#germ's helsmits
galaxygermdraws · 1 year
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So I’ve spent a good like. Week working on updated Hels designs. I started it after I got better and have just been working on it since. It’s finally done, so here’s everybody who lives on Lonecraft/Hels HC, which does include some non Hermit counterparts. This is your open invitation to ask me questions cause I will gladly answer them.
Also I share al these terrible people with @micer2012​ <3
(Reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Transparent version of the ref for PFP purposes will be under the cut. Thankyu)
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sweetest-honeybee · 2 years
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Me 🤝 @galaxygermdraws
The name Clap Trap
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risingroseart · 2 years
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@galaxygermdraws hi hello I couldn't get your hels!tago design out of my head
i know nothing about him but if anything happens to him i hope whoever did it steps on a lego, stumbles, and falls face first into the exact spot on their bed where they put down their phone and or communicator
[Do not repost, edit, nft, claim as your own- all that stuff you know the drill]
!Reblog to help the artist!
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micer2012 · 3 years
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appreciation post for Evil Xisuma's r/malelivingspace
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aj-is-typing-18 · 2 years
'Under the thrall'
'Impulstor amoung you'
'Rosa drew him!'
'J drew him'
'Deer drew them'
'Skizz in the au'
'Hels in the au'
'Mez saves hels'
'Germ drew him'
'Sammies big drabble'
'How does pink get impulse?'
'What is pinkpulse like?'
'Has pink ever used his magic on another helsmit?'
'Who's Cowardice?'
'Is it possible to snap out of pinks control on your own'
'Hels and pinkpulse past'
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galaxygermdraws · 1 year
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ALSO Bonus doodles!! These are from last year but I still really like these drawings so here’s some Putrid and Helskizz <3
(this ship was completely accidentally made by @micer2012 and we made it canon cause we loved it too much)
(reblogs with tags/comment are appreciated. Thankyu)
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galaxygermdraws · 1 year
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So it’s Valentine’s day! And I decided to celebrate with some Murder Hornets ship art because I am thinking about them. I did get help from @twigs-sprigs to figure out how to draw this pose so shouting him out for that. These two have...such a dynamic. And despite this art I swear they have a somewhat healthy relationship. Zedeath is just Like that
(reblogs with comments/tags are appreciated. I co-own these designs/headcanons with @micer2012. Thankyu <3)
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galaxygermdraws · 2 years
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Ain’t drawn him in a while. Man. Man I missed drawing him as actually ominous. Usually I draw him as a pathetic wet cat because, with my Helsmits he kinda i s in comparison. Anyways, he is going to kill.
(reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Thankyu)
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galaxygermdraws · 1 year
Okay seems yall are somewhat interested in this so I am going to drop the first ever teaser for my hels lore document, aka the trigger list. 
There is a lot here and I am so amused by how long this list actually is. This is what happens when me and Della are put into a DM with each other
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galaxygermdraws · 2 years
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So. Uh.....Hels Horse Head Farms?? I guess?? I didn’t mean to do this but I spent about 4-5 hours on this. Why? I have no idea. 
(Reblogs w tags/comments are appreciated. Thankyu.)
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galaxygermdraws · 1 year
First off. Big Sidas.
Second, Why does Joehels (is that his name?) have chains and eye thingies around him?
Third, HH Farms from last season basically took people's souls. What do cY and mesmorizd do with them? Also, what's that little vial on Mesmorizd's ref? Is it a potion? He seemed to have a slight connection to potions when you first introduced him.
Also hels!jevin is adorable to me. 10/10 very squishy, bop gently on the head.
Sorry if this is a lot I wanted to get everything out of the way
Hi, this is a lot and I love that it is a lot I love talking about my guys
So first of all, yes. Sidas is very Big now. Has a huge pair of badonkers if ya know what I mean. Isel uses them as a pillow
Second, their name is Joseph Hels, or jus Joseph at this point, and the chains are. Lowkey something I don’t really have an explanation for. I think the vibe is something related to how he has basically been stripped of any power she may have had. Cause he had a connection with the Stalkers, which is why the eyes are there, but they have X pupils because that connection was severed after Joseph intervened with the Stalkers’ plans to kill the Loners (members of Hels Hermitcraft), which she wasn’t supposed to do. 
Third, they  basically are part of the black market for Lonecraft. Souls, hard to come by potions, vessels even, you name it, they prolly got it.  Mesmo’s little potion motif honestly happened by accident, although I can see him being relatively good at making them. I mean, these two kept Mignon alive with them, as well as helped restore Kit to personhood, so like. They know what they’re doin
And yes HeJoop is very squishy. I would not touch him presently though. He uh... may or may not be part of a Cult that will rip your limbs off and replace them with limbs infected with a goopy black plant that is connected to a gooey heart that’s in a uh. Secure location.
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galaxygermdraws · 2 years
Did wormman have any side effects post getting possessed cuz i cant imagine getting possessed by death would be good for anyone
Oh yea he's changed a lot since getting possessed. Appearance wise, obviously, he looks different. The darker hair, the faded wool, the dark eyes. Also his horn is re-broken, as he and Abyss had glued it back together at one point.
Other side effects include that when he gets angry, which is much easier now than it was before, his eyes go pitch black. Also his voice echoes a bit if he yells. It sounds like you could vaguely hear Zedeath's voice under it. Every time it happens he gets more used to it which. He doesn't like but. It was inevitable he would grow used to it
Another side effect is the fact Wormman became incredibly, incredibly withdrawn. He doesn't talk a lot after a good while of being stuck with Zedeath(he's in a situation I would compare to the Sock Opera situation from GF. The whole "ghost who's body was hijacked by a powerful demon-like entity). At first he was very. Outwardly loud and trying to seem like he would stop Zedeath, but eventually Zedeath threatened to just kill him. And when Zedeath kills someone, he bottles their soul, but Wormman's "soul" is...isn't his. It's Zed's. And the longer someone is bottled, the less they are. Themselves. Their memories and personality just. Slowly fade away til they're malleable. But in Wormman's case? He would end up just...reverting to Zed. Just another part of him. Because of this, Wormman stopped talking as much. Eventually he just went dead silent, became boring for Zedeath, and when the time was convenient, got abandoned.
After that, Wormman was still super quiet, only speaking up when he finds out Cas knew Abyss. So, like, he was quiet for a while. Also he uh. Has really bad intrusive thoughts. Being around someone like Zedeath for as long as Wormman was has lead to Wormman becoming numb to....all the awful stuff Zedeath would say and do. And sometimes Wormman will want to do similar things to someone. Heck, he wants to hurt Zedeath specifically. Hurt him s o badly. But the moment he has these thoughts he freaks out because he can't be having those thoughts. He's supposed to e good...he's supposed to be a superhero...but...he really isn't anymore....
Is he?
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galaxygermdraws · 2 years
Flawed respawn in hels you say? Correct me if I'm wrong but I've never seen you mention it before. Would that mean that the person respawning comes out different or slightly deformed?
Respawn takes a lot longer than normal respawn, and yea it basically means like. Injuries linger after respawn. Koray had a limp for a good while after getting eaten alive by Clap Trap's base. I have a lot about Hels I haven't mentioned yet because there is just. So. So much. I am trying to make a document/slides on all of it though. One day I will finish it and release it.
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galaxygermdraws · 2 years
Why did zeddeath need to possess wm?
Basically, Helsmits cannot. Enter. Hermitcraft without a Vessel. Zedeath honestly just wanted to get onto Hermitcraft to mess with the Hermits because he just likes testing the limits of people, and these guys don't have flawed respawn so it would be more fun.
Before Wormman, he had plans to get a Vessel from Indulge, who was in debt to Zedeath because Zedeath had resurrected him. Of course, once Wormman's existence was discovered, Zedeath discarded Indulge and the w.i.p. Vessel in order to get an easier access one.
TLDR: Zedeath wanted to be a silly guy and used a child as a body to do so.
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galaxygermdraws · 2 years
what do you mean Cas has a history with zedeath
I mean. When your closest ally abandons you for the new guy because he has the power to bring people back from the dead, he’s gonna rub that in your face. So let’s just say there is a reason Cas doesn’t like Axis and Zedeath. And let’s also just say there is a reason Cas doesn’t have wings anymore
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galaxygermdraws · 2 years
Whats wormmans and hels relationship like?
At first it’s. Very awkward. Especially because Wormman doesn’t really talk. Cas(Helsknight) isn’t even like. He’s not worried about that. He just assumes Wormman can’t talk and accommodates that. Their relationship isn’t really. Like. bad. Cas is one of the nicer Helsmits, and after having gotten severely attached to Abyss before s8, he is...very sympathetic for abandoned kids, especially given he was also abandoned. Although I will say Wormman put Cas off due to looking like Zedeath because of the whole possession thing. cause uh...Cas has a h i s t o r y with Zedeath.
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