#first try without waiting 3 hours'' and luckly for us that WORKED
cursedthing · 1 year
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Finally after at LEAST 5 nights of cutting paper and sleepily sketching and detailing they're all done! :D
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okeymakeydude · 4 years
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Sorry sorry and sorry for responding too late.
I refer S/O as They/their
Request by @thewinterflagforever .
Engie. (Inspired by this post made by @snoozyhooter )
If they had free time, Engie would propose to do a picnic. He doesn't want something too boring or simple but also, exaggerated. He'd offer to make the food, and look for the best place to eat, surely chooses one where they can see almost everything. He doesn't hesitate to bring his guitar to sing them some songs.
They have to stay in the base? No worries! That won't stop them. Both can be working in the garage and keep talking about how their day was while they are doing their business. This man loves helping his S/O and spend time with them.
"Hey hon." "Yes?". They looked at him and smiled, he was with his arms open, waiting for a cuddle. Engie being a extrovert person and even touchable, the hug is something different and important for him, only for the people who really he cares about and one of them is his S/O. Prefers face-to-face to see their face.
He will take his S/O to a place where the sun is the protagonist, why? 'cuz he loves seeing how the sun is falling and giving permission to the night. Near his camper, they would prepare a campfire, to cook something and just, talk about how their day was. Like Engie, he prefers easy plans without exaggerating.
If they have to work, Sniper will be watching that no enemies approaches to the base and his mate doing their job, and at the same time, protect him from spies. They both would be in a room, only for Sniper, but he'd invite his S/O. It'd be more silence but that doesn't mean they're unsure, just on the alert.
Being honest, Sniper is not a big fan of cuddles (excepting his parents). He's like a 'suprise hugger', because no one will never know when he's gonna do that. S/O is surprised when they feel arms around them from behind and, a head resting on their shoulder. Then a soft voice near their ear "Don't know how much i love ya."
Does his S/O love party? Hope so 'cause this man does! They would spend the evening going to bars or nightclub; Dancing and drinking. However, if there is a quite place, like a beach with few people or none, they would sit and talk about everything and, i mean, everything.
Nothing keep him away from fun, with a few bottles bought and the only thing left to do is to have the party in any part of the base. Second option? When he makes bombs, he has to see if they really explode, what could be better than throwing some to the opposing team? Without doubts, he'd ask his S/O to come, they are the one who gives him more entertainment.
Demo'd hug them every 5 mins if he could, he wraps his arms around their waist, warmly towars him, looking each other. He loves seeing their face. God, he said once "I got a manky eye, i'm a black Scottish cyclops drunk!", what he did to deserve them? What did they see in him good? S/O would respond his questions and he'd happily listen.
A walk through the nearest town or city is enough. Holding hands, they go to look at the things there; they buy sweets (or buckets of chicken), go to the shops or even play in the park. If there's a funfair nearby, Scout will do the 'puppy-dog eyes' so he can go and suggest paying for both, the first traction would be... well, the tunnel of love.
Near base, he has an area where he can do whatever he wants, mainly sport, they can pass the evening practicing and challenging each other or, sitting on the grass and letting nature be the protagonist, Scout'd bring what is needed to draw and be happy to tell about his comics!
Sideway hug. At first nervous, unsecure, he prefers to start with an arm around S/O's neck and get them close to him 'discreetly', "it's getting cold, yeah?" just give him a second before he decides to completly cuddle them and hides his face on their shoulder.
When his family moved to U.S.A, near him, he'd like to pay them a visit and more with his S/O. Yes, it may sounds boring but he really cares that they know his love perfectly and is sure his mother will love them. Clearly they'll have some privacy at some point, "This is for you, со́лнышко" he'd use it that moment to give them 13 flowers, all possible colors except yellow and 3 kisses each cheek. A tradition for someone he would give even his heart.
If they have to stay in the base for any attack, Heavy would be reading a book while his S/O is relaxing by his side doing something else, even teaching them some russian words if they're interested o translating the story. Another option would be Heavy cleaning his weapons while he shows them and yes, even he likes to brag about it.
Bear man? Bear hugs! He does everything he can to put his arms around them, carefully, like a shield. Wants to make them feel protected, nothing is gonna hurt em, not in Heavy's watch. He doesn't forget the soft kiss on their head.
Well, the name already say it, they (Pyro) would be trying to burn everything they can all the evening and proudly show it to their S/O. They would be holding hands and going everywhere without wasting time, until Pyro saw the sun and decided to stop moving, he sat down and rest their head on S/O's shoulder, completly in silence.
Sleepover. Being inside of the base isn't gonna prevent them to have fun, with a lot of food, fluffly toys and makeup, it's enough to stay in their room for all the evening. Pyro would paint the nails of their love while they're talking how their day was and eating all the candies. Later they go to Medic because stomache.
A tight, strong, loving, breath taking embrace, a way to say how much they love their partner. A bear hug but a bit different, applying a powerful pressure, and making S/O immobile. Luckly not enough to hurt them and just for a few seconds.
"Look, schatz! We can use its organs for—" "Oh, don't you dare! I swear - No!". Wasting all his time in his laboratory, makes him a bit umconfortable staying outside, but he'd accept if it's S/O, a walk near base. Ngl he adores talking about himself about the progress he's doing, the ideas he has or what Archimedes did, he laughs and then... He apologizes, but his love assures they won't never get bored listening to him. Only got scared when he saw a roadkill and started to approaching.
He needs an assistant while he's working, an excuse he often uses when he wants to spend time with his love, and it works. Loves seeing Archimedes rubbing his head against their check and will whisper "Why you...?", because he also doesn't know what he did to deserve someone like them. Likes to observe how the sunlight creates different perspectives on their beauty while they're talking.
Another nonfan hugger, he usually does it unconsciously and when he's very happy, jokes aside, he's really strong, enough to lift his partner with his arms around their waist and leaning against his body. When he realized it he didn't help but blush.
A hot air balloon trip? Spa? A meal at the best restaurant and hotel in town? Going to a concert or theatre? He just looks for anything to surprise his amour, he likes the exaggeration and extravagance of dating, to show that he's determined to use his time and attention for them. He has already prepared everything that will be done during the afternoon until nightfall. However, he'll change plans if they have another idea, he'll try to please them.
In his private room, S/O is free to do whatever they want, read a book? Look at the fireplace? Take a nap? Talk? Go ahead. "Mi casa es tu casa" he's say with a smile, he's not that talkative but with them, he's confident to do that until someone have to stop. By the way, did you know Spy is good at giving massages?
Being someone who stabs from behind, doing back hugs, means a lot, he doesn't like giving 'em but trusting his loved one, wants to say that they're safe and protected by him. He hides the head and give a quick kiss on the back of the neck.
"See those submerged logs over there? That is The Beatles! Do not stop running!" "Okay...—wait what!?". He's able to sum up a 1600 hour tour in just one afternoon, holding their hand and with a big smile, he will show them everything he knows and be proud of that. Has anything caught his love's eye? Don't worry! He'll get it for them, if they're happy, he's happy too! Everything gangsta until there's is a neck snap.
In his "secret" space, he'd love to show them how good he is teaching the students (Ignoring that they are decapitated heads), and may sounds weird, he would be able to talk quietly when there is a debate or a talk. He will be happy to teach rocket jump if S/O is interested and any moment, he'd let them see a beautiful place where they can watch how the sun falls.
A bear hugger too. When he's joyful, when he won a match or because he wants, his S/O will be the first one to know it. He will put his arms around their waist and bring him closer to his body, placing his face on their chest. Don't miss this opportunity and respond him in the same way! His cuddles are gold.
If there is any mistake, please, correct me.
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silkyshulks · 4 years
Steeljaw B O X
                     *3:00 at a abandoned storage room*
Bumblebee and Steeljaw’s are now fighting 1v1.
Bumblebee: “Its about time your deceptacon empire is going down Steeljaw.”
Bumblebee tries to hit Steeljaw with his deceptacon hunter,Steeljaw dodges bumblebees attack and accidently triped on something and fell into a empty amazon box.
Bumblebee: “pfft... umm Steel-pfft,theres something on your chestplate.”
Sideswipe comes in to assist Bumblebee and he just see’s Steeljaw with a cardboard box,Sideswipe can’t help but burst out laughing.
Sideswipe: “BHA ha ha,he-hey Steeljaw did something happen to you or is it just your leadership.”
Thunderhoof hears something and goes to Steeljaw what all the ruckus is about.
Thunderhoof: “AY STEEL-....,what are yous wearing?”
Steeljaw doesn’t know what Thunderhoof is talking about until he notices that he’s stuck one of the boxes that he triped over.
Steeljaw: “WHAT THE,EHGAH.”
The rest of the team hears Steeljaw’s anger checks on him.
Fracture:”Steeljaw,whats going on......”
Clampdown: “What the primus happend to you,pfft... you seem umm a little different.”
Steeljaw tries to go in alt mode but that doesn’t work,Grimlock and Strongarm come in and just see Steeeljaw with the B O X.
Strongarm:”Lutenint,whats going on he-,umm whats wrong with Steeljaw.”
Bumblebee: “Umm how do I explain this,uhh he just trips over the boxes and he just got stuck there.”
Divebomb: “Steeljaw WTF do we do?!”
Steeljaw: “This my umm first time saying this,we have to retreat without alt mode.”
everyone agrees and they just speed walks out of the storage room and Steeljaw shuffles awkwardly.
                                           *Back at Steeljaw’s Base*
Thunderhoof: “Ayo Steeljoo,umm how are we gonna try to get this off”
Steeljaw: “umm Clampdown try to grab this thing and pull it out.”
Clampdown: “Got it boss”
Steeljaw: “Thunderhoof grab on to Clampdown and pull at the same time.”
Steeljaw: “Ok on the count of 3 2 1”
While pulling on to the cardboard,Thunderhoof accidently slips his hand and just throws Clampdown at the wall and makes a dent.
Steeljaw: “Fracture,try to get your minicon to rip me out so I will be free.”
Fracture nods and takes out Divebomb and Airazor.
Fracture: “Ok umm,I know this situation is umm not the same but try to just free Steeljaw from... whatever he’s wearing.”
Divebomb and Airazor try to rip and ther box but that's not working at all.
Divebomb: “Nothing is working WTF do we do?!?”
Underbite: “I GOT THIS.”
Underbite tries to rip a chunk out the the box and Steeljaws go flying off along with the box still stuck on him.
Underbite: “Oh... I don’t feel so good.”
Underbite plops on the floor and just gets sick.
Thunderhoof: “QUILLFIRE NO-”
Quillfire shoots his quill at his chest plate and one of them hits his face.
Thunderhoof: “Oh no....”
Steeljaws optics widen up and just start running around the base.
Steeljaw just sees Airazor as a chew toy and just goes ham on him.
Airazor: “HEY WHAT TH-”
Fracture instantly grabs onto Steeljaw and it just turns into riding him.
Meanwhile Airazor get chomped on by Steeljaw
Steeljaw drops Airazor just bust out to the exit of the base and starts just runnning.
Fracture lets go of Steeljaw in relief that Airazor is no that hardly injured.
Fracture: “Scrap,Steeljaw escaped and we don’t even know where he’s heading,Divebomb check his signal.”
Divebomb: “Boss umm,we may a problem.”
Fracture: “What is it?!”
Divebomb: “His signal is near the Scrapyard.”
Thunderhoof: “Scrap he’s gonna get captured.”
Thunderhoof: “Wait I have an idea.”
Fracture: “?”
Thunderhoof: “Fracture can you get one of our energon blocks and carve it up like a stick.”
                                         “Back at the Scrapyard“
Sideswipe: “pfft”
Slipstream: “Whats so funny Sideswipe?”
Sideswipe: “Oh you should've have been there,so while Bumble and Steeljaw were fighting 1v1,Steeljaw triped on something probably and fell on a pile on boxes and one o- pfft he got stuck on one of them.”
Slipstream: “PFFT”
Jetstorm: “What are you guys talking about?”
Slipstream: “Steeljaw got stuck in a box while we were on a mission.”
Jetstorm: “BHA HA ha,scrap I can’t stop laughing now”
Drift: “What in the primus are you talking about.”
Sideswipe: “I'm not gonna try to laugh very hard but while we were on our missions Steeljaw got stuck in a box.”
Drift: “What...”
Sideswipe: “PFFT... its true they kinda have to retreat and Steeljaw is just shuffling away.”
Meanwhile Steeljaw see the scrapyard and imeadietly starts jumps on the security door and manages to get over.
Sideswipe: “What the... I'm gonna go check something,I just heard something might be a deceptacon.”
Sideswipe gets ready and pull out his deceptacon hunter.Sideswipe goes to where the source of the noise is.
Sideswipe: “Hello anyone there?”
Sideswipe: “What the.... STEELJAW” 
Steeljaw notices that voice and turns around and his optics get more wider and wider.
Steeljaw pounces on Sideswipe,dropping his deceptacon hunter.
Sideswipe: “WHA- what the hell is with you today!?”
Steeljaw slowly drags Sideswipes arm to the securities door.
Sideswipe: “SOMEONE HELP ME”
Fixit hears something and leaves the command center for a little bit.
Fixit: “?”
Fixit notices something dragging Sideswipes arm and imeadiety runs down to check it out and he just see’s Steeljaw just dragging on his arm.
Fixit: “STEELJAW and why do you have a cardboard box on your chestplate?”
Steeljaw drops Sideswipes arm and runs at Fixit full speed and bites on his arm. 
Fixit: ”He-,LET ME GO”
Steeljaw yeets his body in the middle of the scrapyard and just starts running around in circles and barking around at the autobots.
Thunderhoof and the rest of the pack drives into the scrapyard.
Steeljaw recognized Thunderhoof’s voice and drops Fixit.
Thunderhoof takes out the energon stick that they planed out and tries to lure Steeljaw.
Thunderhoof: “Cmon Steeljoo,I know yous want this.”
Steeljaw runs up to Thunderhoof as the speed of light.
Thunderhoof turn to alt mode and there both on a cat and mouse chase.
Steeljaws getting faster and faster while on Thunderhoof’s tail.Thunderhoof has to call Fracture in com to get here for backup.
Thunderhoof: “Fracture get ready,Steeljaws getting onto my ta-,SCRAP Steeljaws now on me,yous know what get yous minicons and get over here.”
Fracture: “Sigh...,Divebomb,Airazor lets go”
Divebomb & Airazor: “Yes boss.”
Thunderhoof: “Steeljoo,why you gotta do this to me.”
Steeljaw: “B A R K”
                                           *A few minutes later*
Fracture: “Oh...”
Thuderhoof: “How the fuck do I even got stuck here you ask...,I don’t know really.”
Fracture: “Pfft,ok well try to get you out of Steeljaw’s... position.”
Fracture just tries pulling off Steeljaw but Steeljaw doesn’t get off easily.
Thunderhoof: “Steeljoo yous are no- getting this.”
Thunderhoof: “Fracture I have a plan yous gonna have to run to the base with the energon stick.”
Fracture: “Ok on the count of 3.3,2,1.”
Fracture changes his alt mode and driving as fast as he can.
Fracture luckly makes in the the base and yeets the energon in there.
Steeljaw imeandietly runs into the base and busy chewing on his energon.
Thunderhoof: “Fracture,did you manage to get Steeljoo into the base.”
Fracture: “Yes,Steeljaw is in the base.”
Thunderhoof: “I’ll be back at the base soon,try to pin Steeljoo down on the right time if Steeljoo trys to escape.”
                                                 *Some time later*
The rest of kinda calms down Steeljaw.Everyone is able to rest for a little bit wile there guarding Steeljaw to not escape.
Thunderhoof: “Hey Quillfire,can yous go gets some scraps of metal,were gonna have to make a wall since gonna be in stasis and Steeljaw is probably gonna escape anyway.”
                                               *Sometime later*
Quillfire comes back to the base with the scrap metal and starts building the wall except for Underbite that is guarding Steeljaw from not escaping.
Some time pasts by and everyone is off to stasis mode.
Thunderhoof hears some scraping from his berth.
Thunderhoof: “Sigh,Steeljoo what do you want now?”
Steeljaw: *insert dog whining sounds*
Thunderhoof: “Steeljoo we are NOT going outside,yous caused enough trouble for today.”
Steeljaw is just barking a lot.
Thunderhoof: “GO  TO  SLEEP.”
                             *1 hour until the maturity affects wear off*
They team wake up from stasis and they realize they have to bring Steeljaw so he doesn’t run off somewhere.
Thunderhoof: ”Wait Steeljaw...,how are we gonna restrain him from not escaping from a mission?”
Divebomb: “I’ve heard that are these leashes that humans for their pets,why don’t kind of just steal one.”
Thunderhoof: “Ok I’ll accept yous plan,Underbite were resuming this mission,stay here a guard Steeljoo.”
Some time later they break into the pet store and get the leash
Thunderhoof and the rest of the team come back and Underbite stugguling to hold him down for a little while.
Underbite: “Thank the Pimuses you came back,Steeljaw’s trying to escape and go outside for a little while.”
Fracture: “Scrap,I’ll hold Steeljaw while Thunderhoof prepares the leash.”
everything becomes disaster.
Thunderhoof: “Ok umm Divebomb yous know human stuff right,how do you use this?”
Divebomb: “There are 2 parts of the leash,theres one that hooks onto the leash so you can hook it or unhook it.”
Divebomb: “Just try not to... break it.”
Thunderhoof tries to rangle Steeljaw with the leash but Steeljaw just rips it apart. 
Thunderhoof: “...”
Steeljaw pulls on the leash refusing to get it on himself.
Thunderhoof: “Finne... will go outside unless you put the leash on.”
Steeljaw stops resisting and go’s up to Thunderhoof waiting for him to put on the leash.
Thunderhoof: “There we go,not that hard,right Steeljoo?”
Thunderhoof: “Cmon,we got a mission to compleate.”
Thunderhoof and the team go to the same storage room where they are gonna try to finish it.
                                         *Back at the Scrapyard*
Fixit: “Bumblebee I'm detecting signals from Steeljaws pack that they are going to the same storage room as the last mission.”
Bumblebee: “team lets rev up and roll out.”
Thunderhoof and the team make it early to the storage room.
Thunderhoof: “Ok Steeljoo,be a good deceptacon and stay here,make some noise if you see and autobots coming.”
Bee and his team make it to the storage room and barge in what Steeljaw’s pack want.
Steeljaw: “B A R K  B A R K” 
Steeljaw go’s running through Sideswipe.
Sideswipe: “OH NO NOT THIS AGAIN.”
Steeljaw trying to rip off Sideswipe arm as a toy for himself.
Sideswipe: “GAHHH”
Thunderhoof: “Oh... its Steeljoo”
Thunderhoof and the team run to get Steeljaw,knowing what he will do will make it more worse.
Thunderhoof: “STEELJOO,come here boy,I get energon for you after this mission.”
Steeljaw notices this and runs up to Thunderhoof.
Thunderhoof: “Now be good while your with me.”
Bumblebee: “Wait hold up,is... that a leash?”
Thunderhoof: “Ay,I get it Steeljoo on a leash you got a problem with that.”
Strongarm: “Umm is Steeljaw even ok with that??”
Thunderhoof: “He’s fine with it.”
                                            *Insert fight scence*
Steeljaw: “Ugh.. what happened”
Thunderhoof: “Well... while we were trying to get off the box,someone had a GREAT idea to use there ability to go rouge and run off to the SCRAPYARD.”
Quillfire: ”Erm.. I may have used my quills to lose your maturity...”
Steeeljaw: “YOU DID WHAT TO ME?!”
Quillfire: “Heh heh.... (this is probably a big disapointment to my revolution).”
Steeljaw: “Sight lets never speak of this again.”
Steeljaw: “Lets all get some rest after of what just happened.”
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