#fuck 'radfems' (literally the same thing but i'm covering my bases)
sevenhundred721 · 6 months
YES SO MUCH! It just always is so reductive for the both of them. It feels like people get so into the idea that because they had an alliance they have to be coupled and because they have to be coupled that becomes the primary way they choose to understand Hot Pants as a character. I'm not super tuned into how the fandom treats Diego, but I do know that he gets boxed into a lot of tropes that largely come from DinoPants fans. Putting my thoughts on it under the cut :)
I feel like Diego retains some of his canon character in fan content because people care about the way he interacts with the rest of the male main cast from an at least somewhat analytical standpoint. Hot Pants really doesn't get that luxury because a lot of Jojo fans really aren't in it for the women unless they can ship them with somebody or offhandedly say they're kinda cool. People's perceptions of her are so distorted because they're only able to view her as Diego's goth girlfriend. They ignore her motivations and her story when it doesn't involve him. And the most important connections we see her experience are also ignored all for the most bland nothing heterosexual ship that they think is brilliant because the gender roles are flipped. They don't realize that if they fail to see the woman in a het relationship as a person outside of just her sexual role, archetype, and aesthetic they are being misogynistic. It's not unlike how manic pixie dream girls were treated in the early 2000s.
Hot Pants is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time. Her relationship to guilt, loss, and sacrifice are incredibly compelling. Using a character who is a nun to tackle what sisterhood can mean is funny. Her relationship with faith and the loss of a sibling can be compared and contrasted with Pucci's backstory and relationship with Catholicism. Faith is an important theme in Jojo, especially in parts 6 and 7. Jesus is in SBR and Hot Pants is a fucking nun sent from the Vatican secret service on Jesus scavenger hunt duty. She has a stand that explicitly requires an equivalent exchange, echoing her themes of sacrifice. She dies beautifully and tragically because she had to for her arc to be truly complete. I find it absolutely infuriating that at "best" I see people joke about this stuff and at worst they just completely ignore it and replace her with a plush doll who only talks when the string on her back is pulled by a male character.
Sorry if this is like... extreme, but I've been a massive fan of Hot Pants since I was around 16. And it feels like no effort is made on peoples' parts to understand her. Especially when most fan content of her comes with Diego. It really does feel like people see her as his accessory.
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