#fun fact: the original file's full name is 'ZeroDrinksTheGrimaceShakeAndDies'
notanotherzerofan · 1 year
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This is probably the first and only time I'm gonna be this early for a meme. Also, after a lot of thought, probably going to be one of the few times I post something without a watermark and allow reposting.
Because it's a meme.
...Don't make regret doing this, guys. '_'
BTW, if you do repost, credit me. Like, for real. >_>
Oh, and don't worry; he's fine. He died so many time he's probably lost count by now.
Also, why is it everyone and their dog uses the Family Guy death pose? I'm all for reusing jokes if appropriate, but a little originality or variation doesn't hurt, guys. :/
Bonus under the cut. :3c
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