#first off. the gardening was more metaphorical. just because you're nice to your dirt doesn't mean your gardening will get better
max-nico · 7 months
Characterizating Shadow is always a fight for me. In my head he is either proper and (outwardly) put together or he is a mean mean hedgehog who's compliments are just masked insults lol. I'm pretty sure I've achieved an okay balance tho.
Like he wants to be kind to all the worlds plants and animals but gentleness just doesn't come naturally to him(<- projecting). It takes a lot of work to stop baring his teeth put away his claws. He wants so badly to be kind like Maria was, but first he has to put down his weapons (sometimes literally) and go against everything his instincts tell him to do.
Unless he's talking to Sonic and Silver, they're fair game :3
Eventually, like years and years in the future type of eventually. He achieves his goal. He's def still rough around the edges, but he can hold hands without gripping too hard, garden without killing every plant he grows, and genuinely smile without getting embarrassed or feeling the need to mask it with something
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