#full color tiddies or NOTHIN'
toodrunktofindaurl · 1 year
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beast-boss-bastard · 4 years
Closeup Headcanons.
01.       scalp. |So basically: He’s got a good clean scalp. Nothin dry or falling out, healthy over all. Hair starts from the left and moves right.
02.       hair.
He’s got a lotta hair, it grows fairly quick but nothin unmanageable. He’s got a good thick head of wavy hair that makes for one hell of a bed head. Other wise it’s brushed off neatly to the right. Hair kind of climbs down his neck a bit and perks up in the back. He likes to keep the back of his heady a little mowed down so he doesn’t have too much hair weighing on him to make em feel hot n’ sweaty. It thins out a bit around his ears into a softer light material feeling less like hair and more like fur with little tufts poking out from his ears. usually kind of messy and frilly around his ears.
03.       forehead.
Nothin much to talk about here. It’s usually covered by his hair anyways.
04.       temples.
Probably one of the places he squeezes every now and again when some idiot starts opening their fat mouth. While mostly obscured by hair it’s easy to at least rub one i without sticking your hand through a fat head of hair.
05.       eyebrows.
He’s got thick but manageable eyebrows. Grows in a darker color than his hair and naturally curled into a slight glare, nothin he can control which makes it a bit uneasy to look at when he’s got a blank expression. Over all well kept. Appearance is a lot when in a business like this.
06.       eyes.
His eyes are orange, a bright ember kind of color which go to a more golden look when magic is in play. They’re usually over shadowed by his hair giving him a rather intimidating stare with the help of those reflective mirrors in his eyes giving them a bit of a glow in the dark. Pupils work like cat eyes going from big black dots to thin slits.
07.       ears.
Ears poke out from the top of his head. They’re a bit big and end in a rounded pointed end. Very sensitive to sound and being blown into and usually perked up when possible. Having anything put over them is a quick way to make him uncomfortable. Probably the softest thing on his more notably the back of his ears. Doesn’t appreciate when anything is put into his ears and are generally what gives him expression.
08.       nose.
He’s got a good nose on him, not too big, not too small, and it has a great sense of smell. Able to detect anything he’s familiar with up to 20ft. Has a little color on the tip of it and a deep scar that rolls across it giving it a slight indent where the blade had sliced deep. Not noticeable until you give it a closer look though.
09.       cheeks.
He doesn’t have bright cheeks but there’s differently some color to it. A few smaller scars have marked them up but nothing serious. Light soft hairs grow faintly on the sides of his cheeks can’t really be pointed out until you feel it for yourself.
10.       lips.
he’s got nicely shaped lips, they tend to be a little chapped, has a scar or two running through them and tend to frown when relaxed.  Though expressive when he does move them giving him a great wide smile when he needs it.
11.       teeth.
He’s got sharp ones folks. Each one of them have a pointed end, His canines are rather big even given a smaller but noticeable second pair on his top row of teeth. As you reach further into his mouth his molars bend inwards in a sharp point. If he managed to get a good bite on anyone those inward facing teeth are bound to at least take a chunk with em. They’re brushed pretty well giving him a good pearly smile.
12.       mouth.
He’s got a big mouth. Opens up wider than most humans could ever dream of makes it easy to get around his big canines and lets him shove quite a bit of food in there before his cheeks are full.
13.       jaw.
Strong jaw, the kinda jaw that can be a table if need be. Littered with spiked dark red stubble.
14.       chin.
I’d say he has a pretty good chin, not huge but broad with a very slight dip in the middle of his chin, nothin to make it too noticeable but it’s certainly there.  Also littered with dark red stubble.
15.       neck.
(back and front.)
He’s actually got a pretty long neck, it’s thick to match his muscular body and pretty exaggerated in the neck area. Down the back of his neck grows a trail of hair that generally goes from red to a purple color towards the start of his back. Mostly untouched besides a few scars that run up or down from other places.
16.       collarbones.
Sturdy collarbones exaggerated by his muscular body. A few scars scrape down the area but nothing serious.
17.       shoulders.
A very stiff and tight area for him. Being top heavy gives him quite a bit of tone up there and the place he tightens up when out in public or at the rink to maintain posture.
18.       shoulders.
The shoulders themselves has a good shape to them. Purple fur sprouts from here curling outwards into thick tufts that are well brushed and wavy on his shoulders. Usually put over his clothing. As it goes out towards his arms the fur thins out into red hairs. Probably has some big scars hidden under the fur given it’s a common place to get hit.
19.       upper arms.
Upper arms are well built. Hams if you will. Could probably crush skulls i I’m honest. Also littered in red hair that grooms off to the side away from the body. It’s soft and nice to touch. Also littered in a fair amount of scars.
20.       elbows.
Sturdy and well callused things rough all around really.
21.       forearms.
Maintains the same kind of muscle his whole body has. The tops of his arm and around the wrists is where his fur grows bleeding out a bit onto his hands. Wavy purple fur sprouts and grows up his arm a ways before breaking into red arm hair. Usually strapped down by bandage wrap and arm guards.
22.       wrists.
His fur grows around his wrists. Nothing much else to say.
23.       palms.
(front and back.)
His palms are rough, super calloused with a few scars cut into them. Big hands.
24.       fingers.
(all of them.)
Rouged up. Quite a bit of scars litter around the area, skin is thick and calloused on the undersides.
25.       shoulder blade.
Fur sprouts out from the upper shoulder blades and towards the middle of his back. But thins out as it gets lower down his spine. Not super pronounced but noticeable when visible.
26.       breast / upper chest area. *
He’s got good tiddie. Strong solid pecs take up the chest area somewhat scarred up with a range of deep and light ones. And of course two nipples, one for each pec.
27.       waist.
He certainly doesn’t have a flared waist but it’s not entirely thin. A bit of volume to make up for his thighs.  
28.       back.
He’s got a strong back. Pretty tight and stiff and hard to get to relax. Down the spine a thin line of fur grows along it. Also a home for many scars. A good amount being pretty deep from assassination attempts.
29.       hips.
He’s got good enough hips. Not enough to say he has big hips but enough to let you know they’re their and pretty damn good.
30.       groin area. *
If you know you know. :)
31.       butt. *
He’s got a decent backside. Nothing huge or bulging but tight and well shaped fills his pants well enough.
32.       thighs.
Large muscular thighs, great definition in them but not thick. Though he could still certainly crush melons in them. Trust me on this one. A few scars here and there.
33.       knees.
Solid rough knees much like his elbows. Calloused and often bruised.
34.       calves.
He’s got defined curved calves to accompany his well muscled thighs giving him a good shape.
35.       ankles.
Pretty bony but nothing feeble enough to snap like twigs. Fits well with his well muscled legs.
36.       feet.
(heel, bridge, ball.)
he’s got human feet. Only a slight padding under them makes them somewhat animistic. Nothing super noticeable really. They’re fairly big. And he’s got wide flat feet. Nothing too insane mind you but noticeable.
37.       toes.
He’s got your average every day toes. Nothin crazy about em. Not long. Not stubby. Just toes.
38.       nails.
(fingers + toes.)
He’s got sturdy claw like nails. They’re thick and darkened a bit ending in natural points. They don’t grow out too long but they’re there.
38.       stomach. (adding this one cos I felt like I should say it.)
Yeah, of course he has a good 6 pack of abs. But towards the bottom of his stomach is a small bit of fat. A nice good chunk of his muscular stomach at the bottom is rounded out into a nice squeezable bit of flesh. He’s got a small bit of belly there.|
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ogcorpse · 6 years
1-70 bc i hate u ;)
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? just my mom
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? i don’t remember it’s been awhile
03: Do you regret anything? yeah but most things happen for a reason and you’ll find out eventually
04: Are you insecure? about some things
05: What is your relationship status? I’m a slut
06: How do you want to die? dramatically
07: What did you last eat? chinese food
08: Played any sports? when i was younger
09: Do you bite your nails? i used to but now i don’t since i paint my nails
10: When was your last physical fight? this morning
11: Do you like someone? a couple girls lol some more than others some i talk to and some i don’t 
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? yeah
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? I’m full of hate but it’s not active hate unless provoked 
14: Do you miss someone? yeah
15: Have any pets? 2 cats and a dog
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? tired
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? at parties
18: Are you scared of spiders? perhaps
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? yeah
20: Where was the last place you made out with someone? a river bank
21: What are your plans for this weekend? I’m going to salem to do some dark magic
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? maybe one i wanna be a father figure
23: Do you have piercings? How many? i got tiddy piercings a nose ring and ears
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? i was always good at history and sciences
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? a select few
26: What are you craving right now? a burn ride
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? I’m pretty sure but it was mutual
28: Have you ever been cheated on? happy to say nope
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? no I’m the crybaby
30: What’s irritating you right now? dumb cunts
31: Does somebody love you? I’m pretty sure
32: What is your favourite color? black and red if u couldn’t tell
33: Do you have trust issues? haha
34: Who/what was your last dream about? the purge since i watched it the other night
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? my grandma
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? hell fucking no but I’m irritatingly forgiving 
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? i never forget
38: Is this year the best year of your life? parts of it I’ve never had a full good year but I’d say it was better than average 
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? idk like 13
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? I’ve skinny dipped but not just walking outside pussy out grabbing my morning paper
51: Favourite food? i have a lot
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? 90% of things yes and sometimes you’ll never know til ur dead
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? ripped the pen like a mf then passed tf out
54: Is cheating ever okay? nah unless ur parter is an abusive cunt that keeps you hostage in a relationship and the only way u can get actual genuine affection is from someone else but i wouldn’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️
55: Are you mean? i can be
56: How many people have you fist fought? a couple but most are my friends lmao we still friends tho it’s our version of hugging 
57: Do you believe in true love? it’s strong infatuation 
58: Favourite weather? a crisp fall day 55-65° light wind slight overcast
59: Do you like the snow? as a new englander No
60: Do you wanna get married? if she’s right
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? i love girls callin me baby don’t say nothin tho lmao
62: What makes you happy? being shown affection also goth girls
63: Would you change your name? my name isn’t bad but it’s not the best either maybe I’d change the spelling
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? I’d do it so fast lmao but it’d be a horrible decision 
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? say I’m lesbian also he’s got a bf so he wouldn’t 
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? damian has seen me at some of my worst times lmao it’s all good tho
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? bitch boy
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? bitch boy
69: Do you believe in soulmates? i think they can be platonic and romantic i wouldn’t call it a soul mate but like someone you needed in ur life that just fuckin showed up
70: Is there anyone you would die for? me bitch
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