#giti thadani
somerabbitholes · 3 years
hi, do u have any recs/resources for researching about the history of queerness in india/south asia? it's just a personal project i'm thinking about taking up this winter xx
hi! sorry this took long; here you go -
Sakhiyani: Lesbian Desire in Ancient and Modern India by Giti Thadani - examines mythology, ancient art and texts to put together an account of feminine bonding and desire in ancient india; also looks at colonialism and its impact on the same in modern india
""Like a City Ablaze": The Third Sex and the Creation of Sexuality in Jain Religious Literature", (in Journal of the History of Sexuality) Leonard Zwilling and Michael J. Sweet
Same-Sex Love in India: Readings from Literature and History, edited by Saleem Kidwai and Ruth Vanita: a collection of writings on same-sex love across religions and cultures in India; explores traditions of the same in literary history
"Homosexuality in Ancient India", by Rachel Chittilapilly
the 2020-21 issue of the Tarikh
"Hidden in History: Female Homoeroticism and Women of a "Third Nature" in the South Asian Past", by Walter Penrose
other than the article by rachel, i haven't read any of these, so this is largely based on things i see cited and referenced and reviewed. i hope that helps!
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mishrasatty7 · 3 years
Government asserts that it cannot Legalize same sex marriage in High court PIL
Government asserts that it cannot Legalize same sex marriage in High court PIL
In this post we will discuss about a PIL that was filed to legalize same sex marriage and the governments say in this PIL Government cant legalize same sex marriage.  The court heared a PIL filed by four members of the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and others) community — Abhijit Iyer Mitra, Giti Thadani, Gopi Shankar, G. Oorvasi. The submission which was made by Mehta, who is one…
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