#girl. I don't think I've rewatched that episode with the lens of 'remember dream has dated people in canon' before
rainbowvamp · 1 year
I would really like to spend more time talking about how hilarious the conversation Dream and Johanna have is if you know comics lore. Like... I'm obsessed.
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
Mark Sheppard’s acting at the beginning of “The Devil in the Details” is great. Like I think a lot about how great Jensen’s acting is, but I was full on looking at this middle-aged man going that is a young child and I hope he is happy. But on the subject of acting, I think Jensen’s acting is good enough to have conveyed the energy they were going for without the creepy being bonded with/drawn too a child. I’m all for the creepiness, just not like that. But I just started that episode so I don’t have any thoughts on it yet. I mentioned thoughts on Len and I don’t have much to say in that vein because I’m out of the flow so the thoughts might not connect to that ask. But my other thoughts on Len are absolutely biased, because I love him. Before he was soulless the man was obsessed with the (acquitted) axe murderer Lizzie Borden. He lead a chat room, trespassed, collected so much memorabilia, and violated his restraining order. Then when his soul was taken he just decided to keep on keeping on. I think he is curious at his core and that is horrifying. This man was worked up into a ranting panic (I know he can’t “feel” that was his thing, but he would not shut up about not knowing so panic isn’t the word but still) until Dean told him and he calmed down and said “It feels good to finally know.” And then the man rips his own thumb off just to see if he could (I think that was the reason he gave and it is how he got out of the cuffs.) But then when he’s offering to take the wrap for everything. He makes it very clear that he knows it’s the right thing and that is why he is doing it. No outside forces are going to pressure Len, he’s made it clear throughout the episode that he doesn’t care anymore as such there is no shame or guilt. BUT THEN Crowley’s bitch ass (I love him but still) kills Len and my dream of ever seeing the boys have a case where they have to see how he’s adapted to soulless prison life.
Hello again! And yessss! I love Mark Sheppard so much, it's not even funny. I first saw him as Badger in the Firefly --- well, technically, in the X-Files episode "Fire," but I hadn't stored his name/face yet --- and have loved him ever since. He's also in Doctor Who btw, and I love him so much there, too... Honestly, he's just amazing! (He's how I got my sister to watch SPN, because I told her Badger was in it!) And that episode was, I definitely agree, a really good showcase of it!
Also, I do see what you're saying about the Amara arc, and I agree... I don't know why they chose that manner --- e.g. the young-girl scene --- of showing the creepiness. The entire plot of her growing up felt a bit unnecessary, to my mind, so it must have been a conscious thought, but I'm not sure why they chose it, if so. (I should have specified this in the answer to your last ask; my apologies for not addressing it then!) And I agree that Jensen and adult!Amara (Emily? I think?) could have pulled off the creepy side of their scenes well even without that backdrop; I mean, cut out that one scene, and little about the undertones of their interaction would change, if that makes sense.
And yeah, I completely understand what you're saying about Len! Like I've mentioned, it's been a bit since I saw that episode, but I remember really liking him when I did; I really appreciate that level of... I don't know if "obsession" is the right word, since that usually has a negative connotation, but... fixation? Passion? Etc. His curiosity is really endearing, and I just... I dunno, I loved his character. Your rewatch keeps reminding me of episodes/characters I liked, and I'm struggling to to say, welp, guess I'm gonna watch it all again :)
Thank you again for the ask; all the best, and until next time!
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