#g'iselle bellerose
zell-bell · 7 months
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New commission drop!
Eorzea Academy AU Zell and Adam by the wonderful @esqurell!
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zellbellart · 7 years
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So, I had a moment of “Holy crap, you ARE getting better”.
That first picture up at the top was one of the first things I drew on my Cintiq. I’m still having some trouble adjusting to it, but I know the progress is a real thing. I think my eyes are finally catching parts of what I see in my mind.
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zell-bell · 1 year
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I have a feeling that if there’s something you want badly enough, nothing will stop you.~
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zell-bell · 1 year
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Here's the art for mine and @shadowcatshinobi's badges for Fanfest Las Vegas! I can't wait to get the actual badges in. I'm so excited for them.
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zell-bell · 1 year
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An older, but still beloved commission of Zell by the wonderful Eliza Stark Art on Instagram.
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zell-bell · 1 year
Archive: Fated? Or Planned?
A story before the story.
The sun was overhead, glaring down directly onto the streets of Ul’dah like an oven set to cook anyone that dared to set foot upon the cobbled walkways that wound throughout the city. Unfortunately for me, I was one of those unlucky souls, attempting to hold a black cloak around my shoulders and a hood firmly over my head as I hurried to my first appointment of the day. Not my wisest choice of color for a stroll across the surface of the giant star.
A bell chimed just ahead and a series of choice words spilled from my lips as I rounded the corner and found myself nearly running head first into another cloaked figure and a handful of guards, swords drawn, as they clanked down the stairs in front of the Quicksand. I’d been so worried about arriving on time to my next client that I hadn’t even heard them shouting after the mysterious individual. All I’d gleaned of them was a bluish furred appendage and the curious outline of ears pressed against the fabric of their hood. A miqo’te. There was absolutely no way they’d catch them. Their speed was impressive and they seemed to disappear in broad daylight just as the guards went to round a corner on them.
As much as curiosity was killing the cat, I had to peel myself away and hurry inside to the Quicksand. As always, I was greeted with a quick “Miss Zell” from Momodi, an incline with her tiny chin towards a wooden booth along the back wall, and the lalafell disappeared to a clinking of glasses as she prepared my usual. I began a series of inhales through my nose and out my mouth to catch my breath so I didn’t look so winded when I was finally joined by my client. Today was my lucky day… they were later than I. There’d be no ceremonious way to taking a seat as I slid into the booth.
Momodi arrived a few short moments later with a glass, tall-stemmed and wide-mouthed, filled with a lavender liquid and an olive that couldn’t decide if it wanted to take a dip or float on the surface. After rummaging through my satchel, I slid a few Gil her way and she smiled in that knowing way that a tender did to their regulars. Her small, lengthened ears twitched and she glanced over her shoulder, “Ah, looks like your company is here. I’ll leave you to it. If you need anything, just say the word”.
There was always the understanding amongst entertainers in Ul’dah, especially women-folk, that if anyone needed help, they used an ever-changing, complex systems of code words to protect one another. This season’s code was “spider lily and rum”. As my client approached the table, I got no urges to keep it on the tip of my tongue.
The figure was rather tall, with perfect posture and shoulders that seemed confident and rounded back just enough so as to not be stiff. Tight leather in several shades of onyx gripped their body in all the right places, albeit, enough to show off assets that the slightly skinny individual had. My eyes skimmed their body and eventually landed on an impish pair of mint eyes, the only thing visible above a thin, black piece of fabric covering just below their bottom lashes.
They seemed to size me up, too, as they looked over me and the table. Those glacier eyes had likely taken in every inch of my outfit, from the black dress to the strappy heels just barely visible from beneath the table. But that was the aesthetic of someone dressed to the nines with nothing but information to gain for the price of spending time with even the filthiest of deviants.
The booth across from me creaked as they finally slid into it, gaze rested upon my lips for the briefest moment. That’s when I noticed it. A bluish tail popped up just long enough that its tip curled into my view. I couldn’t help but gasp when realization hit me, “…You. But weren’t you just…”.
As if he’d been waiting for me to acknowledge it, he reached up with gloves hands and slowly slid the hood and mask down, fingers wrapped around the edges of the fabric, to reveal icy blue hair that threatened to hide one of those minty eyes. A crooked grin tilted up one corner of his lips into a dimple, “Hello, babe”.
“Glad we both made it, just in time.”
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zell-bell · 1 year
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✭ G’iselle Bellerose - Fox of Ul’dah✭
✧ RP Hooks ✧
☾ Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
☾ Bard
☾ Entertainer and Dancer Hailing From Gridania
☾ Decently Known Performance Idol In Ul'dah
☾ Information Broker
☾ Contortionist, Pole Dancer, Singer
I'm always on the lookout for new friends in the RP community and have a long history of RP experience, especially from WoW and XIV. I'm perfectly ok with lore-bending but prefer not to deal in lore-breaking. I love darker and more adult-oriented themes but am not averse to slice-of-life or bar type events and meetings. If you're curious about a theme, you need only ask!
I am married OOC and in a very committed relationship. I'm not here to meet anyone or form sexual relationship despite this character being a more flirtatious, provocative individual. If that is understood, we are golden!
Preferably, I leave lore and background out of public profiles so if there's anything about Zell you'd like to know, try writing with her! Things will be revealed with time and effort!
Do not initiate unless you're over the age of 21. I'm in my mid 30s and would just rather not deal with anyone younger than that age. This is a hard rule.
For a deeper dive into her art, playlists and more, check out her Carrd!
Follow backs from @zellbellart.
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zell-bell · 1 year
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Sorry for the upload spam! Trying to catch Tumblr up with my commission pieces!
Top is by @lianeige99 of Twitter and the bottom is by @noirsnow!
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zell-bell · 1 year
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Another gift piece from @shadowcatshinobi of Zell by Aleriia_V on Twitter!
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zell-bell · 1 year
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Amazing piece by @mochimalha of KDA Zell!
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zell-bell · 1 year
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Two more pieces of Techwear Zell!
Top is @/DaggerLeonelli, bottom is @/fusspot.
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zell-bell · 1 year
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An older commission gift for my husband, @shadowcatshinobi of Zell and Adam by @neri0r!
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zell-bell · 1 year
Mission: Macabre
Warning: Gore and Horror, and possibly really bad writing, lmao. Written on my phone and not really edited in any way so pacing is probably weird.
Missions with Adam were always hectic. And not because they were badly planned or anything… I always wondered if there’d be a day that I endangered him. But, godsdamned, did I enjoy watching him in action.
Today’s objective was getting in and out of a small fortress just north of Gridania headed towards Xelphatol. A small band of rebels had been seen trying their best to start unrest between Gridanians on the outskirts of the city-state and the Ixtal, in various portions of the forest and beyond. Adam’s task was to gather reconnaissance on the motive as a shared buyer had approached us both for a hefty payout if we could provide anything.
That’s how I managed to slip into his usual solo business… watching him from a branch far overhead as he crept in the bushes beneath. I pressed my back against the rigidness of the trunk behind me and leaned forward just enough to see Adam weave through ferns and blades of plants I couldn’t even chance a guess of naming. One hand clutched a dagger while the other remained freed up to push the foliage out of his face. I’d even opted for a more minimal approach this time, decked out in black travel leathers and a smaller bow for ease of escape should it come to it.
The light from the encampment was rather dim considering how many Hyuran figures had been reported, six at least. It was dark enough that Adam’s hair appeared murky as the sea and his fair complexion seemed almost shadowed by the air around him. How he preferred it, thankfully. Somehow, miqo’te sight wasn’t even enough and I lost sight of him almost immediately when he moved up.
As silently as I possibly could, I stepped out to the massive branch I’d taken up sentry on and sidled sideways just until I felt the wooden appendage sag. Narrowing my eyes just enough to make out the next branch over, I moved and quickly. The rain from a previous night had made them a little more springy than I’d like and a noise followed every movement with an uncomfortable thwacking of moisture and leaves. Continuing along, I found a new post just on the edge of the camp and my eyes widened as I steadied myself against the trunk again.
Just below, I could make out Adam hunched off to one side. I imagined his expression wasn’t much different as he surveyed the scene. The fire at the center of the small, hastily made clearing was sputtering out and desperately reaching for the heavens in its death throes. Judging by the amount of ash around it, it had only been burning for several bells… perhaps two or three. But the smell… a tangy copper drowned out the smokiness of the burnt wood. The absolute smell of death. It hit me square in the chest and I found myself pressing my forehead to the bark beneath my hand, the contents of my stomach threatening to birth themselves from my lips.
Adam’s voice suddenly filled my head and the distraction was welcomed. The cool, calm tone was out of place and yet perfectly normal for him, “What do you think happened here? See anything from up there?”. I pressed a fingertip to the link pearl in my left ear and squatted down in the shadow of the tree as I responded.
“Five down… all bodies around the fire in a star…”, I paused as the nausea surged again, “… Entrails all connected and pointing towards the center…”.
I knew he was digesting the information and a soft rustling sound came from his direction. I assumed he’d taken up a new vantage point as I straightened and began to take in more of the camp. Something seemed off about the lack of… anything else. No real leads, no living creatures or people.
The branch next to me sagged just the slightest and I smirked, a witty response to Adam’s new position on the top of my tongue as I turned to face him.
Instead, I was met with the most horrifying face I’ve ever seen in my life. It was as if a creature from the deepest recesses of the void had somehow found an unfortunate soul in the forest and fashioned a mask out of their face. What looked to have been humanoid at some point has been split open and become… whatever this was, the face being the last remaining proof of its humanity. The rest of it was a grotesque rendering of some wolf-like bastardization. Where legs might have been, appendages that bent in all the wrong directions jutted out instead with broken fingers clutching the branch.
I’d been frozen for far too long, unable to so much as move as it inched closer to me, face so close I could smell the rancidness of its breath… and then it’s jaw fell forward… It screamed. Or laughed?
“G’iselle? What was that?”, Adam’s voice was almost drowned out as I clutched my hands over my ears.
It lunged as it made the noise, clawed hands raking towards me as it shredded the bark in its wake. There was barely enough time to slide to a lower branch before it skidded to a rough stop, it’s macabre face slammed against the trunk with a hiss and another scream. The movements of its too-long fingers in my direction as it noticed where I’d gone were not lost on me. It was time to go.
Ears be damned, I released them and started the race down the tree. Branches whipped past my cheeks and cut against flesh as I began the marathon to outrace my heart and the thing already making its way down behind me. The ground was getting closer and so were the weird cracking screams that now echoed the woods around us. The bow I’d been holding all along found itself tossed off somewhere far below as both hands clutched anything to get me out of the trees faster.
Just as my feet landed on solid ground, I found myself yanked sideways hard enough that I hissed into a hand that covered my mouth, fighting dizziness at the sudden whirlwind of emotions that hit. One hand had flown down to a dagger at my thigh, but was pinned by another. Adam.
He caught my gaze and slowly released my mouth, holding me against him as we both took shallow, quiet breaths. Somewhere to the right, the bushes parted and the sound of twigs snapping moved to the campfire that casted an eerie, reddish glow on everything within a few feet of it. The creature appeared with its human face a stark white to the crimson massacre around it with its nose turned towards the heavens. Long sniffs followed by horrific choking sounds resonated off the small tents of the camp almost as if someone clutched at a single thread of life within the nightmare itself.
I felt Adam’s grip slide from mine as he leaned forward just so that his lips hovered against my ear, “We’re about to do the dumbest thing we’ve ever done in a while…ok?”. His fingers rested on the dagger I’d tried to unsheathe when he grabbed me, “I’m going to run to the right and you’re going to go left… if it chases you, lead it back to camp and into the light. If it chases me, I’m gonna do the same thing. Go for the throat and the belly with that dagger once he’s by the fire, got it?”.
I nodded, afraid that if I said a word I’d summon the thing between us somehow.
“Good, on three”. He held up a hand and slowly lowered his fingers. One. Two. THREE. I felt him shove me as hard as he could to the left as he darted off into the brush to the right. All I could do to keep my footing was rotate my entire body until I was in a full sprint after stumbling a few fulms. It was enough to garner the thing’s attention and its gaunt, lifeless face lowered until its black eyes fixated on me. In no time, it was lumbering in a straight line for me and leaving behind vitriol and spatter from the unfortunate men beneath it.
With the wind whipping past my face and the now familiar sting of plants against my cheeks, I dashed in a wide arch as I made my way back towards the encampment. The screaming behind me started up again and I realized the sound for what it was, an excited hunting chant. The sound of a deranged killer. Goosebumps prickled my skin as I struggled to keep my heart in my chest.
My one advantage came into play as I caught sight of the fire in front of me. A much smaller size allowed me to navigate the trees of the woods as the hulking beast tried to close the gap between us, however, it found itself getting pinned between young saplings or unable to slow inertia as it skidded past a turn altogether. When I reached the ring of gore, it had fallen behind quite a bit until it slowed and stalked towards the light, its fingers curling this way and that as if someone was bending them backwards.
The dagger had made its way into my hand and I took up a defensive stance, holding it sideways and in front of my chest. I’d have one shot if it lunged at me. If I missed, that would be the end.
Instead, it watched me like a cat cornering a mouse. Perhaps it would bat me around or, in the worst case scenario, I’d end up as the sixth point of the intestine star under my boots. One leg moved into position. Two. The odd silence drew out and I expected to hear the scream, but it never came.
My eyes left its feet just in time to see an ethereal form wrap around its torso and up to its neck, snake-like tendrils clutched against it just under its jaw and mask. Its front legs jutted up, tearing into nothing but shadow as its hindquarters left the ground. Behind it, Adam held his hands up in a near perfect mock of the darkness that now entrapped the nightmare, but I could see that his power was waning and quickly. His eyes met with mine and he mouthed the word “Now!” at me with a pleading expression. Without hesitation, I looses the dagger and it struck home through both shadow and flesh as a gurgling replaced the heartbeat that rang through my ears.
Adam’s hands fell to his sides and he steadied himself against a nearby tree as I stepped closer to the felled monstrosity atop the corpses of its own making. Where there had been appendages of some unknown creature, a pale, thin body of a man began to appear. The mask was slowly becoming a mutilated face to match that which was hidden, proving the theory that his skull had been rendered in two by the thing that had exploded from it. In his hand was some sort of stone that glowed an eerie violet in color, gripped as if his life depended on it. Seems it did. The dagger I’d thrown had sunk home and the life had drained from the man, what little was left.
“It was a soul stone of some sort…”, Adam returned to my side, a sheen of sweat coated his brow, “Saw a few in my travels before. Looks like he sacrificed all of his colleagues to try and make himself more powerful but backfired and summoned a voidsent instead”.
I narrowed my eyes on the stone and bent down long enough to pluck it from his dead, clutched hand, “It would be proof enough for a pretty big payout but…”, I glanced back at Adam just before tossing it into the dying flame behind us, “I’d rather not have to see another one of those ever again if I can help it”.
He’d propped a brow up as I threw the relic into the fire but nodded all the same, “I’d have to agree… guess we’ll just have to tell the officials in Gridania that we got here just after they got mauled by some angry mushroom folk”.
“Why not Malboro?”, the smell of copper assaulted my nose as the gravity of the situation crept up on me again. I began moving away from the camp towards the large tree where the entire thing had started, “And how do we explain the star made of intestines? Pure coincidence?”.
Adam’s lips curved upwards as he walked next to me back towards sanctuary, “Magical game, as they say”.
“Magical game?”
“Yeah… it answers everything you don’t have an answer to.”
“You think they’ll buy that one?”
“Dunno. But I guess we’ll find out, hm?”
“Gods-speed, Adam Locke.”
“You’re welcome, babe.”
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zell-bell · 1 year
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If I offer you the moon on a string, will you give me a kiss, too?
G’iselle Bellerose - Balmung
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zell-bell · 1 year
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Eorzean Aesthetics
G'iselle Bellerose - Fox of Ul'Dah
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zell-bell · 1 year
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More gift art from @shadowcatshinobi by @kenshjnpark!
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