#for the last like 10 or so years we've celebrated lunar new year and cny more than January 1st?
hollyhomburg · 2 years
For lunar new year my whole family got together with my cousin Lay whose half Korean/ half Chinese and is married to my other cousin and she taught us all how to make steamed dumplings and soup dumplings and then my mom showed her how to make the fried kind and we all just kinda sat around and made a bunch for a few hours and it was very comfy and very familial.
And by the end of it we were all messy and covered in corn starch but full and I really want to write a scene like that into Bily but I'm worried it might come off bad/culturally insensitive. like is that scene based on my life? Yes.
But is it based off of my culture? no, even though I come from a multicultural family, I'm still very aware it's not mine and it's something that's been shared with me and not something that I can responsibly share specifically within the context of lny
BUT AT THE SAME TIME, my mom and grandmother have always made mass amounts of fried dumplings about once a month that are obviously more Austrian from the ones we made for lny, but we still made those too because they're roughly the same material only different seasoning and there's this girl on tictok who got this series going that's called 'going around the world in 80 dumplings' and it's just confusing.
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