#frat my ex is in was banned for a few years for hazing
purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by nadine07
Where were you three hours ago? Was passed out on the living room couch and probably dreaming away, lmao.
Were you with anyone? Both my dogs were in the living room with me, if that counts.
Have you had anything alcoholic in the last 24 hours? Hmm, I’m trying to remember but I don’t think so. I went outside to eat, but I doubt they put any alcohol in my meal since I literally had a truffle-based pasta. No plans to drink this weekend, either.
Are you wearing shoes right now? Nope, I’m always barefoot around the house.
How long have you known your 1st phone contact? At least since the 6th grade cos I think that’s when she had transferred to my school.
Are they a relative? Nope, I went to school with her. We were seatmates for a while in sophomore year and that’s when I was able to see how talented she was at drawing and painting. She ended up transferring to UP as well after getting accepted to the fine arts program so we got to be collegemates as well, though I don’t really remember what university she initially got admitted to.
Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? Yeah, because I’m a dumb fuck when it comes to these things. I WILL SAY though that I’ll be so much kinder to myself should this ever happen, and no longer tolerate her bullshit and emotional/mental abuse under the guise of ~unconditional love. There’ll be a lot of shit she’ll have to pick up and fix, and I wouldn’t get back with her unless she acknowledges her mistakes and seek to correct them.
Would you ever go skinny dipping with the last person who commented you? That would be Leigh, and no. Idk if I’ve shared this or if this has ever come up on a survey but Andi actually once asked me if I’d like to be a part of a threesome with them and Leigh, and I just had to immediately decline because I view Leigh as a younger sister more than anything and I can’t bear to see her all naked loooool.
When was the last time you saw a movie in theaters? December 2019.
When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? I think the morning of New Year’s Eve. I was already starting my healing process by then and the holidays were getting me feeling kind of peaceful, so I sent her a few voice notes thanking her for the year that was but giving her a heads-up that I might not talk to her for a while, because I realized I was starting to get happier on the days I didn’t force conversation with her.
I honestly thought ‘a while’ would only take a couple of weeks, but I’ve since gotten used without her presence and it’s been 3 1/2 months since our final encounter; and I think it will stay this way now.
Has anyone called you beautiful today? No.
Are you still friends with the last person who broke your trust? That would be JM, and yeah. I find him ridiculous for lying to our faces about joining a fraternity in law school (frats are a big yuck where I live because of their toxic hazing and misogynist culture), but I mean I still sort of understand why he had to do it - obviously not for the above reason, but for the perks and support that usually come with joining frats. From now on I’ll always see him as someone who can smoothly lie to my face, though.
Does drama seem to follow you everywhere? No. I would hate that lol, that would just be too much to handle.
Do you feel like anyone is playing mind games with you right now? No.
How would you feel if your best friend hooked up with your ex? I think my literal first reaction would be to laugh out of sheer disbelief, and then proceed to call her stupid for cheating and for choosing to cheat with her. After that’s died down, I think I’d mostly feel disappointed and betrayed.
How long did your last relationship last? The stint lasted 4 years, but we were technically together for 6 years if we’re counting the whole on/off thing.
If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? No. That’s what I had thought and they left. I’ve stopped trusting my feelings about these things anymore, and will assume anyone is capable of leaving.
Does it make you uncomfortable to talk on the phone around people? I just don’t want to be loud enough that I’m almost screaming around other people, but I can’t always monitor that since I have to concentrate on what I’m hearing on the other line.
Would you rather be 10 years older or 10 years younger? Probably 10 years older so that I can see into my future.
Have you ever kissed someone the same night your met them? No.
Do you bite your fingernails? Occasionally. I pick at them more frequently.
Would you consider yourself very flexible? Nah. Like I said on a previous survey, I can’t even reach my toes either while standing up or stretching on the floor.
Do you embarrass easily? Yeah.
Have you ever tried to talk your way out of getting a ticket? Yup. It’s happened twice; one of the occasions I was able to handle by myself and the other time Gab had to step in to talk to the officer because he was adamant about the ticket and I had started crying.
Did it work? Yes, both times. I’ve only been issued a ticket once, from this annoying grumpy officer in Alabang.
Have you ever been banned from anywhere? Trying to remember if I have been, but I don’t think so.
Do you have a ringtone or do you leave your phone on vibrate? The important messaging apps are on vibrate. I’ve turned off notifications for some apps and I have just the silent banner notifications for others.
What was the last thing you drank from a mug? I’m drinking coffee from one right now.
Has your #1 ever seen you naked?
Does your #2 know your deepest secret?
Will your #3 repost this?
Does your #4 smoke?
Were you born in the 90's? Yes, but by the end of it so I never considered myself a 90s kid.
When was the last time you paid less than $1 for something? The parking fee in Feliz.
Have you loaned anything out to anyone recently? Nope.
Are any of your siblings married? None of us are.
Who was the last person to spend the night with you at your house? Gabie.
How many different picture ids do you have in your wallet? Just my driver’s license and TIN ID.
Do you have a hard time making decisions? Depends on the weight of the decision. The heavier it is, the more I seek out friends who can provide fresh perspectives.
Has anyone kissed you when you weren't expecting it? Idk, Gabie probably snuck in some surprise ones a few times. IBetween the two of us I was more likely to do so, though.
Did you like it? If she did then I probably did during that time.
Who was your date to senior prom? We have junior prom, not senior prom. I just bought my favorite cousin since I had no interest in boys and was still learning how to make guy friends at that point.
Does your dad smoke? No, he’s never tried.
Is your mom over 50? She is turning 50 this year, but not until September.
Do you want to get married? It would be nice to experience it.
Have kids? Yes.
Are there any movies coming out you wanna see? Not that I know of. There are movies I do want to see, but they’ve already come out, like Ammonite and I Care A Lot.
Do you ever feel like you're leading a double life? No.
Do you have any plans to get a new tattoo or piercing? Tattoo, yeah. I’m just super chill about said plan and am not really in a hurry about it. I’ve yet to think of a design and where on my body to place it.
Do you know anyone named Christine? I know several people named Christine but they go by a nickname, like Tin.
Do you know anyone who's biracial? Sure, I went to high school with a couple of girls who are both half-brown and half-white as they both have European dads. I believe one of them is part German while the other girl is part Swiss.
Do you know anyone who works at Walmart? I don’t think so. I know my aunts who live in the US will occasionally shop there though, hahaha.
Has the last person you rode in a car with seen you in your underwear? I mean yeah, as a baby and as a young kid (it was my mom).
Are black bras sexy? They can be, sure.
Spell your full name without 'C','I','R', or 'Y': Obn.
Open the nearest book, turn to page 11, and type the first sentence: I’m at a Starbucks rn and didn’t bring any books with me.
Are you currently listening to anything? There’s jazz music faintly playing at the moment.
Would you ever consider getting breast implants? Before I definitely used to, when people still liked to make fun of small boobs. Nowadays I don’t feel the need to anymore.
If you could spend 30 minutes with someone who's gone, who would you pick? I’d probably pick my great-grandpa over my grandpa. I never met the former; and if I only had 30 minutes with my grandpa (who I did grow up with) I think it would just fuck with me psychologically.
Are you on birth control? Nopes.
Do you know anyone who is bisexual? Lots.
Would you walk into Walmart naked for $10,000? Yes.
Does anyone call you babe? No.
Do you hate it when people try to play with your hair? If I’m not close enough to them I would feel bothered, yes.
Who would you tell, or who did you tell when you lost your virginity? I think I had just told Sofie then.
Were you in a relationship 6 months ago? Yeah but it was cracking and it was cracking fast. It’ll be hitting 6 months this March, actually.
Are you still with that person? No.
Are you the kind of person who has crazy mood swings? No. This happens to my mom and I hate it very much, so I try to watch my actions and not switch rapidly between different moods.
This is question 69...so have you ;)? Sure.
How long is it until your birthday? Around a month and a couple of weeks.
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