#ft. emily kelso.
throwsdiamonds · 2 months
EMILY KELSO: i don’t pity you, like at all. i wish i was like you. @satellitewar
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“  THERE'S LOADS OTHER GALS OUT THERE YOU SHOULD ENVY MORE THAN ME.  ” envy or not, it wasn't far from rachel to figure out why. she's always marched to the beat of her own drum; growing up with only brothers, one had to figure out how to take care of themselves. rachel dips a fry into the small cup of ketchup before hungrily devouring it whole — what an awesome idea it'd been to grab some take - out on the way to emily's place. “  but i guess i do have some good things going fer' me ? like these insane fries,  ” so evident that was trying to deflect the situation from herself, rachel had her own issues she'd never wish on anybody. “  hey, are you not gonna eat your pickles ?  ”
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waynepire · 3 days
there's been a development. (from emily)
He was more involved in the deal and the setup of his tech than he was expecting, not that he minded. Bruce Wayne should be above this — but it was completely Batman’s thing to dive headfirst into making sure his tech was working. Bruce knows everyone here finds it odd that he’s so invested — but frankly, he doesn’t care. On the outside, he’s seen as helping with a giant sale for a company with its fingers in nearly everything in the country. And he’s spending time with a woman — keeping up the casual playboy persona while he does. He actually really likes Emily. She’s intelligent and bright, though he’s never shared as much.
“ A development of what kind? ” Bruce asks, glancing up at her from over his laptop as he almost too eagerly awaits for what she says. He knows all that goes on — he’s even reading it on a laptop he snuck from the batcave, though he hides it — but he’s curious to see how she’ll spin it. “ Is it with that one sniper guy you were telling me about? The one who got that new scope. Sebastian, or something? ”
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