#folk song paragraph class 8
whats-the-story-tc · 4 years
21st of April, 2020
"The One with the Fairy Tale"
(Pssst! If I were you, I'd read this post first before starting this new one!)
I cannot believe this is my life.
A couple minutes before the 8 AM rush hour, a Google Classroom notification from V arrived. Then another. Someone likes a spam, I thought, before opening the first one.
Sigh of relief. It was only the essay I'd already sent her. On to the next one, the detailed info on what we were covering today. The play on the table is both figuratively and literally a fairy tale. V, pretty critical of the play and its character work itself, made sure to bring one particular monologue to our attention, which tackles a rather difficult topic in a pretty simple play about love and longing — human mortality. "(It's my particular favourite, too, but don't let that influence you.)" She wrote after explaining what it was. The last paragraph though, now that was something else. "For those of you interested in an A level (here you imagine me looking at certain people)" she began, and my eyes widened as I read it. Sure, there are literature buffs in both classes, but... I can't help but think it was first and foremost an indirect to me. I mean, I'm probably the biggest nerd out of all of us, and she's always looking at me anyways... I want to dream big and say she wanted me to see it most. I mean, it's a link to an incredibly long essay. The situation speaks for itself.
"Look at this silence," V said as she entered our server at around 11 AM. Once she was here, we (as in all of us) started chatting about the break and quarantine. "It has been Sunday for two months." I declared, V immediately continuing the thought: "That part of Sunday, no less, where the line between the previous week and the next one blurs." Couldn't have said it better myself.
As V spoke about the story, I just leaned back on my bed, letting myself get immersed in the explanation and the sound of her voice while trying to imagine everything. After a while, it all started sounding like the plot of Mozart's opera, The Magic Flute — especially when V said that our protagonists, a human boy and a fairy girl, both had companions of the same sex along the way. And as soon as she said those companions are actually married, I waited for her to take a tiny break in speaking and said "How surprising." According to Bookworm Friend, she laughed, but I couldn't hear it clearly because someone made a noise. Then she said "Obviously..." and basically shaded the whole plot line, though I don't remember the rest of the sentence. And guess what she brought up immediately? That's right. The Magic Flute. I was floored! "That's what I was thinking, too!" I chimed in immediately. She took the words out of my mouth! And, soon as I said that, I got a text from Bandana Friend.
BanF: "Wow the twinning"
It's official, folks. Even from a distance, V and I are sharing a braincell.
Serious shit went down in class, including pointing out some... very suggestive imagery that caught us all off-guard because the thing she mentioned isn't inherently suggestive, but okay, V, you do you. (Obviously, I'm not going into detail here, nor sharing the conversation Bandana Friend and I had here because... this is simply not the platform.)
But what I can share is a really funny bit that caused a bit of a pandemonium in the separate class chat none of our teachers are in. You see, about half an hour into class, The Boyfriend sneezes with what is probably the volume of a medium-sized family house collapsing. About five seconds of absolute comical silence follows, then we just hear V saying "Sorry. I'm sorry." before carrying on. All this caused quite the stir, featuring texts like:
BanF: "The whole house just quaked"
Classmate: "Jesus who was this 😂😂"
Classmate: "Tell me it wasn't [V]"
S: "No, her man"
Classmate: "Good heavens I thought it was her 😂😂"
S: "I laughed so hard that I thank God I was on mute"
So yeah. That's on that. Bit later, with the words mentioned here, V ended class, and there I was, on Cloud 9, dancing around my room and humming Disney songs from the sudden serotonin charge. That was probably the moment I decided to read the play V spoke about. You see, she didn't assign it because the wording is quite difficult (the text is quite old) and students usually struggle with it, but she said that we wouldn't lose anything by reading it, if we wanted to. And thus it happened that I sat down on my balcony at around 5 PM with the first chapter open on my phone, ready to read.
I knew she'd be right. I trust her opinion and my reading comprehension skill suffers at the stake of my absolute inability to concentrate for longer than 10 seconds. But guys. Some of the longer sections I had to go over at least three times before I understood what was going on! An hour or so must've passed when I read the last line of the first chapter, and the butterflies in my stomach took flight. It was time to text V about it. It was my original plan, anyway. Figure out how right she was, then tell her about it. I was already incredibly nervous, trying to stick to what I'd planned on writing. My fingers typed on autopilot and as soon as I was done, I could barely believe I was actually going through with this. But alas, you only live once, carpe that fucking diem. One big breath. Two biiiiig breaths.
S: "Well, Miss, I'm not saying you were right about the text of [the play], but I've only read Chapter 1 and I'm already doubting if I even speak [my native tongue]... 😅"
I immediately tossed the phone on my bed and ran away panicking. What will she say? How will she react to seeing it's me again? What does she think? Am I funny enough? Am I bothering her? When will she reply?
Half a minute later (!!!), I see the icon of The Platform That Shall Not Be Named on my screen. No. No. No. Nonononononono. I picked the phone up and unlocked it with a shaking hand. I was not prepared for what I was about to read.
V: "Hahaha, well, babydoll...You do. You're just not used to [the old-timey wording]."
I only had the time to sink to my knees, eyes wide, lips agape, when the next message followed.
V: "Though, once you're already through it, I'm curious about your opinion on the play's stageability. 😄 (given such a word exists)"
You bet your asses all air left my lungs. Not only did she call me babydoll again, now in a way that I could forever remind myself of it, but she basically just prompted another conversation! She wants to talk to me again! And I'll have you reminded, V's basically trusting my judgement based on the scriptbook I showed her at the dawn of time, that she'd never actually seen in action! I wonder what I did to earn all this trust...
S: "I'll see at the end and tell you :)"
V: "Alright :))"
Then, all brave from the double smiley, I had a really stupid and impulsive thought. (Don't yell.) Me being the little shit that I am, I googled stageability and took a screenshot of no results having been found. I took a screenshot, cropped it and sent it to V, my head being completely empty as I did. I acted purely from gut feeling.
S: "Tough luck this time, it seems😄"
V: "i thought so!"
(I can only hope she took it as a joke. But, the way I know her, she probably understood. Still, the me of right now, exactly two days and two minutes later, wouldn't do it.)
And this is where it ended. This is where I ended. My hands, my legs, even my lips were trembling as I tried to process the sudden load of emotion overcoming me. What did I just do. What did we do. What happened here. All this just echoed in my head, and I went ahead and texted every friend I wanted to tell in all caps.
BanF: "you guys have really warmed up to each other"
Even now, as I was typing, I got the chills just thinking about this conversation. If it wasn't for the 'Miss' and my use of formal pronouns in the very first text, it would've just felt like two friends, who happen to both love literature, talking. And this really warms my heart, because there's this fantastic woman, who I genuinely think is one of the best influences on my life and... she just likes me for me. She immediately answers when she can, comes off genuinely happy to talk to me, prompts another thing I can tell her about and all but tells me that my opinion matters to her. Because this is her. I'm almost convinced that I will never hear her outright say that she likes me or she's proud of me, but, should I have any doubts, she does everything to let me know. I just misunderstand her sometimes, not knowing where to look.
When I tell you all this still doesn't feel real...
~ S ♡
[Every story I share here, no matter how specific I get with my wording, depicts actual events from my own life.]
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alien-bodies · 6 years
whos this wanker
its me
Tagged by @gemvictorfromtheponyverse AND @the-deca, 2 FRESH pals bless thank
The real title is “get to know the blogger” but it’s 1am and I can’t copy more than 1 paragraph on mobile so I’m manually typin this bish!!! Gotta have fun!!!
star sign
My mom went to the hospital 10 days past my due date and got labour induced bc I’d been in there TOO long it was TIME to GET OUT. Incidentally this was the last day of Taurus and 16 hours before Gemini began. Make of that what u will
In this house we round it up to 5’3”
put ur Spotify on shuffle and say the first 4 songs that show up
I share this account with my mom so I’m cheating ok we get
Frame of Mind by Tristam
Choke by IDKHBTFM (i am NOT typing that shit out are u kidding me)
Hit and Run by LOLO (HEY it’s me from the future where I finished this post. This has been stuck in my head for 20 minutes but I’m TURNT so it’s fine but also I have class in 8 hours so it’s not fine)
Dear Wormwood by The Oh Hellos (HEY again. This song for REAL showed up on shuffle I wasn’t lyin in that book question lower down This Really Exists get on my level)
have u ever had a poem or song written about you?
KIND OF YES ok I post on Facebook relentlessly and one time my dad was late coming home bc whatever and dinner was shrimp fettuccine alfredo like UHHHH YUM so I posted “Make haste father / We must partake of the shrimp fettuccine / Make haste” and my friend who makes music (goodnightgirl on Bandcamp) made a song of it bc she was so inspired I was HONOURED
when was the last time you played the guitar?
In grade 9 social studies class we had an assignment that was to make an album cover and track list about the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and at the time I wanted to go into film and other Tech Stuff so instead of doing something fuckin normal like writing down “Jingle My Equality” in coloured pencil and calling it a day I kept working over winter break and wrote and recorded 8 songs including the whack-ass instrumentation using only a headset, my laptop, and Audacity. The last couple days of winter break I tried to learn some guitar cords to try and make it sound at least a little alright but I absolutely did not sing in any real key I just fucked around in my closet so that fell through real quick and the strongest instrument backup went to random tooting on my mom’s recorder
I never picked up a guitar again and those songs haunt me to this day
celebrity crush
We All Gay For Jodie Whittaker This Season
a sound you hate and a sound you love
I passionately hate when my neighbour operates his leaf blower
I love the ping sound the custom bot makes during a word war in my regional NaNoWriMo group chat, it triggers something nice and good in my brain bc it always happens when I’m writing words and having fun so even when I think the sound. I’m Good
do you believe in ghosts?
only when I’m on the clock bc my manager can see ghosts and says our Hot Topic is haunted and who am I to argue with that
dude hell yeah
do you drive?
dude hell nah
last book you read?
fuckin. I read The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
I’d elaborate but that’d take longer to explain than the guitar story, so TL;DR gay analysis plus folk fanfiction album
worst injury you’ve had?
My friend broke my arm in grade 4 when we went tubing at a birthday party because she’s a speed demon and fell on top of it
any obsessions rn?
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Don’t @ me
do you try to hold grudges against people who have wronged you?
This is such a weird questionnaire first of all, second of all like no I don’t try but there’s one fucker out there,,, hey brxen.prxnce if u reading this block me on ravelry bitch (theres no k because theyre a doofus plain and simple)
in a relationship?
I sure ain’t but i got some dank fic recs hmu
That’s a wrap I’m tagging anyone who read this and understood what “Dear Wormwood” was referencing and/or if you’ve watched an episode of TJLCE those are tonight’s moods thank you goodnight
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Bill Murray’s Lawyer Shows That Lawyers Have A Good Sense Of Humor
By Trevor Haefner, The George Washington University, Class of 2020
October 6, 2020
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At times it is easy to forget that lawyers are people too, who enjoy a good sense of humor. During these tumultuous times in our nation's history, it is helpful to separate from the discourse for a second and laugh at an exchange between two lawyers. It may be news to some, but American icon Bill Murray owns a golf apparel company. In an advertisement for one of the brand's golf shirts a Doobie Brothers' song, 'Listen to the Music," was used to help market the product. However, it became publicly known that Murray did not ask for permission to use the song because of a letter written by lawyer Peter Paterno on behalf of the Brothers [1]. While this may appear to be a harsh accusation, the letter proves to be quite hilarious.
Paterno is a lawyer with King, Holmes, Paterno & Soriano and felt compelled to speak his mind via this letter. In the first paragraph of the letter, that lasts only half a page, displays his playful side, "It's a fine song. I know you agree because you keep using it in ads for your Zero Hucks Given golf shirts," [2]. He then continues with a clever play on words, "However, given that you haven't paid to use it, maybe you should change the company name to 'Zero Bucks Given,'" [3]. Paterno is not particularly upset by Murray's actions which likely means that the Doobie Brothers as clients are not offended either. Given that this is not a high stakes issue for both sides it is refreshing to see lawyers take themselves less seriously. Paterno continues to say, "It seems like the only person who uses our clients' music without permission more than you do is Donald Trump," [4]. Comparing Donald Trump to Bill Murray may be offensive for some, or a compliment to others, but the joke is humorous, nonetheless. This is not the end of Paterno's teasing remarks, he might have felt that this was a great opportunity to express himself. "This is the part where I'm supposed to cite the United States Copyright Act, excoriate you for not complying with some subparagraph that I'm too lazy to look up and threaten you with eternal damnation for doing so," here he is not only poking fun at Murray but himself too [5]. In most situations, a lawyer would be vilified for not executing the proper protocol, but Paterno is in a position of power to act as he pleases. He concludes his letter with one last shot at Murray's ego, "We'd almost be OK with it if the shirts weren't so d**n ugly," [6].  Paterno's writing is absurd which is what makes it satisfying to read.
Bill Murray's lawyer for his golf company, Alexander Yoffe of Yoffe & Cooper, replied to Paterno via Twitter. There is no bad blood between the two parties as Yoffe writes, "First, I would like to compliment you on finding levity in the law at a time when the world and this country certainly could use a laugh," [7]. It is uplifting to see what could have been a chance to ridicule another lawyer for being outlandish turn into a lighthearted situation. Alexander Yoffe did not want to be outdone by his peer, which lead him to utilize Doobie Brothers' song titles in his response. "We would also like to confirm that both our firm, and the good folks at William Murray Golf, are indeed fans of the Doobie Brothers' music, which is why we appreciate your firm's choice of 'Takin' It to the Streets,' rather than to the courts, which are already overburdened 'Minute by Minute' with real problems," he eloquently states [8]. Yoffe also offered to send a shirt to Paterno, as well as members of his practice, as a good gesture. In his conclusion, he once again used a song lyric, "At least that's 'what this fool believes,'" [9]. Seeing a lawyer be imaginative with his word choice is an amusing reminder that lawyers can be creative.
While this case will most likely not be taken to court, it is valuable to explore copyright laws for music. Copyright law is contained in Title 17 of the United States Code and managed by the US Copyright Office [10]. An artist only has a limited amount of time to have a monopoly over anything he or she creates. This relates to the US Constitution in Article 1, under Section 8. This section gives the government the power "to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive rights to their respective writings and discoveries," [11]. Whenever a new song, or piece of work, is created it is automatically under copyright protection. Still, to protect from copyright infringement the work must be registered with the US Copyright Office. This gives the owner the ability to demand damages and attorneys' fees if his or her copyright is disregarded [12]. Therefore, if the Doobie Brothers believed that Murray's use of their song was damaging to their well-being, they do have the right to bring the issue to court. However, there is a time limit for copyrighted work before it enters the public domain. Works that were published up to 1978 have a maximum of 95 years from the year it was published. After 1978, work is under copyright until the last surviving author has passed, with an additional 70 years [13]. It seems that Murray's company would have to wait several decades to use those songs without permission, but thankfully that issue has been resolved.
[1] Weiss, Debra Cassens. “Lawyers for Bill Murray and the Doobie Brothers trade barbs and humor over use of song.” ABAJournal, September 28, 2020. https://www.abajournal.com/news/article/lawyers-for-bill-murray-and-the-doobie-brothers-trade-barbs-and-humor-over-use-of-song.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9]. Ibid.
[10]USA Copyright Law for Musical Works. (n.d.) Retrieved October 1, 2020. https://www.pdinfo.com/copyright-law/music-copyright-law.php.
[11] Ibid.
[12] Ibid.
[13] Ibid.
Photo Credit: Harald Krichel
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