#gfl dreamer
cerastes · 2 years
Is "dreamer" a gfl reference?
This ask makes me nostalgic.
It isn't, actually! I've been known as Dreamer since before GFL was a thing. When GFL!Dreamer appeared in GFL, we had a nice laugh about it.
"Dreamer" comes from an old RP blog I had here on Tumblr. In that blog, I went purposefully nameless since I wanted the focus to be on the character and not on me (read: I think lack of identity is cool) but people eventually started calling me "Dreamer" because that word was the first half of that blog's URL (dreamerphoenix), and I liked it, so I've decided to go by that, and to this day, it's been my handle and how people refer to me as. At some point I considered maybe changing my URL to include "dreamer" in a way, but 1) I like it more as something given to me rather than me having chosen it, and 2) I like cerastes too much as an URL to change it.
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studentshaul · 1 year
Possible GFL muses:
Angelia 416 Destroyer Dreamer AN94
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all-hail-trudos · 5 years
Concept: we "recruit" Dreamer and make her Kalina's gofer/intern/adjutant
I can't imagine a better punishment for her than putting her at the mercy of our beloved overworked assistant
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evas-idiot-box · 4 years
i just read your answer, thank you very much, Eva. At that time, i finished chapter 7 tho and oathed M4, 7-4E is still hard to beat to get gold, i dont really understand what to do in night missions, how to kite and i am kinda afraid to start chapter 8 without sniper and mg teams, but i hope i will progress in the plot further :)
Oath (And MOD3!) is definitely important for her. She goes from Very Good to Almost Broken, alongside having synergistic buffs for Soppu and Star's MOD skills.
For maps with Dreamer as a boss, you'll want a team with very high evasion SMGs to tank and all dolls will need to have a relatively high mobility. ARs and SMGs are best, and pistols aren't bad if you want to experiment with buffs. Rifles are *okay* if they don't have a cape, but they're still slower than the others. MGs and shotguns are not recommended for fighting her cause there's a long walk-up to her and she's shooting at your team the whole time.
As for night battles. One: FUCK night battles. Two: I HATE night battles cause I SUCK at them. Three: From what I can understand (but apparently not put into practice) is to use ARSMG teams with a handgun for killing non armoured enemies and RFHG teams for killing armoured enemies and enemy comps with Jaegers (the snipers.)
To my other GFL pals, tell me if I've given terrible advice.
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give-fnc-chocolate · 5 years
The GFL Corner guide said you have to kill That Boss In The Way in Endgame yourself to unlock the hidden map, but I used a parachute fairy to drop between That Boss and Dreamer, waited two turns without being attacked, and then killed Dreamer and it unlocked. Dreamer is insanely easier to kill, so FYI
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echoslammin · 6 years
Yuletide 2018 Letter
Dear Yuletide Author,
I’m Echoslam on AO3. Thank you very much for checking out this letter! 
General Information:
Likes: Any kind of AU, romance, friendship, introspection, worldbuilding, smut, canon-appropriate pop culture references, humor (all kinds - comedic situations, witty dialogue, running gags, memes, etc. Seriously, if you’ve ever wanted to experiment with bizarre crack, I’d be happy to be your guinea pig). I also *love* metafiction and nods to quirky game mechanics and canon in-jokes.
DNWs: Body waste kinks, poly, bestiality, non-canon incest
Most of my favorite works tend to be character studies and fluffy romance, but I definitely enjoy darker stuff as well, if that is your thing. Feel free to ignore my prompts and go with your own ideas! If there's a story you've always wanted to write, please have at it, and let me share your enthusiasm. I'm a huge fan of all of these games and am just so excited at the thought of reading fic for any of them.  
Links by Fandom:
Heroes of Might and Magic III Girls' Frontline The Secret World Liar! Uncover the Truth Liar! Office Deception Liar! Scheming Socialites
Heroes of Might and Magic III - Any Character 
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I just about had a heart attack when I saw this in the tagset - I've loved HoMM since I was a kid, and III is my favorite in the series. Truly, the turn-based strategy game of my heart. I loved all flavor text in this game, especially the snippets of lore on the heroes and their backstories. If you're writing about any of them, I'd love all kinds of details - from their army composition to the spells and artifacts they have equipped.
Lorelei and Synca relationship development, whether as friends, enemies, or lovers. Since their specialties are harpies and manticores, respectively, how does that work out in combat? Technically, you couldn't have multiple heroes on your side of the battlefield until HoMMIV, but how would these two interact if they were fighting together?  
Anything based on the story campaigns. Maybe missing scenes from Dungeons & Devils or a "bad" ending for Long Live the Queen where the Nighon forces are victorious?
Detailed description of the siege and takeover of an enemy stronghold or the development of a new township.
One of the game mechanics that I always found interesting was how, when you open a treasure chest, you have the option of taking the gold or "distributing it to the peasants" for experience. Is that really how it works? What is the peasants' view of the heroes in this game?
少女前线 | Girls' Frontline - Any Character
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Another wonderful surprise in the tagset! I just started playing GFL this year, and I've found it extremely fun and addicting. I actually found the plot very engaging, and the armory of T-Dolls is irresistibly cute.
I love the idea of a gift exchange between members of the Anti-Rain Squad. Maybe someone gives M16A1 a bottle of her beloved Jack Daniels?
Orchestra AU! Just...anything based on this picture would be amazing.
Anything focusing on team dynamics, especially if you want to incorporate references to game mechanics (different T-Dolls and their buffs/active skills, etc.) Or hurt/comfort after an intense firefight.
You know how T-Dolls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice a combo of manpower, ammo, rations, and parts? How exactly does the factory utilize those resources? What do they even do with all those meals ready-to-eat?
Coffee shop AU starring Persica (the woman loves her caffeine).  
The Secret World - Any Character
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One of the best MMO experiences of my life. TSW combined so many things I love into one game: an awesome modern setting, dark humor, and an incredible story with amazing characters. I play the Legends reboot from time-to-time, but I prefer the original version and still like to play on the vanilla server (kind of fun having an entire MMO to yourself, heh). I've also played the tie-in game, The Park, and really loved that as well.
I was fascinated by all the narrative details in this game, like the lore honeycombs and ambient story telling. If you could incorporate that into your writing, that would be fantastic.
Long ago, on the TSW forums, someone mocked the idea of a schmoopy Sonnac/Geary romance as a terrible idea for a fic - I want to read that story! Whether you want to make it complete crack or be serious about it, I would love to see something develop between these two. Maybe they go on a date for tacos at Dante's stall? Or maybe Geary tries to troll Sonnac somehow, and he plays along until the last minute...and then snark ensues.
Issue #5: The Vanishing of Tyler Freeborn is my favorite for a reason: filthy NPCs. I would love to know what filth-infected versions of Geary and Sonnac would be like.  
Anything Moose/Andy. This is the romance I was waiting to see blossom, but alas, it never did. What happens when Andy finally catches on to Moose's crush on him? How about rescue romance or rides on Moose's chopper? Pining on Moose's end, requited or unrequited, would be good, too.
I love the world of this game so much, especially the urban areas (the faction hubs, Fusang, Tokyo) and New England. Would love to read anything about a bee of any faction exploring and going on missions, their opinion of their handler, etc. Please do go into excruciating detail about your bee's gear and abilities, because I'm all about that. What are there primary/secondary/auxiliary weapons? Which NPCs are their besties? Tell me everything!  For the record, my main was a Lumie that chose not to side with the Dreamers, but I'd by happy to read about any faction/alignment.
I adore faction rivalries, and the ones in TSW were just awesome. Whether it's old school Templars vs. Illuminati or you get the Dragon involved somehow, I just love witnessing all the contention. Seriously, you could just write 1,000 words of back-and-forth trash talk, and I would absolutely adore it.  
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ダウト~嘘つきオトコは誰?~ | Doubt ~Usotsuki Otoko wa Dare?~ | Liar! Uncover the Truth - Any Character
Since last year, I’ve become a huge fan of this mystery/romance app with its feisty heroine and the quirky Liars she has to unmask before finding her Mr. Right. If you’re interested, I maintain a sideblog dedicated to it over @whoistheliar​ as well as a random screenshots blog: @liarscreenshots. (Warning for spoilers at both links).
All of the characters in this game,"Mr. Right" included, have their own imperfections, and it feels like half the point of this game is giving you the opportunity to navigate your feelings about certain character flaws. I love how MC isn’t a blank slate and is very much her own character. She can be quite a mess at home and has a lot of insecurity about her humble background, seeing as she’s originally from a small country town (IIRC one of Joe’s side stories mentions that she’s from Akita prefecture).  
I definitely enjoyed the sequel stories, but I'm more fond of the main route of the game. Shipfic revolving around MC is something I would love to see, but I would be open to other pairings as well, especially between secondary characters. I would also welcome gen or friendship fic.
I loved the multiple endings you could unlock at the end of every chapter and the insight they gave into each Liar's backstory. Anything expanding on those would be great, especially the True or Love endings. I really enjoyed seeing POV from other characters besides MC.
Love triangles are my guilty pleasure, and I would definitely enjoy reading a situation where MC has to choose between two of the Liars and/or Mr. Right/Ayumi. Would love it if things got Very Emotional.
I always like marriage/honeymoon/married life stories, and MC's occupation as a wedding planner complements that wonderfully. How does she get her love interests or friends involved? Are there wedding crashers? Will she serve takoyaki at the wedding??
In the main story, MC found out each Liar's secret before things got too serious, but what if the emotional stakes had been much higher? For any of the Liars, would MC react differently if she didn't find out the truth until after falling in love over a longer period of time? Basically, I'd like to see your take on a "Bad Ending."
So, after following this game for a while, it seems that other players have very strong opinions about the various Liars, so in case it helps you, here's a summary of my take on them:
1st Liar: SQUICK. SQUICK. SQUICK. Honestly, they seems like a very nice guy in all their side stories, but stil...squick.
2nd Liar: I find their profession very interesting, so I'm a bit biased in their favor, despite their true nature. Could see them with MC after getting a ton of therapy. They also definitely have some chemistry with the 9th Liar, lol.
3rd Liar: I can't bring myself to hate them; they're just too ridiculous. Side note: I really like Nanyami as a character.
4th Liar: Never forget the fountain pen!! This guy is a bit of a tragedy, so I do have some sympathy, but imo that slap from MC was well-deserved.
5th Liar: I think the fandom unequivocally regards this one as complete garbage, and for very good reason. Still, I have to admit that their side stories appeal to my morbid side (it's like they're in a bizzarro world where MC's personality is completely erased). Also, I do find their character design very attractive - I'm not proud.
6th Liar: Umph. Definitely in my top tier along with 7th Liar. In terms of sheer chemistry with MC, I think this guy wins hands down. I'd be up for both seeing them walk away from the issue that makes them a Liar or embracing it.
7th Liar: They made me cry buckets. I love them with MC so much, and the way they're always smiling through their pain just makes my heart ache.
8th Liar: Out of all of the Liars, I felt that #8 was the most outright malicious. I just wasn’t convinced by the ending of his Lover’s Route. I know he's damn attractive, but wow, that attitude...
9th Liar: I really feel like the 9th Liar got the short end of the stick in the main story. His interactions with MC kept getting interrupted by unnecessary drama, and it felt like they never got the chance to really get to know each other. Also, LOVE Rumi!
"Mr. Right": It seems that people are really divided on this one. Some see him as the most precious cinnamon roll, but people have also told me that he comes off as a creepy stalker. (I've seen him  get called problematic more than once). I’m pretty sympathetic towards him myself, but I’d love to see your own take on him, whether romantic and sentimental or super dark.
ダウト~オフィスは男女の嘘だらけ~ | Doubt ~Ofisu wa Danjo no Uso Darake~ | Liar! Office Deception - Any Character
I love the Liar! sequel every bit as much as the original game. You can bet that I’m super hyped that Voltage is going to be releasing Lover’s Routes for it in the future. Office MC was very no-nonsense, and I would like to see what she would be like in the process of falling in love, or even just getting a chance to let her hair down and hang out with her coworkers.  
Post-game or redemption story revolving around any of the Liars, with the exception of the 2nd, 3rd and 5th. Ideally, this would end on a positive note with them being able to have a reciprocal friendship/romance with MC.
Office Battle! I was so amused by the Star Wars parody that kept popping up throughout the story and how everyone seemed to be totally into it except for MC, who’s just completely out of the loop. Maybe one of the Office Liars tries to teach her about the series or something like an Office Battle AU that’s basically Office Deception in space?
Narration of some part of the game from James’ POV. I loved MC’s cat and found it hilarious how she kept spoiling him at home while being so disciplined at the office.
Liar! Commentary:
1st Liar: Honestly, I thought they were super cute, and I wanted to see them make some more Cactaur cookies for MC.
2nd Liar: What a tool. I have to admit, I was amused by them sucking up to MC for the rest of the game after being found out.
3rd Liar: I thought they were going to be my 7th Liar 2.0, but N O P E. I found their backstory a little amusing, but they're just so slimy.
4th Liar: A real sweetheart. I love that they become MC's right-hand coworker after their chapter.
5th Liar: Not a fan of Rat Face McGee, tbh. Wtf, dude.
6th Liar: I have a weakness for "falling in love with the mark" scenarios and really wanted see it work out with this Liar. I also loved the idea of them going on to work for Uncover the Truth's 6th Liar, as was suggested in their Dumbass Ending and one of the sidestories.
7th Liar: DEEP SIGH. I love them despite their self-centered/obsessive actions. Will always be a fan of them pursuing MC, whether requited or not.
8th Liar: I like their kink, lol, and their accusation scene was hilarious. I really wish their behavior had been less invasive.
9th Liar: Just like with 6th Liar, I like to believe that they really cared for MC at the end. I think they were a perfect "Final Boss" for Office Deception especially compared to the more one-note villains. They did some horrible things to get what they wanted, even putting the 8th Liar in the hospital, but I’ve always wanted to see something that shows some of their inner conflict once they realize they’re hurting someone that has actually become a friend to them.
"Destined Partner": They've grown on me a bit, but one thing that definitely put me off was how they threw the 8th Liar under the bus during their route. (Sure, tell MC they've got a dirty secret and don't clarify at all as to what it is...) Seems like they're hiding a spiteful streak.
ダウト~セレブは華麗に嘘をつく~ | Doubt ~Serebu wa Karei ni Usowotsuku~ | Liar! Scheming Socialites - Any Character
I almost mistyped the title above as Liar! Screaming Socialites, but honestly that would be a pretty apt name for this game, because wow, does this cast go off the rails. The chapters are shorter than in previous routes, and MC is a bit more passive. I was worried this was going to be too "Gossip Girl" for my tastes, but I actually really enjoyed this one, even if my heart did get stomped on once again. (Loved the hyper Eurobeat accusation music - it was like something out of Initial D).  
Ship fic with MC and 8th or 9th Liar. Love triangle maybe? There's so much that was left unexplored at the end of the game. Would MC abandon her lifestyle or try win her parents over? Something based on one of the love endings would be great as well.
I also adore the potential Liar that turned out to be MC’s true BFF through thick and thin. I love how they're both anime fans and their favorite shows are clearly based on Touken Ranbu and Land of the Lustrous. Also, what exactly was BFF doing to test the 8th Liar during that awkward scene at the mountain resort in the 7th Liar chapter? I really wanted details on that, but it never got explained.
Okay headcanon: Given the similar detailing on their dresses, I think Kyoko and Reina shop at the same place. What would an interaction between them be like? Would they dish about their respective MCs?  
Liar! Commentary:
1st Liar: I have nothing but pity for this poor kid. Definitely see them still being friends with MC.
2nd Liar: Ick. One of my least favorite among all the Liars. Would like to see them get some comeuppance for their actions.
3rd Liar: This one hurt. Would really like to see them redeem themselves. Maybe they were secretly attracted to MC the whole time and just wanted to get her attention?
4th Liar: I enjoyed investigating their elaborate lie, but as a character they really fell flat for me.
5th Liar: WOW. That escalated quickly. I have to say, the 5th Liars in these games are probably the best fodder for something grim and disturbing. I think the implied rape in the bad ending was the darkest point in the entire series.
6th Liar: It felt like, with this Liar, Voltage was trying to have their cake and eat it too. Like, "Oh nooo, they're so kinky!" *wink wink* I actually really liked them despite their being the token kidnapper.  
7th Liar: I hated the way this Liar was presented. Their friendship with MC was really nice, but then it just had to get ruined.  
8th Liar: MC’s rejection of them was devastating to me. They really won me over despite the nature of their lie, and I really believed it when they claimed their feelings were sincere. For someone who was supposedly trying to con her, they did a hilariously bad job of it - like, they never tried to pressure her when she was vulnerable and even set up this really over-the-top charade just to make her happy, only for it to be what gets them exposed. It's almost like they were setting themselves up to fail. I really need a Lover's Route...
9th Liar: Surprise plot twist! This Liar was set up for some really interesting development which...did not happen. Would have loved to have seen more of their inner conflict. I ship them with MC the most after 8th Liar.
"Destined Partner": Definitely cute, but I found them to be rather pushy when they brought MC over to their place. Also, what ever happened to the pet rabbit?  
Thank you so much for your time! Hope you have a great rest of the year and a wonderful Yuletide.
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cerastes · 6 years
Dreamer, I would like to know your honest opinion. Which one, in your eyes, is the main heroine of GFL - M4A1 or UMP45?
Main heroine? M4A1 in terms of main plot relevance, definitely. There’s tons to her that directly links her to Sangvis Ferri, she’s their main target, and a lot of events relate specifically to her, her involvement, or lack of involvement. 
UMP45 is the other heroine, if you ask me. Still definitely someone who holds a lot of heft in the plot, especially side stories (Squad 404 is practically the main character ensemble of events and side stories), but not heavier than what M4 has.
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cerastes · 6 years
Dreamer, please tell me. Is Epic Seven worth getting into if I am already juggling like 3 different mobages (FGO, GBF, GFL, and Onmyoji on daily logins only)? Is it much of a grindfest too?
It’s a mobile game, so there will be grinding, yes. 
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