#ft penelope doesn't need a redemption arc
thekatebridgerton · 2 years
I read your post yesterday about if - and how- mad the Bridgertons will be once they know Penelope is LW. You said 50/50… And i’m still confused about your reasoning, because i feel like you don't mention all.. so I decided to send you this message, and I hope you'll respond :-).
You talk about limited impact? How about her being cruel and malicious towards Marina to make herself feel better. (she could've just told Colin, left him a secret note if she was too afraid, why ruin her????) If they kill off Marina later on, it’s due to Penelope’s actions, because Colin would’ve married and they could’ve been happy. Colin probably would be because in s2 he was still in love with her. Also: how is calling Kate a beast and betraying your (best)friend like that, okay??? The Bridgerton’s should be very angry and i’ll hope they will be.
You know I debated on if I should answer this today, considering that I usually answer oldest to newest and there are more than 20 asks ahead of you as we speak.
But you had to go and send a message like this on a monday Morning. (my side of the hemisphere) right before I had my daily dose of chamomile tea, and gosh, I kept wondering what kind of person sends a message this strange on a Monday morning.
My answers came up as follows 1) Someone who got cero sleep on Sunday night and the day before 2) someone who hasn't been treated very nicely by their surroundings in real life 3) Someone who obviously didn't realize their message would reach me on Monday morning, Theory #4) that's the one that would be mildly offensive to hear because there's a chance I may be right about the kind of negative people you've been surrounding yourself by
Admittedly I may be projecting, after all I was kinda sleep deprived when I wrote the post you were talking about. So I went again and read it...And I still don't get what you're talking about. I sounded pretty logical to my ears.
Because remember, the post asked if I thought the Bridgertons would be mad at Penelope, not if I thought her actions were right or wrong.
Note that as a viewer and as a woman I don't hate Marina, I think she's a pretty neat and pragmatic character. But you're about to hear the protective sibling in me throw some Marina slader around. So stop reading and skip this post.
Because this is from the perspective of a protective sibling. Not from the perspective of a woman, or an omniscient viewer, or a friend, or your friendly neighborhood spiderman.
Here's the thing anon, I get that you sound like you don't have siblings over the age of 17 but I do. And moreover I'm very protective and loving towards my siblings. So here's my humble perspective since you were left confused about my reasoning:
If one of my brothers was about to be duped into marrying someone who didn't love him and she was planning on making him take responsibility for children he had no hand in creating. The person who let the gossip out about her, wouldn't be the bad guy in my eyes. Rather, the girl who tried to dupe my brother would. (whether that girl's life was destroyed or not, would be irrelevant, because I care about MY BROTHER, not some stranger who tried to trick him into marriage).
Actually add that to my list of questions dear reader. Why did Daphne care more about Marina than Colin in s1 again? and why does Eloise?. Because as a person, they don't know her or her tragic backstory from Eve, and Colin is their brother, who they're supposed to have loved since diapers.
I'm with Anthony and Benedict on this one. I think the concerned sibling in me, wins out on the women supporting women side of me. If siding with the woman in the situation means my brother gets lied to by some girl who doesn't love him and tricked into step fathering kids. I don't care that my brother loved the girl, she didn't love HIM, and my brother deserves to be loved. So hear me, I'm picking the side that gets my brother out of that mess even if he ends up heartbroken.
And if it turns out that years down the line, that same person who spread gossip about that girl. Ended up marrying said brother. I still wouldn't think she's the bad guy.
Actually I'd probably be more angry if I had to endure a sister in law who tricked my brother into marrying her, despite not loving him and being pregnant with another man's baby.... But If you're okay with a sister in law like that and think your brother would be happy in that marriage, well, that's on you anon.
Me? I'd be pushing my brother to divorce that person as soon as I found out she doesn't love him and lied to him about it.
There's no accounting for one sibling taste in women, but if I had to chose between two evils, I'll take the sister in law who likes to publish people's dirty in her gossip column. Because if worse comes to worse, at least I know that one loves my brother and thinks honesty is the best policy. whatever methods of telling truth she may use. We may even get along in that aspect.
Also If my sister's best friend, published an article about her on the news that said she was hanging out with political radicals in a red light district on the day of MY wedding or any of our sibling's wedding. I wouldn't think my sister's best friend was out of line. I would be ripping off my wedding dress and holding my sister accountable for her behavior. AND then, after talking to my sister, I'd get mad at her best friend for not talking to me about it. But I'd definitely understand why she wouldn't. Because she's my sister's best friend, not mine and I'm older and I've given her no reason to think I'd believe her.
I think the only thing I'd realistically be mad at, would be if that girl spread gossip about one of my sisters not being good enough as a diamond for suitors to be flocking at her side, without my sister ever doing anything to deserve it. Because yeah, that wouldn't fly in my book. That's hurting my siblings feelings just because another one of my siblings is scaring away all her prospects and that's not her fault.
If the girl that's marrying my brother had her fun spreading gossip about people who aren't me and my family. I realistically wouldn't be mad at her. Not really. Why would I be?
Furthermore if she called my brother's girlfriend a beast, before that woman was even my brother's girlfriend, why would I be angry about it, it's not like I knew my brother liked that person back then.
So when I say it's a 50/50 what I mean to say is that to big families gossip is really easy to get over when there's another thing for people to talk about later on.
Yes people usually remember stuff 20 years down the line, but in big families we all know the aunt or the girlfriend or the cousin who used to be a gossip before she married in (the cult) the family. There's the uncle who has tattoos, and the other one who was in a country band. Everyone who marries in, had their own past, so chill.
In fact if you're from a big tight knit family, we all know stuff from everybody, and yeah we all gossip about it. Doesn't mean we love each other any less, or that we wouldn't beat up anyone who lets the story outside the family walls. But if my sister got caught by a paparazzi sneaking out of our brother's wedding to go to a political rally, excuse me but I'll hold her accountable, not the press, and then maybe I'll have a laugh with my mom about it when the fuss dies down. that's just how families are, or maybe that's just my experience with mildly functional ones.
I can't be the only one from a big family who wouldn't be mad if my brother ended up marrying Lady Whistledown. Because gossip comes and goes. But if someone really loves your sibling and you all as his family by extension, a lot of stuff can be forgiven, including what that girl has said in her gossip column.
But maybe that's just me. Dear readers with siblings you don't totally hate (and maybe even love). give me your opinion.
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