#footage of women trying their best and it's just her /aff
scruffedknife · 10 months
(Yeah I’m awkward idk what to say.. walks away awkwardly)
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IM ASSUMING you meant you jus' wanted a Cabby :3 The she !
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closedafterdark · 4 years
WJSN Son Jooyeon x Male Reader
10580 words
categories: smut, oral, detective! eunseo
Read on AFF
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Three days have passed since your closest friend and original partner Detective Lee Luda went on the run and was declared a fugitive. Emotions ran high in the precinct once everyone was briefed on what occurred that night. Jiyeon was currently in the hospital recovering after receiving a non life threatening bullet to the leg by Luda. You spent the past three days staying by her side, feeding her a poor excuse of hospital food and updating her on what occurred during her absence.
You returned to the precinct this morning with a heavy heart. You were in total communication blackout during those 72 hours. Unsure of what people were going to say or how they would react. The moment you exited the elevator and entered the bullpen, everyone’s eyes were on you.
Son Jooyeon was the first to greet you, pulling you in for one of her death squeeze hugs. After you had to softly pull her away from you, the others offered kind words: happy that you’ve returned to work while also giving you hugs. Lieutenant Hyunjung burst into tears when it was her turn to greet you. Like everyone said, the squad is a family. And right now, that family’s trust is being put to the test now that one of their own went rogue.
Captain Sojung exits her office and is staring at you with a stone faced expression. Most of the time you never were able to tell how she was feeling since her face was always emotionless, like a robot. This time however, you knew.
“My office. Now”
The temperature in the room dropped drastically after what she said. Detectives Jinsook and Dayoung rubbed their arms and huddled together. All eyes returned onto you once again. You smiled at them, tapping Jooyeon’s shoulder softly before entering the captain’s office.
“Have a seat”
You were extremely nervous. On any other day, you would’ve been fine with entering the office. But this time, you knew there were consequences for your actions.
“Where do I begin? You blatantly ignore a direct order from me causing me to send uniformed officers to where you were at. The best part? You let the fugitive get away!” Captain Sojung finishes her statement while laughing. Part of you wishes you were still in the hospital with Jiyeon.
“Why the hell did you let her get away!”
Captain Sojung slams her palm onto the table, causing you to jump slightly. Even though the door was closed, everyone outside could hear what was going on. You’ve never seen the Captain so furious.
“I told you to stay at the precinct as backup. So what do you do? You go to where Luda was!”
After taking a deep breath, you respond.
“Captain, I take full responsibility. But it wasn’t just me who went. The whole squad did, even the Lieutenant. The squad is my family. I’ll do anything for them. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t do the same”
Captain Sojung listens to you attentively, her facial expression betraying her emotions.
“You’re right” she sighed. “We are a family. I would take a bullet for any of you. But at the same time, you disobeyed me. Even though it was the right decision, our superiors are not happy”
“Weren’t you the one who always told me to trust my own instincts?” You said.
“How are you and Jiyeon?”
You froze up. You didn’t expect the captain to ask you that question.
“How long have you known?”
“Long enough. It was only a matter of time before you two got together. I’m happy for you both”
“Thanks” you replied.
“So how is she?”
“Good. The gunshot wasn’t too deep, doctor wanted to keep her at the hospital for three more days just to be safe”
“Hmm?” You were surprised to hear you call her anything other than detective while in the workplace.
“Jiyeon’s a strong girl. Whatever it is, you guys will get through it”
She smiles at you. You return in kind.
“Now unfortunately, I can’t look past your actions. The Deputy Chief is ordering me to give you a punishment. You’re suspended one week. I’ll need your badge and gun”
You hand her both without a fight. Neither you nor Sojung wanted to be in this position. But it had to be done.
“I’m sorry, oppa” she says to you as you bow and exit the room.
While you’re exiting the room, Luda’s last words rang through your mind.
“I’ll see you guys in a week” you say to everyone as they see you closing the door of the captain’s office. You bow to everyone before heading to the elevator.
Jooyeon wanted to say something to you, but figured you had a lot on your mind. She sighs as the elevator doors close, removing you from view as it begins to lower.
“Detective, come see this”
Jooyeon turns around to see Detective Jinsook waving her hand to get her to come to her desk. Once she arrives, Jinsook plays a video.
“This is the footage we received from Gangnam Precinct. Around the same time we were dealing with Luda unnie”
The video plays, showing an explosive being detonated in a cell. The explosion automatically triggered the prison’s automatic opening feature. Four women are seen escaping the cell adjacent, with two of them attacking the approaching security guards. Their movements were swift, easily overpowering the men. The other two: a brunette and a woman with red hair, go around and disable all nearby security footage. Before they could do so however, the two who took down the guards briefly have their faces shown on camera.
“Pause it” Jooyeon said.
Jinsook obeys, pausing the video. The two women’s faces were clearly seen, there was a lack of empathy in their eyes.
“Who are they?”
“Facial recognition gave us two matches. The smaller woman is Kim Jisoo. 25 years old. The taller person next to her with platinum blonde hair is Park Chaeyoung. A foreign born Korean. 23 years old. She goes by the nickname “Rosé” Jinsook replies as she hands Jooyeon the case file.
“What about the other two?”
“CCTV wasn’t able to identify them. One of the officers in Gangnam has a contact inside. From what they were told, the four of them basically ran the prison. They referred to themselves as “BlackPink”. Jisoo and Chaeyoung were the pink side: seemingly innocent yet able to kill without ever changing a shade. We can assume the other two were on the black side of things: ruthless, zero disregard for whoever gets in their way. The four of them would seduce various guards in order to get items from the outside or special food in the prison”
“Any sign of them since the escape?”
“Nothing at all” Jinsook said, shaking her head. “They’ve basically gone off the grid”
“Keep going through the footage. There has to be something we can use to find their whereabouts” Jooyeon said.
As Jooyeon’s heels made noise with every step she took, a chair whirls by the moment she finally sits down on her chair.
“Can I help you, Detective Dayoung?”
“Unnie, I’m hurt. Why are you speaking so formally?” Dayoung asks her, pouting.
“What’s up?” Jooyeon says with a laugh as even she couldn’t resist Dayoung’s cute charm and pinched her cheek softly.
“There’s no trace of Luda unnie yet” Dayoung said as she rubs her cheek. “Not to mention we don’t know how and why she cryogenically froze the entire marketing department of IZ*ONE Company. Most of them were discharged except for the 3 who came into the precinct that morning. Jiyeon unnie’s bullets may have had a negative effect during the defrosting”
“Any news on the patients?” Jooyeon asked as she fixed her glasses, a serious expression on her face.
“None. It’s out of our hands now, Interpol is handling it”
“What do I do now?” You asked yourself the moment you exit the precinct. You feel the light wind blow past you and stare up at the sky, for probably longer than you should’ve since your corneas began to burn from the sun. After closing your eyes, you see red circles. You look at your phone and decide it would be best to visit Jiyeon at the hospital.
You stopped by a flower shop on the way to the hospital. It was a small, intimate boutique. As you knew absolutely nothing about flowers other than they die from neglect, you definitely didn’t know what you were doing.
“Do you need help, sir?”
A beautiful woman approaches you. Her voice was cute with just the slightest hint of an accent. Her jet black hair flowed gracefully, not a single one out of place. The smokey eye makeup and pink tint colored lipstick accentuated her exotic features. She wore a simple beige sweater with a jacket serving as outerwear. Even the apron she was wearing looked beautiful on her, as crazy as it sounds. Her eyes were hypnotic, you couldn’t help but keep staring as you felt them gaze into your soul.
“Sir, do you need any help?”
“Hmm? O-oh, right. Yes, I’m going to visit someone special and was wondering what flower would be good to bring” you replied as you beat yourself up mentally at getting caught staring.
“Does she have a favorite color?” the florist asked you.
“She likes pink, red, black and white”
“So she likes black and pink…” the florist said to herself silently.
“I’m sorry?”
“Oh, nothing. Just talking to myself. It helps pass the time” she said to you. “Why don’t you try these. White roses”
“They look lovely” you said, taking a single one from her and smelling it. “What do they represent?”
“They represent a lot of things, actually” she replies with a delicate laugh. “White roses are known to often represent purity, innocence and youthfulness. They sometimes are referred to as bridal roses because of their association with young love and eternal loyalty”
“Wow” you said when she finished talking. You didn’t notice how close you and her now were, your hand on top of hers. You both realize how close the proximity is and separate, turning away from each other. You place the back of your hand on your face, feeling your internal temperature increase. Both of you take a few seconds to regain composure before facing each other.
“That sounds perfect. I’ll take a dozen” you say, your voice slightly cracking.
“Yes, sir” the florist says, smiling brightly at you as her eyes form half moons.
She took her time when wrapping the bouquet, each rose placed tenderly on the wrapping paper before being wrapped once more by a colorless plastic. She ties a black ribbon on the bouquet before handing it to you.
“And here you are sir” she said, extending both arms to give you the roses. You found it insane how smitten you became from a person you barely just met. “Your wife will be very lucky to receive these”
“They’re actually for my girlfriend” you chuckled, taking the bouquet from her. “She’s not my wife, yet”
“I see. Well, she’s very lucky to have such a kind and thoughtful boyfriend then” the florist said to you.
You were about to exit the boutique before she said something.
“Sir, wait!”
You turned around and looked at her.
“There’s one more thing the roses represent”
“What is it?”
“White roses can also symbolize a new beginning and everlasting love. Thank you for coming, and goodluck”
Upon exiting the flower shop, you reach into your pocket and pull out a black box made out of a soft cloth like material. You open it and look at the contents inside with a smile.
“Here we go”
You enter through the hospital with heavy steps. As you navigate through the large seemingly never ending hallways, you’re greeted by the many nurses you have gotten to know over the past few days. You finally reach your destination. Slapping yourself on the face a few times, you try to get your blood boiling and pump yourself up. Pressing the button to open the door, you enter the room.
Jiyeon’s bed was raised so that she was sitting upwards. You saw her laughing, pointing her spoon at the television while holding a jello cup in her hand. She sees you approaching and gulps down the jello in her mouth, frantically finding the remote control to mute the television.
“Hi baby” she said to you as you leaned down and gave her a kiss.
“Got you a little something. Your favorite bibimbap extra spicy… and these” you said, handing her the bouquet.
“Oh babe, you shouldn’t have” she said, instantly smelling the roses. “I’m happy you did though. And they’re in one of my favorite colors”
“Yeah, I gotta thank the florist for helping me out with these. She really picked out the right ones”
“How’s everyone at the precinct?” she asked you as she put the flowers down on her table.
“Everyone’s worried about you and glad I returned. Tensions are still high because of Luda but for the most part, still in good spirits” you said, removing your jacket and pulling a chair towards her bedside.
“Captain told me what happened this morning” Jiyeon said as she took your hand into hers.
“Ah, I wanted to tell you first. It’s okay though, the squad will be fine without me. I was the one who insisted in helping out Luda”
“Any word on her whereabouts?”
“None. Hey babe, did you happen to hear what she said before she escaped?”
“Who, Luda? I probably already passed out, why?”
“Well, besides saying she had to find Xuanyi, she also said to not trust anyone in the squad” you said.
“Do you believe her?”
“I-I don’t know. The squad is our family. But for Luda to do something like this, she must have her reasons. There’s no way she could’ve done this without any help”
“So you think there’s a mole in the squad?” Jiyeon asked you as she put on her glasses. From her tone, you knew you had to choose your words carefully.
“I’m just saying we have to assess all our options. How in the world was she able to steal guns and other evidence from lockup? She can’t be doing this just because she thinks you were the reason Xuanyi and the others were transferred”
“Baby, are you sure? Think about what you’re saying. We can’t just go up to everyone and ask if they’re a mole. There has to be another reason” Jiyeon replied as she began rubbing her chin.
“It was just a suggestion. Although you do seem a bit worked up. Baby, is there something you aren’t telling me?” you asked.
Jiyeon looked up at you, her eyes widening at what she just heard. “Excuse me?”
“I mean, when we all split up you wanted us to cover a different area by ourselves while the others had a partner. Not to mention I found you and Luda alone in the cryogenic vault”
“Are you insinuating that I might secretly be working for Luda and know something about the kidnapping?”
“No, I-”
“Even before you and I became boyfriend and girlfriend, we are partners. I can’t believe you would accuse me of being a criminal” Jiyeon’s voice gradually became louder. Tears started to well in her eyes as she looked at you.
“That’s not what I’m saying-”
“I think you should leave”
“This is all too much for me to handle. I’m tired” she said to you as she lowered the bed and turned on her side to face the window. “Maybe this isn’t working”
“What? What are you saying?” you asked her.
“I think… we should spend some time apart”
“Is this what you want?”
“It is”
You were heartbroken. You didn’t expect the visit to the hospital to end this way. Jiyeon’s words echoed through your mind. Did you really believe she could aid Luda? Were you accusing your own girlfriend of a crime without evidence? Luda’s words about not trusting anyone in the squad even had you questioning your significant other.
“Okay” was all you said. “My phone’s always on whenever you want to talk”
Jiyeon didn’t reply, adjusting herself on the bed as you headed for the door.
“I love you, Jiyeon”
“Five, four, three, two, and…”
Upbeat disco music can be heard playing through the speakers. An ocean of leggings and sports bras as far as the eye can see filled up the room as a hybrid Pilates and zumba class was being held.
“Step. And step. And knees around the world”
Detective Son Jooyeon was beginning to breathe heavily while keeping up with the class. She was far from out of shape, but certainly wasn’t used to this higher intensity workout. She preferred her usual Pilates class, but when a friend of hers named Park Sooyoung told her about this place and hyped it up to no end, she had to check what the fuss was about.
“Great form unnie, I’m so jealous of your abs” Jooyeon turns to her side and sees Detective Jinsook next to her.
“Jinsook, what are you doing here?”
“We needed to talk somewhere outside the precinct” said a voice coming from Jooyeon’s right side. She looks and sees Lieutenant Hyunjung following the teacher’s instruction.
“Lieutenant, you’re here too? Amazing” Jooyeon said as they all began doing lunges.
“Unnie, we discovered something while going through some old precinct files. We have reason to believe Luda may have had some help” Jinsook said in a slightly out of breath tone.
“Are you saying it was an inside job?”
“Don’t stop doing your lunges!”
“Sorry, ma’am” Jinsook replied, raising her hand to apologize.
“It makes no sense why Luda would respond to the emergency call if her only plan was to find Xuanyi and the others”
“And squat… and hold… and work those quads”
“Think about it, detective. If Luda had help on the inside, the distress call would give them enough time to be able to hack into the database and leak out whatever evidence other precincts had on various inmates. If any criminals were wrongfully locked up simply based on the fact that they were criminals, all the dirt would be exposed that not all cops are good” Lieutenant Hyunjung said.
“Turn it! Get down”
All three turn to their left side and squat once more.
“Why is this workout so difficult? Do I even have quads?” Jinsook whined.
“And turn around once more”
“Normally, we’d report this to internal affairs. But since this case is seeming to be bigger than just a mole within our precinct, we need concrete evidence in order to prove Luda has help on the inside” Jooyeon said.
Unbeknownst to the three of them, another woman with powerful thighs was listening in to the conversation. She had a phone in her pocket that was recording everything.
“And hula hand”
“If we’re gonna do this, we’ll need all the help we can get” Jooyeon said to the others.
“I’ll make some calls” Jinsook replied.
“Same here” the Lieutenant said. “I think it’s time we visited a few other precincts”
“Do you have any in mind?” Jooyeon asked.
“I do. A girl I trained with in the academy is a Lieutenant at the Dreamcatcher precinct”
“I do too! My partner during my rookie days in the academy became a detective a few years ago. She’s Chinese born so she definitely knows a lot of overseas contacts” Jinsook said cheerfully.
The one hour class finally ended. Jooyeon was exhausted, now she knew why it was regarded as one of the best high intensity workouts  in the area. She grabs her bag and an insulated stainless steel water bottle from the shelf near the exit and sits on one of the yoga mats on the floor. She grabs her phone from one of the side pockets and checks it. A bunch of SNS notifications and texts from the precinct group chat. Jooyeon noticed that you and Jiyeon haven’t replied to any of the messages since the night of the incident.
Remembering Jinsook’s compliment about how her abs looked, she sat in front of a mirror. Wanting to show the beside of herself, she fixed her bangs and wiped off the sweat from her arms and face before turning her head to the side slightly and taking a mirror selfie, puckering her lips slightly to resemble a duck.
Grinning widely at how it turned out, she took the photo and began to compose a message. It took several minutes before she was satisfied with what she wrote. There was constantly typing only for it to be deleted seconds later. After what seemed like a lifetime, Jooyeon settled on a message she was satisfied with.
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“Oppa! Hope everything’s alright. I just finished pilates with the Lieutenant and Jinsook. Don’t I look cute? I miss you ♡”
Jooyeon screamed in horror after she hit send. She deleted the text chain, flipping her phone over in embarrassment. Not even 30 seconds later, a new message was received. She picked up her phone and raised it.
“Hey, everything’s alright. Glad you guys got to spend time out of work. Hey speaking of which, do you happen to be free today?” your message read.
“Of course! I got the next few days off (: “
“Great. I’ll pick you up at 5?”
“So early haha. But sure, I can’t wait”
“See you then. Also… I miss you too Jooyeon”
She could barely contain her excitement upon reading the last message. Holding her phone to her chest, Jooyeon was giddy as she gathered her belongings and exited the room to quickly get home and freshen up.
“See you then. Also… I miss you too Jooyeon” [Read 2:40 PM]
You looked at your phone and smiled. You and Jooyeon hadn’t just hung out with it being just the two of you in quite some time. You sighed deeply and fell back onto your bed. Staring at the ceiling, you thought about what Jiyeon said. You lost her trust in you. But at the same time, she didn’t really give you a chance to express your side more. You weren’t sure how to feel about things. Hopefully hanging out with Jooyeon will lift your spirits.
Monsoon season was beginning to end in Seoul. Humidity continued to be the death of you, though. You kept your outfit simple: a white tee and a pair of black joggers. You found a pair of shoes hidden under your bed that you don’t remember buying. They fit, albeit a bit snug. You figured they would feel better after breaking them in. Looking at your watch, you hold a bouquet of roses and smile. You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around.
Son Jooyeon greets you a wide smile on her face. You stood there like an idiot, stunned briefly at how beautiful her smile was. Jooyeon’s face was small and perfect. Compared to some of the other members of the squad, she was on the taller side. Her body was perfectly slim and contained model-like proportions. You were surprised companies weren’t trying to scout her. Jooyeon was always enthusiastic about whatever task she did, the public speaking courses she took definitely helped her refine her speech and be confident whenever she needed to speak to uncooperative witnesses and suspects.
Beautiful. Intellectual. Charming. If someone were to ask you to describe Jooyeon, these are the three words you would use. Her beauty knew no bounds.
Son Jooyeon chose to wear a simple outfit as well. Her light blue jeans hugged her wide hips and clung onto her lower body almost as if it was made just for her. The white tank top she had on showed off as much of her milky skin as possible without it being too provocative. The top ended perfectly above her stomach, showing off the faintest indentation of abs and giving you a full view of her midriff. She complimented her look with white feather earrings, white high heels and rose pink lipstick.
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“Wow” was all you said to her.
“You’re pretty wow yourself” she giggled. “Are those for me?”
Jooyeon pointed to the flowers you were holding. “Oh yeah, here. I got them from a flower shop nearby”
“Thank you, oppa. They look beautiful” she smiled as she shook her head back and forth slightly, inhaling the scent of the roses.
“You look beautiful, Jooyeon” you blurted out.
You put a hand on the back of your neck and rubbed it slightly. Jooyeon saw you and laughed.
“That’s the first time you’ve ever told me that. Thank you”
“So what do you wanna do?” you asked her.
Jooyeon’s stomach growled as her response.
You both laughed. “It’s a bit too early for dinner” you said, looking at your watch. “There’s a convenience store nearby where we can get some snacks though”
“Let’s go!” Jooyeon cheered as she pointed forwards. You nodded, extending your hand out to let her lead the way. Jooyeon surprised you by taking your arm and linking it with hers as you two walked.
You and Jooyeon enter the convenience store and head to the frozen section. She picks out various ice cream cones. After a childish argument over who was going to pay, you momentarily distract her by tapping her shoulder and putting the items down on the counter. Jooyeon looked around to see who tapped her shoulder and once she realized it was a joke, saw she was too late and you already paid for the snacks.
“Here you go sir” the cashier said as she handed you the bag full of treats.
“Thank you” You and Jooyeon are about to leave when the cashier speaks.
“Sir, I’m sorry to bother. But you look familiar”
“I get that alot” you say, laughing. “But likewise to you”
“Do you happen to know someone by the name of Kim Minji?” she asks.
“Y-yeah. She’s my ex girlfriend. We used to work together at a convenience store like this one”
“Ah, I see. She’s spoken highly of you. Well, here’s her card. She’s the president of Dreamcatcher Company”
You take the card. The business card had Minji’s information as well as a giant dreamcatcher on the side.
“Well thank you, miss… Lee Yubin” you say while squinting.
You both walk for a bit until you find a restaurant Jiyeon wanted to try. Being a gentleman, you prepared a chair for Jooyeon who thanks you in kind. The vibe in the restaurant was very cozy, lots of potted plants and dim overhead lighting. As Jooyeon looked at the various sauces that lined the table near the window, you looked through the menu. The place prides itself in bringing the flavors of Southeast Asia to Korea.
“I’ve never had this kind of food before, what is good?” Jooyeon asked you as she struggled to pronounce some of the dish names.
“Neither have I” you replied. “But I hear the spring rolls are good. And this noodle dish called mee rebus sounds good too”
“Sounds interesting. Ooh, what’s this? It’s called… sisig. Apparently it’s pork mixed with a few vegetables and spices. Oppa, let’s order that too”
You laughed as the waiter came to your table. Reciting the things you both wanted to order, the waiter took the menus afterwards and left.
“So how are you and Jiyeon unnie?” Jooyeon asked as she sips on a glass of water.
“We’re good” you replied.
“Ah, oppa I know when you’re lying. Your voice gets all deep and you can’t maintain eye contact”
“I’m not lying”
“Jiyeon and I are on a break” you said with a heavy heart. “It was a misunderstanding. I might have… alluded to her that I thought she was helping Luda”
“Oh no. Did she listen to your side of the story?”
“She never gave me the chance to explain myself before kicking me out and saying she needed a break”
The food arrives and you two dig in. Jooyeon was a heavy eater, the snacks you bought her at the convenience store made her even hungrier. She didn’t even bother offering you any food before grabbing the container of rice and putting a bunch on her plate. You smiled, thinking how someone as fit as Jooyeon could eat enough food for four people.
She looks up and sees you. “Oh… I’m sorry oppa. I haven’t been eating too much because of work and got a bit carried away”
“Don’t worry about me. Eat”
Jooyeon nods, her eyes smiling at you as she savors the food. You weren’t used to seeing the cute side of her. At the precinct, she was rather curt and focused only on work.
“So what do you want to do after this?” you asked her as you slurped on your bowl of noodles.
“I was thinking we could go catch a movie. Maybe see a rerun of an Avengers movie?” she said, burping rather loudly. She covered her mouth in embarrassment while you laughed.
“That sounds great” you replied, taking a napkin and wiping the corner of her lips.
The theater was rather empty since it was a weekday. After purchasing tickets, Jooyeon insisted the movie wouldn’t be complete without popcorn and soda. How she had room left for food was beyond you. There was a mini arcade inside the movie theater so you chose to play a game of basketball and air hockey before the movie started.
When the movie finally started, you both were at your reserved seats. Jooyeon kept stuffing popcorn into her face, her eyes glued onto the screen. You were watching the movie as well, but caught yourself sneaking glances at her. It made you happy seeing Jooyeon happy. Both of you reached for the same kernels of popcorn at the same time. This causes you both to retract your hands and look away. You cleared your already clear throat, trying to eliminate the awkwardness.
“The ending always gets me” Jooyeon said to you as you both exited the theater.
“How so?”
“It really felt like the Avengers lost. Thanos collected all the Infinity Stones and wiped out half of all life”
“Well yeah, but we know how the next one ends” you said. She gently nudged your shoulder before putting her arm inside yours.
“Thanks for hanging out with me today, I really needed this” you said to Jooyeon as the car was parked at her apartment’s basement parking.
“Me too, oppa. We need to do more of these”
“Let me know whenever you want to hangout again” you smiled at her, unlocking the car doors.
Jooyeon was about to reach for the door handle before she turned to you. 
“Oppa. Do you… want to come upstairs?”
Jooyeon’s apartment was cozy. While it wasn’t as large as Jiyeon’s, it wasn’t a cramped studio apartment either. It was very bright. Both from the color of the walls and the string of lights that decorated the room. You realized this was the first time you visited a member of the squad’s residence other than Jiyeon’s.
“Make yourself at home” Jooyeon said as she tossed her purse on the couch and went to the refrigerator. “Do you want anything to eat?”
“You’re still hungry?” you laughed while asking her.
“A girl’s gotta eat” she said as she plopped her body next to you. You felt yourself getting a bit flushed, but composed yourself.
“Nice place you have here” you said, twiddling your thumbs.
“Thanks. It’s not much, but it’s home”
“How long have you been living here for?” you asked.
“Few years now. I’ve thought about moving out but this place has too many memories” Jooyeon said.
“I can see that”
“Oppa” you stared into Jooyeon’s brown eyes. Her gaze changed. No longer was it bright and happy.
“Do you know why I asked you to come here?”
“No, I don’t. Did you want me to see your apartment”
“No silly” Jooyeon sighed. “I’ll just be straightforward. I really like you oppa”
“Wow” was all you could say.
“I know you’re dating Jiyeon unnie. But I wanted to make my feelings known”
“I-I think I should go” you said, putting the water bottle down and beginning to get up from the couch.
You felt Jooyeon’s hand grab onto your wrist softly. Her eyes were pleading at you. As tough a girl as Jooyeon was, you never saw her let down her guard to anyone.
“Please, oppa. Don’t go. Stay. I… want to make another memory with you here”
A million thoughts raced through your mind at once. You knew that you couldn’t see what the future had in store, but it definitely wasn’t this. Was this really happening? Are you sure you weren’t dreaming?
“You want me to stay here tonight?” you asked her nervously, your voice reaching a higher pitch than normal.
“Is that okay with you?”
“I- I don’t know…”
“I just… don’t want to be alone tonight” Jooyeon said, lightly squeezing on the water bottle before taking another gulp.
“It’s just… this is the first date I’ve been on in awhile. And it’s someone I really like. I… I don’t know” she said.
“This was a date?” you asked.
“I mean… wasn’t it?” she said, making you doubt what today truly was. “We had dinner and a movie. And you took me home. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it was a first date”
You took a sip of water as you began to process the whirlwind that occurred the past 30 seconds. Were you on a date with Jooyeon?
“So you’ll stay then?” she timidly asked.
You nodded.
“Great. Then can you turn the aircon on? It’s getting pretty stuffy in here” she said, grinning.
You walked over to her thermostat, setting the temperature from 72 to a cool 63. You were about to sit down on the couch next to her when she suddenly got up and put her hand in yours. Not speaking a single word, she lead you to her bedroom.
“Sit” she said as she pushed your body down onto her bed. You were surprised at how Jooyeon’s bed was able to fit in her room since it took up almost 70% of it. Her room was mostly empty, a vanity area at one corner and a small desk with a laptop and various photos at another. A flatscreen television was placed on the wall in front of her bed.
“Make yourself comfortable” she said, repeating her words earlier when you sat on the couch. “I’m gonna change really quick”
Unsure of what to do to pass the time, you looked through your phone. You didn’t have any unread messages so you decided to watch a few videos to pass the time. Eventually, you hear the sound of a faucet being turned off. A tapping noise near the doorframe is what gets your attention diverted from a currently playing video.
Awaiting you was Detective Son Jooyeon dressed in a police officer cosplay. You think. She wore a pair of black shorts that complimented her hips well. A black blazer could be seen covering a button up shirt that was tailored to show off her midriff. The loose fitting black tie that went along with the outfit covered her belly button. She wore a police officer cap like the ones you saw on tv, holding a toy gun in her delicate hand.
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She looked at you, her gaze oozing pure seduction. The twinkle in her eyes shined with a burning passion.
“Jooyeon, what are you-”
“Quiet. Someone’s been a very bad boy…”
She grabbed a baton from behind her and poked it on your chest, pushing you onto the bed. She quickly straddled your lap. You both said nothing and just stared at each other. Before you knew it, she leaned closer and closer to you until your faces were only a few inches apart. You could feel her soft breaths on your face. You smelled mint whenever she did, assuming she brushed her teeth before returning to the room. Her thin, pink lips glistened thanks to the light in the room. You were confused, nervous and yet somehow aroused at the beautiful woman sitting on top of you at the moment.
“Jooyeon” you asked quietly, feeling her hands hold onto your shoulders for support.
“Yes” she replied.
“Are you… trying to make the first move on me?”
“What gave you that idea?” she asked, her voice lowering in register.
“It’s just that you’re… you know, on top of me”
“Kiss me”
“Kiss me, oppa”
Without a second thought, you closed your eyes and gently pressed your lips against hers. The feeling the moment you both connected sent a jolt of electricity across your entire body. It was insane to think about. Jooyeon cupped your face and pulled you closer to her. Not a single thought went through your mind. Your body reacted on its own, feeling the tender, passionate kiss you two were beginning to share. You responded in kind by wrapping your arms around Jooyeon’s waist and pulled her closer to you. Her petite figure felt wonderful in your embrace.
“Should we be doing this?” you asked as your lips temporarily disconnected.
“Yes” she said, not letting go of you and continuing to brush your lips together. “I need this. I want you”
And so you both continued. You felt Jooyeon’s tongue find yours, as your fingers ran through her hair. Even though the entire apartment was a brisk 63, it felt like the room was getting too hot. The air was heavy with both of your emotions. Jooyeon began to be bold and kissed you more furiously, bringing your hands to her waist and hips. While she was still wearing shorts, you felt every curve of her body.
The soft, tender kiss you shared a few minutes ago was long gone. Replacing it was a hot, passionate makeout session. You gave into temptation and crept your fingers slowly until they reached her butt. Hormones were being kicked into overdrive as you lost control and wanted to feel every part of her.
Jooyeon sucked on your bottom lip and reached down to remove your shirt. You responded by squeezing her butt. It was so soft, even softer than Jiyeon’s you thought. She let out a heavy moan from your touch. Never having enough, you squeezed it again, being a bit more aggressive this time. She jumped slightly but went down and sucked on your neck, beginning slowly before increasing in force. She tossed your shirt aside, you were turned on by how assertive Jooyeon was being.
“You’re sure about this?” you asked with heavy breaths.
“I’m more than sure” she said, kissing your chest softly.
She put a finger on you and smiled. “No buts. Well except mine, your hands felt so good on them”
Jooyeon resumed kissing you wildly, as she locked her thighs on you and dug her tongue into your mouth. You were a bit caught off guard by her forwardness but realized it made you even more aroused. Your hands returned to her ass, squeezing her cheeks as hard as you could. She jumped up, but quickly composed yourself and gave you a very naughtly smile.
“Looks like someone’s being a really bad boy” she said in a seductive tone.
“Is that a bad thing?”
You didn’t give her the chance to reply by roughly smacking her cheeks.
“Ah” she moaned, biting her bottom lip. “I like it. It turns me on when you do that”
You unbuttoned her shorts and slipped them off her. Placing your hands on her now semi exposed butt, you gathered her panties onto the crease and smacked her ass again. The sound reverberating inside the room and your ears.
Jooyeon slowly removed her blazer, tie and shirt leaving herself exposed in black laced lingerie. Her thin waist complimented her hourglass figure. A pair of round breasts immediately caught your eye as you looked down and saw the smoothest, longest legs that you wanted wrapped around your hips. And face.
She bit her lips as you ran your hands across her soft body. Her stomach was perfectly flat and toned. Feeling it in your own hands was an indescribable feeling. Her hair flowed perfectly down her face as she stared at you with one of the sexiest expressions you have ever seen on a woman.
“You look beautiful, Jooyeon” you said, your heartbeat increasing in speed.
“That’s the second time you’ve said that to me” she said, blushing.
She slowly rocked back and forth on your body, you felt her arousal on your jeans since her poor excuse of panties did nothing to prevent her wetness from leaking out.
“Were you waiting for me to say it again?”
“Maybe” she said, smiling at you sweetly as she placed your hands on her thighs. You decided enough was enough and held onto her hips as you brought her body upwards towards your face.
“Wow” she said, surprised at how aggressive you were.
Jooyeon was now sitting on top of you, holding onto the sides of your head for balance. The wonderful aroma of her feminine scent quickly entered your nostrils. You noticed she decided to spray perfume all over her body. You caught a whiff of cherry blossoms. Softly, you began kissing the creases of her warm thighs. She began breathing heavily, lowering herself onto you even more while she began rocking her hips back and forth. You stuck your tongue out, gliding it across her crotch as it was now being mixed with her own wetness.
“You’re t-teasing me?” she whined.
“Is that bad?”
You grabbed onto the hemline of her panties and yanked them downwards, Jooyeon assisting you in removing them. Now you were finally able to see her beautiful, bare pussy. The initial contact of your tongue onto her was amazing. You were overwhelmed with happiness, while she gasped loudly. Her body squirmed as you began to taste her, it tasted as sweet as candy in your opinion. You began lapping up as much as you could.
“You taste amazing”
“Holy fuck” she moaned, grabbing fistfuls of your hair as she continued grinding on your mouth.
You kissed her beautiful pink pussy lips as she continued dripping into your mouth. She left you very intoxicated, sensory overload was something you didn’t think was possible until this moment. Slowly, you traced your tongue across her entirely before digging deep. You heard Jooyeon scream from above you, wanting to cover her mouth in order to avoid being heard by her neighbors. You didn’t care at all, what with her thighs wrapped around your ears. You continued pushing your tongue inside her, licking her walls as her body squirmed in pure ecstasy.
“That feels so good” she moaned.
Jooyeon would spend several minutes riding your face while you held onto her ass, both for balance and to caress it in your hands. Your hands felt every inch of her. Every curve of her soft, smooth cheeks. Her loud moans pierced the quiet room as you continued drawing tender circles on her clit with your tongue. You felt her skin begin to moisten with sweat even though the room was a bit chilly. Taking her clit into your mouth and sucking it, you felt Jooyeon yank onto your hair rather roughly. You thought she was going to pull out fistfuls of hair from how aggressive it was. Her thighs squeezed your head rather painfully from how much in pleasure she was.
“Holy shit… don’t stop oppa. Please don’t stop” she screamed, causing you to alternate between sucking and licking her pussy. “Fuck! Don’t stop -- oh my fucking god”
Jooyeon’s back began to arch as her body was shaking. With every movement of her body, you squeezed her ass even harder. She moaned so loudly you were beginning to be a bit afraid people would hear and think something bad was happening to their neighbor. Mercifully, you relinquished your grip on her causing her to breathe heavily as her body sat on top of yours.
She removed her grip on your hair, you were internally thanking her as you thought you wouldn’t have any left if you were gonna continue. Her mouth was wide open from the excitement she felt from being pleasured. She looked into your soul with a loving gaze.
“That was amazing…” she whimpered out, gently kissing you. You responded by kissing back before moving onto her neck and shoulder. Your fingers held onto the strap of her bra and removed it.
“You’re so crazy” you said, swallowing your saliva to help you catch your breath.
Your hands wrapped around her back and unhooked her bra. Once it dropped down, her breasts were finally fully revealed to you. They were noticeably bigger than Jiyeon’s, a perfect size to fit in your hand. Her nipples were a cute shade of pink, contrasting Jiyeon’s brown ones. Your mouth watered as she was now fully exposed to you.
“Wow” you said. It felt like that was all you were able to say about Jooyeon.
Tossing her bra aside, her breasts jiggled slightly. She giggled at you, seeing your eyes hungrily stare at them. She grabbed your hands and placed them on her chest. They were so warm and full to the touch. Her boobs were even softer than her ass, seemingly made for your hands. You began to gently fondle them, pinching the tip of her nipples with your fingers while she rubbed yourself on your body.
Placing a tender kiss on your lips, she removed herself from your lap and descended to your lower body.
“It’s my turn to see what you’ve been hiding” she said naughtily as she began to unbutton your jeans. You were nervous because you were about to fully expose yourself to Jooyeon. At the same time, you were happy because your erection was painfully trapped inside your pants. She finally pulled both the jeans and your boxer briefs, releasing your cock from its cloth prison.
Her eyes twinkled with excitement as she stared wide eyed at it. She wrapped her soft hand around your shaft, wanting to feel every part of it like it was a delicate item.
“Wow, you’re so fucking hard...” she said.
Jooyeon started stroking your cock slowly, observing your facial expressions. She smiles in satisfaction as she sees you close your eyes and tilt your head back. Her delicate hands were now stained with your precum as she tightened her grip on your shaft.
“Should I?” she asked you in a soft voice, asking for your permission.
“Ahh… please” you begged her.
“Such an impatient oppa” she said, giggling before wrapping her thin lips around you. Your eyes momentarily see her before closing once again from the pleasure.
“I barely put my lips on you and you’re this turned on?” she said as she began stroking you fast.
The pleasure was too much for you to reply. Instead, you felt Jooyeon slowing down her movements. She placed a gentle kiss on the tip, going down a line on your entire length. She never broke eye contact with you while doing so. Son Jooyeon had such a beautiful face and body, the way she handled your cock turned you on even more.
She eventually made her way down to your balls, making long licks upwards with her tongue before taking each individually in her mouth. Her tongue flickered while doing so, rewarding her with lovely groans from you. After making sure each ball was coated with saliva, she ran her tongue one last time across them before returning back to the head where she twirled around the circumference of it. You tried to pretend you weren’t satisfied, but Jooyeon knew you were bluffing.
“Oppa… you aren’t holding back are you?” she asked, her tongue rapidly licking the underside of your head.
Not caring to wait for a response, Jooyeon began sucking your cock. Her warm, wet mouth fully lathered you  as she bobbed her head up and down. She would apply a gentle suction at the tip, her tongue swirling around your shaft at the same time.
You were no stranger to getting blowjobs, Jiyeon having given you many under your desk or your convenience store days when Kim Minji would do so when you were restocking shelves. But now that Son Jooyeon was sucking your cock, you felt like it was a dream.
Her speed began to pick up, Jooyeon simultaneously moaning with you even though her mouth was stuffed with cock. She was so focused on pleasuring you that she began cupping your balls while her head bobbed up and down. Jooyeon wasn’t just giving you one of the best blowjobs you have ever received, you were being comforted physically as well as mentally. She wanted you to feel relaxed, taking great pride in knowing she would be the one to ease your worries.
She gave you such a deadly stare while she let go of fondling your balls and pushed her long, messy jet black hair back. She continued her mouth’s furious sucking and grip on you, causing you to begin to feel an out of body experience from how much pressure she was applying. You were ready to cum at any moment.
Jooyeon knew this, so she stopped. As her mouth released its hold on you, saliva began to spill out when her head began to move up. You moaned, not wanting her to let go. She looked at you staring at her with pity in your eyes, pleading for her to put you back into her mouth. She gave you a mischievous smirk, satisfied you weren’t able to cum. She returned to gently stroking you.
“Sorry oppa” she said. But you knew she wasn’t sorry.
“You’re not being fair” you panted.
“Oh?” she replied softly. “How do you think we should make things fair?”
She crawled back up towards you, kissing you on the lips. Her fingers glided across your cheek tenderly as you looked at her when your lips disconnected. Her beauty left you awestruck, hypnotizing you to do whatever she asked.
Without warning, Jooyeon’s body is lowered onto your face when she turns around suddenly. You were being smothered by her pussy as she takes your cock into her mouth. Her juices continued leaking down her thighs as she begged for you to stimulate her more. If her pussy wasn’t drowning you or your line of vision, you probably would've just cum from watching her suck your cock in this position.
Son Jooyeon never struck you as such a wild person in the bedroom. She always had an air of elegance to her, even though she considered herself one of the boys who could seemingly get along with any friend group. While it does surprise you, to be fair you never expected to see her be intimate in the bedroom. There were no complaints from you, if this was how Jooyeon gives blowjobs, you were anticipating how she would be when she is getting fucked.
She took your cock as deep as she could, so deep in her mouth that her lips reached your base. She did her best to hold on for a long time, feeling her throat be stuffed with your tip. The pleasure that flowed throughout your body was so addicting. Jooyeon’s natural odor during sex was an intoxicating one: she left you wanting more. You were beginning to become addicted to her.
You smacked both of her ass cheeks, firmly holding on top both as you lapped up her sweet nectar. Jooyeon tasted a lot sweeter than Jiyeon in your opinion.
“Oppa!” Jooyeon released your cock from her mouth, moaning out loudly. You gave her repeated smacks on her ass while squeezing them. Your tongue buried itself deep inside her hole, Jooyeon mimicked the same actions on your cock.
“Oh my god…” she screamed while sucking your cock that was glistening.
You both repeated your actions over and over as your tongue tasted all of her. She moaned incoherently due to her mouth being stuffed with your cock. You wanted to tease her, stopping her from receiving pleasure. Jooyeon was not happy about that, pushing her pussy onto your face.
“You’re being needy” you teased.
Of course this was just you putting on a front since you saw Jooyeon bobbing her head up and down your cock. Your efforts to tease her were in vain, she was the one in control. Not you.
You took two fingers and inserted them inside her pussy. Jooyeon let out a scream as her walls wrapped themselves around you. You entered deeper, establishing a rhythm. She wasn’t going to let you out pleasure her, stroking your cock hard as she began to deepthroat you. You let out an extremely loud moan, shocked that she was so competitive.
Jooyeon’s assault continued, swallowing you whole as her screams couldn’t be contained even with a mouthful of dick. You began to feel asphyxiated from her pussy being on your face but you figured it wouldn’t be a bad way to go. You mustered up the strength to clean up the trickles of juices that flowed out of her. You sucked on her clit gently, making various lengths of lines with your tongue. Her body convulsed as she finally released your cock from the warm wet confines of her mouth.
“Holy shit… keep going oppa” she said. “Don’t fucking stop”
Although she wanted to keep sucking your cock, the pleasure you were giving her rendered her weak.  You were rewarded with her cries of pleasure, increasing in pace as her screams became louder in octaves.
“Fuck… don’t stop. Fuck” she yelled.
Son Jooyeon rivaled Kwon Eunbi at being the loudest in bed. Both women had an air of elegance to them, but were sex crazed freaks behind closed doors. You wanted to hear her beg for you more.
“Don’t you fucking stop oppa” she said as you smacked her ass. She pushed her now damp her back as she grabbed a handful of her tits. She was consumed by a sex filled rage, only wanting to be pleasured by you.
“This feels so fucking good” she said. “No one’s ever eaten my pussy like this!”
Her body grinded up and down repeatedly as her body was shaking. She grabbed onto your thighs for support. Struggling to catch her breath, you give her a stimulating lick. You kissed whatever you could, smacking her ass again. It felt like your night consisted of Jooyeon saying vulgar words and moaning at a high decibel.
She struggled to get up from your face, her legs wobbling. She turned around, now face to face with you as she was glistening with sweat. Jooyeon was a sweaty, panting mess and yet she still looked beautiful to you.
“Oppa” she moaned, kissing you on the lips. “This is crazy… I want you so badly. Do you want me?”
“I want you too, Jooyeon” you replied, squeezing her breasts.
You fixed her bangs and tucked away several loose strands of hair behind her ear as she kissed you. She interlocked her hands with yours, as your bodies rubbed against one another. Her breasts felt so soft pressed against you, both of you could hear your hearts beat.
 You wrapped your arms around Jooyeon and flipped her over so that she was lying down on the bed. She wrapped her arms around your neck as you leaned down and kissed her. She spread her thighs open as she pulled you towards her. You held onto your cock and it eventually found its way in front of her pussy. You rubbed your tip against her lips, as it began to be covered by her juices. She moaned as she bit her lower lip while looking at you.
“Fuck me please, baby” she said as she grabbed fistfuls of her hair. “I want to get fucked by you”
“You’re being a bad girl, Jooyeon. Good girls don’t beg to be fucked”
“Please…” she pleaded, looking at you with loving eyes.
Not wanting to delay your own pleasure any longer, you push your cock inside Jooyeon. Her pussy was so warm and tight. The foreplay you two did earlier made it so that you easily slid inside due to her slick juices. Her walls began to constrict your cock as you began to slowly move inside her. One hand was placed behind your head while the other clawed your back as she began to scream. You began to fuck her while tenderly giving her face kisses.
“Baby…” she cried in ecstasy. Her legs wrapped themselves tightly around you.
“You’re so tight, Jooyeon” you managed to say.
“Call me baby, please”
You fucked Jooyeon tenderly, slower than your usual pace but it didn’t matter. You felt safe inside Jooyeon’s embrace, her breasts jiggled up and down to the rhythm of your thrusts. You took each nipple into your mouth, sucking on them. She kept moaning as you slid in and out of her pussy. You gradually began picking up momentum, her walls tightening around your shaft even harder. With your increased pace came Jooyeon’s screams gradually becoming louder.
“Babe...” you moaned.
“Harder…” she screamed. “Fuck me harder…”
You unwrapped her legs from your waist and put them above your shoulders. You fucked her faster, harder than before. The tip of your cock was reaching the epicenter of where she was getting the most pleasure. She screamed loudly, happy that you were listening to her. She gripped onto the bedsheets roughly as the sound her body slamming against your pelvis filled the quiet room. Her juices splashed against you with each thrust.
“Baby, I’m cumming… oh my god I’m gonna cum” she cried. Her body was convulsing as you didn’t decrease in intensity. With one final loud scream, Son Jooyeon clawed your back roughly as her orgasm arrived.
Once the aftershocks of her orgasm winded down, you slowed your pace. She was panting heavily, her body drenched in sweat as she looked at you lovingly. Her face looked satisfied, happy that you made her feel good. Feeling tired, you pulled yourself out of her. You both moaned as inch by inch withdrew itself. The temperature in the air was cool thanks to the air conditioning, giving you a tingling sensation as it flowed through your cock which was covered in her pussy juice.
“I’m getting close to cumming” you said weakly.
“No” she said, rubbing her pussy lips. “You can’t cum yet baby”
She cupped your face, kissing you sweetly as you felt her body warm you up. Jooyeon stroked your cock while doing so, you responded by fondling her breasts.
“Sit on the edge” she said quietly.
You obeyed as Jooyeon grabbed a pillow and threw it on the ground. She kneeled, smiling at you with both her lips and her eyes. Her hand returned to your penis, gripping onto it as she ran her tongue on your frenulum. Your cock was sensitive, twitching at the contact.
She spit on her left hand before wrapping her lips around your cock, gently sucking on your tip. The hand that contained her spit massaged your balls tenderly. You felt goosebumps on your body as your spine shivered thanks to her actions.
“I love your cock” she said, stroking you. “Can you please fuck me like this at work?”
“I told you to call me baby” her words betraying her as she smiled sweetly at you. “Don’t think I don’t know about Jiyeon unnie giving you blowjobs under your desk”
She doesn’t even give you time to answer as she takes your cock down her throat.
“Were you going to say something, baby?” she teased, sucking your cock once more while squeezing your balls.
You moaned out in bliss as you watched her suck your dick. Pleasure flowed from your head all the way down to your toes as she rubbed herself simultaneously. Your orgasm was fast approaching.
“Cum for me, baby” she licked her lips while laughing.
“I can’t hold it-” you panted.
“Give me your cum” she quietly said, tenderly kissing your tip repeatedly before sucking your cock once again. She switched between various speeds as she grabbed your left hand and put it behind her head. One of her delicate hands fondled your balls while the other squeezed her breasts. You put your other hand on her head, running your fingers through her moist hair as her jet black hair bobbed up and down. You felt her moans as your cock was in her mouth.
“Jooyeon… it’s coming” you panted.
Jooyeon increased in pace, sucking you even harder. You roughly pulled on her hair as she looked up and stared into your soul. You both knew what was fast approaching.
Your body didn’t give you a chance to finish moaning her name as it went numb. The tingling sensation flowed from your head to your toes  as you erupted inside her mouth. Jooyeon moaned as she kept bobbing, feeling your hot sticky cum hit the back of her throat. Her eyes were smiling at you, twinkling with delight as she began to swallow. You held onto your cock and tapped it a few times on her tongue. She sucks your cock a few times before releasing it from her mouth with a loud pop as she laps up the last remaining dribble on your urethra.
The innocent smile Jooyeon gave you betrayed the actions she just committed.
You pushed your weak body and laid down on the bed, breathing heavily. One of the more intense orgasms you had, you were in awe at how Jooyeon was able to make you feel. She moved with you, cleaning your cock a bit more. After several minutes, she finally climbed up the bed and laid down next to you. She gave you a tender kiss as you wrapped your arms around her.
You cuddled for some time, before your eyes began to get heavy. Jooyeon’s body next to you was touching yours. Your breaths were synced in unison. She looked up at you as you looked down at her, both of you smiling sweetly as your lips connect one more time. You hold her tightly in your embrace as you kiss her forehead before both of you drift off to sleep.
“I love you, oppa”
Elsewhere in one of the backrooms of a shop, a woman is seen counting money. She smiles, a gun right next to her on the desk.
A knock on the door can be heard.
Four women enter the room and greet the woman. They are of varying heights, a bit of uneasiness seen on their faces.
“We did what you said, boss. No one knows we’re working for you”
“Good. If any of you double cross me, these two will see to it that you’re taken care of”
Two women approach from the shadows standing next to the woman who was sitting down. One was smiling, wearing an apron while smelling a black rose, the other smirks as she wiped the sweat off her forehead with a towel.
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