#for once I'm gonna be time period appropiate
giurochedadomani · 9 months
I'm doing a continuation of this. A horny continuation.
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He settles one of the pillows at the small of his back, then the other vertically along the side of the bed. Under Mihawk’s incredulous scrutiny, he settles back and pats his lap. 
“Come here”. 
Mihawk continues staring at him. It’s kind of funny, the squeamish look with the raging hard on. Shanks bites his tongue, keeping in check the smile threatening to spill on his lips. 
“That can’t possibly be comfortable”. 
“This can hardly cause any scar on my back I’d be ashamed of”, he jokes, tugging lightly on Mihawk’s ankle. “Come on”. 
Mihawk’s a taut line of tension when he straddles Shanks’ lap. He wonders how the other envisioned this going on, because he has clearly not planned this far ahead. Or maybe he did plan it, and Shanks’ just not reading correctly how to pick up the initiative from him. 
He settles his hands on the small of Mihawks’ back, fingers splayed over his ass, and tries to think about the night on the beach. When the other slides a bit closer, small and a tad doubtful, he pulls him flush against him, capturing Mihawk’s moan into a kiss.
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funbirdnest · 1 year
Atlantis - Below the surface chapter 2
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Eichi: It's called Project-ATLANTIS.
Also known as PA. It's a colonization project that ES, which now has its sights set on national domination, put into motion after SS.
Tori: Colonization?
Eichi: Yuzuru, Tori... What do you suppose SS is in the first place?
Yuzuru: It is a historic annual idol festival with a long-standing tradition—It is the largest, most important festival in the idol industry.
... Is how I would answer—But I doubt that you'll be satisfied with such a generic textbook response, correct?
Eichi: Yes. I'm not asking for a formal definition of SS, but rather about its impact on the industry.
Yuzuru: Can you give him an answer, Bocchama?
Tori: Eep! D-Don't put me on the spot like that?! Rather, you should be concerned with demonstrating your worth in front of your master!
Hmm. The SS that was held a few days ago was unprecedentedly large-scale, wasn't it?
It spanned the whole country, and we were able to get local and underground idols to actively participate. Thanks to that, the total number of participating idols was higher than ever before.
But, as a result, almost no local idols made it past the qualifying rounds. The final round was completely monopolized by ES, or more accurately, by Yumenosaki.
Yuzuru: Yes. Some local idols made brief appearances in collaboration with Mikejima-sama. But they were the exception.
Eichi: That's right... SS was held with the pretense of an energizing collaboration with local idols all across the country.
In reality, however, it turned out to be more of a farce that only served to flaunt the strength and authority of ES, which in many ways has become the center of the country.
Ultimately, you can say that was ES's intent all along.
The local idols were mere foils—nothing more than casualties positioned to highlight our—the "main idols'"—brilliance.
Naturally, the local idols found this dissatisfying.
The most radical among them have formed what one might call an anti-ES organization, and are now rioting across the country.
Project-ATLANTIS is one measure with which to pacify these hostile anti-ES forces gathered in such places.
Yuzuru: This is quite the belated response.
Eichi: It's certainly better than doing nothing.
When ES was first established, it was falsely advertised as a "utopia for all idols." For that reason, those who did not directly benefit became quite dissatisfied.
ES was supposed to be an ideal world where "all idols" are able to shine. Then, if we really are idols, why can't we shine?
Yuzuru: It's a natural question and a natural complaint.
Eichi: Fufu. In my opinion, people just navely put their faith in ES' exaggerated advertising
Anyway, if this was the Sengoku period, it would be standard practice to suppress such criminal forces with military power.
Tori: I-Isn't it kind of mean to call them criminals...?
Eichi: I consider it an appropiate expression. ES is a nation, and the forces that oppose it are nothing more than bandits and pirates.
However, although ES continues to make strides like Oda Nobunaga, we still haven't conquered the entire country like Tokugawa Ieyasu (*).
Yuzuru: I think that's a good analogy.
Eichi: Thank you. Right now, ES is in the era of Oda Nobunaga. More precisely, around the time that the anti-Nobunaga network (**) was established.
Yuzuru: I see. That makes it easy to understand.
Tori: Er, I'm sorry, but I don't really get it.
Eichi: You studied history in school, right?
Fools learn from experience; wise men learn from history. Be sure to take your studies seriously while you still have the chance, Tori.
Because, once you grow up, you'll have no choice but to learn things on your own.
Tori: Yeah~ I know this is gonna sound like an excuse... but I haven't been able to study much at school lately.
Eichi: Is something happening at Yumenosaki?
I entrusted all matters over there to Mao, my successor. I don't think it's appropriate for graduates to intervene, so I've generally been staying away.
Yuzuru: Fufu. At present, Yumenosaki Academy is holding an election to determine the next student council president.
Bocchama is running for the student council presidency as well, of course.
Combined with idol work, this is too many irons in the fire. As such, this is a very busy point in time.
Eichi: The student council elections? Huh, this is the first time they've been properly carried out.
We—or rather, mainly Keito—created a model for the student council and then passed it down to Mao, who inherited it.
Tori: As the new president, Isara said that we should actually hold an election.
He said, "I could appoint you, but I don't have much authority, so it'd seem really forced."
If I win the election properly, then I'll be able to attain that kind of authority.
Eichi: That sounds really modern. And it feels like a natural progression.
I like Mao's way of thinking. He understands the limitations of his position—I mean that in a good way.
(*) Eichi is referring to the reunification of Japan at the end of the Sengoku Period (1467-1600). Oda Nobunaga was a feudal lord who raised war against different clans during one of the most tumultous eras of conflict in Japan. Oda set the stage for the reunification of Japan, which was achieved later by Hideyoshi and Ieyasu—the latter becoming the ruler during the beginning of a peaceful period in Japan that lasted until the arrival of Perry and the US Navy.
(**) At the end of the Sengoku era, a group of forces led by Shogun Yoshiaki Ashikaga formed an alliance to rebel against Nobunaga and his allies. The conflict ended with the defeat of the anti-Nobunaga alliance and the expulsion of Yoshiaki from Kyoto.
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