#fr though when shes on my brain is soooo smooth
fandom-eclectics · 3 years
Hello! I heard about your event and your prompts are soooo good, it was so difficult to choose! I may send you another request after this one, but if only one request is accepted per person, then just choose the one that inspires you the most!
Prompt 3 with night, zombie and dagger for Izuku Midoriya! ~☕
Ooooooo, now see, THIS, THIS RIGHT HERE, was the perfect opportunity for some fantasy!! Also thank you so much, the event was honestly so fun to make! You can send in another request if you like, but my limit is three per person. Should probably put that on the thing but I didn’t think the prompts would be that hard to choose from lol 😅. Have a wonderful day/night, also sorry this took so long!!
60 Followers Event
|| 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕪 𝕊𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔸 𝔻𝕒𝕞𝕤𝕖𝕝 𝕚𝕟 𝕊𝕖𝕞𝕚 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤 ||
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Character: Deku x reader
Status: Proofread
Reader: fem // okay with a dagger // has a sister //nothing else mentioned
Type: Oneshot // Fluff /: Angst
Warnings: death, mentions of blood, this does not end happily y’all, but I suck at angst and un-happy endings so be ready to cringe. No fr y’all, this cringe to the max.
A/n: first time writing an unhappy ending and idk how to feel. I hate these types of Oneshots, just cause I always feel like I need closure. So, if it’s any concern to you guys…..they live happily ever after, idk how, but they find a way. Okay, now on to the real world and the actual story. Hope you enjoy! :)
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You lay awake in your bed, the moonlight shining through the large window that overlooked your bedroom. Sighing, you got up to get some water. Instantly shivering because of going from heavy comforters to nothing. The castle was always cold during the winter, no matter how many fires they kept burning. The nightgown wasn’t any help either with how thin and short the Royal stylist insisted on it being. At least it was a smooth silver silk, so it was comfortable.
Going to grab a cup out of the small cabinet you kept in the corner of your room beside the bathroom entrance. You opened the cabinet that was painted white and noticed something before you were able to snatch your cup and go. You noticed it every day, every time you had to get something out of the cabinet. No matter how many times you saw it, the sting didn’t let off.
The piece of parchment had words written on every inch of it, the top ones starting to fade from age. On the upper half, was sloppy and very obviously a young boy’s proclamation of love. The bottom half was neat, and a more formal and poetic confession of falling in love.
You knew who it was from, and before you could say no to your mind, your thoughts drifted towards him. The green haired, freckled faced, waide eyed, knight. He was always so determined to be the best, very strong willed and tough. When it came to flirting and socializing though, he was a hot mess. Blushing, stuttering, the whole thing.
You two had been, well, “friends” for ages. You had known each other since you where children.
Your first real memory of all the drama happening with you two was when you were right. You had asked your sister what love felt like. You always saw her, and her fiancé kissing and looking all lovingly at each other. You wanted to know how you had to feel towards a person to do that.
She had told you that it felt like you had butterflies in your stomach every time you looked at the person. She had told you that it felt like you could be yourself around the person. However, she had emphasized that most importantly you knew you were in love, when you would do anything for the person. 
In your eight year old brain, Izuku Midoriya checked all the boxes. You always knew your stomach felt weird when you two would hold hands whilst walking, or got up close when looking at a particular creature in the palace garden. You knew you could tell Izuku about anything and everything. Even your imaginary friends, and your stuffed unicorns secret name. Even at eight, you knew you’d sacrifice anything for Izuku.
Our aspiring knight Izuku Midoriya or Deku felt the same way. He wanted to become a knight so he could protect you, and be with you for all his life. Well, not that you needed much protecting. He knew even at a young age you could take care of yourself. He just wanted to be there to live along side you, go on adventures with you, and just, we’ll just be with you.
So, one day when you two were walking in the garden he asked you if you knew what a kiss was. Of course you said yes, you saw your sister do it all the time with her fiance, but you had never don it. Deku’s follow up question was if you had wondered what it felt like. To that, you answered yes as well. You had always wanted a kiss on the lips from him, as much as you wouldn’t admit it to yourself. Innocent eight-year old thoughts of giving Izuku a peck on the lips sometimes clouded your mind.
So, it happened. You two ended having a quick kiss. To which, you both declared that it felt weird and you would never do it again. Even though it gave you a weird kind of exhilarating feeling. Same as for him.
Nothing else happened until you two were twelve and he asked you on a “date”. All you two did was sit and drink tea, but to you, it was just like what you had read about in your romance stories. You both ended up wrapping up the date with a kiss, and this time, you both admitted to yourselves that it wasn’t weird. In fact, that you should do it more often.
So, for the next year, you two were in somewhat of a relationship. Whilst Deku was focused on knight training, and you were emersed in your studies. You two still found time to steal a kiss here and there. You both also wrote letters to each other, and he would randomly give you flowers from the palace gardens.
Sadly, this thrill of a new blooming relationship only lasted a year before your father caught on and shut it down immediately. He told you he already had a man picked out for you to marry, and you wouldn’t be meddling around with any commoners. You tried to protest that Izuku wasn’t a commoner, we was a knight. Well, a knight in training, but still. Your father didn’t want to hear it. So, you and Izuku went back to being friends.
Correction, you tried going back to just friends. It was hard here and there to not kiss him on the cheek. Or for him to not bring you flowers from the gardens. When they reminded him of you ever so much. You two kept this weird limbo of friendship and relationship up until your sixteenth birthday. That’s when it all fell apart.
Your father engaged you to a prince in another kingdom, and forbid you to have any other men in your life until you two were wed. That was that, and you couldn’t do anything about it. You didn’t even get to say goodbye to Izuku.
You had tried reaching out to him, only getting one response back saying that you needed to stop contacting him or else you would ruin his dreams of becoming a knight. So, you halted on sending letters, and just accepted your heartbreak.
You accepted that all the things you and Izuku had dreamed up about the future would never happen. The small cottage in the woods, the bunny named carrots and the cat named Millie. The 3 kids adopted from the orphanage, and the flower garden. All of it was now down the drain.
You tried not to let tears well up in your eyes as you stepped into the bathroom to fill your glass of water. It had been 7 months, you needed to get over him. The problem was, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t.
Taking you from your thoughts was a loud crashing sound that came from your room. You quickly set the glass down on the counter, and grabbed one of the daggers you had hidden in a jar near the sink.
You cautiously stepped into your room to see what all the noise was about when your eyes widened. Something had smashed through your door, and was holding up a wooden chair.
From what you could see it looked like a monster, like a zombie. It was slimy green skin, and glowing red eyes. It’s teeth were rotted and it groaned and growled. It was staggering towards you, and that’s when you went to throw your dagger.
The zombie, however, was quicker. It took the chair it held and chucked it right at you.
Thankfully, your stomach took the blow and not your head. You still headed for the floor at an alarming rate, but your head was okay, and nothing dot broken. Everything seemed to be okay until you saw a piece of wood jabbed into your arm, the wound starting to gush blood out of the sides the wood wasn’t covering. You went to pull it out, but then remembered you had read somewhere that it was best to leave it in, because it kept you from bleeding too much.
The zombie slowly staggered towards you. It’s skin slime rubbing all over the beautiful light wood floors of the palace. His eyes glowing in the almost complete darkness of the moon. You looked behind you, and to your dismay, the large window that made up the biggest wall in your room was getting closer. The clouds had covered the moon, taking away your only source of light.
If only you had a torch. You remembered reading that zombies hated fire, fire and sunlight. You didn’t have any sunlight, but if only you could get fire. That was something, at this time, that wouldn’t have been impossible to reach if you had been more prepared. If your thoughts hadn’t been so clouded, if you had thought things through.
Your mind swirled with ifs and ands. You were panicking, and losing distance between the hostile creature quickly. This is where I die, this is how it ends you thought. Yet there had been so many things you had yet to do, yet to achieve, yet to accomplish.
You saw all those things flash before your eyes as the monster in front of you, got in your face, it greasy patches of hair swinging forward as it hissed at you, jerking it’s face inches from yours. It showed it’s rotted and sharp fangs.
It’s cold and dirty hand reached for your arm. The zombie’s grip was like iron. It’s hand was bony, so it was cutting into your skin ever so slightly. It brought it’s hand to it’s mouth, ready to bite you, and infect you with it’s poison.
You clenched your eyes shut, you had accepted defeat. Though, you wanted to have last words, just in case someone, anyone, had any chance of hearing you.
“I love you Izu, I always have.” You spoke, tears starting to stream down your face.
All of a sudden, you felt the grip loosen intensely. You saw the glow leave from the zombies eyes. Then, you noticed the blood that started dripping onto the ground. A sword had been jabbed right through the zombies heart. You jumped back as the sword was pulled out, and made another jab through the head.
The creature fell to the ground, unmoving, lifeless. Whoever saved you deserved a big thank you, or at the very least a hug. You looked up at the holder of the sword, low and behold, it was none other than Izuku Midoriya.
“I didn’t hear what you said, so apologies if it was supposed to be a meaningful statement.” He confessed, then offered his hand to you to help you up.
“I thought they would be my last words.” You said, taking his hand.
“Thankfully they weren’t.” He gave you a soft smile as he pulled you off the ground.
“What are you doing here? I haven’t seen you in months? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me!” You insisted, word spilling out after the other unintentionally.
“I- well, Y/n I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to leave our relationship like that. Your father made me send the letter. After that, he threatened to pull me out of training if I didn’t stay away from you. I wanted to come and see you, I really did, but I had so many people counting on me and I just…” he trailed off, and you saw a single tear trail down his cheek.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s okay, I-I understand.” You said, relieved, pulling him into a hug.
“No, no it’s not okay.” He started, on what you imagined to be a long statement, as he held you in his arms. “I/n, I’ve known since I was eight, since I was a child. You were the only person I didn’t have to think about what to do, think about what to say, think about how to think around. I never worked up the courage to actually tell you, or do something about it. Besides that stupid letter I wrote, but obviously it meant nothing because I was driven away so easily.” He took a deep breath.
“From now on, I refuse to be driven away from you, by anything. Not your father’s threats, or your new fiancé’s persuasions. Y/‘, I-“ Izuku was about to utter the most meaningful thing he would ever say.
Sadly, those beautiful words were replaced by a painful cry. Quickly registering what was happening you grabbed Izuku’s weird and stabbed the zombie that had just bit him in the head, and in the heart for good measure.
Izuku had fallen to the ground, tightly gripping his shoulder, cringing at the intensity of the pain.
You kneeled down beside him, and cupped his face in your hands. You felt your heart beating so fast you could hear it in your ears, you could sense it in your soul. It was as if someone had finally given you a piece of solid happiness, and it was melting to water quickly, falling through your fingers.
“It’s going to be okay, I promise, we can find a cure, we can do something, we can.” Your voice cracked after that, the tears in your eyes started to fall.
Now you would really never be able to achieve all those dreams you and Izuku had. You two being apart from each other because of different pathways in life was so much better. You would know he was alive, and you could always hold out hope that there would be a chance for him to appear at your doorstep one day.
If he died, then you’d have nothing, no hope, no opportunity, no dream. You’d have a loveless marriage and a lonely life. The colors and the gardens would slowly fade away, until they would cease to exist. All because Izuku Midoriya, your literal knight in shining armor would be dead. 
“Y/n, please don’t cry, you’ll make me cry, and I don’t want to cry. “ He begged you, tears starting to well up in his eyes, his voice becoming shaky.
“Izu, what were you going to say earlier, before you got bit?” You asked him, you had to know.
“I love you, that’s what Iwas going to say, was that I love you, and I was never going to let you go again. Clearly that’s not the case now.” He ended the statement with a bitter tone.
“Is there anything I can do? Anything?” You pleaded, you wanted to do something, anything.
“Can I have one more kiss?Just one?” He asked, making those same puppy dog eyes he was always the master at.
You fulfilled the ask and pulled him into a kiss. It was a long and passionate one. So many unspoken words were in it. Chances that were never taken, dreams that would never be achieved. It was all channeled into this one physical connection between both of your lips.
You pulled away, and you muttered a quiet “You’ll always live in my heart.” Before you saw his eyes start to turn red, his skin start to wilt, and drip slime.
Taking the sword from earlier, you stabbed him right through the heart. The heart, that had always belonged to you.
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You are so loved! <3
Have an amazing day/night! :)
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Taglist: @luluwiie
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36 notes · View notes