#fitzier pt. 2 edition
fighting-naturalist · 3 years
2020 fanfic in review
I was tagged by the lovely @laissezferre who is not only a great writer but also produces the most disastrously heartbreaking lovely gifsets!
fics written this year (it’s mostly Fitzier, lads, and JCR has been on my mind since January):
Been There, Done That, Messed Around - there’s spanking. Two Jameses in two dresses. It’s all very horny, tbh. A Pair of Finches in a Brass Cage - JCR accidentally discovers James/Francis, and has some Big Feelings about it. Guaranteed, I Can Blow Your Mind - stripper!AU. I have regrets. The Seeled Hawk - pt. 1 of my Terror Triptych. Pre-canon, they meet in a Victorian sex club. A Debt Repaid - the sequel to the above (is it hatefucking? Maybe so) Had We But World Enough and Time - sequel to the sequel. Tenderness. Makes My Circle Just - Francis gets a dip circle. James gets horny about it, somehow. The Vulcan Lesson - the only non-Terror fic on this list. Archer/T’Pol, fluffy enough to cause dental issues. Cream, No Sugar - modern Fitzier AU. Francis gets naked in the office.  An Ideal Husband - James proposes (sort of). One Foot in Sea, and One on Shore - Rossier! JCR in a dress!  By Any Other Name - exchange fic! Fae!James.
what’s coming in 2021:
I’m absolutely terrible with following through on my ideas - I come up with something, write upwards of 50% of it, lose motivation, and never finish it. However, I would love to finish a few things: complete mermaid!James fic, get a solid chunk of my Bingo done, FINALLY finish my Fitzrossier piece that’s been mouldering away in my drafts since January, and do the final edits on a shamelessly self-indulgent Ross/Crozier/Ann fic. 
how you grew as a writer this year:
I participated in my first exchanges! @reserve was very kind in encouraging me to join my very first exchange (thank you) and @jamesclarkross fielded some silly beginner’s questions from me about exchange etiquette. Thank you both! It was certainly an amazing experience to write with the aim of filling someone else’s prompt (and I had top-notch prompters!).
most surprising fic you wrote this year:
Personally, it’s my Terror Triptych. I struggle to write long fics, as I lose motivation extremely quickly, and so I was pleased that I managed to plan and complete a small series. A total word count of over 18k was a big step for me!
takeaways from reflecting on your kick-ass writing, or kick-ass lack of writing, during a year more focused on survival than perhaps any other:
This has been my most productive fic-writing year ever. I learned two major lessons: 1) write what you want when you want, 2) put yourself out there and just DO IT!
I am tagging some extremely lovely and talented people (apologies if you’ve been tagged already!)  @reserve @what-alchemy @caravaggiosbrushes @jamesclarkross @junomarlowe @wolfhalls @icicaille
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