frozenskadi-blog · 7 years
@frcydis love of my bi bean’s life
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                          “Freydis, why are you here? You’re free go have fun, run around the village.Enjoy it”
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ananyzapata · 7 years
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well here’s a thing less amused than the last post. if you’re the anons who are spamming @frcydis​ with your misogynistic drivel, you might as well go ahead and unfollow me.
this is a blog that DOESN’T support shaming women for their appearances, especially in the context of hating her solely out of jealousy for the man who has taken an interest in her. all ships aside, it’s both asinine and childish to start attacking any woman based on her looks, and grounded in old-fashioned women-hating viewpoints. for far too long in our world women are treated more like objects than people. they’re valued by how they look, and not for any other reason.
so freydis got to get up close and personal with ivar. so what? it’s time to grow up and realise that destroying a woman because of your own interest in a man is only deepening the problems that exist and have existed for thousands of years towards women. if you, for one second, want to open your mouth and trash talk a character (who by the way had no agency in the beginning of the scene) for sharing space with a man you desire, you have no business interacting with me. this is extremely telling as said fandoms are absolutely wretched to a slave girl who did nothing wrong for this, but jump on the heah/ivar ship which for one thing is not canon and for another is far more problematic than the one with freydis. you have no problem if you think it’s an attractive m/m ship but the moment a woman appears you’re absolutely puerile.
this fandom is a niche one. if you’ve followed a tertiary character blog, you’re probably following mine. show yourself out.
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