#for all the limsa lurkers no one goes here because it's not in the same shout zone as the plaza
8. How do they feel about the fame/infamy that comes with being a Warrior of Light/Darkness?
Ooh, one of the most interesting questions :D
Frog has literally never turned down someone asking for help (read: I have cleared every quest systematically off the map as I progressed :'D) and feels intensely connected to everywhere she's been as a result. And it's on a personal level where I think at this point, everyone knows at least one person who she has personally helped get a cat out a tree or carried their bags for them or whatever they need today. I can really see a folk hero status trailing her from early on, because what she sees is that no one has ever really just stopped to ask people how they're doing and what needs done, but she's sort of leaving a trail behind her of people changed by that encounter who might start remembering to do the same for each other.
So in a way she barely registers when it's different because she slayed some huge god or defeated an army or whatever because she is very used to helping out and getting a modest reward and slipping away to the next thing. The end of Stormblood where they're marching her through Ala Mhigo like a conquering hero was when it started to seem really weird (she's from the far opposite end of Abalathia's Spine to Ala Mhigo, she's not Gyr Abanian per se as far as I can tell from the terrible geography lore they give us - I think Idyllshire's end of the mountains is closer to home honestly), and I think she started laying low a little/avoiding the people who would really idolise her as a figurehead in her lifetime in case they ask her to take actual responsibility for things. Which, honestly, is probably just making people tell more legends about her.
A certain monologue about her having the power to rule absolutely freaked her out because she's only interested in gaining power simply for its own sake, intellectual curiosity, and honestly to be of more use to people as a wandering knight in shining (pink) armour, just because it makes her happy. It served as a good warning not to get too tangled in the politics or visible as a figurehead, so whenever things lean that way she's very uncomfortable with it.
The GOOD side of it is that first of all she gets free drinks anywhere she goes (always prioritise the local bartender's side quests, she quickly learned from Buscarron), but most importantly, she has her own table at the Bismark, as they remember her fondly as their one-time student chef who incidentally saved the world a few times or whatever. Getting to sit there and be mostly out of the way and also getting free gourmet food is the dream.
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