint what was the worst part; knowing the world had gone up in flames, knowing his friends and family had mostly perished or been altered into husks of their true selves at the hands of Darkseid or knowing that he had potentially faced a lifetime of insanity due to a botched resurrection, unable to remember himself or those he loved.
It may not have been real but it was difficult, trying to remind himself of that. It was hard to accept that truth when it had felt so very real. Images continued to flash in his mind; memories of what had occurred in that world they had had to endure. 
He gritted his teeth and tried to quell the anger bubbling in his chest at the comprehension that Bruce, as well as Diana and Clark, hadn’t felt it necessary to even run their little project by him or Kory first; instead throwing them in blind, along with the younger members of the team. 
The rational part of his mind told him it was so they would become immersed within the situation handed to them so that they could act upon instinct whereas knowing ahead, would have compromised how they acted within the simulation.
Still, it was something he would be bringing up to Bruce in the morning. 
Taking another deep inhale through his nose, Dick focused on his reflection again, repeating words over and over in his head as a reminder that it wasn’t real. It felt real, but it wasn’t and he had to hold onto that, whatever it took.
He shook his head and reached for the hairdryer, flicking the switch and allowing the hot air from it to fill the bathroom.
As he wandered down the hallway, from the bedroom he shared with Kory, he couldn’t help but wonder where she had disappeared to. Their apartment was only so big, meaning if she wasn’t in their room already then she had to be out in the main room.
“Kory?” He called as he stepped over the threshold between the corridor and the main living area. 
Dick reached over and flicked one of the light switches, allowing the glow of the bulbs to illuminate the room; a much more welcomed atmosphere than being swallowed up by the night time darkness.
He blinked in surprise to see her standing by the far wall where the floor to ceiling window overlooked the bustling street below the building. It was still painted with bright lights and the buzz of people hanging out with friends, despite it being well past midnight.
She turned to him, as if not having heard him the first time around.
“Babe, what’re you doing all in the dark?” Dick asked, walking around the side of the couch, towards her. 
Kory shook her head, as if lost in a world of her own but he knew her better than that. He knew what was haunting her mind since it was the only thing that could be the culprit. 
“Hey… c’mere…” He murmured, offering her a hand to take.
She stepped closer and accepted, tangling her fingers with his until Dick gently pulled her down onto the sofa with him. He tugged her closer, using his free arm to wrap around her shoulders.
“I am sorry… I just…” She whispered, her usually bouncy personality seemingly absent for the time being,
“It’s okay… it scared me too.” He admitted,
Finally, she lifted her chin, her solid green gaze fixed on his cerulean orbs. She gave into a trembling breath before she spoke, “I have seen many merciless things, Dick. Growing up on a hostile planet such as my own, it was not uncommon to see bloodshed but… this… it was different.” 
He nodded as he listened to her, gently stroking her upper arm as she talked.
“Having to watch those I love being slaughtered… to then die myself and be brought back as a… mindless slave to such a dictator…” She shook her head minutely, unsure what to make of it,
“I know it was only a simulation to test out the league’s contingency plan for if Darkseid does become a more imminent threat but… it feels as real as anything we’ve faced before.” Dick told her,
She felt tears prick her eyes for a brief moment as she thought back on the end of their virtual reality and she snuggled closer to him, feeling the rapid beating of his heart beneath her slender fingers. 
“The worst part was that I no longer had you.” She confessed quietly.
He inclined his head to look at her and furrowed his brows, “You… sorta still had me.”
She pulled a face at him and glanced down to where her hand rested on his chest, “But I didn’t. It wasn’t you, anymore. Living on as… what that thing turned me into and having a shell of who you are… it is not a life I would ever wish upon myself. It would have been a fate worse than death.”
Dick swallowed the lump in his throat and pressed his cheek to hers, trying to remind her that he was here with her and they were together.
“Apparently not even being insane can take me away from you.” He mentioned, attempting to inject some kind of humor into the situation, if just to uplift the mood in some way.
She blinked at him before she laughed, just a small sound under her breath but he was happy with it nonetheless. 
“You know… I wouldn’t want it either, Kory.” He paused, “In the training… after the pit… I was watching myself and living it… I couldn’t remember anything. I didn’t recognize any of my friends or family… and I don’t ever want that to happen. I never want to be brought back.”
Kory opened her mouth, as if going to question it but he cut her off,
“Ever. Even if… I die before you and you’re stricken with uncontrollable grief… please don’t ever let it happen.”
She gazed at him for a long time but soon nodded her head, vowing not to bring him back, no matter what.
After a long stretch of comfortable silence, Dick sighed and kissed her temple, murmuring, “I have a feeling sleep isn’t coming easily to either of us tonight… why don’t we watch a movie and I’ll make some popcorn?”
Kory smiled softly and nodded, brushing her fingers across his cheek, “That sounds like a good idea.”
“Glad you approve.” He grinned, gently using his free hand to cup her jaw and lead her into a kiss. 
It started as something slow and easy, acting as a reaffirmation of being safe and sound with one another. But, Kory tilted her head, pressing her lips to his more firmly, enjoying the warmth that sparked wherever they met. 
Dick slid his hand along her jawline, his fingers becoming knotted in her gorgeous red tresses. He ran his tongue along her lower lip, nipping and suckling the skin there.
Kory made a muffled sound and lifted both hands to place against either side of her love’s face. 
When she pulled away, she smiled gently and brushed her nose against his until he rested his forehead against hers.
“I know we’ve had a hell of a day… with the training and everything but… it wasn’t real. I’m still here and so are you. We’ve got each other and I don’t plan on giving you up anytime soon, Kory.” Dick whispered, stroking his thumb against her skin.
“I know… I love you.” She breathed, nuzzling his cheek with her own,
“Love you too, babe.” He flashed her one of his boyish grins and tilted his head, “Gotta make every day count together.”
Kory nodded and smiled back at him, “Together.”
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Survey #446
“so you can throw me to the wolves  /  tomorrow i will come back, leader of the whole pack”
Favourite cheese? American. Superman or Batman? I know literally nothing of Superman, but I like Batman. Who are your best friends? The only person I consider a best friend is Sara. Name the 3 most important people in your life: My mom, Sara, and... I suppose myself since I cherish my mental health VERY deeply. Are you currently learning from anyone how to play any instruments? No. Do you know anyone who is overly flirty with people? Girl or a boy? In my personal opinion, yes. I do believe it's possible to be "overly" flirty, considering you can really lead people on. It's a she. Do you believe vampires are real? Not the stereotypical Twilight kind. No. Have you ever been to a porn website? Were you addicted to it afterword? No. I'm really not into that. What is the most disgusting thing you think the opposite sex can do? I think the most disgusting thing anyone can do is commit rape. Would you rather be able to teleport or freeze time? Which one seems best? I feel teleportation is obviously more convenient and useful in dangerous situations. Have you seen the movie Twister? Did the tornadoes look real to you? LKJFL;AKSDJFKLASJDLFKA;WE NOOOOOOOOOO. I am WAY too terrified of tornadoes to watch that. Have you actually been through a devastating natural disaster before? Hurricane Floyd was pretty devastating. I was too young to really remember it, though. Did your mom ever fix your eggs and bacon into a smiley face as a kid? She probably did. What fast food place, in your opinion, has the best french fries? BOJANGLE'S, AHHHHHHHHHHHH. Do you believe one day aliens might take over the planet Earth? I mean, it's possible, but I don't know. Do you remember when they used to actually throw candy out at parades? I didn't know they stopped. Does it bother you when people burp around you or do you do it too? I couldn't possibly care less, it's a natural bodily function. Just because of societal standards though, I don't burp in public, though, but only around family and close friends. What is one kind of music you’d do anything to not listen to in the car? Anything like rap that has a STUPIDLY loud bass that just annoys everyone within a ten mile radius. When was the last time you babysat, if ever? Did anything bad happen? A year or two ago, for my nephew. No one else was free to watch him, so I had no choice. Nothing bad happened, besides nearly having a panic attack. Do you ever talk to people you met online through webcam? Or is that weird? No. Even Sara and I don't do it, because I'm too self-conscious of how I look. Even though she's seen me plenty before irl. Would you ever consider becoming a scientist? Why would you or why not? Well, I majored in biology briefly... I wanted to be a wildlife biologist. I just adore animals and thought I could do it. I just couldn't handle school. When is the next time you’ll talk to the cousin you’re closest to? I'm not especially close to any of my cousins. Are you really into vintage things? Have you ever been into that stuff? Yessss! is writing something that you enjoy doing? Definitely. Would you rather read or write? Write. Would you rather draw or take photographs? If I wind up being very proud of the product, I prefer drawing, but I take pictures far more. When was the last time you cheated at something? I have no clue. Has anyone ever copied off of your homework assignments? I think so? Do you have any pictures of celebs saved to your computer? ... *stares at my folder labelled "Mark"* What would you consider your favorite holiday? Why is this? Christmas. I love the whole vibe of it. The weather, the smells, the treats, my niece's and nephew's excitement... I adore all the lights and decorations, the gratefulness for family and your loved ones in general... I just love Christmas. If you’re a girl, do you have big hips? Too big? I'd say my hips are normal. Girls, do you think you look good in dresses or not? God no. Not anymore. Have you ever taken a pottery class before? Nope. How many times have you seen Star Wars? Be honest. Once. I didn't like it. Has your best friend ever made you cry? Yes. But in her defense, we've both made the other cry. Have you ever entered a talent competition? God no, I ain't got shit to flaunt. Are you smiling in your Facebook profile picture? Yes. If you wear eye shadow, do you put on a dark colour or a light? And if you wear mascara, what colour is it? I only ever wear black for both of those. What is your favourite Christmas movie? Jim Carrey's How the Grinch Stole Christmas. What do you get complimented on the most? My Markiplier tattoo, actually. What do you think of your best friend’s ex? One I REALLY don't like, the other I'm neutral about. Are you biracial? No. Do you have Pop-Tarts in your house right now? No. We try to not buy them, given they're just TOTALLY empty calories. They don't fill me at all. Is anyone’s birthday coming up? No. Does/did either of your parents serve in the military? No. Do you like sour candy? I LOVE sour candy. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? Alaska, to see the Northern Lights. Do you usually wear sunglasses when you’re driving? I haven't driven in well over a year. Hell, maybe two. But no, because I'd need prescription sunglasses. Ignoring nutrition, could you live off veggies for the rest of your life? God no. Has anyone taken their shirt off in front of you? Yeah. What time do you usually have dinner? 5:30-6:30, usually. What’s your favourite meat? Chicken, I think. What is your favourite meal of the day and why? Breakfast. I just enjoy breakfast foods. What colour is your shampoo? White. Tell me a silly little old wive’s tale you believed when you were a child: My older sister got me to believe that if you said a word a ridiculous amount of times, it'd be the only word you knew how to say anymore, lmao. Shut up, I was little. What was the last magazine you bought? Do you subscribe to any? I don't buy magazines. Whose Facebook profile did you last look at? Was there anything that caught your attention? Uh, that's a good question. Do you regret your last relationship? Not at all. What’s better, mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes? Mashed potatoes, though I'm picky with them and the texture. Did you ever used to make cookies, cakes, or pie with your grandma? No. Do you like kids? Not especially. They ask too many questions and can be really rude, even though I know they usually don't mean to be. What are you listening to? I'm watching Gab Smolders play Dino Crisis 2. I finished her playthrough of Final Fantasy X, so now I feel a void in my soul that I am trying to fill with a new series lmao. Do you burn incense? Not really anymore. I'm not against it, I just... haven't. What is your favorite kind of cracker? Cheese-Itz. Can you name a single song by Billy Joel without looking it up? Yeah; I can name a few, actually. My dad loves Billy Joel, so I heard him a lot growing up. "Piano Man" is a classic. Do you like regular peppermint candy canes, or do you prefer different flavored ones [fruits, bubble gum, cinnamon, etc.]? I actually really like the Jolly Rancher ones. Have you ever been kissed while sitting atop the hood of a car? That's actually possible... but I'm not sure. I think I have a faint memory of lying on a car hood with Jason before. What do you think is the dumbest/tackiest piercing? I don't like calling a piercing either of those, like if they make someone feel more confident and attractive, good for them. I can say I'm personally not a fan of the smiley piercing, though. Have you ever requested a song on the radio? No. When I was a kid at a birthday party, though, one of the girls did. Does your mother still take care of you if you get ill? She helps a lot, yeah. What is one song that always brings back memories every time you hear it? Honestly, too many. I attach way too aggressively to songs. Do you currently have any pimples? Not currently, no. Did anything disturb your sleep at all last night? Ugh, yes. I couldn't sleep for shit. How does it make you feel looking at pics with your ex and someone else? I have only seen one picture of Jason with the girl he dated after me and it. Set. Me. On. Fucking. Fire. It's pathetic. If you’re not in college, why? All it did was give me emotional breakdowns. What do you think about MTV? I am way too out of the loop on what goes on on any TV channel to answer this. What was your very first day of your very first job like? What’d you do? How long did it take you to get the hang of it, and feel comfortable with working? This was waaaay too long ago... All I remember is actually being hopeful, though nervous. I never got to the point of feeling comfortable there. Or at any job. If you have a dog, are they friendly to strangers or other dogs? We don't have a dog, but we do have a cat that is EXTREMELY skittish around strangers. Someone he doesn't know comes through the door? He's bolting to hide. Do people ever comment on or joke about your driving? Well, I got flipped off once by a driver, so... I'd consider that a silent comment. I, to this day, don't know why they (it was a group of guys) did it, but it's stuck with me. What was the last thing to move you? Are you easily moved or inspired? The ending of FFX alsdkfjkaljlkwjer. And yes. If you`ve ever seen your very favorite band, did you cry when you saw them? Was it like a dream come true? If you`ve never seen them, do you think you would? I haven't, but I probably would a little bit. Of all the reality competitions you’ve watched, who are some of your all-time favorite contestants and what shows were they from? From America's Got Talent, I adore(d) Landau Eugene Murphy Jr., as well as Prince Poppycock. I keep up with them both on Facebook. Ever had a friend named Alex or John? One of my closest online friends was Alex. A couple years ago she just... got a boyfriend and fell off the face of the earth. Are you happy with your relationship status? I mean... no, I'm ridiculously lonely, but being single is for the best right now. What kind of stuff do you like on your hot dogs? Just ketchup and mustard. Have you ever been in a spelling bee? No. What is the most annoying thing that your parents do? Mom absolutely always assumes she's right. Dad repeats himself like CRAZY. Would you say you’re someone who has good manners? Yes. Did you parents know what gender you were before you were born? Actually, the doctors couldn't determine mine (or any of Mom's kids') because my legs were ALWAYS crossed when they did ultrasounds. Mom says she "knew" I was a girl, though. Have you ever been addicted to something unhealthy? I'm addicted to caffeine, yes. Who makes the best desserts in your entire family? Hm, I dunno. Do you have good dreams or nightmares more? I have very severe sleep apnea that results in very violent nightmares almost any time I sleep without my APAP mask. Even WITH the damn mask, I have them a lot. When was the last time someone insulted you? What was the insult? *shrug* Do you have trouble reading small fonts? Yes. I used to find it aesthetically pleasing, but my vision is just too bad now, even with my (shitty) glasses. Do you know anybody that believes that magic/witchery truly exists? I think so. Do you find watching animals in their natural habitat to be exciting & fascinating? Absolutely!! The last time you had sex: did you want it, or did the other person want it? ... You know it's supposed to be a mutual desire, right?? What does your sibling(s) call you? "Britt." Has anyone you’ve known claimed to be psychic? Maybe? I'm unsure. Did/do you believe them? Hell no. I don't believe in psychics and believe people who claim to be so are manipulative pieces of shit. Is anything annoying you right now? I am bored to an inexplicable level askldjfla;wejlr. Have you ever worn a pair of scrubs? Yeah. Anything in your room that you’re hiding from your parents or someone else? No. Have you ever felt abandoned? Well yes. By definition, my dad abandoned our family. Where are you? I’m in my bed. What’s been the worst part of this day? I've just been so, so bored. I'm sick and fucking tired of dealing with anhedonia. Who last encouraged you to better yourself? My therapist.
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blazinbeautywrites · 4 years
Band Wars: Rise of the Phoenix
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Note: Due to the rampant uprising of plagiarism on this site and others I am stating once and once only that this is my ORIGINAL work. If I find out that you have stolen/taken any part of my work I will handle you and the situation the way I see fit.
None of the pics or gifs I use belong to me so full credit goes to the originators of said gifs and pics.
Length: 2,356 words
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to get this out guys. I was not happy with the final results and when I was I still was unsure so I rewrote it again and decided to just post it. I’ll let yall be the judge lol.
Genre: Honestly idk lmao
Chapter 1
 Universal Music Group (UMG) decides to debut a new girl group, PHOENIX on their first ever reality show “Next Big Thing.” The winners of the show get a 5 year, 5 album recording contract and will tour with CNCO 1 year after they debut. The winner of the show was Zania Reye Bloom, followed by London Monroe Jones, Jolene Maria Sanchez, Siane Rei Choi, and Avery Lynn O'Reilly. The band is composed of 5 talented women with different ethnic backgrounds, ages 24-25. 
Since the show served as the girl’s training they were immediately thrusted into the spotlight after the show ended. They went to work on their debut album and as the release date approached the girls were getting antsy. Now only were they about to release their baby onto the world, but they were finally meeting CNCO today and discussing ideas for their tour.
*UMG headquarters in LA*
“Yoooo I’m fucking excited! Can yall believe our debut album is coming out in a couple days?” London said as she led a couple of her members to the elevators.
“Girl this tour bout to be lit as fuck. Bruuuh we’re going to fucking Sweden. I didn’t even think we had fans out there.” Zania said.
“Yeah you can thank that girl Astrid who made the finals. She was Swedish.” Avery said.
The girls finally heard the elevator ding at their floor and immediately got out. The girls walked into a meeting room where they saw their other 2 members Jolene and Siane bonding with the boys of CNCO.
“Finally you bitches show up. What took yall so long?” Siane asked.
“Avery thinks she’s still in Ireland and almost drove us into a damn ditch.” Zania said.
“You’re alive aren’t you? So quit complaining.” Avery said as she took a seat opposite Erick.
“Anyways if yall are done….THIS is CNCO ladies. This is Zabdiel, Christopher, Erick, Joel, and this is Richard.” Siane said as she pointed to each boy as she introduced them. Richard definitely caught Zania’s eye and she quickly averted her eyes so he wouldn’t catch her ogling him. Little did she know, he was checking her out too.
“And I’m Zania, and of course yall met Jolene and Siane. This is London and Avery.” She said as she gestured to her other bandmates. She was about to say something else when a tall, slender woman walked into the room followed by a man wearing the loudest shade of yellow and another woman dressed in all black.
“Okay let’s make this short and sweet. I’m Veronica Pierce, you can call me Vee or Ms. Pierce, never Veronica. Get it? Got it? Good. I am your tour  creative director. I’ll be working closely with you all to design your tour. And please, let’s all collectively agree on a specific concept. I will not have my people designing 2 separate stages. To my left is Chez Moa, your set designer. And to my right is Mel Carter she and her team will be styling you all so meet with her some time this week so she can get an idea of what you guys want and need. And ladies you have a busy weekend ahead. Friday you have your album release, press runs, then your album release party later that night. Saturday you’ll be on Good Day LA where you’ll be interviewed and then perform your lead single. Sunday you have a mini showcase where yall will perform some fan fave covers from the show and a few songs from the album, including your single with CNCO. You’ll have tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday to learn choreo for both performances. You’ll meet your choreographer tomorrow. Any questions?” 
The whole room was silent as both groups stared at Veronica and her associates. Zania raised her hand and the other members of Phoenix sighed. They knew how this shit was about to play out.
“So do we get to breathe? Or do we have to pencil that in too?” Zania asked. She knew she was being an asshole but this shit was ridiculous.
“Hmmmm you must be Zania Bloom. They told me you had a mouth on you. Listen up sweetie this my show. I call the shots and if they bother you, you can leave.” Veronica said. Zania smirked at her and leaned back in her chair.
“Nah I’m good. You may continue, Ms. Pierce.” Zana said. Sarcasm dripping from her words.
“Anyways that’s all for now. And remember this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It can be taken away in the blink of an eye so watch yourselves.” Veronica spoke. She eyed the room but everyone knew exactly who that was meant for. She, Mel, and Chez exited the room in silence. Once they left, Siane burst out laughing.
“Yo I was clenching my fucking ass cheeks. She’s soo fucking hot.” Siane said.
“Keep it in your pants Siane. And Zania, girl why did you do that? You made that shit more intense than it needed to be.” London asked.
“You know me, I just had to say something. She was a bitch to us when we did the show, now they’re making her the tour director, wtf?” Zania said.
“Am I the only one who noticed that guy had on too much yellow?” Chris said. Everyone turned to him and started laughing.
“Look, I ain’t wanna say anything but he was so wrong for that. And it was a complete contrast to Mel who had on all black.” Jolene said.
“But real shit Vee ain’t no joke, she can make or break you. So just be careful.” Richard said. He made eye contact with Zania and she smiled at him.
“Oh I’m not afraid of her. She’s on a power trip so I’ll entertain her mess for the sake of this tour. You don’t have to worry bout me baby boy.” Zania said. Everyone got up to leave but on her way to the door she was stopped by Richard.
“I don’t know if you realized but I’m a grown ass man so that baby boy shit not gon fly with me.” Richard said. Zania was amused.
“Oh did I bruise your whittle ego babe? Look it’s not that serious-”
“But it is that serious so treat me with respect or keep it moving baby girl.” Richard said as he cut her off. He walked away leaving Zania stunned in silence. She walked back to her group and chuckled.
“Yall…...that guy Richard just lowkey put me in my fucking place. Oh this tour is gonna be so damn fun.” Zania said. She and her bandmates went to find their stylists to get started on designing their perfect tour outfits.
It had been a full 5 hours and the girls were hard at work on their choreo. They were thankful that most of the songs they performed were their covers from their reality show so the moves were ingrained in their heads. They breezed through their choreo for their own singles and just finished running through them a final time before Laurieann Gibson called for lunch. The girls were beyond starved and as they walked to the cafe area of the upscale dance studio they saw CNCO walk through the door.
“Oop the boys are here.” Jolene said as she fixed her slightly messy hair. She made eye contact with Zabdiel as he and the other boys walked into the dance studio they’s just left.
“Ooooohhh do I sense a little crush? London teased.
“See that tall one, Zabdiel? I promise you, I will climb him like a fucking tree.” Jolene said, much to the amusement of her group. 
“Woah. Down girl, we have a whole ass tour to get through.” Avery said.
“Look if I can’t fuck Vee, you can’t fuck Zabdiel.” Siane argued.
“Girl. Zabdiel is fair game, Vee is our fucking boss. There’s a difference.” Zania said as the girls found a table near the back of the cafe. Avery went to order them some food and soon a waiter came back with a tray of fruit, some finger sandwiches, and a basket of the cafe’s homemade potato chips.
“This looks so good and I’m starving.” London said. As the girls ate they discussed the difficult choreo.
“I really thought Laureiann was gonna throw her shoe or some shit at you cuz you couldn’t get that one move down.” Siane said.
“I wish she would throw some shit at me.” Jolene said while the others laughed at her.
“What kind of shit yall think they’ll have us do with the boys?” London asked.
“Probably something sexy, ya kno to pander to the fans.” Avery answered.
“I heard that they’re partnering us up with them for the collab so whomever we pick is our dance partner for the song.” Siane added.
“Well. this should be fun.” Zania said. The girls chat a little bit longer before cleaning up and heading back into the dance studio. When they arrived they heard their song with CNCO playing. Laurieann was teaching them their choreo and once saw the girls she turned the music off and immediately began assigning pairs.
“Okay London you’re with Joel, Jolene with Eric, Zabdiel and Siane, Avery and Chris are partners and lastly, Zania, you’re with Richard. Everyone please stand with your partner. I’m only gonna do the dance two times and then you’re gonna do it and we’ll fine tune everything afterwards” Lauriann said as she read off her list. Before the girls could even process anything they quickly got into formation to do the choreo.
A few hours later, both Phoenix and CNCO were spread out on the floor, exasperated. Lauriann told them to rest up and that she’d see them in the morning before she left them all a sweaty mess in the studio.
“I swear there are parts of me that are sweating I ain’t know could sweat.” Siane said as she attempted to lift her head to no avail.
“Girl I feel like my fucking feet are gonna fall off.” Zania said.
“I can’t feel my left asss cheek.” Jolene mumbled.
“Bruh at least yall voices aren’t hoarse as fuck.” Richard said.
“We should probably start heading out because I need an ice bath or some shit.” Avery said as she willed her body to move. Everyone followed suit and struggled getting to their feet. When the girls began packing up to leave, Zabdiel strolled on over to pull Jolene to the side. Zania looked on and smirked to herself. All she hoped was that whatever they had going on didn’t get in the way of her group’s path to success. She snapped out of her little daze just as Jolene made it back.
“Well, what was that about?” Zania asked.
“Girl he asked for my number. I was like no and he said can you really say no to this face. I almost fucking melted so I gave him my number. He’s so fucking cocky. I love it.” Jolene beamed. Zania could tell her friend was happy so she chose to keep her mouth shut. The girls finally made it to the elevator when Zania realized she’d left her phone in the dance studio.
“Shut yall I left my phone. Yall go on I’ll text yall once I get home.” Zania said.
“Girl we’ll wait, just hurry up.” London said. Zania jogged back to the building and ran up the stairs to be quicker. Once she got to the door of the studio she heard the boys talking.
“I really like that girl London. She’s classy, yet has a sexy side. I like that.” Joel said.
“Now see Jolene….them lips. I bet her head game on point.” Zabdiel said.
“Ew bro what the hell!” Eric exclaimed.
“I know you of all people are not talking.” Richard said.
“Even though I think she’s kind of a bitch, Zania fine as fuck too.” Christopher said.
“Yeah she is fine. Yall seen that ass? I’d love to get behind that.” Richard said. Zania had heard enough and walked into the room.
“Yall should really make sure that the door is completely closed before you talk about us. Anyways I left my phone and just came back to get it. Oh and Richard, Zabdiel? I understand that Jolene and I are attractive but please don’t talk about us like we’re pieces of meat mkay?” With that she grabbed her phone and walked out, leaving the boys a little dumbfounded. Once she got back outside she filled her girls on what she heard.
“You know. We should teach them a lesson.” Jolene said.
“Oop I sense an infamous Jolene Sanchez prank.” Siane said.
“Yep. Okay so here’s the plan.” Jolene explains the little prank they’ll play on the boys at the showcase. They’d messed with the wrong girls.
The rest of the week went by in a blur and before they knew it, their album release day was finally here. It’d only been a few hours and their album was already number 1 on a few of the urban and pop album charts. Siane screenshot the Billboard charts where their album was number 1 and sent it to their group chat. She then called them all on a video chat.
“WAKE UP BITCHES! WE NUMBER 1 BABYYYYYY!!!!1!” She yelled into the phone. The others, as groggy as they were, laughed at how hyped their member was.
“Girl you are so lucky I was up getting ready or I’d curse you the fuck out.” Zania said. 
“Bitch whatever. Anyways I love yall so much! We’ve officially ARRIVED! Like we in the fucking building forreal now. WHEW! Let me start getting my shit together. See yall soon. Love ya! Siane said as she hung up the video call. The girls were buzzing and couldn’t be any happier that after almost 6 months, their hard work has finally paid off and that their fans love their album as much as they do. They couldn’t wait to see what lie ahead for them. They knew whatever it was, it was gonna be big.
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avintagekiss24 · 5 years
If you’re still taking requests, how about cuckold?
Hello there anon! This COMPLETELY got away from me, lmao. It’s no longer a drabble, but a full on one shot, lmao. This was so fun to write, so thank you for requesting it! I hope you enjoy!
~~Cuckold - words 1802
The definition of a cuckold is a man who has been cheated on by his wife or significant other.
To cuckold is defined as to engage in an affair with someone's wife, or to have an affair on your husband.
Pairing: Dark!Steve Rogers x black reader
Warnings: smut, strong language
You wring your hands as you stare back at Steve Rogers. He stands a few feet away from you, beer in hand, smirking at you as your husband chats away. You turn away and continue picking up the patio, grabbing random pool tools and discarded towels. Your hand shakes slightly as you toss trash into the garbage can. You swallow hard, closing your eyes and releasing a shaky breath through your teeth. 
The American flag flies from the corner of your covered patio with smaller flags stuck in the ground around the pool. The grill sizzles as your husband flips more hot dogs and the radio plays softly in the background. Steve’s last text message replays in your mind.
Do I get any birthday pussy today?
You deleted it quickly and went about your day, trying to push it and him out of your mind. You’d told him multiple times that this was over, that you needed to stop this. You were good. You hadn’t seen him in over four months. But of course, Steve Rogers can’t take no for an answer. Your blood ran cold when you skipped to the ringing doorbell and found him standing there earlier this afternoon. 
He grinned widely and pressed a kiss to your cheek as he stepped inside, “Dougie boy invited me.”
You’ve been a ball of anxiety ever since. His curious eyes have wandered over you all afternoon long. He made excuse after excuse to get near you; brushing up against you, letting his fingers linger on yours just long enough. You shot him looks, you even pushed his hands away in anger as your husband stood idly by, not paying one iota of attention to you or the pesky Steve Rogers. 
“It’s my birthday,” He whispered to you as Doug flipped some burgers, “You should be nice to me.”
Truth be told, your husband Doug was enamored with Steve- had been since he was a child. He was completely blind to who the real Steve Rogers was. Word spread quickly throughout the neighborhood that Steve was courting their little slice of heaven after turning his shield over to Sam Wilson. Doug nearly came in his khaki shorts when the for sale sign next door came down. The Captain America was moving in, right next door. Hip hip hooray. 
“Mama.” Your sweet little Sarah says, tugging at the hem of your dress, pulling you from you memories, “I’m sleepy mama.”
“I bet you are,” You coo softly, smiling and cupping her little face in your hands, “Come with mama, I’ll put you down.”
“I got her, babe.” Doug says, lifting her into his arms once he reaches the two of you. He kisses you quickly on your cheek, “You’ve done enough, just relax. Steve, I'll be right back bud, ten minutes or so.”
Steve holds up his hand, smiling as Doug moves into the house through the sliding glass door. You swallow again as he shifts his piercing eyes back to you, taking a long sip of his chilled beer. You turn, your body shaking as you try and hurry through the rest of your clean up. You just need to get inside and you’ll be-
You stop as Steve’s arm wraps around your waist. You gasp, and he chuckles deeply, sitting his beer on the table. He pulls you into him and sweeps your dark hair away from your neck, dropping his cold lips to your shoulder. You jump, but he tightens his grip, not allowing you to get away. He rubs his face in your hair and takes a deep breath, breathing you in. His hands roam down to your hips, squeezing and gripping as they curve around your ass. 
“Steve,” You whisper, “Please don’t.”
He turns you around to face him and cocks his head to the side as his eyes search your face. He smiles slowly, his eyes dipping to your plump lips before shooting back to your dark eyes. He palms your cheek and pulls you into him, crashing his lips to yours in a deep, hard kiss. You want to fight, to pull away, to stand firm in your decision… but you moan instead. You throw your arms over his broad shoulders as he closes the small distance between your bodies.
He crushes his hips to yours, his dick hardening against you. You pull back as reality washes over you. You stare back at him, your eyes wide as they bounce back and forth between his. Your lips are swollen from his kiss as breath rushes out of your open mouth. He does nothing but smirk back at you.
“Damn it,” You curse, your eyes filling with tears, “We can’t do this anymore. I told you.”
He sighs loudly and turns his head toward the glass door leading into your house, “Doug is such a fucking moron,” He starts, turning back to face you, “He doesn’t deserve a pretty little thing like you.”
“Steve.” You whimper, “They’re right inside.”
He drops his hands to your thighs and drags them up into your dress, staring at you the whole time. Your breath is shaky as tears slide down your cheeks. Your sex tightens at his touch. You bite your bottom lip as his fingers brush along your panties, lightly grazing your clit. He pushes his fingers into the lace and drags them along your now wet folds. You jump slightly at the sensation, his fingers still cold from holding his beer. 
He pushes inside of you, his mouth dropping open as you squeak. He pumps his fingers into you slowly, curving them to stroke your spot. You rest your fingertips on the table behind you and spread your legs for him. Your hips begin to move, pushing forward as he fingers you. You squirm at his touch. You wiggle your hips to push him deeper, your head falling back on your neck as you groan.
Steve shifts his eyes back inside the house, watching for any movement before he drags his vision back to you, “He still doesn’t know little Sarah is mine, does he?” He murmurs, his fingers quickening, “She looks just fucking like me.” He chuckles, “Fucking idiot.”
He drops his head to your chest, shaking his head back and forth between your full breasts before pulling his tongue through them, “God, I miss these.” He continues to mumbles, biting down on your sensitive flesh, “It’s been too long, baby girl.” 
You shriek as pain flashes through you, but cover your mouth with your hand. Steve drops down to his knees as he bunches up your dress in his free hand. He pulls out of you long enough to remove the lace covering your lower half and then pushes deep into you again. He sweeps his tongue over your hot clit. You jerk your hips from the surprise of his tongue, your mouth falling open again. 
He swirls it around, his eyes blinking up to yours before he sucks your lips into his mouth. He releases you with a smack, then flicks at your clit with the tip of his devilish tongue as his fingers continue to pound away. You grind your pussy against his mouth and nose as you lean forward to rest your hands on his shoulders. You hiss, dragging air through your teeth as he works you over. 
He pulls away from your soaking sex, licking his hips and moaning loudly, “Tell me you love me. I want you to say it.”
You stifle your whines as you roll your hips, desperate for release. His fingers speed up, pumping and curling within you as he drops his mouth back to your clit. He pulls away again, his chin glinting in the sunlight from your wetness, “Say it.” He hisses. 
“I love you.” You purr through ragged breaths, “You know I love you Steve.”
He growls at your admission. He drags his fingers to your stomach, flattening his palm on your baby bump, “You’re gonna name him after me, right? After his daddy?”
“Yes.” You hiss through clenched teeth. 
He lowers his face to your sloppy sex and sucks your clit into his mouth again. He’s unrelenting with his fingers, pushing them deeper and harder with each pump. Your body tenses as your orgasm looms, his tongue threatening to engage it with each flick. You jerk your hips once more and let the rush completely consume you. You come hard against his face, digging your manicured nails into his shoulders as you pump your hips quickly against him.
He growls lowly as he continues to fuck you through your release. He nips at your hip with his teeth as he praises you, “You are such a filthy little girl,” He smiles as he watches you, “You are so good, baby. You’re my princess.”
He pulls out of you slowly as your orgasms finally recedes. He brings his wet fingers to your mouth, rubbing them on your bottom lip before he sticks them in his mouth to suck them clean. You lick your bottom lip, tasting your saltiness as you try to recover from the ecstasy that was bestowed upon you. 
He kisses you sweetly on your lips and cups your face in his large hands, “Bucky’s coming over later,” He starts, his eyes bouncing between yours as you perk up at the mention of his friends name, “He can’t wait to see you again.”
He moves away but you stop him, grabbing his wrist. You bite your bottom lip again as you breathe deeply, “I want you.” You whine, your body aching for his cock, “Please. We can be quick.”
He shakes his head, smirking again, “Come over. Bucky and I miss you.”
You drop his hand as he retreats through the backyard, your lace panties hanging from his back pocket. You stare at him as he disappears, still staring at a random spot in the grass long after he’s gone. You place your hand on your pregnant stomach as Steve’s son twists and turns from all of the excitement. You push away from the table and move inside your quiet home, shutting the sliding door with a soft click. 
Your mind races as you try and come up with an excuse to leave the house. You rack your brain as you move through the hall and back toward your bedroom. You stop in the door frame as your sleeping daughter and husband come into sight. You move slowly, reaching out to shake the sleeping Doug.
“I’m going to run to the store babe, okay?” You whisper, “I should replenish the pantry while I still have the energy.”
He nods as he readjusts on the bed, “Okay babe. Be careful.”
You turn slightly, glancing over your shoulder just as reach the door, “I will.”
tags: @jetaimeamore @mixedbutdivine @shay-iamiam @wildfirecracker @amberjoy38 @mannarn @bellaamor88 @metsforever @mejustme06 @beymonger @breeioooo
fill out the form to join my tag list! or send me an ask!
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
What may I call you? >> Mordred is fine.
Where are you right now, exactly? >> My bedroom.
Over or under 18? >> I’m over 18.
Have you been watching the Stanley Cup play-offs? (GO BRUINS!) >> No.
Ever believed your house was/is haunted? If yes, why; what happens? >> I lived in a studio in 2009 (my only time living alone) that I suspected had something hanging around. I was the first occupant, though (new building), so it couldn’t have been from a former resident, and I have no idea how else it could have accrued a haunting. Unless the site itself was haunted, I guess. I have no idea what kind of land the building was built on.
The building you live inside; how long ago was it built? >> According to the google search I just did, it was built in 1987, which makes me the same age as the building I live in.
Ever travel internationally? >> No.
If you could go anywhere RIGHT NOW, where would it be? And why? >> I don’t want to go anywhere right now.
Do you fancy someone currently? Tell me about them! >> No.
Ever have a big ol' crush on someone you've never met in person? If so, did you ever tell them you did? >> I’ve been attracted to people I knew online, yes. And yes, I’ve told most of them.
What makes you feel luxurious? >> I’m not sure. I don’t know when I last felt that exact way.
Do you enjoy drinking scotch as much as I do? >> Probably not.
What have you done that makes you proud of yourself? >> Well, I kept playing FFXIV instead of quitting forever in shame and telling myself I’ll never be any good at it. Believe it or not, that’s a milestone.
What makes you envy someone? >> Usually I envy people who seem to have had very little instability or suffering in their lives, because their brains work.
For you, is jealousy something that makes you more sad or angry-feeling? >> If you still mean envy, then it can be either one. I don’t experience jealousy as in relationship jealousy.
Do you get the munchies? >> I don’t smoke, so...
Every been to Germany? If so, what part? >> No.
Do you buy newspapers just for the puzzles? >> No, I have an app for newspaper crosswords.
Describe any tattoos or piercings you may have...? >> I don’t want to, I feel like I’ve described them a million times.
When's the last time you smacked someone's butt? (Or been smacked :P) >> That’s not a thing I do or encourage having done to me.
Do you enjoy making art? If so, what's your style like? >> I don’t make art.
Were you a shy child? >> I don’t know. I was mostly a distant child, I think.
Ever wanna run away with the circus? >> No.
What is the closest object to your feet right now? >> My weighted blanket, which is folded over the second half of the bed because it’s too hot to use.
Reach behind you- do you feel anything? What is it? >> The wall.
Is English your second language? >> No.
Have you ever designed and constructed your own clothing? >> I’ve altered clothing, but not designed and constructed from scratch.
What's the very last digit in your phone number? >> 3.
Is your house an odd or even number? >> This building is even-numbered.
Do you have a favorite superhero? Who? >> I like Iron Man and Doctor Strange. Also, does Promethea count?
What power would you like to receive, if given the option? >> I don’t know. The power of brain that work good.
Ever punch someone in the nose? >> No.
...will you write me a haiku? >> No.
What was the last thing that really delighted you? >> Probably a scene in FFXIV. For example, I did a lot of moogle sidequests today and moogles are fucking adorable.
Do you wear skin-colored clothes? >:C >> I don’t have any brown clothing, no.
Ever eat German cuisine? If so, what'd ya have? >> Yeah, I ate at Bavarian Inn on one of our yearly trips to Frankenmuth (which is a kind of... German-inspired tourist town or something -- we go there every fall for the giant world-famous Christmas store that’s also there). I don’t remember what I ordered, though. German cuisine, while hearty, isn’t dramatic or varied enough for me, though.
Do you have conversations with any animals? >> Well, yeah.
Do you have a little sibling? If so, are you protective of her/him? >> No.
Recommend me a good book? >> I don’t know you and I cannot recommend you a book.
Can you sleep on your back? (I can't, I feel too vulnerable!) >> I can, but I usually end up on my side eventually.
What's the last special thing you did for someone? (Buy, cook, etc.) >> I don’t know.
Did you cook something today? If so, what was it? >> No.
Ever baked ALL day? >> No.
Can you recognize the smell of death? >> A dead person? I mean, I could probably figure out what I’m smelling if I suddenly caught a whiff of a corpse. It seems pretty... singular.
Ever known a mortician or a coroner?? (Now you do!) >> Oh, that’s neat. Mortuary science is so fucking cool. Unfortunately, I don’t actually know you, so I still don’t know any morticians or coroners. :(
What makes you feel good about yourself? >> That’s a good question. I’m working on that.
Could you ever be some type of counselor for kids/teens? >> No.
Do you enjoy getting dressed up for no real reason? >> I imagine that could be fun. I don’t think it’d ever occur to me to do it, though.
What are you afraid of? >> Stuff.
Ever been to a maximum security prison? You, or just visiting? >> No.
Do you think mint toothpaste is too minty? >> I don’t.
How is a raven like a writing desk? >> Heh.
Are you currently eating or drinking something? If so, what? >> Aside from the occasional sip of water, no.
Do you own striped socks? What colors are your favorite ones? >> No.
Black Metal ist Krieg. Agree or Disagree? >> Eh. I mean, I listen to black metal, but I’m not going to make a big deal out of it.
Are there any numbers that have significance to you? >> Yes, 9 and 19.
Do you know how to read palms or tarot or anything else like that? >> I’m passable at reading tarot. For myself, that is.
Do you own any bones or other preserved organic ..things? >> Unfortunately not. Accepting all bone donations.
What do you think about internet piracy? >> I support the mateys.
Do you know anything about Nordic runes? >> I wouldn’t say I know anything about futhark, exactly. The fact that I have Mannaz tattooed on my hand notwithstanding.
How do you feel about children? >> I don’t have a particular feeling about children. It’s all dependent.
Whatcha looking forward to right now? >> Nothing.
How do you feel about clowns? >> I’m indifferent to clowns.
Are any of your friends clown by profession? >> No.
Do you put grated cheese on popcorn? (Yum!) >> I don’t eat popcorn.
Do you thing anyone ever actually gets in trouble for having milkcrates? >> Like, in their home? Who’s going to give a fuck unless a store employee literally saw you take it or something?
Do you tip street performers? (YOU SHOULD.) >> Not usually. I didn’t ask them to be there, I have no obligation to them. I’ll do it if I feel moved to (and if I happen to have cash, which is the other important variable here).
What are your virtues/morals? >> I don’t have a ready list.
What do you smoke, if anything? >> I don’t.
Does being an addict make someone a bad person, in your opinion? >> No.
Have you ever experienced any type of detox? >> No.
Ever been institutionalized? ...was it because of just one pepsi? >> Ha, I haven’t heard that song in a while. Anyway, yeah, I’ve been institutionalised.
Tie up, or be tied up? >> Well, I’m a switch, so.
Ever shoot a gun that wasn't a handgun? Rifle, shotgun, etc? >> No.
Is your mother a really cool lady? >> No.
Ever suddenly find a friend very attractive but had to keep it to yourself? >> Suddenly? That seems like a weird thing to have happen, lol. I imagine someone finally getting glasses after years of seeing everything kind of blurry and putting them on and going, “holy shit, my friend’s hot as fuck!”
What time is it right now? >> 7.42p EST.
Last time it's rained? >> Uh... a couple of nights ago, I think.
Ever been through a deadly natural disaster? >> No. I mean, I was in NYC when Hurricane Sandy came plowing through, but I wasn’t exactly in any of the parts of the city that got hit-hit.
What do you do when you lose power? >> I so rarely lose power that I don’t even know. I guess I would just read, if I could. Or go so deep into boredom that suddenly I become manically creative. They say that happens, or something.
Do you have a boot fetish too? >> No.
Have you ever done home-repair stuff? >> I mean, not really. I don’t live in a home, lmao. You’re supposed to call Maintenance if something needs fixing in these apartments. (I’m willing to bet that if you try fixing something yourself and you fuck up, you’re gonna be payin for it. Better to let Maintenance deal with it. At least if they fuck it up, the complex can deal with the consequences.)
Reason you last used a knife? >> I don’t remember.
Ever tattoo or pierce yourself? What, and how did it turn out? >> Yeah, I’ve pierced various parts of my ears a few times. Most of the time it turned out fine, but eventually all the holes closed up.
Have you ever assisted in a birth? >> No.
Have you ever had a bad trip? >> Yes.
Do you ever yell at your TV/computer/video games? >> Yes.
How long do you take in the shower? >> Like 10 minutes at most.
If you could ask someone ONE thing & get 100% honesty, what would you ask? >> ---
What's the best thing you've ever found in a thrift/second hand shop? >> I don’t know.
What's one skilled craft you like to learn? >> ---
How do you feel about magicians? >> Like, illusionists? I’m indifferent to them. I agree it’s clever work, but I don’t really care about it.
What do you smell like right now? >> I don’t know. Flesh.
Tell me about the last person that made you laugh. >> ---
Who was the last person to really make you feel special? >> ---
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langdvnshepherd · 5 years
Good For You ~ Part 4 (Duncan Shepherd x fem!reader)
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Summary: You’re a broke ass college student whose one night stand with the infamous Duncan Shepherd leads to the development of a rather interesting relationship between the two of you. — Duncan puts you in an uncomfortable situation that leaves you torn between confessing your truth or walking away from it all.
Word Count: 9.8k (I’m sooo sorry omg)
Warnings: sugar daddy!Duncan, fem!reader, angst, smut, fingering, oral (female receiving), daddy kink
A/N: Sorry it took so long, but here it is! The final chapter (blowing nose emoji). It’s long as hell so I’m kinda sorry about that, but I just had a lot I wanted to include! Also even though it’s deadass like a novel, I still feel like I kinda rushed it?? idk lmk your thoughts I guess. I’ve loved writing this series and I’m sad to see it go, but it’s definitely time to move on lmao. I want to give another shoutout to @avesatanormalpeoplescareme for the inspiration for this chapter you truly saved my life again! Also to @belusima (she doesn’t know it but I left her a lil surprise in here hehehe). I barely proofread this and wrote most of it literally at 5 o’clock this morning so if you notice any major mistakes pls don’t roast me. Thank you all so much for the notes and kind words regarding this fic and my other work! I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. (gif credit to m-langdon666)
     Three aggressively persistent knocks on your door sent you jolting out of bed one morning. It was early, at least to you. Maybe your roommate stayed out last night and was finally coming home, but other than that you had no idea who could possibly need your attention at this hour. Rising from your bed with a loud yawn and stretch, you reluctantly made your way out of bed and towards the door of your tiny apartment. You must not have been moving fast enough for their liking, because three more rattles on the cracked paint of your front door echoed throughout the apartment not long after the first.
     “I’m coming! Jesus,” you muttered, picking up your pace and swiftly running to the door. As you passed the mirror in your hallway, you catch a glimpse of your current state: hair knotted from tossing side to side on your pillow, eyelids puffy from sleep, nipples peaking through the thin fabric of your thin, ratty university t-shirt in the cool air of your apartment. Definitely not presentable by any means, but whoever was beating on your door at this ungodly hour needs your attention and they need it now.
     Fully expecting to see your roommate on the other side, you unlatched the chain lock and forcefully flung the door open. She was really in for it thinking she could stay out all night and come home whenever she pleased, waking up the entire building as she did. Ready to lecture her about leaving her keys at home and the danger she puts herself in by partying through the morning at frat houses, you were instead greeted by a different set of eyes. 
     The morning sun pierced through the shade of aqua, turning them an almost glacier-blue shade in the light. He had one arm propped against the door frame, the other rubbing against on the scruff on his neck. Clad head to toe in the most expensive black coat and pants money could buy, he looked so obscure standing in the doorway of your tiny, run-down apartment building. But nonetheless, he looked perfect. Upon hearing your voice, he perked up instantly and the word vomit began.
     “Y/N. Is this a good time?” The way his leg was anxiously twitching made you think his question was more of a courtesy, and that he was coming in whether you responded or not. 
     “Uhh,” looking down at your bare feet and legs, you crossed your arms across your chest hoping to mask your horrendous appearance from Duncan as much as possible, “Yeah, come in.” You stepped away from the entrance and he swiftly entered your living room, making sure to shut and lock the door behind him.
     “I’m about to ask you to do something, and I need you to help me out. Okay?” In this moment, both you and Duncan realized he had never been inside of your apartment. He took in the setup before him, recognizing pieces scattered throughout the space that he had purchased for you. An Oscar de la Renta coat hanging on the rack by the door, your Macbook resting open on the side table by the sofa, the high-end coffee maker he’d sent you after casually mentioned your old one had finally bit the bullet. It looked exactly the way he’d pictured it, bits and pieces of luxury scattered amongst the dingy, outdated furniture and appliances.
     “Okayy?” you responded, although it came out as more of a question than an answer. You’d never seen Duncan look so distraught before. He was pacing back and forth like he might explode if he stood in place for too long.
     “I got a phone call this morning,” he began. “Apparently, the lady in charge of our family’s finances saw my bank statement from our little... trip to Paris and got suspicious. She went digging and found everything. For whatever fucking reason, she took it upon herself to alert my mother. Thought maybe my card got stolen or something. Why she thought that was my mother’s business I have no fucking clue. So, I have spent the better half of this morning trying to make sure my mother didn’t have a stroke from how mad she was when she found out." Blood rushed to his face as he babbled on, his neck turning an irritated shade of pink. 
     You stood there, leaning against the arm of the sofa, legs crossed in front of you, still holding your arms in front of your chest. You were trying to process what Duncan had just said, but you were still fairly confused. His mother had found out about you. Did this mean he came here to call it off? Why would she be mad? Duncan is a grown man that can spend his money as he pleases.
     “And sooo what is it that you need me to do exactly?” 
     Duncan took a deep breath before finally turning to face you head on. He had been too apprehensive to look you in the eyes from the minute he walked into your living room. “She backed me into a corner. She kept asking if I’m being blackmailed for money or if I’ve been hiring hookers and I didn’t really know how to explain it to her without it being completely fucking embarrassing so I just told her that I’ve been seeing someone. Then she freaked out. Said she wanted to meet whoever it was. Told me to bring them to the event we’re having this weekend.”
     You cocked your eyebrow at him, still not understanding.
     “Y/N, I wouldn’t be here this early in the morning if it wasn’t important. I need you to go to that event with me...and pretend we’re together. Just for my mother’s sake. We don’t have to stay long, just long enough to say a couple words to her. Prove that you’re real. Then we can go and I’ll never ask you to do something like this ever again. Whatever you want, consider it yours. I just need you to do this. For me.” The pleading look in Duncan’s eyes was almost comical. He was scared of his mother. It was clear at that moment that he cared way too much about what his mother thinks for someone his age. For what reason, you weren’t sure.
     “I...uh...wow, Duncan.” You felt a twinge in your stomach that was hard to explain. Maybe it was just nerves from having all of this sprung on you just moments after waking up, or maybe it was because the thought of pretending to be Duncan Shepherd’s girlfriend for a night was enough to make you hurl. Your feelings about Duncan were becoming harder and harder to ignore since Paris, and you weren’t sure how doing this would make you feel afterward.
     “I’m not sure I can...I don’t know if-”
     “I know. I fucked up. But please don’t make me beg.” It felt like he was staring into your soul. He had never looked this desperate in the entire time you’d known him. You really wanted to be hesitant, to say no. It wasn’t a good idea, it didn’t do anything to help your situation. But who were you kidding, he could have asked anything of you, and you would have come running.
     “Yeah, sure. Whatever. Just tell me what I need to do and I’ll be there.”
     Duncan let out a loud sigh and closed his eyes in relief. “Thank you. I’ll take care of everything. I’ll have someone drop off a dress, just be ready by 7 on Saturday.”
     “Okay,” you replied, unsure of saying anything else.
     “Okay,” he repeated, satisfied with your compliance. “I’ll see you then.” Duncan approached you, taking your elbows in his hands. It was a gentle, gesture of gratitude, but it made your stomach flip.
     “Thank you. Again. I mean it.” He rubbed circles on your arms as he spoke. You looked up to meet his eyes once again, his gaze making your heart rate skyrocket. 
     You nodded in response, casually rolling your shoulders to shake yourself out of Duncan’s grasp. He took this as an opportunity to leave, making his way towards the door as his dress shoes tapped against the vinyl floor. He turned his back to take one last look at you before leaving.
     “See ya,” you called out. The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, a slight smile appearing on his face.
     “Bye, Y/N,” he all but whispered as he shut the door behind him and went about his day.
     You sat in the limo more or less pondering your entire life, and how you’d ended up in this situation. If you would have told yourself 5 years ago, hell, even a year ago that you’d be in this position, you’d laugh at how insane you sounded. Not only had you accidentally found a sugar daddy, if that’s what you want to call it, but you’d also managed to catch feelings for him. Where he once was nothing more than a business arrangement, he now encompassed nearly your every thought. 
     There was a war going on inside your brain. Part of you wanted things to go back to the way they were when Duncan called on you once a week to fuck and sent you expensive gifts afterward. No strings attached, just fucking. The other part of you wanted clarity, to know how Duncan felt. If you confessed your feelings, would Duncan reciprocate? Could the two of you actually be together? If you weren’t on the same page, would he break it off? Cut you out of his life and leave you a broke, struggling college student? 
     The conversation you had with your roommate just minutes before Duncan arrived in the limo echoed in the back of your mind.
     “You HAVE to tell him how you feel,” she exclaimed, with a little more sass than you were expecting.
     “It’s not that simple!” you argued back. 
     You had finally let her in on everything that had happened with Duncan. The incident with the frat boy, the trip to Paris, that drunken night, the stolen glances, the event you were about to attend and pretend to be his girlfriend for the night. She was convinced Duncan felt the same way you did, but you weren’t sold on the idea.
     “But it is though! Come on, Y/N. What you said makes perfect sense. He likes you. He has to. When all of this shit started, it was strictly business. I remember. But now he’s acting all weird and shit and it just doesn’t add up. He either likes you or he’s been buttering you up to kill you this entire time.”
     “That’s not funny.”
     “Yeah, well, neither are you with your little ‘poor me’ attitude. You should just tell him how you feel. What’s the worst thing that would happen? He doesn’t feel the same, and he breaks it off. I highly doubt you would ever run into him again. Plus, think about what would happen if he liked you too. You wouldn’t have to hide in his apartment or in hotel rooms every night. You could actually spend time with him outside of the pillow talk you have right before you leave. And I mean I know this might be a sensitive subject buuttttt...imagine all of the shit he would buy you if you were actually dating. I mean we’re probably talki-”
     “Okay, that’s enough. Thanks. I get it.” Her rambling made you feel ill. Maybe she had a point. For something that started out so harmless, it was now eating you alive. “I just don’t see it ever working out. I’m a college student who barely has her shit together and he’s apparently a member of the most influential fucking family in America besides the goddamn president. We don’t go together,” you babbled, emphasizing your points with elaborate hand gestures.
     “Tell you what,” your roommate started, “This...event? Is it?” You gave her a confirming nod from your place at the end of your bed. “Okay, so if you’re pretending to be Duncan’s girlfriend tonight, why don’t you just multitask and figure out whether or not you’d even want to be with him? You’ll be out with him in public, where everyone can see. You’re getting to meet his mother. It’ll be like you’re actually together. If it goes well and you could see yourself doing something like this again, you should tell him how you feel. If you hate it, you should break it off. You shouldn’t let a man take up this much of your time if he’s making you feel like this.”
     Damn, why was she always right?
     A gentle squeeze on your kneecap drew you from your thoughts. You looked up to see Duncan staring at you from his side of the limo with concern washed over his features.
     “You okay?” he asked. “You’re looking a little spaced out.”
     “Yeah,” you enthusiastically nodded, hoping to put up a persuasive front and not let Duncan know the internal chaos going on in your body. “Just a little nervous.”
     “Me too. It shouldn’t be that bad though. Don’t worry about it too much. I’ll try to do most of the talking. My mother will probably ask you what you do or what your thoughts are about the wine selection. Whatever you do, just try not to mention the...nature of our relationship.” 
     And what exactly is the nature of our relationship? you thought to yourself.
     You absentmindedly picked at the beading on your gown as the limo ascended the winding, cobblestone driveway of the venue. It was a country club of some sorts, so you were dressed to the nines. The dress Duncan had picked out for you was modest enough to meet his mother in, yet showed off just enough skin to still make you feel sexy. 
    Duncan seemed to think so too, given that his eyes nearly fell out of his head when he picked you up at your apartment building. He knew he had good taste, but he was always taken back by how beautiful you looked.
     As the limo came to a halt, Duncan was the first out. He quickly straightened out his suit and made his way over to your side of the car, opening the door for you like the gentleman he was.
      “Ready?” he questioned, placing both of his hands on your shoulders to smooth out the creases in your gown from the ride over. It was a gentle and soothing gesture that made your heart beat in your ears.
      You looked him up and down one last time before looping your arm around his. He looked perfect, as always. Dressed in all black, and not a hair on his curly head out of place. It was styled differently this time, quaffed back instead of resting to the side. His scruff had been cleaned up around the edges, meaning he was really trying to make an impression on his mother with you by his side.
      You joined Duncan at the elbow and waltzed into the french doors of one of the largest country clubs you’ve ever seen, unsure of where the night would lead you.
     The ballroom of the country club must have been bigger than your entire childhood home. The ceilings felt like they were 50 feet high, and there was a waiter stationed at least every 10 steps to cater to your every need. Duncan escorted you straight to the bar, claiming that you both needed at least one drink before doing anything or speaking to anyone.
     He was nervous like you, and you could tell, but of course, he had different reasons. It was clear by the way he acted in your apartment that he cared a great deal what his mother thought of him, and impressing her was on the top of his list. Maybe she’d have his ass for spending so much money on a young girl such as yourself, but you still couldn’t wrap your head around it as to how that could be. You’d settled on the idea that perhaps he just had a close relationship with his mother, and that he’d do anything to stay in her good graces.
     As you nursed the cocktail Duncan had ordered for you (Which was fucking incredible by way. Why was he so good at everything?), your eyes wandered around the spacious room. There had to have been at least 200 people in the room, and more than a handful of them were familiar faces. You’d read about them, learned about them in class. They were infamous lobbyists, members of Congress, even a member of the Presidental Cabinet you’d managed to pick out amongst the crowd. This was his circle, the big dogs he ran with. You began to feel extremely overwhelmed and claustrophobic, the energy of the room becoming overbearing. How could you ever be with Duncan when this is what he did for a living?
     Just as you were about to excuse yourself to the bathroom for a proper panic session, Duncan’s grip on your arm tightened exponentially. Turning to him to see what was wrong, you noticed a small-framed, brunette woman making her way towards you with an ear-to-ear grin plastered on her face.
     “Well, well, well. Look who decided to finally show up!” The woman took both sides of Duncan’s face in her hands and pressed short, brief kisses on each of his cheeks. You weren’t sure who she was, but you had the inkling this was the woman of the hour. The one you’d been waiting to meet. Although she didn’t resemble Duncan in the slightest, the way Duncan’s jaw was tightened and the short breaths he was taking made you certain that she was an important figure.
     “Hi, mom,” the words slipped past his lips, almost in a mumble.
     “I was beginning to think I’d never find you in this place! You know I really like this venue, I think we should keep it in-“ by this time she was rambling about things beyond your grasp of knowledge. Something about the app you’d heard Duncan mention plenty of times before but could never wrap your head around, something about crowd-funding and one specific congressman you’d heard about from a tax-evasion scandal on tv. It sent you further into your spiral of anxiety. It must have been pretty obvious, because Duncan then unthreaded his arm from yours and moved it to rest on your hip, pulling you closer towards him to steady your shaking. He ran his hand up and down your side against the embellished fabric, it was calming to you but it was more for himself at that moment. He was nodding at every word that left his mother’s mouth, even though he could barely focus on her words himself.
     “-anyways. Enough of all of that. Were you going to introduce me or were you just gonna let her stand there all night with her hip glued to yours?”
     Your stomach dropped as you peered up at the woman. She was looking you up and down, taking in your form. You checked yourself one more time, making sure you hadn’t spilled something on your elaborate gown or had lipstick in your teeth. This was it. Time to put on a show.
     “Mom, this is Y/N.” Duncan’s features softened slightly as the mention of your name, a smile ghosting over his lips. He continued to run his hands up and down your side as he introduced you, a crutch for both you and him.
     “It’s lovely to meet you, Miss Y/N. I hope you’re finding this evening to be worth your while. We put a lot of work into this event, so I hope everyone has a good time.” She extended her hand to you, and you reciprocated, giving her a firm shake.
     “This place is incredible, Ms. Shepherd. Thank you so much for inviting me,” you stated in the most uppity voice you could manage. A beauty pageant smile adorned your face, sure to fool anyone.
     “Oh please, call me Annette!” She placed her hand over heart in exclamation.
     “Well, it’s great to finally meet you, Annette.” Duncan watched the two of you interact intently, ready to interject at the split second something could go wrong.
     “Duncan’s not told me much about you. What you do? Where are you from? Tell me all about yourself! You’ve got to be some kind of special if Duncan’s spending more money on you than he is on himself.”
     She wasn’t nearly as intimidating as you’d imagined. Sure, you were nervous as hell that she’d ask you a personal question about Duncan you didn’t know the answer to, and you were nervous about the decision you’d have to make by the end of the night (to confront him about your feelings or walk away from it all), but there was nothing about this woman that was particularly menacing.
     You cut your eyes to Duncan before parting your lips to speak. He gave your side a quick squeeze, letting you know you were going to be fine.
     “I, umm...I’m a student at Georgetown. I grew up kinda far away from here actually. I don’t have any family here or anything-“
     “That’s actually how we met, isn’t it, Y/N? At Georgetown? That symposium about higher education and research?” The cock of his eyebrow pleading for you to catch the hint.
     “Yeah, it was,” you shot him another glance and a toothy smile, slowly becoming more comfortable in Annette’s presence thanks to Duncan.
     “Aren’t you two just the cutest!?” Annette professed. “If I remember correctly, that symposium was forever ago. How come I’m only just now finding out about you?”
     Both you and Duncan swallowed the lump in your throat. You racked your brain for an excuse, anything to get her off this line of questioning. Thank god for Duncan’s smooth tongue, because you were at a loss for words.
     “We’ve just been taking it slow. Didn’t want to rush anything. We’re both pretty busy so we just haven’t really had the time to take any extra steps.” He spoke so calmly as if he’d been practicing how he would answer this exact question. He was her son, after all, surely he was aware of the kinds of things she’d be asking about.
     “Well, I hope you can make it out to another event soon. I think there’s a gala in the works for next month. Or maybe you can convince Duncan to come back to his mother’s house and we can have a proper get-together over a nice dinner. He never comes to see me outside of work anymore. I’m sure you’re busy with school, but I’d love to see more of you,” Annette gave an earnest smile to the two of you.
     “Of course, I’d love that,” you flashed your pearly whites at Annette and looked up one more time at Duncan. His face had completely softened when looking into your eyes. You caught a flicker of a spark behind his ocean blue’s, unsure of what it meant.
     “If you guys don’t mind, I actually just spotted one of the potential top donors for tonight. I’m gonna squeeze on by and say hello before he gets too drunk and has to be escorted out,” Annette tensed up in amusement and disappeared in the masses.
     Duncan exhaled audibly as soon as she went out of his line of vision. He turned to face you, now resting both hands at your hips.
     “Thank you. So much.”
     “No problem. It wasn’t that bad. She’s not nearly as terrifying as you made her out to be,” you said with a few chuckled in between sentences. You really didn’t know why Duncan made her out to be this big, bad, scary monster. She behaved like any other mother would in her situation. She hardly batted an eyelash when you told her you were still in school, and didn’t ask anything that was particularly worrisome. There was nothing out of the ordinary of her in your eyes. As far as you were concerned, she seemed pretty satisfied.  
     “Yeah, well, maybe if she raised you you’d know how hard it is to make her happy. She was either lying her ass off just then, or she was actually impressed. I genuinely don’t think she was lying, didn’t see any of her tell-tale signs, but then again she never fails to surprise me,” a blush covered Duncan’s cheeks and he scratched the back of his neck as he spoke.
     You quietly nodded back at him, unsure of how to respond.
     “Anyways, how about we actually enjoy ourselves now that my mother is under control? I can show you around if you’d like.”
     “Sounds like a wonderful idea.”
     How you’d ended up outdoors, propped against the lip of an Olympic-sized, cascading water fountain was beyond you. To your chagrin, Duncan excused himself to talk to one of his business partners, claiming he’d only be a second. Seconds turned to minutes, and by now it must have been about 15 since he’d left your side. You took a couple turns down a never-ending hallway and somehow managed to find the doors leading to the garden. There were topiaries galore, and greenery covering nearly every square inch of the back yard. It was peaceful compared to the medley of booming voices indoors. 
     You took some time to reflect on the night, weighing out the pros and cons of what you were going to do. You hadn’t forgotten the way Duncan had been looking at you all night, it almost resembled the way you look at him. His eyes flutter like he was looking at something precious. The way he always kept one hand on you at all times was not unlost on you either. You wanted to believe it was genuine, but you had convinced yourself it was all part of his act. To sell this fake relationship to his mother and to everyone else in the room. 
     On the other hand, you were actually having a fun night. Duncan had led you throughout the country club, showing you the various rooms whilst talking shit about almost everyone in attendance. When you went back for more drinks, you caught Annette’s eye again. She gave you a cheerful wave and tilted her glass of wine towards you. You’d even introduced yourself to your favorite journalist, gushing over her latest work. 
     Your pondering was cut short when you heard the rustling of bushes not far from where you were resting. You were about to have company or you were about to be brutally murdered by some creep that had been hiding out. 
     When your vision cleared, you realized it was a man. He looked vaguely familiar from far away, maybe he was another famous public figure that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. He was dressed in a tuxedo, and his swagger was way too arrogant for your taste. Whoever he was, he was coming your way. You weren’t prepared for what was about to happen next.
     “Y/N? Is that you?” 
     His voice immediately sent shivers down your spine. You knew exactly who this man was. The two of you had a history, and not a good one. A few months before you met Duncan at the hotel bar, you’d had a little rendezvous with him. A couple times actually. Like Duncan, he had coaxed you back to the hotel more than once. You abruptly cut it off after finding out about his backwards, conservative rhetoric. You discovered via the internet that he was everything you despised, and you couldn’t even stand to look him in the eyes. He was a higher up for some media company that had tried to win you over multiple times by bragging about how much money he had. You never accepted a dime apart from the drinks he’d let you run up on his tab. He was repulsive, which you had told him the night you broke it off. It ended in him calling you a gold-digging whore that cared about no one but herself. Definitely not a ladies man to say the least. 
     You weren’t sure how to react, so you stayed put, straightening out the bottom of your gown that had been folded under your legs. Why the fuck was he even here? Of all of the people you could have run into, of course, it had to be him. 
     “Should have known you would have found your way into one of these. Tons of rich guys you can fuck around with and use for your own benefit,” he scoffed, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his coat. He smelled like bourbon, and you could see the drunken blush that covered his entire face even from the faint glow of the water fountain lights.
     “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You kept your eyes glued to your heels, praying for him to walk away or for someone to come to your rescue.
     “Oh come on, Y/N. We both know that’s not true.”
     “You’re just mad that I refused to blow you after I found out your company is one of the top donors to the NRA,” you fired back. “Plus, it’s not like I was missing out on anything special when I called it off.”
     His jaw clenched, clearly infuriated. You realized maybe it wasn’t the best idea to get into it with a grown man that was at least a head taller than you outside, in the dark, where no one could see or hear. When he took another step towards you, you flinched.
     “Listen here, you fucking slut-”
     You had never been more thankful to hear Duncan’s voice in your entire life. He all but broke out into a sprint trying to reach you. Mumbling a quick, “Thank god,” to yourself, Duncan finally caught up to you.
     “I’ve been looking everywhere for you! I was starting to think you ditched me or something,” Duncan said with a hearty chuckle.
     “No fucking way. You’re here with Shepherd?!” the man beside you ragged. Duncan hadn’t paid any attention to him until just then. 
     “Do you two know each other, Y/N?” Duncan looked at you both with raised eyebrows and his lips turned down in disgust.
     “Umm...we-” you started, scrambling to find the right words.
     “We do. Quite well, actually,” said the foul man cut you off. “You better watch your back around her, Dunc. She’s trouble. Only cares about herself. She’s nothing but a gold-digging whore that’ll leave you high and dry after she gets what she needs. I’ve seen her do it, and there’s no doubt in my mind that she’ll do it again.” 
     He jabbed his finger at you aggressively as he spoke, like he intended to shove you back. Before he got any closer, Duncan was immediately in-between the two of you. Duncan’s nostrils flared and his chest was poking out, mere seconds from snapping. 
     "Duncan, can we please just go,” you whispered from behind him.
     Duncan looked over his shoulder at you, giving you a brief head nod. 
     “You should probably get the fuck out of here,” Duncan spat at the man. “Unless you want your face plastered on the cover of every fucking newspaper in D.C., I suggest you never show your face to me ever again. The press loves a juicy story, and I’d be glad to give them one that’ll burn your company to the fucking ground.”
     He gave Duncan one last snarl before stomping off in defeat like a dog with its tail between its legs. When he was gone, Duncan gripped you by the elbow and led you out of the backyard, going around the side of the building instead of through the inside. He was quiet the whole time, and you were scared to know why.
     The car ride was silent, for the most part. Duncan revealed he went to the same university as the man from earlier. They were rivals, always going for each other’s throats whenever it was possible. Aside from that, not much else was said. You could tell Duncan was bothered by what happened, but you didn’t know if it was directed at you or the man. He kept rubbing his hands up his cheeks and jaw and had his body turned away from you, leaning on the window. 
     You had to face the music. After everything that just happened, was tonight the best time to confess your feelings? Were you even certain about what you wanted anymore? Sure, Duncan was great, but could you keep up with his lifestyle? The confrontation between you and the media mogul caused you enough anxiety to last a lifetime, and you certainly never wanted to have to do that shit ever again. 
     You’d told yourself the same thing one million times before. He’s a grown man, it would logistically never work out. Especially after this. 
     “Duncan,” you started, ready to shatter your hopes and dreams.
     He turned in your direction, the same, exhausted look on his face.
     “I don’t think this is gonna work out.”
     “What do you mean?” he asked, his facial expression quickly changing to one of confusion.
     “This. Us. All of it. I don’t want to do it anymore,” each word out of your mouth wedged the blade deeper and deeper into your chest.
     Duncan just stared at you, his face unreadable. His chest began to move more rapidly, but he stayed quiet. The silence lasted what felt like an eternity, damn near making you want to jump out of the moving limo.
     “Say something, Duncan. Please,” you pleaded.
     “Guess he was right, huh?” Duncan’s voice was low, like he was trying to steady himself without cracking.
     “That guy. When he said you take what you want and then you leave. You’re doing it right now. Aren’t you? You got what you wanted. The money, the clothes, the trips. You got caught, and now you’re running.”
     You couldn’t do anything but stare at Duncan with your mouth agape. He was really accusing you of being a gold-digger. If he only knew you stopped caring about the money months ago.
     “Are you fucking serious? You don’t actually believe what that piece of shit said, do you? You said it yourself, he’s a narcissistic asshole. He was fucking lying.” You argued, highly offended that Duncan would even say such a thing.
     “Honestly, I don’t know anymore. I can never figure you out. One minute it’s like you couldn’t care less about me, the next you look at me like you want something way more than a fuck. I’m not sure I can handle any more either.”
     There it was. The twist of the knife. It was ironic, really. Under any other circumstances, you might have thought Duncan was confessing his feelings for you. What he had just said was a mirror image of your inner thoughts, how you’ve been feeling about him for months. But the way he said it was so condescending, so hurtful, that you knew that wasn’t the case. He wanted nothing to do with you anymore.
     A stray tear managed to slide down your cheek, which you quickly wiped away with the flick of your finger.
     “Okay then,” you sighed, truly devastated that the man you had grown to care about so deeply thought so poorly of you. “Anything else you wanna add? Any more bullshit you wanna spew before you never hear from me again?”
     Duncan could barely hold eye contact with you. He was just as crushed as you were, only you didn’t know it. He kept his head tilted down, opting for silence.
     “Stop the car, please!” you called to the driver. 
     “Y/N, what are you doing?” Duncan rolled his eyes at you.
     “Going home. I don’t want to be in the car with you anymore.”
     The limo’s brakes screeched as the driver veered off to the sidewalk of the busy street. You gathered the bottom of your heavy gown in your hands and shoved your body out of the vehicle.
     “Y/N, stop being stupid. It’s late, it’s not safe. Let me drop you off, please,” Duncan called from the rolled-down window of the limo.
     “I’ll figure it out, Duncan. I’m not your responsibility anymore” you fired back. “You don’t have to ‘take care’ of me. I was fine before you, and I’ll be fine after you.”
     Your heels clanked against the uneven pavement as you walked away from Duncan and all of the baggage that came with him. In the heat of the moment, you were too fired up to not rub it in his face one last time how wrong he was. You turned back to see the limo still parked on the sidewalk, Duncan watching you. Perfect. Trudging back over to the car, you gave Duncan one last piece of your mind.
     “And by the way, asshole, I never did ANY of this for the money.”
     Adrenaline coursed through your veins, making you too wired to wait for Duncan’s reaction. You barged off into the dark of the city, this horrible, humiliating night being the only way you would remember Duncan for a long time.
     Months had passed since you had removed Duncan from your life. There wasn’t much left of your time together, your roommate insisted the two of you burn most of the shit he had bought you, lingerie included. 
     You did keep some things, however. Without Duncan’s money, you were back to being strapped for cash and trying your hardest to hit overtime at the coffee shop. You couldn’t afford to go out and buy a new laptop or replace the coffee maker, so he still popped into your mind from time to time. 
     School was going great, to your surprise. You were on track to graduate in just a handful of weeks, had good grades, and a positive outlook on your future. You even got accepted to conduct research with the head of your department in grad school next semester, which is how you’d once again ended up at that damned hotel for another university sanctioned gala in honor of their top students.
     You clung to the wall with your eyes peeled for Duncan. You weren’t going to let him sneak up on you like he had done all of those months before. You’d triple checked the pamphlet for tonight’s event, The Shepherd Freedom Foundation was the featured guest speaker for tonight, so you knew either him or Annette would be making an appearance. The particular corner you had set up base in gave you the perfect view of the entire ballroom, so you were sure to catch Duncan the second he entered the room.
     It wasn’t Duncan, nor was it Annette that took the stage. It was some man you’d never seen or heard Duncan ever talk about, so you were relieved, to say the least. Settling on the idea that Duncan had ditched tonight, you could finally let out the breath you’d been holding in ever since you waltzed through the revolving doors of the lobby.
     The gala had slowed, guests clearing out, music dying down. You found it best to leave, but not before heading to the bathroom one last time. The restrooms in the train station were filthy, and you wouldn’t be caught dead using one of them. 
     On your way out, you bumped chests with someone. Hard. The force sent both of you flying back at least a foot or two.
     “Holy shit. I am SO sorry,” you called out, still not being able to see properly.
     “It’s fine. I should have been watching where I was goi-”
     You tilted your head up, wondering why the stranger had stopped talking so suddenly.
     “Duncan,” you puffed. Of fucking course. Just as you thought you’d made it out unscathed.
     “Y/N.” Duncan looked like he had seen a ghost. “How have you been?”
     “Why do you care? I thought you couldn’t ‘handle me’ anymore. Isn’t that what you said?” you smarted off.
     “Please don’t be like this,” Duncan started, already tired of your attitude. “If you have a minute, I’d love to talk to you about that night. There are some things I need to get off my chest.”
     “Duncan, I really don’t have a minute. Save it, honestly. I got your message the first time. No need to rub it in again.”
     “That’s not it, Y/N. I want to apologize. I was a dick. For no reason. Come up to my room and give me 20 minutes to explain myself. That’s all I’m asking for.”
    You were ready to thwart him off again, hurl another insult at him. But the look on his face, the sincerity, made you hesitate. “It really isn’t worth it,” you thought to yourself, but seeing Duncan in the flesh opened the floodgates, your heart swelling full of emotion once more. Even if nothing came of what Duncan had to say, knowing you let him speak his mind made you think there could finally be some kind of clarity.
     An overwhelming feeling of deja-vu consumed you. You felt like you’d been in this exact position, better yet, you knew you had been in this exact position before. Leaning against the sturdy dresser of the hotel room while Duncan sat in the armchair in the corner of the room by the window. Only the last time, it was under completely different circumstances.
     “You wanted to apologize, right? I’m listening,” you didn’t have long until the trains stopped running, so 20 minutes was really all you had. 
     “Y/N...What I said to you that night. Was shitty. Uncalled for. I shouldn’t have let what that guy said get to me, but I did. You’re right, he is a narcissistic asshole. I know you would never do something like that. He was just jealous. Always has been ever since I can remember.”
     “No shit, Duncan. If you would have let me talk that night, I would have told you the truth. He never bought me anything besides drinks. That’s it. I called it off because he’s as disgusting as you said he is. I’ve never gone as far with anyone as I have with you.”
     “I know,” Duncan whispered. His nerves were building, you could sense it from the slight changes in his composure that you once picked up on all that time ago.
     “Then why did you do it?” you grilled at him.
     Duncan was quiet again, staring at his feet.
     “Duncan? Hello??” 
     He finally looked up at you, his eyes glassy and lashes fluttering to ward off tears.
     “Did you mean it when you said you never did this for the money?”
     Duncan got up from his seat and made his way over to you, your heart rate skyrocketing. You guessed now was as good as it was going to get if you were going to finally tell him how you’d felt about him for the back half of the time you were together.
     “Yeah, I did. At first, I didn’t mind it. The lingerie was nice, but I stopped caring about everything about halfway through. Paris is what kinda did me in. Every call, every trip. I just showed up for you. You could’ve cut me off from everythingand I still would have been at your door in a heartbeat. I never said anything, because I was never sure how you would react. I was more comfortable putting on a front than potentially ruining what we had. But I don’t really know why I’m telling you all of this. It’s not like it matters anymo-”
     You were cut off by Duncan smashing his lips against yours. Immediately, his scent, his taste, the feeling of his hands on the sides of your neck, it was completely overbearing. You hadn’t realized how much you’d missed kissing him until now. The faint taste of liquor always on the back of his tongue, the way he tugged at your bottom lip with his teeth in a way that was rough, but just the way you liked it. When he drew back, you were breathless, your lips tingling from the stimulation.
     Duncan rested his forehead against yours, hands still holding on to either side of your face.
     “Y/N I think I’m in love with you.”
     Spots clouded your vision. This whole time, you’d torn yourself up over the idea that Duncan could never care about you in the way you felt for him. You were sure of it. You’d said it over and over, at least a hundred times.
    “I’m serious. I never realized it until you were gone. I was raised on the premise that money solves all problems. That money gets you what you want. I’m not good at communicating how I feel. I was taught to manipulate and to lie from the time I could speak full sentences. I thought that if I kept buying you shit, you’d stay. That any form of intimacy was good enough, even if it meant nothing to you. But it meant something to me. It always did. I just never thought that I’d end up caring about you this much.”
     You weren’t aware of the tears littering your cheeks until Duncan swiped them away with his thumbs. There you both stood, chests shaky, trembling in each other’s arms. Everything was on the table.
     “I need you to stop talking and kiss me again,” you stated matter-of-factly.
     Duncan gave you the toothiest grin you had ever seen and pressed his lips to yours again, only gentler. The muscles of his mouth expertly worked against yours. You savored the feeling you’d deprived yourself of for so long. 
     Caught in another wave of familiarity, you walked him back to the bed. He caught on, letting you shrug off his coat before placing himself right at the edge. You crawled into his lap, your thighs straddling his waist, never once breaking the kiss. Duncan held you in place with his large hands, sighing at the sensation of being able to hold you once again. He really thought he had lost you for good.
     “Are you sure you want this?” he asked. He wasn’t sure he could bring himself to fuck you again if you were going to turn your back on him the second you finished.
     You nodded, looking deep into the crystal blue skies of his eyes.
     “I’ve never been more sure about anything in my entire life.”
     Duncan silently chuckled into your open mouth, pulling you in for another kiss.
     “Good. Now take off your clothes and lie down.”
     His demand ignited the fire in your belly, sending the already pooling wetness in your core over the edge and into the fabric your panties. You did as you were told, torn between wanting to tease him by taking your time and all but ripping your blouse off of your chest to get straight to business. Duncan licked his lips as you undressed, never once taking his eyes off of you. Once you dropped your panties on top of the rest of your discarded clothes, you made your way to the king-sized bed. The same exact one you’d spent many sleepless hours in for several consecutive months.
     “You’re so beautiful, Y/N,” Duncan said, running his hands up and down your bare thighs, parting them to reveal your glistening center. Duncan groaned at the sight, closing his eyes in satisfaction. He slowly ran his fingers through you folds, spreading your slick around, making you jolt on contact.
     “No teasing. I need you inside of me,” you panted.
     Duncan clicked his tongue at your remark. “I need to show you just how sorry I am. Let me prove it to you.”
      With that, he dove into your heat, lips immediately attaching to your clit. He started with slow, gentle sucking motions, pulling back every now and then to place delicate kisses on your most sensitive area. The tugging on your now swollen clit combined with Duncan’s velvet tongue had you whimpering within minutes. Maybe it was because you’d been touch-deprived ever since you ditched Duncan, or maybe he was really just that good. You truly missed this. No one compared to the way Duncan could make you feel. He was acutely aware of every twitch, every reaction you had to his touches. He decided to push you further by dipping his tongue into your entrance to fully taste you. Duncan moaned into your cunt, the taste of you being something he swore he could never get enough of.
     “God I forgot how fucking good you taste, baby girl.”
     You mewled underneath him, his words sending another bout of arousal through your body. He let a warm string of saliva fall from his lips, watching it drip down your already drenched folds before diving back down to drink from you once again. You felt your slick and Duncan’s spit running down your core, surely forming a wet spot on the duvet. Instinctively, you reached one arm down to pull Duncan closer by his hair, pleading for him to work his tongue faster and harder against you. 
     He took the hint, moving on to rutting in and out of your pussy with his mouth and gliding his tongue through your folds with more vigor than before. You were grinding against him, trying to gain any kind of friction there was to offer. Duncan removed one hand from of the inside of your thigh and trailed it down to where his mouth was, leaving goosebumps along your legs. Using his index finger, he torturously worked you open while his lips continued nibbling at your clit. He was lost in his own world, eyes closed, nose pressed harshly against your hood. It gave you some relief, but it still wasn’t enough. You wanted to let go so badly, to let pleasure overpower you. But Duncan’s cock was what you really wanted more than anything.
     It took everything in you to push Duncan’s head away from you. Using your elbows, you sat yourself up on the bed and reached for the buttons on Duncan’s shirt. He happily obliged, working at removing his belt and pants. When he peeled his tight boxers off of his thighs, you were greeted by his rock hard cock bobbing in the cool air of the hotel room. Your mouth watered at the sight, so many thoughts racing through your mind of what you wanted to do to him.
     He hungrily climbed on top of you and began kissing up and down your neck and into the dips of your collarbones. You never thought you’d feel this way again, consumed by Duncan. His hair tickled your chin, causing you to squirm and giggle beneath him. He pulled his lips from your neck with a smacking noise and looked up to see what you were laughing at.
     “What?” he asked, lips red and puffy, slick with spit.
     “Your hair. It tickles.”
     He looked at you once again with bewilderment. How he had managed to find you both back then and now again tonight was beyond his comprehension. He could look at you smiling like that for the rest of his life, he thinks to himself.
     Duncan returned the smile before bringing your lips together once again. You used his moment of weakness to take control, wrapping your legs around his torso and shoving Duncan sideways with your arms so that you were now on top of him, your bare core pressed against his stomach. Normally, he’d punish you for even thinking about doing such a thing. But this time, he couldn’t bring himself to care. He was willing to do anything to you and for you, even if it meant letting you take the reigns.
     You slid back, leaving a trail of your wetness all the way down to Duncan’s waist. Using the muscles in your thighs, you carefully lifted yourself away from him so you could position his aching cock beneath you. He hissed at the stimulation of only your fingers, just as touch-starved as you. 
     First running his tip through your slickened folds for lubrication, you then hovered his cock directly above your entrance, bracing yourself for the stretch. As you sunk down, your eyes grew wider and wider, your face contorting into a look of pain and pleasure. 
     “You okay?” Duncan asked when you were fully seated on his cock, his brows furrowed, with small beads of sweat collecting just above them.
     “Mhmm,” you said, or moaned rather. “I forgot how big you are.”
     Duncan lay beneath you, biting his bottom lip so hard he might have drawn blood, but was too preoccupied to notice. It was taking every bit of the willpower had left not to begin bucking his hips into yours.
     He reached forward to grab both of your hands, lacing your fingers with his. He brought your knuckles to his lips, pressing reassuring kisses to each digit. 
     Once you were as adjusted to Duncan’s cock as you’d ever be and the slight pain from the foreign stretch subsided, you began to swivel your hips along his stomach, just barely grinding against him. Duncan kept his eyes on you, squeezing ever so slightly on your palms. The tiny whines leaving your chest with every rotation was music to his ears, but it was egging him on more than he could handle.
     “As good as you feel right now, princess, I’m gonna need you to move a little faster before this takes a turn for the worse and we’re both unhappy.”
     You snickered at Duncan, leaning down to lay your chest flat against his, his throbbing cock still piercing you. You kissed up his jaw, savoring the coarseness of his scruff against your lips. His hands unraveled from yours and went immediately to your ass, spreading you further apart and kneading the skin with his fingers. 
     “Tell me how much you missed me,” you started, in between nipping and sucking at the skin behind his ear with your teeth. “Tell me how much you missed this, daddy.”
     Duncan swallowed hard. He hadn’t heard you say his name like that in what felt like a lifetime. 
     “I missed you,” he gulped, “So fucking much. I missed your tight little pussy. How good it feels when you cum all over daddy’s cock. I wanna fill you up so bad.” 
     You spasmed on top of him, another wave of arousal gushing from you. With a throaty groan, you lifted yourself off Duncan’s cock and quickly slammed back down. Duncan’s breath hitched in the back of his throat, finally scratching that itch he’d had for months.
     You sat up slightly, placing the palms of your hands on Duncan’s pecks. Your pace was as quick as you could manage, his cock sliding in and out of your drenched cunt effortlessly. You fit together like a puzzle piece you thought. Made for each other, not belonging with anyone else. The gushing sounds of wet skin slapping together and exhausted panting encompassed the room. The initial burn had long gone and pure, carnal pleasure had taken over you as you impaled your body on Duncan’s cock.
     “God, Y/N. Are you close? I don’t think I can hold it much longer,” he confessed. 
     “Almost. Just hang on for a little while longer. I wanna cum with you.”
     You were bouncing on top of him now, your breasts bobbing along to your movements. Duncan shifted his position slightly, moving both of you a few feet back so he could rest his back against the headboard. He took you by the small of your back and pulled you as close as humanly possible, wanting to feel every inch of your skin against his.
     He eagerly placed on hand on the back of your neck, moving the other up to the spot between your shoulder blades to keep you close as you milked his cock. He started at your lips, working his tongue against yours in starving passion. Moving down to the hollow of your throat, he sucked harsh, moon shaped marks against your skin. You were chanting his name over and over, thrust after thrust like a prayer, losing yourself in Duncan’s touch.
     You weren’t sure if you could do it. Every muscle in your body ached from riding him, sweat coating every square inch of your skin. Duncan noted your falter and began moving your hips for you, thrusting you up and down his cock with all of the strength he had left. He was barely holding on himself.
     “Y/N I’m gonna-”
     He came suddenly with a grunt. His eyelashes fluttered and his mouth was parted slightly. You felt him spill inside of you, his hot seed coating your contracting walls. Duncan milked you for all that you were worth, his cum leaking onto his shaft, spurring on your own release in the process. The heat once pooling in the pit of your stomach spreading throughout your entire body. Your hips sputtered, unable to keep going through your orgasm, you buried your head in the crook of his neck.
     For a solid minute, neither of you said anything. You just laid there, still inside of him, catching your breath, your cheek resting on his shoulder. You had no idea what was going to happen next. You’d both just confessed your feelings, and you both felt the same way, but you kept asking yourself the same question. Would it ever work?
     “Duncan?” You spoke up, still not moving your head from the comfort of his shoulder.
     “Do you think we could ever be together?” you were quieter this time, suddenly feeling as vulnerable as the night he approached you with the idea of the “arrangement” that briefly turned both of your lives upside down.
     “Is that not what we’re doing right now?” he asked.
     “You know what I mean.”
     “I’m willing to give it a shot. We’ve made it this far. Only a smaaaall mishap.”
     “Yeah, a small mishap,” you laughed, nuzzling further into Duncan’s neck.
     “Tell you what. Why don’t you stay here, and we can talk about it in the morning. I’m actually extremely fucking exhausted.”
     “Deal,” you replied.
     Duncan slid himself out of you, a chill taking over you at the suddenly emptiness. He turned you on your side, wrapping his long arms around your waist as he pulled the sheet up to your chest. You faced him this time, not worried about what he was thinking or what he would say next.
     He kissed the top of your forehead while running his fingers through the knots in your hair. You leaned into his touch before exhaustion took over and you both fell asleep. You dreamed of each other again, just like in Paris, only this time about the future each of you would have together.
(If you’re not on my tag list, I hope it’s okay that I tagged you! Definitely let me know if don’t want me to!)
@avesatanormalpeoplescareme @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @venusxxlangdon   @ccodyfern @michaellangdong @michael-langdon-owns-my-soul @wroteclassicaly @omg-hellgirl @aveiangdon @belusima  @readsalot73 @americanhorrorstudies @langdonsdemon @ticklish-leafy-plant @michaelfuckinglangdon @fpsjacket @mother-tequila 
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icyharrington · 6 years
Fever Dreams (Michael Langdon X Reader)
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im just gonna go ahead and apologize for the fact that i literally did not proofread this at all bc im tired as fuck and have to wake up so fucking early tomorrow. i had so many technical difficulties writing this so i sincerely hope y’all enjoy reading this lmao
plot: (slight au taking place pre-apocalypse, in which miss robichaux’s academy integrates with the hawthorne school.) you can’t stand michael langdon. michael langdon wants nothing more than to get under your skin.
warnings: fem!Reader, intercourse, rough sex, dirty talk, spanking, school uniform michael 
word count: 3.1k
“This is the best day ever,” whispered one witch to you, her eyes widening as a gaggle of fresh-faced men in well tailored uniforms strode into the dining room of Miss Robichaux’s academy.
“This is stupid,” you said bitterly, stabbing a fork into your food. “Integrating Miss Robichaux’s with Hawthorne is going to do nothing but distract us from the real important things.”
“Depends what you consider to be important,” said another witch. “I haven’t gotten dick in over a year.”
You rolled your eyes. You were the top witch in your class, and it was often whispered amongst your peers that you were next in line to become supreme. There was no way you’d let a bunch of testosterone-filled man-children get in the way of that, no matter how badly Cordelia wanted to be “inclusive”.
From the corner of your eye, you could see a man approaching you and your classmates. You refused to look over, taking a bite of food and staring blankly at the white wall across from you with as unfriendly of an expression on your face as you could manage.
“Ladies,” came a smooth voice, and you indulged yourself in a single discreet glance just to see what the guy looked like. He was tall, with well styled blond hair framing his face, which even you could admit had some top quality bone structure. He gave a small smile, but you could tell even through his polite demeanor that he was quite confident.
“My name is Michael Langdon. Thank you for welcoming us Hawthorne boys to your school,” he said, and you didn’t even have to look at your classmates to know that they were flustered. Stifling another eye roll, you turned your attention back to your plate.
“Hi Michael,” said the girl next to you, her voice breathy. She wasn’t even attempting to seem calm, which irritated you even further. The last thing this guy needed was an ego boost. You watched from the corner of your eye as he bowed slightly at the hip, his hand extended for her to shake.
He cleared his throat, and the girl on your other side nudged you slightly to get your attention. You looked up, and realized he was offering you his hand now. You just stared at it like it was a foreign object, hoping to piss him off.
He cocked an eyebrow at you and ran his tongue along his bottom lip.
“And you are?” He said. You were pleased to hear that he had the tiniest twinge of annoyance in his voice. Typical attractive boy, getting his ego bruised the minute a girl didn’t fawn all over him.
“(Y/n). I actually happen to be the top of the class here, and I don’t intend to let your kind get in the way of that.”
His lips turned up slightly on one end as his eyes surveyed you, and he crossed his arms in front of his flawlessly pressed blazer. “My kind?”
“Yes. Your kind. Men.” Maybe you were getting a tiny bit carried away with the bitch act, but something about this Michael Langdon character made you want to put him in his place. You had the feeling he was used to getting whatever he wanted whenever he wanted.
“Quite a backwards attitude to have in this day and age, don’t you think?”
“Maybe,” you said coolly. “But it’s the truth that women are superior in the art of witchcraft. So unless you need a tutor, I have no interest in interacting with you.” You stood up with a flourish, your chair screeching noisily against the wooden floor, and started on your way out.
You couldn’t help but look over your shoulder, though, to see his reaction. He simply stood there, hands in his pockets, an indecipherable expression across his face as he watched you. If you didn’t know any better, though, you might have even thought he was smiling.
It was a Saturday afternoon and you were practicing divination, your worst subject, in the living room. You’d asked one of your classmates to hide a series of objects throughout the room, and you were stuck as you tried to figure out the location of the final object, an old-fashioned golden pocketwatch.
You rubbed your temples and looked towards the ceiling, mumbling to yourself as you tried, unsuccessfully, to lift the fog in your mind.
You were so wrapped up in focus that you hardly noticed the sound of dress shoes crossing the wooden floor, and nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard a voice mere inches away from you.
“Is this what you’re trying to find?”
Your eyes shot open, only to find Langdon standing over you, a smug grin on his face as he dangled the watch out in front of him. Jumping to your feet from the couch, you snatched the object from his hand.
“Who told you where that was?”
“Nobody,” he said, pleased to witness your frustration. “Well, besides myself. I AM the top of my class in divination, you know.” There was a twinge of mocking to his tone, and you shot him a scowl.
“What are you even doing here?”
“What, am I not allowed to stroll the halls of my own lovely school?” he said, looking at you with mischief glinting in his piercing blue eyes. “The walls call out to me. I’m always hearing my name, echoing in and out of every corner.”
He stepped closer to you, and you scoffed. “Do you happen to excel in clairvoyance? Because those whispers might be all the thirsty girls at this school having wet dreams about you.”
He chuckled. “Does that bother you?”
“Why the fuck would that bother me?” you snapped, gathering your bag from the ground and swinging it over your shoulder. “Other than the fact that no one here gives a shit about witchcraft anymore, just about getting dicked down.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I haven’t been particularly interested in any of the girls here.”
“And I should care... why?” you brushed past him, huffing something about personal space issues under your breath as you tried to made your way to the door. Something, however, kept a hold on you, and your feet remained planted to the floor as Michael took a step closer to you.
“I think you’re jealous, (y/n),” he said, smirking again as he watched your face contort into anger. “Of the way I’m desired. Of the way I can have anyone I want. I can fuck a different witch every single day if I wanted to.” His voice was soft, seductive. Something swirled in the depths of your stomach as he spoke, but you ignored it.
You gaped at him, disgust blooming through you as you made another attempt to get away, in vain. “You really are a pompous dick.”
“Maybe,” he said, lips just inches from yours. You flinched, readying your fist at your sides to pummel him should he try anything. “But you, my dear, are a bitter bitch.”
With that, the hold on you broke, and you hurried towards the door. “Go fuck yourself,” you said, seething, not bothering to look at him.
“You’d like to see that, wouldn’t you?”
You knew it only fueled him when you gave him a reaction, but you couldn’t help it; flicking your wrist, you sent a book on the coffee table flying at his head, missing by mere centimeters as it slammed against the wall.
He only laughed, a low, deep luscious laugh that you knew you’d hear in your dreams.
Fucking asshole.
Lustful moans filled the air alongside the sound of skin slapping together, raw and vulgar, and you panted words that didn’t exist as the faceless man behind you thrust inside your walls.
The paintings on the walls watched you, the supremes of long ago casting shameful gazes upon your naked body.
You didn’t care.
There were hands on your body, hundreds of hands, some hot as embers and others cold as snow, and the all-white room seemed to stretch for miles and miles, the door evading you further with each second coaxing you closer to orgasm.
Michael, Michael, Michael, you thought, or said, or whatever it was, you couldn’t be quite sure, but your eyes were rolling back into your head now, lolling all the way until you could see the inside of your skull, and your brain, slimy and gray.
The world went white, but the man kept thrusting in you, taking you over, and you noticed a droplet of blood fall from your nose and onto the pristine, empty expanse of the ground.
AVE SATANAS, said a booming voice, and in that moment you came, harder than you ever had in your life, gasping for breath as your body convulsed with electrically charged pleasure.
When you woke up, it was past midnight, and you were drenched in a cold sweat. There was a throbbing ache between your legs, but you ignored it, begging the universe to let you fall back asleep undisturbed.
In the morning, you weren’t able to recall much about the dream, but there was no way you could forget the name which had repeated itself throughout like a taunt against your sanity.
You were bothered enough by your dream that you opted out of the outing Cordelia had planned for everyone the next day. Her plan was to show the new students some of the most important magical landmarks around New Orleans, and you’d actually been pretty excited to go. Now, though, you’d much rather stay in your room and far away from Michael.
Whether or not your dream meant anything, he irritated you, and you didn’t feel like being put in a bad mood for the umpteenth time this week. So you stayed back, reading in your bed for a while, before you decided that you’d get something to eat from the kitchen.
Wearing only a skimpy tank top and shorts, you always feeling far too warm in the New Orleans heat, you rifled through the kitchen cabinets before deciding to have some Cheerios. You didn’t have much of an appetite at all, but you needed to eat something, so cereal was your meal of choice. You poured a bowl and headed back to the dining room, enjoying the fact that you had the usually chaotic house all to yourself.
Well, that’s what you thought, at least. You nearly dropped your bowl of cereal onto the ground in shock upon entering the dining room and seeing the last fucking person you wanted to see standing there, a bemused expression across his face.
“Michael,” you exclaimed, stopping in your tracks, all at once feeling extremely exposed in your revealing sleepwear. You put the bowl down before wrapping your arms around your prominent cleavage, embarrassment flooding your body as his blue eyes scanned your body not-so-discreetly.
“Fancy seeing you here,” he said with a smile. You had a sneaking suspicion that he knew you’d stayed home to avoid him, and so he, too, had decided to stay back to give you an unpleasant surprise.
The only difference between the two of you, though, was that he was wearing his uniform, impeccably ironed and suited perfectly to his frame. This only increased the flush in your cheeks, and you avoided his gaze as best as you could. “Michael, why are you here?”
“Wasn’t feeling up to the trip,” he said, bored, taking a step around the dining table to come closer to you, dragging his toe lightly on the ground as he did.
“Bullshit,” you said, backing away just slightly. “You stayed here so you could fuck with me.”
“Now what would ever make you think that?” He tilted his head to the side pensively, eyes searing into yours, and you felt your stomach drop. “Silly little witch. You really think I care that much about you?”
“Oh, please. It’s so obvious that you wanna get under my skin.”
He took another step towards you. You backed up again, steadily, keeping your eyes on him as your breaths drew shorter.
“And have I?” He asked, looking down at you, and it was then that you realized how much taller he was than you. You swallowed nervously, taking another shaky stride back as he cornered you even further, your back coming closer and closer to the wall with each step. “Have I gotten under your skin?”
You shuddered, remembering the dream, and suddenly you felt powerless, like he could wipe out your existence at any given moment. You knew he liked you to feel this way, utterly helpless, and your brain screamed at you to react. To throw him across the room with a single flick of your hand. But you didn’t.
“I think I have,” he said, coming closer, and you were startled by a thud as your back hit the wall behind you. He had you cornered now, so you just stood there, looking at him like a deer in headlights.
“You’re such a fucking dick,” you said, fists balled at your side, but you had no intentions of using them.
“Hm? And what are you going to do about it?”
His lips brushed your cheek, sending a harsh chill down your spine. Your throat defied you, letting out a soft whimper, and then his lips were on yours. Without a moment’s hesitation, you kissed him back, unable to resist him as he consumed you. Your hair stood on end at his touch, his hands grazing down your hips and onto your ass, squeezing greedily.
He hummed in your ear softly, his hand reaching up to grip your neck. “See, isn’t this what you wanted all along?”
You couldn’t bring yourself to reply; he lifted his knee up between your legs, smirking as you gasped at the sudden contact. You rocked your hips forward, hissing at the feel of his dress pants between your thighs, and he kissed you again, hungry and authoritative.
He wrapped his hands under your bare thighs, hoisting them up to wrap around his waist, and once he had a proper hold on you, he turned around and tossed you onto the dining table. You pulled him towards you by the front of his shirt, connecting your lips with his and sliding your tongue between his teeth.
He pulled off your top and didn’t waste a second before roughly groping your breasts, leaning forward to suck one nipple hard while rolling the other between two fingers, occasionally applying a jarring pinch. Then he flipped you over onto your stomach, clearly eager to get to the real action, your breasts flattening against the cold wooden table as your bare feet grazed the ground. He pulled your shorts and underwear down in one go, leaving you entirely vulnerable and naked in his presence. It made it worse that he hadn’t undressed himself at all, but something about being so submissive to him turned you on more than you’d care to admit.
He massaged both of your ass cheeks, spreading them apart and reaching one hand under you to slide between your slick folds. “So fucking wet for me,” he muttered, digging his fingernails into your skin, causing you to whine slightly.
“Since you’ve acted like a bitch for the duration of us knowing each other, I have no choice but to treat you like one,” he said, gripping your right ass cheek before giving it a hard, firm slap. You surged forward, but he yanked you back towards him, giving you another slap on the other cheek, harder this time.
You moaned, and he gave you another spank. “You like being treated like a bitch? Huh?” He asked, grabbing a fist full your hair and yanking it back. “Answer me,” he demanded.
“Yes, Michael, fuck,” you grunted, your words separated with each spank he gave you, each one harder than the next. You were sure your ass would be covered in his hand prints for the next week, but you didn’t care.
He paused, and you could hear the tell tale sound of him unzipping his pants. You bit your lip, knowing what was coming next, and you wanted so badly to turn around and see his cock. You stayed put, though, knowing not to act without his permission, and within moments you felt the head of his dick rub itself along your slit.
“Beg me,” he said, letting his dick sit just against your entrance. You squirmed slightly, and he placed his hand on your lower back to hold you still.
“Please, Michael,” you said, hardly aware of the words leaving your mouth. You just wanted him inside you, wanted him to own you. “Please fuck me. I’ll be good from now on, I’ll do whatever you want. Please.”
He rubbed himself against your wetness again, painfully slow, and without warning he slammed himself inside. You gasped, shocked at his massive length, but he did not give you time to adjust before committing to a quick, intense pace. Thrusting inside you ruthlessly, you grasped at the edges of the table to hold yourself steady, a string of expletives leaving you as he fucked you hard and fast.
One hand yanked your head back, hard, by the hair, while the other wrapped around to grip your throat, your hips bucking back to meet his thrusts as you panted desperately, shouting incoherent words as tears filled your eyes and dribbled onto the wooden surface of the table.
“You’re like a bitch in heat,” he said smugly, stopping mid-thrust. “Beg me to cum.”
“Please, Michael,” you said, voice cracking, cheek resting against the table and palms flat on either side of you. You’d never felt so degraded in your life, but you loved it. “Please. Let me cum, I’ll be good, I swear.”
He finished his thrust, filling you up and making you cry out, and it wasn’t long before your walls clenched around him and you came, bursts of white-hot light in front of your eyes. Only seconds later, he had your hips gripped hard in his hands as he hurried to finish, and you could only imagine how beautiful his face might look on the brink of an orgasm.
He let go, grunting with each breath, his warmth flooding up inside you. You laid there, trying to recover as he tucked himself back into his pants, seemingly unbothered by the whole interaction. You, on the other hand, knew you wouldn’t be able to sit for a good week; it was well worth it to you, though, and as you re-dressed yourself, you hardly could bring yourself to mind the cocky way he smirked at you.
He looked as if he was about to speak, and you shot him a playful, yet slightly annoyed glance as you pulled your top back over your head. “Don’t even say anything,” you said, and he laughed.
That night, you dreamt of Michael again, but this time, you liked it.
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jichew · 5 years
kim seunghun♡soulmate!au
a/n: this took….WAY TOO LONG to finish. I apologize if this au is not as cohesive bc I did write it over the span of a few weeks lol. Thank you all for waiting so patiently and feel free to leave any requests as I will be free to write this weekend!!! mwah♡
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so,, in this alternate universe exists the soulmate tattoo
yes, i know so creative ;w;
essentially, you are born with the name of your soulmate tattooed somewhere on your body
and you have the absolute pleasure of having the name kim seunghun tattooed in cursive across the expanse of your right hip
spicy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
anyway,,, you’re kind of asjsdjkSAD
bc seunghun is such a common name??? and you’ve met so many seunghuns???
but NONE of them are your soulmate :((((
you would know,, considering u basically ripped a guys shirt off when he told u that yes, his name was kim seunghun but no, he did not have ur name on his hip
uhh but that’s a story for another day :,)
anyway,,, ur kinda bummed??
and it’s gotten to the point where you’ve almost lost all hope of finding him
but anyway ,, life goes on I guess
you’re yedam’s older sister by about 3 years
( sorry forgot to mention that important detail )
you both go to the same high school!!!
ur a senior and he’s a FRESHIE
obviously,,, hes a BABY(≧∇≦)
so ur super protective of him
and when you find out he’s been hanging out with some ,, QUESTIONABLE individuals at school
mom mode: activated
“dammie who r these kids”
“MOM, we’re part of dance club together!! they’re super nice i promise”
u just want your baby to stay safe u know??
so when he asks to invite his friends over to practice
you’re like ( ˘ω˘ )
yedam: (◞‸◟)
you: ( ˙-˙ )
sad yedam is a big fat NO in this household
so you have no choice but to agree
and as his unofficial mom, you decide to greet his friends !
“hi, i’m y/n! bang y/n!” ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
and like ,,,, you lowkey feel bad thinking his friends were bad bc most of the guys are pretty chill
like this byounggon kid??
the epitome of looks like he wants to kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll ( ^ω^ )
but when you get to the last dude ,,,
he just kinda ~looks~ at you
and ur not gonna lie … he’s HOT
like he’s only wearing a hoodie ,, but he has silver hoops lined along his ears,, and his hair just messily grazes across his forehead
you internally: *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・’(*゚▽゚*)‘・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
uhhhh but also he’s staring u down like he wants to kill u
“i’m hun” he introduces himself coldly
he still cute tho
so,,, it’s been a while and yedam has continued to bring his friends over to practice
and you’ve come to grow fond of the boys!!!
esp byounggon :,)))
you guys just click???
except,,,, there’s still a certain blonde haired boy who just doesn’t seem to like u???
like u were walking to ur class the other morning
and you just HAPPENED to see him
so u were like,,, hm let me be a nice person today(^ー^)
so you run up to him and grab his shoulder
“hun!!! what’s up my guy!!” ( ^∀^)
honestly,, you went in to this thinking that the only thing hun would do is say hi back???
you: WRONG
he kind of freezes for a second
and you’re like???? u ok bud
he slowly turns around
and his eyes,,, literally pierce into yours
he gingerly takes your hand from its grip on your shoulder, letting it limply fall at your side
and then he slowly walks towards you until your back is pressed against the white brick wall of the hallway, his hands caging you in on either side of your head
slowly, he inches his face towards yours
“stop faking nice to me, we are not and will never be friends”
you internally: hnnngg why does he smell so nice???? is that bath and body works? since when did men shop at bath and body works??(΄◉◞౪◟◉`)
you externally: HMPH how DARE U invade my personal bubble young man i won’t hesitate to FIGHT(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭
and then he walks off
you are a BIG MAD
like??? who does this kid think he is???
you dont really bother talking to him much after that :///
but also ,, you hate yourself bc you’re still so ATTRACTED to him??? and u don’t even know why??? like bad personalities are such a turn off why ,,???
so it’s a saturday night ,,
u know what that means…
party @ byounggon’s place ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
bc what’s a bullet point au w out a party am i right???
basically, gon’s parents were on vacation for the weekend, so he took the chance to have the party of the year
and after the stress of exam season, you’re ready to get SMACKED
lmao i do not support underage drinking kids!
uhhh anyway
this is your first party in a ,, while
so you dress yourself up in a red mini dress and some platform heels and strut your hot ass to gon’s house ;)
by the time you walked up to the house,, it was a full fledged RAGER 😤
so like one second,,, you’re just chilling, shaking your hips to some britney spears
and the next thing you know!! you’re downing your fifth shot of the night
gon: Σ('◉⌓◉’)
the next thing u know you’re in the bathroom bent over the toilet
thankfully,,, you don’t puke
but you do drink atleast five bottles of water and take a power nap on gon’s shoulder
anyway ,,, by the the time you’ve slightly sobered up, you realize your head kinda hurts and the party is still going strong but u promised gon you’d stay to clean up soooo
you end up going upstairs to NAP (ᵔᴥᵔ)
but when you open the door to the guest room at the end of the hall,,,
you just HAPPEN to see hun already there on the bed scrolling through his phone
this man rlly just knows how to push ur buttons huh
if you weren’t so tired maybe you would’ve taken the time to appreciate the way his leather jacket complimented his broad shoulders
like not 2 be rude but this bich looked hella good
but also ur tired :///
“what are YOU doing here”
hun finally looks up and notices you standing in the doorway
and he doesn’t say anything for a while
just kinda stares at you
and it takes you a while to realize that he’s lowkey checking you out
you wouldn’t admit it, but the way his eyes glazed over your form made a pit form in your stomach
finally he locks eyes with yours
“what do you mean what am I doing here, what are YOU doing here?”
he smirks and gets off the bed to step closer to you
“i WANTED to take a NAP but you just HAD to take the only room that doesn’t have people FUCKING” (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
“well it’s not my fault you can’t handle your alcohol”
this BITCH
“can you PLEASE just leave”
you let out a sigh of frustration and square your hands on your hips
“why do you hate me so much”
“i never said i hated you”
“well the way you act sure makes it seem like you do” you huff
hun cocks his head a little and steps closer to you
suddenly, it seems like the idea of personal space is almost nonexistant
you look up at him
and u notice the way his hooded eyes rest on your lips
and how the air around you both has suddenly gotten heavier
and you feel your body heating up
and you realize that maybe,,, you’re not so tired anymore
“well how about i prove to you that i don’t”
hun’s voice has reached a whisper, his lips only centimeters from yours
and suddenly he’s kissing you
and you’re kissing back
perhaps it’s because you’re not completely sober that you don’t notice the way his touch burns your hip
and if you do, you ignore it
the softness of his lips against yours almost makes you feel drunk again
and the next thing you know, he’s taking off your shirt, hands finding their way to the curve of your waist
as your lips make their way down his neck, you allow yourself to do the same to him
( you wish you didn’t do that )
because as you push his shirtless body against the bed, you can’t help but notice the cursive scrawl lining his right hip
and in that moment, it feels as if you’ve never been more sober in your life
you’re frozen, eyes resting on his hip
and maybe hun, or should we now say seunghun, is not as sober as he seems, considering it takes him a while to track down the path of your eyes
and when he finally does, his heart drops in his chest
he reaches out to grasp some part, any part, of you
but you flinch away
“y/n…. this isn’t what you think it is”
his eyes are pleading you to stay and listen to him
you let out a harsh laugh
“no, no this is EXACTLY what i think it is”
“y/n please don’t -“
and suddenly you’re untangling yourself from the bed sheets, haphazardly throwing your shirt on and slamming the door behind you  
and in that moment you realize that maybe soulmates aren’t as perfect as the world makes them out to be
so the rest of the weekend is spent in your bed,,, wrapped up in ur sheets like a burrito
you don’t really cry much
you’re just ,,, confused
having the idea that your soulmate knew you were his soulmate but never told you, and better yet, acts like he hates you??
yedam: y/n, why have u been laying in bed all day (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
you: ;w;
and as much as dammie wants to talk to you, he has more emotional intelligence than most guys his age (or guys in general tbh)
so he pats your back, makes two bags of popcorn, puts kimi no na wa on his laptop and gets under the covers beside you
it isn’t until the end of the movie when the last of your tears have dried on your face that you look up at him with puffy eyes
“dammie, i found my soulmate”
yedam: Σ('◉⌓◉’)
“it’s not that big of a deal… i don’t think he  wants me anyway”
by the time you reach the end of the sentence, your voice falls into a whisper
perhaps you would like to believe seunghun wanted you
but some things don’t turn out the way we believe
“why would u say that” yedam looks down at you, brows furrowed in worry
“uhh, i mean -“
“WAIT … who even is your soulmate??”
“it’s … hun”
“W H A T”
and that, my friends, is how yedam realized u can’t trust people in this world :/
so it’s monday
and as you brush your teeth, you can’t help but feel uneasy knowing that you could possibly see seunghun today
thankfully you don’t
but when it’s finally nighttime and you’re making your way under your covers ,,,
unknown: y/n, open your window
unknown: i’m outside and it’s cold
unknown: this is seunghun btw…
you on the outside: what the FUCK
you on the inside: i’m literally wearing basketball shorts how am i supposed to see my soulmate like this (O_O)
and when you pull back your curtains and open your window, you are met with none other than kim seunghun barreling into your room
“how long were you out there??” (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
“uhhh maybe an hour or so” m(._.)m
and perhaps it’s the motherly side of you that decides to pull his face down and cup his cheeks in your hands in an attempt to warm him up
and you don’t really notice how close you’ve gotten to him until you look down and realize his lips are only centimeters from yours
but when seunghun’s lips form into a little smirk at your obviously flustered state, you quickly retract your hands
“i’m sorry…”
you don’t really make a move to respond to seunghun, choosing to stare at the floor instead
“I know what i did was stupid … and i should have told you from the start… but i’ve had bad experiences in the past with soulmates and i didn’t know if -“
“that doesn’t matter, you should have just told me that you didn’t want me in the first place instead of making me feel this way”
you’re a bit pissed off now
that this dude thinks he has the right to act like that and then barge into your room??
but when you take the time to look up at him
his eyes have softened
and he moves a step closer to you
“i do want you though”
… “ w h a t “
“then why have you acted so rude to me?? when you obviously knew i was your soulmate from the start, why did you hide it??”
now seunghun is the one looking down at his hands
and he looks so defeated, before he opens his mouth
“i’m scared”
you look up at him, but he’s still looking down at his hands
“my dad rejected my mom when he found out they were soulmates. i don’t think … he wanted to deal with the commitment of having a soulmate. he thought they were stupid. so he rejected her and he went off to do whatever the hell he’s doing right now. he went off and he abandoned my mom with two year old me and we haven’t heard from him since.”
a single tear drops from his eyes
and you move a step closer and wrap your arms around him
he’s frozen for a second but he hugs you back
and you both stay there for a while, you rubbing his back in an attempt to calm him down
“i won’t ever leave you seunghun”
he pulls back
and despite his red-rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks, he cups your face with his cold finger tips and kisses you
and you kiss him back
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nocvil · 5 years
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*            ‐            ․            ↺            𝙄𝙉𝙏𝙍𝙊𝘿𝙐𝘾𝙄𝙉𝙂 . . .  soo bogum . hitman        .        caretaker        .        the heel        .        a masked hell        .
❝   my love     ,     my love     ,     my love     ,     won't you stay a while     ?   ❞
possible tw’s below: parental death mention, illness mentions, murder for hire mentions, and uh m,,, i think that’s it rlly. just warning ok.
full name: soo bogum ( 수 보검 ). nickname(s): bo, sweetie pie to his mother (: gender & pronouns: cismale, he/him. sexual & romantic orientation: aromantic, demisexual. age & dob: twenty-five, november 8th, 19-- birthplace/hometown: seoul, sk. parents/siblings: only child, deceased father, living mother. pet(s): absolutely not LOL. astrological sign: scorpio. >:-) dominant hand: both! handwriting style: mostly writes in very slanted cursive. i feel like when you see things like royal documents signed or very important letters written back in the day with that vintage cursive ... that would be bogum. language(s) known/spoken: spanish, english, korean. religion: LOL. ok. current living arrangements: a two-bedroom, two bath apartment complex with his older, npc mother. it is pretty spacious given they both have their own room, a kitchen, dining space, their own bathrooms, and a patio. bo has the money if you kno what i mean ... (: occupation/major: hitman.
picture reference: uhh... this? this look rlly gives off bogum vibes so (: blood type: type O. nationality: korean. skin tone/color: lighter tanned. birthmarks & scars: heheh wouldn’t u like to kno ??? height: five-foot ten inches. 5′10″. build: pretty average, more on the lean/athletic side though. hair color: red. hair length: uhm ,, look at reference photo? eye color: brown. diet: uhm ... bo has a pretty average diet probably. he would eat just about anything, not very picky. i think he probably has his favorites when it comes to chips and candy but he doesn’t have a special diet. exercise & level of fitness: LOOOL. let me not make a bad joke here ): how’s their posture ( or lack thereof )?: bogum probably has really good posture! i think standing tall with a straight back probably adds to his uh... authoritative look?  typical style of dress: ( from his stats page ) dresses a bit old school, vintage?, almost plain. likes wearing tucked in and cuffed shirts, rolled up pants, boots, baseball caps, at least three rings on one hand, gold bracelets. the following outfits aren’t specific to him but they are probably kinda similar. it’s hard to rlly find exact examples ): (  1  /  2  /  3  /  4  ) body modifications: none, surprisingly. probably pierced ears that he never puts earrings in. that’s really it though. he would prob like a tattoos but wouldn’t do it for the sake of his career ( because tattoos are distinguishing features ).
how does your muse walk?: def with a bit of power in his step. very protective when he is with his mother. mostly, he would walk like he calculates every single step he takes. how does your muse talk?: HAHA i just talked about this with myungok’s mun ,, he would talk very plain and probably without a lot of emotion. this would make things that are usually out of pocket probably sound kinda weird.  what accent/dialect does your muse talk with?: he is from seoul and according to google, they speak with a gyeonggi dialect there (: how would you describe the tone of their voice? are they loud or quiet?: QUIET... shh... if you speak too loud you won’t hear bogum speaking with such monotoned you could probably fall asleep. bogum asmr when?  what does their laugh sound like?: bogum? LAUGHING? i feel like bogum chuckles. so he would have like a short, quiet laugh. how does your muse typically smell?: either like smoke from a cigarette or like his mom’s perfume. what kind of air do they carry?: well jinae’s mun said he would have a dark and heavy presence and honestly that rlly fits the bill. do they have a(ny) catchphrase(s)?: time to die. what are their nervous ticks?: um.. not sure. probably knuckle cracking and finger tapping.
what makes your muse happiest?: his mommy! seeing his mom thrive and gain her confidence back, even momentarily, makes him so happy. what upsets them the most?: ugh. listen. i talked abt this with some of y’all but the thought that if he ever got exposed or arrested ... how everyone in his life, including his mother, would just abandon him ... CRIES. was this supposed to be a general question? does your muse have any quirks?: i think his tendency to just be way too lax in certain situations would be his infamous quirk. what are their hobbies? how frequent do/can they do them?: bogum is definitely a simple man. he would totally like puzzles, word searches, watching the news, scrapbooking ( YES, SCRAPBOOKING ), taking walks, shopping with his mom, writing, idk, he doesn’t do anything OD or over the top. shrug. do they have any guilty pleasures?: is your muse an extrovert or an introvert? neither?: 10000% introverted otl. do they have high or low self-esteem? what about confidence?: uhm... bogum probably has an average amount of confidence/self-esteem. he’s a realist, definitely. if he look ugly he look ugly. if he look good he look good. ‘nuff said. are they easily stressed and how do they normally respond to it?: stressed? bogum could be in the midst of a bank robbery and be sitting there like ok, y’all done yet? what is your muses worst fear?: his mother finding out about his job. what is your muses biggest dream?: to either escape his job for good or to be able to heal his mother of all her injuries and illnesses. but of course, neither of those will ever happen! is your muse a morning person or a night dragon?: a night dragon? ok. anyway he is probably both. i can see bogum getting like four hours of sleep and waking up like (: let’s fuckin go! how intelligent is your muse? do they acknowledge it?: OH BOGUM has street smarts but definitely probably not book smarts. at least, not a great amount of book smarts. how can he be a hitman if he’s DUMM?! describe their sense of humor: LMAO. the real question is how can someone as funny as ME play someone as BORING as bogum?
are they currently in any sexual or romantic relationships?: HELL NO. luuuul. what is their experience with relationships?: to really think about it, bo probably had feelings for people here and there and most likely dated short term in high school but after he moved and began doing that he kind of lost all his effort to pursue romance. how does your muse view the idea of friends with benefits? have they ever had one? would they ever?: another hell naw to that sis. how important is sex to your muse?: not important at all. bogum could care less. what are their biggest turn on and turn offs?: see above pls. does your muse find it easy to make friends?: i say yes, only because most of his friends are through his mother. how important is friendship to them?: veRY IMPORTANT if bogum didn’t have the friends he has today, he probably would be a lot more sad and maybe more than just a hitman ): quantity or quality of friends?: quality! how important is family?: VERY IMPORTANT AGAIN bogum would give his life for his mother and to have his father back. are they close to their family? why or why not ?: YES. obviously asdfasdf everyone probably knows why. although bogum is now the one who runs the house, he still really values his mother because she ultimately has nobody but him in the end if she gets worse. his parents were always really good to him and when his father died, he knew that he and his mother had to stick together through it. he also knew that that he had to step up to provide for his mother because of her injuries and dementia. she is his life, really.
activity: haha. you really wanna kno?... he likes word searches a lot. animal: idk. probably like. idk.  beverage: mmmm some piping hot tea. book: - color: is red cliche to say? designer: - food:  flower:  water lilies, pansies, lilies, peonies, idk, he would love all kinds of flowers. gem: i googled these. if he had a favorite it would be garnet, smoked topaz, and morion. holiday: christmas! his mother’s favorite too, probably. mode of transportation: walking, usually. movie: -  musical artist: oh boy, uhm,, i bet bogum likes indie kpop. like dean, suran, hyukoh, but i dont rlly know a lot to give you more details. quote / saying: - scenery: hm. probably night time in the living room, mom is put to bed already, he’s watching a rerun episode of a crime drama on television and thinking about how it’s so unrealistic. he’s got a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other though he puts it out halfway through because he loses interest. (: scent: i think he’d like the smell of cleaning products, flower scents ( bc it would remind him of his mom ), and metal (: obviously. weather: cloudy or rainy weather. anything that let’s him stay inside for the day. vacation destination: UM. i bet bogum would like to travel out of country to places like europe.
greatest dream: to finally have a peaceful life with his mother by his side, healthy or not. he wants to stop being a hitman, really, but it’s kind of like an addiction, plus he’s good at it, and it brings in the bacon. greatest fear: being caught and leaving his mother by herself -- it would be like the ultimate let down since he doesn’t trust anyone with her. most at east when: pls see scenery in section above. least as ease when: out in public by himself. he doesn’t have his mom as his cover. worst possible thing that could happen: PLS SEE GREATEST FEAR. ajdfkjasdfskf biggest achievement: moving to seoul safely with his mom! biggest regret: falling back into the crime life. most embarrassing moment: idk i feel like bogum isn’t embarrassing. he’s too ,, plain. biggest secret: LMAO well ... i think we all know. top priorities: keeping his mom safe, alive, healthy, and her bills paid for. also keeping himself undercover for the most part and making sure neither him or his mother are overwhelmed.
001. bogum is an unhealthy smoker but a social drinker. he never smokes around his mother though.
002. whenever bogum’s mother is around, he is on his own best behavior. he always does his best to be nice and keep up an image of her sweet son although by himself he can be different.
003. so far the only person who knows about his job is sangwoo because he sort of saw him in the act during his first hit. the two joke about it but bogum would take him out in a heartbeat if he spills.
004. i think it’s funny because i always pictured bogum as that person would give the shirt off of his back for you if you were in trouble. but he also wouldn’t hesitate to threaten to make you disappear.
005. his mom doesn’t know how he gets the money to pay for everything but bogum has her believing he “has his ways” and to “just trust him” although she asks about it every now and then.
006. though he stays inside a lot, some of the places you might see bogum outside of his apartment, are grocery stores close to his place, bars around town, museums, little cafes picking up things for his mother, dawon’s flower shop, and very occasionally places where there are a lot of drug activity.
007. here is smth: bogum is a hitman because his father was killed in a hit!
008. despite his mom questioning where he earns his money, his family has always been pretty well off but that was because of his father. so now that his father isn’t alive, it’s kind of ... fishy.
009. lmao probably your very typical scorpio minus the s*xual stuff.
010. my brain stopped working.
a card hand full of royals. empty, dark hospital hallways. dirty hands under black leather gloves. an empty, lonely wheelchair. old black and white photographs. an ashtray full of half smoked cigarettes. ripped up diary pages. rolled up fifty dollar bills. two expensive rings on each finger. responding “k” to a paragraph long text message. tri-folded letters written in the upmost calligraphy. roman numeral clocks.
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