#for a minute and was like 227 notes goddamn
kushami-hime · 2 years
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I posted 1,743 times in 2022
That's 226 more posts than 2021!
924 posts created (53%)
819 posts reblogged (47%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,039 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#kushami asks - 365 posts
#snzblr - 227 posts
#not snz - 213 posts
#snz kink - 207 posts
#snzfucker - 202 posts
#sneeze kink - 144 posts
#snz - 100 posts
#kushami wavs - 96 posts
#snz wav - 34 posts
#b/akugou - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#knowing that you all care so deeply for a stranger on the internet has restored my faith in humanity
My Top Posts in 2022:
CW: Sneezing, Stifles, Wet Sneezes, Half Stifles, BakuBrats stank attitude, embarrassment, 3 noseblows. 
One morning at the local hero agency, the newest generation fresh to the scene is called to a meeting by their serious colleague, Tenya Iida. Everyone is in attendance, including Ground Zero and Deku. But as they get settled in, a strong smell in the cramped room begins to set off Deku’s nose...this won’t end well. 
FIRST wav since...the dragon!baku one? That was done a hot minute ago I feel like but whatever lol. I cant find the proper anon question atm and to be honest I dont remember if its the same person but when you see this, I hope it’s alright! All I remember was that someone asked for D/eku dealing with someones strong perfume either in a mission/meeting/college lecture so I went with a meeting setting. I put my own little spin on it with music from the OST and using background sounds and stuff to give it more...immersion? idk lmao.
Anyway! It’s bedtime for me but horni hours for you guys. Enjoy! <3
102 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
After waking up with a terrible fever, D/eku finds himself being taken care of by B/akugou, who’s usual rash behavior covers up his worrisome feelings over his lovers illness.
CW: Sneezing (dur) Baku being a tsundere mother hen, bratty sick Deku, Baku getting sneezed on (twice I think?), general caretaking, you know the drill. 
OK guys wtf HOW did this get so goddamn long!? This is my longest wav YET! And yet...I don’t think it lived up to the hype? Im just being hard on myself I guess, you all be the judge.
I really missed doing Deku and I got like, REALLY mess and REALLY stuffy during this wav and you can totally hear it nearer to the end/in the second half.
This was originally for THIS ask and Im sorry if it sucks (I know you said soft caretaker Baku but he’s pretty angry in the first half) but HEY its super long so there’s that? Lol. I also apologize for the quality, I had to knock it down during the export cause it was too big for Discord lol...
Anyway, um...enjoy I guess! It’s been a harsh week so Im gonna go eat something and watch anime I guess @-@ 
102 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
CW: SLOW BURN, B/akugou being tied up/restrained, slight BDSM vibes, feather use, a LOT of sneezing (like...a LOT) long, drawn out holdbacks/build ups, some NSFW sounds if you squint, mess/hints at a lot of mess, feather allergy, my OC Tsumeko being a real bitch to blasty boi, established Pro Hero AU, hands free stifles, forced stifles, B/akugou being loud and having an absolute potty mouth, growly noises (cause yknow angry B/akubrat), forced false starts (if thats a thing), B/akugou being winded/out of breath on a few occassions, cameo from T/odoroki and D/eku at the end, shirt being used as a tissue/noseblowing into shirt.
K/atsuki wakes up tied to a support beam in a structurally unsound building seemingly underground. When he realizes his captor is a well known thief he's been chasing for weeks, he's completely seeing red. Will he be able to tough it out against her strange test of endurance or crack under the pressure with a weakness he didn't even know he had?
Holy fuck guys...this shit is the length of a full on anime episode and idk whether to be proud of myself or ashamed like...idk what to think. All I know is that a LOT of anons wanted this wav and well...here it is lol. It took like 3 - 4 weeks of repeat sessions of JUST sneezing and also holdback training if you will. Most of them were seperate but 90% of the holdbacks in this are 100% real so enjoy my genuine battle against fresh vials of Chinknii xux;
I'm also sort of on the fence with this one, cause it's been a hot minute since I've done a B/akugou wav and I pretty much forgot how to sneeze like him, and I rerecorded certain sneezes but without much improvement so sorry about that u.u Hopefully they get better as I do a few more wavs with him coming up.
SO! Um...hopefully this does some numbers cause I have to be up early and I stayed up to finish this and um...yeah! Im gonna go pass out now-
102 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
CW: Nose blowing, wet sneezes, sniffling, buildups/hitching breaths, somewhat horny Bakubrat, very teasing and dominant/demanding! Listener is in a servant position so there’s that if you’re into domestic servitude lmao
After a long day away from the palace, B/akugou returns from an outing drenched in freezing rain, and sneezing almost uncontrollably. He claims he’s fine...typical B/akugou. But once Y/N pesters him enough, he admits that he may have caught himself an awful illness by the name of Dragon Fever. With human blood running through their veins, Y/N is immune to this disease, so it’s up to them to nurse the suddenly teasing and feverish king back to health...
AS YOU CAN SEE, this file was too big and too horni for tumblr so I had to use soundcloud instead. A lot of people have been waiting for this, so I really REALLY hope it came out OK. You guys know Im too hard on myself these days like, ugh. The self loathing is so real...
But, it’s here. And I’ll probably take some time to write scripts and maaaaybe write a short fic? I dunno yet, Im really tired, lol Enjoy!
Minors DNI. Non-Kink blogs DO NOT REBLOG! Love you guys!
103 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A shy, nerdy type of guy you've been friends with for so long that you've decided to tell about your kink. He thinks nothing of it, even reassures you that it's natural and it's not weird at all! He even totally forgets it...even as he's struggling with his usual hayfever.
You can't help but squirm as he's humiliating himself by struggling to fish out his used tissues to wipe his streaming nose, holding back his sneezes with messy half stifles into his hands. He looks down at the shiny mess in his palms as he hides himself from you, flushed red in the face. That's when he remembers.
"W-wait...y-you...l-like this sort of thing...don't you?"
133 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thesaltyace · 3 years
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I posted 7,481 times in 2021
227 posts created (3%)
7254 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 32.0 posts.
I added 25 tags in 2021
#😂 - 5 posts
#goddamn it - 3 posts
#lmfao - 3 posts
#but usually 3 - 2 posts
#seriously - 2 posts
#omfg - 2 posts
#supernatural - 2 posts
#i hate it here - 2 posts
#lmao - 2 posts
#that's it - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i think i need to spend today breaking down empty boxes and moving them into the hallway or garage or something so that it's less cluttered
My Top Posts in 2021
You are wrong.
Yeah I’m not going to give the anon in my inbox the satisfaction of an actual reply, but just so we’re clear:
I have an actual degree in biology and a substantial amount of graduate work in sociology.
You are wrong and most biologists and sociologists ALSO agree that you’re wrong!
Gender is a social construct, but that doesn’t mean it’s meaningless.
Oppression isn’t based on biological constructs, they’re based on social constructs (which people often justify using biological arguments, but that doesn’t mean biology is the root cause).
Biological sex is 1) not a binary, and 2) has no bearing on someone’s gender. Surprise, how we perceive biological sex is ALSO a social construct! It isn’t some natural law or immutable reality.
Biological sex, much like gender and sexuality, exists as a spectrum.
Sex and gender often correlate with specific combinations, but not always. And correlation doesn’t mean that’s the “right” way to be, either! ALL ways of being are “correct” whether you like it or not.
All of this boils down to the fact that trans women are women and trans men are men. In conclusion, you are extremely fucking incorrect and can get the hell out of my inbox. (:
14 notes • Posted 2021-01-02 01:47:52 GMT
Me, a person with ADHD: "Huh, I don't think I really have many sensory issues. Even though that's, like, apparently common? Weird!"
Also me:
*won't eat certain foods because of texture*
*won't wear certain clothes because of texture or seams*
*won't finish my food if I don't have the right ratios of every type of food on my plate to put into one bite*
*instantly irritable if sound is either too much or too little*
*anything snagging on my nails even a little bit makes my skin crawl*
*touching a dry towel with a dry hand is the worst sensation*
*needs music to concentrate*
*needs complete and utter silence to concentrate*
*the sound of knuckles popping is the absolute worst sound*
*totally oblivious to alarm that's been going off for fifteen minutes*
*can hear the electricity in my toothbrush charger and it makes me want to scream*
*toothpaste can't escape my mouth while brushing my teeth or I will die*
16 notes • Posted 2021-04-03 22:49:38 GMT
You know what absolutely pisses me off?
Every time I do my e-check in for a doctor's appointment it lists my current "conditions" and it lists this one:
Excess body fat that exceeds healthy limits caused by excess calories
And it is INFURIATING because we have NEVER discussed my diet. Never. So how are you going to tell me my "excess body fat" is caused by "excess calories"?? PLEASE, EXPLAIN THAT TO ME WITH A STRAIGHT FACE.
21 notes • Posted 2021-05-25 17:03:26 GMT
Bless my high school.
Bless them for keeping some scattered records of my time from primary and secondary school.
I just found an evaluation from kindergarten in which they evaluated my reading skills, both oral and silent. As far as I can (vaguely) remember, it was because I was juuuuust behind the cutoff to start that year and they were going to make me wait until the following year to start. But I could already read and my mom was like, nah, she needs to start now. So they tested my reading skills and comprehension.
At almost six years old, I was reading with no errors at a fifth grade level. I made one error in each sixth and seventh grade levels. I got up to the eight grade level before I made two mistakes and they stopped there.
Halfway into the school year they did another evaluation for placement into whatever gifted and talented was at the time. I was dying laughing reading through those notes, y'all. They did an interview portion and some of my answers were just... I took the questions so literally.
"Do you write at school?"
"What kind of writing do you do?"
Yeah, they were looking for... well, not that answer. I imagine myself answering with the tone of "Duh, dumbass. HANDwriting?" Like, what other kind is there? 😅 (Honestly idk what answer they were actually looking for. A six year old isn't writing novels in class, they're learning the alphabet...? But evidently my answer was not expected.)
Oh god the best part though?
"What's your favorite part of school that isn't lunch or recess?"
Of course. OF COURSE.
Just so you know, they were clearly looking for something like... social or creative. The follow up question was about the kind of books I like to read.
Science books.
Uh huh. Yeah, they were expecting something a little less academic. Princesses, dragons, the hungry caterpillar, idk.
I scored very high academically on that evaluation but was below average in creativity. Shocker.
Y'all, how did no one look at me at age 6, hyperlexia on full display, information-focused as hell, and think, yeah, this kid is perfectly normal, no need to keep an eye on anything there?
Or throughout my primary and secondary education, where I made excellent grades and scored in the 99th percentile on every goddamn evaluation of standardized test I took, but struggled to pay attention, couldn't remember to turn in my work (if I even remembered to do it in the first place), and had one, maybe two friends, and was bullied by most others for being weird? Such high potential, so smart, but struggled terribly in school and with social interactions. But hey, a pleasure to have in class.
I kind of want to be mad but I can't stop laughing. If I ever decide to seek formal diagnosis of autism you'd better believe I'm including this shit. 😂
21 notes • Posted 2021-08-10 06:49:08 GMT
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10058 notes • Posted 2021-02-20 05:21:09 GMT
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