#fuck it. maybe i'll start tomorrow. after the hellish brunch i'm not looking forward to
torchickentacos · 7 months
An art post? From me? It's more likely than you'd think, and it's thanks to @gaycey-sketchit for posting a GORGEOUS sunset picture that inspired me to redraw it (while listening to my online textbook. Multitasking)!! I've had a good ol' six month long art block, so it was really nice to get back into it with what I love and what I started with, which is landscape art with a focus on the sky. And that photo was a perfect inspiration!
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I got sort of lazy on the clouds and some of the colors are a bit off, but overall I'd call this a great way to sort of dip my toes back into digital art. I'd love to refamiliarize myself with it more and draw more often again!
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