#günther/wilted's artworks
wilted-woods · 1 year
"Why are you both PINK...?"
Just a little something I did before I begin a part 2 <3
Eehh- might be a little slow with the updates because I can hardly remember anything and I'm feeling ill (not the sick kind of ill, moreso...the guilty kind of ill..)..again :(
Plus I'm working on a project that's inspired by a childhood game I've been wanting to play (stressing about it) and I'm procrastinating on other ideas and whether or not I should continue my story ;-;
Black belongs to @blackkatdraws
Arthur (That's his name right-??) belongs to @indigo-art (I had to scavange for this- I'm genuinely sorry-)
Thierry belongs to @vellichorom
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wilted-woods · 1 year
Just a drawing that I've finished-
Mantra belongs to @deviousnarrator and Valentino (who's been turned into a YipYip) belong to me! ^-^✨
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A teensy lil side note (summary of the ALT):
Also I'm...not really in the best situation and feeling pretty bad as of right now so I'll be inactive for quite a bit and pretty much refrain from being active or showing any forms of activity until things get better..my apologies hh..-
I..don't really know what else to put here..
Uh- anyway- yeah- just a lil drawing I made since I still had the idea in my head-
I'm still working on the story if some are still curious about that! And having much more ideas but like I said, I'll be refraining from expressing any of them and showing any signs of activity until I feel better! Hope y'all understand! <33
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wilted-woods · 1 year
Hhhh- a lil quick note-
I AM SAFE!! There was an earthquake that happened as well but I'm okay!! I was just a lil spooked because this is the first time I'm experiencing hurricane weather and I don't live that far from where Hurricane Hilary is passing!
I was asleep lol- I love rainy and cold weather <3
I AM SAFE!! <3
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Now!! I've made FileSweep or as I call it NullBrose doodles!! There's also some angst too nrnfksm-
The silly fuckers <33 @plut0nix pspspsps
I've finished Lovebug!FlieSweep and Lovevirus!FileSweep
I just need to make the designs for Love Corruption :3
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Oougph <33
FileSweep/NullBrose propaganda is a go/silly
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Sorry for my small wrighting xD
Though these are concepts for Lovebug!FileSweep/NullBrose and Lovevirus!FileSweep/NullBrose :3
ALSO A CRUMB OF LORE FOR MY BBIEAL FANON AU!!! (I'll be making a separate blog dedicated for this too soon so yeeyee <3)
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Thinking about these fuckers like:
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Hehehehehehe tall bf and tallER bf (they're actually husbands the developer told me/silly)
Source: Just trust me bro
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wilted-woods · 1 year
"Oooohh~ I think you're holding the heart of mine!~"
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Valentino expresses his love to [DATA DELETED] with a smile of glee. Giggling happily and lovingly.
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"Squeeze it------"
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"......That's fine......"
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He froze. Why would the other do that to him...? Does he not....love him anymore...? What did he do wrong....?
"B-But......I....I thought that....." Val said as his "face" contorted to that of heartbreak and distress as he fell onto his knees.
⚠[Because I'm not heartless] TW!! SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO VALENTINO!!⚠
The other rolled his eyes. Obviously not caring about the other's distress from the sudden break up.
[Well you fucking thought wrong. We're done Valentino. Got it.?] Said the other with a sneer. He was angry with Val but never told him the reason why.
"B-But why-!? I d.......I d-didn't do anythi-ng..!!" Said Val with distress and hurt in his tone.
[Don't play stupid with me. You know EXACTLY what you did.] Said the other with a stern tone. His voice raising at Val.
"[DATA DELETED]....? [DATA DELETED] p-put that down! W-we can t-talk about th-his-!" He said as he fell onto his bottom and began scooting himself away from the other who's angrily approaching him. Of course the other wasn't holding anything but it sure looked like it. Instead it turns out that there was something in particular that the other was after.
It was a button. And not the "RESET" button as one would expect or the "SKIP" button as others might suspect. It was............
"G-GET AWAY FROM ME!!! PLEASE I'M SORRY!! STOP IT PLEASE!!! [DATA DELETED] YOU'RE SCARING ME!!" Valentino pleaded as he managed to get up and quickly back away.
Before Val knew it, [DATA DELETED] had grabbed him and aggressively slammed him against the wall. Knocking him into a heavy daze as he laid on his stomach.
"Pl....lEasE...- please...s...to...p.." He pleaded once more. He tried to get up and crawl away before a foot pinned him to the floor. "HHHNNK-"
[Say....what does that button do anyway.?] Said the other. Valentino then began panicking and sqirmed around trying to get free.
"W-wAiT-!! D-DON'T HIT THAT BUTTON PLEASE!!" He pleaded again.
[Well looks like we'll find out!~ Must be something serious since you're freaking out.] Said the other as he went and forcefully slammed his foot onto a certain part of Valentino's back.
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wilted-woods · 1 year
Bdjrjd- hehehehe-
It's fucking 11:51 PM and I'm feelin' a lil fuzzy but silly :3
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Fucking cabbage rat- but a lovely one <3
Hehehehe Gruncle
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@vellichorom A lil sneak-peak for ya! <3 What do ya think made him react in such a way?? 👀👀👀
There's more comin' too :3
I must crawl into my foxhole now- until then!
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wilted-woods · 1 year
Ft. Thierry!! Our most beloved!! <3
[Thierry had not long returned back to his Parable after a long day of hanging around his friends and forcefully socializing with other Narrators, Stanleys amongst others.]
[He was planning on spending the rest of the day with his beloved wife Rosemary. Who was indeed a very lovely lady. He of course did this on a daily basis whenever he felt the need to or simply decided to.]
[And Thierry was happy. Despite it not being shown as much but he was happy.]
[And then one day....]
[Something peculiar happened..]
[Something that Thierry wasn't quite prepared for. Or...well...at all for that matter.]
[Thierry walks into a room, fresh out of the shower, wearing his sweater, robe, pijama pants, some comfortable socks and house-shoes. Oddly enough, the outfit of his choice was extremely comfortable so that's a good thing. Opening the door to his bedroom so that he could relax and unwind after a long day of being around millions of other Narrators, Stanleys, amongst others.]
[His plan was to lay in bed and relax with his wife as this particular day so happened to be quite exhausting for him.]
[Although....what was odd was that the room that's supposed to be his bedroom was....shifted and morphed into an entirely different room.]
"Wh......what the?" [He said as he scanned the room before he suddenly heard........]
[Cooing..? Then suddenly sensed a presence within this particular room. And is that...growling..? Crying..? What the hell..?]
[He looked around before he felt something brush against his left leg followed by a cheep.]
[Instantly moving away and quickly looking at whatever the fuck just touched him and what the source of the noise was.]
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"Who the fu..-?" [He said before instantly silencing himself before he even finished his sentence.] "Uh..."
[Is......Is that....a...]
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"*Cheep!!* *Cheep!!* *Keek!!*" The tiny...creature...child made high pitched noises as their.."face" had contorted into a look of pure innocence. Their eyes sparkling with pure joy. Their "face" also had stickers on it. Huh... This little fella was simply greeting the other. Their tails wagging happily.
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"Uuuhm....Heeeeeyyyy-" [Thierry stepped back a bit before looking around and noticed another creature child.]
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[Though what he saw was two fuzzy tails with buds at the tip with barely any noticeable sepals.] "Ahh shhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiii......oooouutt....- Shoot. Yes- shoot-"
[``Haha. Great save there Thierry. Truly magnificent.´´ He thought to himself.]
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[Although this one was very softly crying....moreso weeping and partially hidden beside a box.]
[For some reason he felt a twinge of concern as he also picked up on the sense that the other was ill. Apparently this is what others call...."The Fatherly Instinct" or some shit like that.]
[It of course confused the fuck out of Thierry as this NEVER happened to him at all. Why would he feel concern for something he knows nothing about? Usually he wouldn't care so this shouldn't affect him...but this time...he was being affected alright.]
[Before he could do anything, he heard soft growling. Like angry kitten growling.]
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[``There's....more of them...´´ He thought to himself. Although why is that one so angry for? Well....he'd be angry too if he randomly appeared in an unfamiliar environment against his will. As if that probably hasn't already happened.]
[Not to mention that this environment SPECIFICALLY in particular is extremely dangerous for unexpected and unsuspecting guests. So that not only confused Thierry more but he had actually begun to feel quite worried. Though he shouldn't be since it appears that his Parable had no affect on these.....guests.]
[He then so happened to look down and was nearly jumpscared by ANOTHER CHILD. This was opposite to the one growling, adjacent to the one weeping yet nearest to the one who's already happy to see Thierry.]
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[Upon closer inspection...this one had paint all over them. They were also quite shy.]
[Thierry decided to snap out of it and shook his head before speaking in a calm tone as to not spook them.]
[Mood Swings much...?]
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"Alright, who sent y'all?"
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"And of aaalll places in the verse..,"
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"Why does it have to be mine?"
A little notice!!!:
[Since I've hit the image limit, the next image will be in another post before transitioning to the next part or I'll simply reblog this post lol-]
Thierry belongs to yours truly: @vellichorom ! <3
The babies are mine! uvu
List of my babies <333:
Crayola (who IS IN FACT an underaged Narrator who's in fact A BABY!! As for Acryilic (or sometimes spelt Acrylic) is the verse's Stanley who's also in fact an underaged Stanley who's ALSO A BABY! <3)
More will be coming too! I just need to know if anyone else wants me to baby-fi their characters and place them in the same room as Thierry lmao XD
This was also a little idea that I and a couple of others thought about on the server and I decided to turn it into this- xdd
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wilted-woods · 1 year
I have such normal feelings towards Devin and his Stanley- extremely normal feelings :)
This originally was supposed to be posted like- yesterday but y'know- school and other things had to bee taken care of- ;v;
Also not to worry, I'm working on a way to differentiate the Stanleys! I was thinking of doing it by last name for the rest but one still keeps his name so it'd be easier and less confusing lmao-
I'll do that next time though because I wanted to knock this out the way xD
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Willow: "Wh...who are those people..? W-where are we..!?" He said as he clinged to the other. Slightly whimpering. "I-I....I don't like them...." He added as he clung tighter.
Hanahakai! Stanley: ["I don't know...but they don't look all-that friendly...Just stay behind me and everything will be okay. They can't hurt you as long as I'm here.."] He reassured the other. He turned his attention to the other two. Noticing that they don't look all that friendly. ["OI, JACKASS! What's the big idea!? You're scaring Willow!"] He shouted towards the other Narrator as he clenches something in his hand behind his back. It goes unnoticed by the alternate versions of himself and Willow.
@thenamesmobu 's Stanley: ["HEY! Don't call him that! YOU have NO right to get angry here! The both of you intruded into our Parable UNANNOUNCED!"] He shouted back as he gripped the steel pipe (idk it looks like a thin metal pipe- xd) ready to strike at any given moment.
Hanahakai! Stanley: He thought for a second and glanced at Willow. Coming up with a plan at the same time. He looked back towards the other two. ["...........Riiight..as if being downright called a "Foreign Entity" isn't bound to aggravating someone..."] He muttered the second part before taking a very deep breath and softly exhaled. ["My apologies. Let's try this again shall we?"] He said before clearing his throat. ["I'm Stanley. This is Willow. Now, who are you?"] He asked as he kept a stern glare towards the two. Analyzing them as one would do with a file to make sure that nothing was seemingly out of place whilst making some mental predictions on what the others next actions would be if things don't go exactly as he had planned.
Both Devin and Stanley: The two glanced at each other before looking back at the ones they call themselves "Stanley" and "Willow". The two don't seem very trusting in the other two.
Mobu's Stanley: ["Um..okay. Well then, coincidentally my name too is Stanley..and this is Devin..-"] He said before getting interrupted.
Devin (Mobu's Narrator): "How do we know if you both aren't posing as a potential threat.?" He said as he kept his guard up. "For all we know this could be a facade." He added with a scowl. The giant luminescent hands were kept on standby just in case either of the two try to do anything that is deemed to be an immediate threat to both him and his Stanley.
Hanahakai! Stanley: The other (referring to Devin) was already starting to get on his nerves. ["If we were a potential threat, don't you think we would've attacked the both of you as soon as we appeared here and or laid eyes on the both you?"] He said as his gaze darkened. His grip tightening onto an unknown object behind his back. Willow ended up butting in in hopes to avoid further confrontation.
Willow: "O..okay...l-lets not do anything brash..!" He said as he remained behind his Stanley. "Pl..please....please don't hurt us...w-we don't mean any harm..we just want to safely get home is all..." He added, in attempts to dissolve the situation before it escalates. "D-do forgive us..we greatly apologize for the intrusion...! We weren't aware that this was your Parable a-and not our own..." He added once more before looking away and inches further behind his Stanley. He truly was terrified of Devin and the other Stanley as he was on the verge of tears.
Also feel free to add on if you want Mobu :3 I would've done so but I fucked up my right hand somehow and sorta lost a tiny bit of feeling in it- xd
This was really fun to do though!
Also Hanahakai! Stanley is equally as overprotective over Willow as Devin is protective of his Stanley-
As for why one of his sideburns are tucked behind his right ear, it's because Willow was in the midst of braiding it before this happend 👍🏼✨
Okay I'm gonna vanish once more because I'm lowkey tired but I have something I'm working on! ^-^✨
I might forget about it though so I'm trying to get as many of my ideas down as possible as of now before anything else- aCk-
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wilted-woods · 1 year
Ayy decided to make an official design for my version of Timekeeper/432! ^-^
I'll make a cleaner version soon though :3
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I wonder what happened to make him react in such a way..
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
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wilted-woods · 1 year
Sooo- I'm feeling better but at the same time worse if that makes any sense-
Though I'm working on part 2 of "The Babysitter"! :3
I- don't remember doing so though- xd
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Especially that- ⬆⬆⬆⬆
And since I don't remember anything about this- I'll be going over what I originally had and make an improved version of the above image-
My brain currently:
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I can't explain it kwndkdkrmfk-
My ideas are being consumed into the depths of my brain like:
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wilted-woods · 1 year
"The Fall of Cupid" by Günther M. Adelheid (2023)
Original artpiece:
This is an artpiece I made yesterday featuring one of my beloved Narrators, Valentino (who's a Lovebugged Narrator)! <3
The title is destined to change but who knows, I might change my mind and keep the title :3
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Hello everyone! Apologies for the inactivity, I'm currently not feeling the best as of now
Though I've decided to make some sorta religious artworks for a change and exercise my unused artstyle!
This was my attempt at rendering (sorta) and I'm proud of how it came out! I worked really hard on it too! <33
Original artpiece with filter:
(This is with one of the filters that actually look pretty cool :3)
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The reference image I used:
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This is a painting titled
"The Fallen Angel" by Alexandre Cabanel (1847)
It's only part of the painting and not the entire as I'm trying to save space for part 2 of "The Babysitter"
That's all for now! <33
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wilted-woods · 1 year
Hdjxgdksueksbdkauxmsndbxisk- I'm very proud of how this one came out!!
I absolutely love both versions-
With fire:
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Without fire:
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I might make more drawings of this Narry in the future as I'm now obsessing over him-
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wilted-woods · 1 year
Hhhh- Willow is now offering each and every single Narrator involved with the glue trap a special gift basket and hugs!!
This both a sign of an apology and just because he's being his usual soft and friendly self (despite the ones that are known to be a bit of a jerk but that doesn't stop Willow from gifting them too)
Also "[YN/N]" stands for "Your Narrator's Name" so feel free to interact if you want to (as it'd be too difficult for me to get to everyone because I already forgot a huge chunk of the Narrys involved lmao except for like 3 or 4 xd)! ^-^
His "tails" are hanging low by the way, that's why they aren't visible-
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Willow (Normal version):
"I....I know it's not much but....this is for you..!! They're all homemade and handmade so I do hope you enjoy them..and if not, then that's okay..! P-Perhaps there's something else that you'd might like..?"
Willow (Apology version (Mostly to specifically targeted Narrators)):
"U-um....h-hey...uh...This...This is for you...! I'm...I'm really sorry..."
[Insert something Willow did]
"O-oh...I did....? I...I don't remember doing any of that....All I remember was.....was..a lot of..screaming and fuzzy...I.....I sincerely apologize for [insert something he did]...I can assure you that I didn't mean/wasn't trying to..." He shyly though sadly looks away. "......I was....only trying to help...."
Eeehhh okay- I'm gonna vanish again and continue working on things- ;v;👍🏼
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wilted-woods · 1 year
It probably didn't look like it but I did take a short break for a while because I had no clue what to post in regards to TSP/TSPUD since I was working on historical stuff and other drawings
Though have a sneak-peek until I finish the rest!
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And some more kitty gifs because I still feel bad and I might private the previous post or something..I truly didn't mean to cause anyone distress if that's what happened!
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wilted-woods · 1 year
Sneek-Peek time!!! ^-^✨
Because as I promised, I'm working on more projects! uvu
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Is this what?? Who knows??
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