#first he couldnt join in dr tyme's time capsule roller disco now this
braintapes · 1 year
I deeply enjoy Doom Patrol’s method of separating characters for the Plot Of The Week by having one of them go off to deal with a serious, sometimes kinda sad/bittersweet personal matter while everyone else has Shared Group Zany Magic Shenanigans. Like it’s so fucking funny seeing Rita and the Gang in doofy ass sci-fi costumes but also about to be burned to death and then we cut over to Vic playing laser tag with his old friends (but which also turns into a serious emotional moment) like. like I can’t explain it it’s just so good.
And then this week we get Larry separated from the Magic Shenanigans Of The Week once again by going off to find his missing son and having this really grim (at first) sequence of reliving not just his own torturous backstory, but this guy that his son’s trying to hook him up with’s torturous backstory. Which ends really sweetly but like the contrast between THAT and, say, Cliff and Jane and Vic fucking around at some teen party getting high, doing keg stands etc is just. it’s so Doom Patrol and i love it dearly
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