#gin and chuuya both.. i have to be SO careful if i'm writing them without they/them pronouns for whatever reason
zukkaoru · 6 months
i stop paying attention for .2 seconds while writing and suddenly i'm they/them-ing chuuya.. sorry bestie i forgot you aren't nonbinary in this one
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☠: I'm gone
before my muse disappeared, they gave yours a series of ‘open when’ letters. send a symbol to read them. open when… ☠: I’m gone
My love,
When you will open this letter, I expect I will no longer be alive. 
Please, don’t be saddened by this, my dearest. In truth, we both knew that however sweet our secret was, we were never meant to be; sooner or later, by death, betrayal or exile, we were bound to be parted. 
I do not know how and by which channels have we been found. Despite everything, Port Mafia gave me the benefit of execution without trial; I will never be proclaimed a traitor. I have not been called that, even when I have been given this mission; a mission that will, undoubtedly, end in my accidental death.
I go willingly, though my heart is breaking for all the years; weeks; days and hours I could have, and never will, spend in your embrace. And so, I write these words, with the hopes that those few who remained loyal to me even knowing about my love for you, will pass it on. Even now, I long for you; I wish, from the bottom of my heart, to kiss your icy lips one more time; to warm your skin with my own. I wish for one last embrace, one last proclamation of love, last goodbye.
I have lived my life with no regrets. And though I am sad to go, and leave you behind, I would not have changed a single choice I made throughout it. It has been a good life; and you, my love, were by far the most precious thing in it. 
Please, do not mourn me for long. I have lived for your smiles; don’t let them follow behind me. Take care of Faust for me; he always loved you. I leave Nimue for Gin; please, if it will be in your power, watch over them both in my place, too. 
I need to leave now, my love. I am not scared. I love you; before me, I see your face. If only I could hold your hand when taking my last breath, I would have been perfectly happy to die.
I love you, Fyodor. With all my heart, always.
Forever yours,Nakahara Chuuya
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