#given the photos and videos provided on ahmad's page backed up in the fundrauser i fully trust this fundraiser
lonniemachin · 5 months
Ahmad reached out to me to help share his family's fundraiser. Ahmad is a 22 year old dentistry student currently residing in Gaza. He and his family are now living in tents in Rafah after the IOF destroyed his home. His brother Mohammad, currently living in Sweden, has raised kr16,833 SEK out of his kr250,000 goal to evacuate his family to Egypt! Please donate and share, and if you can't donate, please still share!
Ahmad's Twitter/X account: @ahmadposts1
From Mohammad's GFM:
My name is Mohammad Jamal Shamia, and I reside in Sweden. I am raising funds to help my family and my sisters and brother leave Gaza for Egypt or any other country to secure their safety, as there is no longer a safe place in Gaza.
Here is their story:
My family consists of eight people: my father, my mother, four daughters, and two sons.
My father, Jamal Shamia, is currently in Gaza, and his home was destroyed at the beginning of the war. We have lost security and peace. We have witnessed how a single rocket can destroy your entire life, both your past and your future. Our dreams have been shattered. Now the future is unknown and dark. There is no home, no basic life essentials, no job. We are now seeking to leave this country for a life abroad and to obtain security. We estimate our loss to be at least $50,000 to rebuild a home and start our lives anew.
My mother left Gaza before the war for surgery in Egypt and is now stranded on the Egyptian side without any means of support.
The daughters (Rasha, Maram, Rana, Reem):
- Rasha Jamal Shamia and her husband Khalil Abu Samaan have two children, Mira Abu Samaan and Omar Abu Samaan. They are now in Gaza and have left their home and all their belongings in Gaza City to move to Rafah, but they cannot return to their home due to the occupation forces' siege of the northern areas. They are now in tents and have lost their children's future in terms of education and the opportunity for a decent life.
- Rana Jamal Shamia and her husband Mohammed Salama have two children, Amir Salama and Taim Salama. They are also in Gaza and lost their home after the occupation forces bombed their house, and they suffered direct injuries. They also lost their children's future and are now internally displaced persons in Rafah City after their house was demolished. They still suffer from the damage they and their children witnessed.
- Reem Jamal Shamia is residing outside Gaza and has not seen her family for some time.
- Maram Jamal Shamia and her husband Mareed Al-Suwirki are now outside Gaza. They were evacuated along with their children and husband from Gaza. Maram's family has suffered greatly during their time in Gaza, and their home was destroyed. They lost many of their belongings. Her husband is a dentist and also lost his job.
Two of the sons (Mohammad, Ahmad):
-Ahmad Jamal Shamia resides in Gaza and is a third-year student in dental school. He lost his education due to the devastating war in Gaza. He was studying at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, and his home was destroyed in the war. He is currently suffering from moving from one temporary shelter to another. Ahmad was a diligent, ambitious, and creative student who ranked first in his class. He didn't limit himself to what he learned in university. He attended courses and workshops online with Egyptian doctors to learn more and excel in his field. He always sought excellence and worked hard for it, and he loved helping all students.
He now needs money to continue his education, which will cost him a lot of money since he will complete his studies in Egypt.
-I, Mohammad Jamal Shamia, currently residing in Sweden, am orchestrating a fundraising effort aimed at providing assistance to my immediate family and siblings. The funds collected will be allocated towards facilitating their departure from Gaza, with coordination managed through Hala Travel Agency, and remittance to Egypt via established channels. The required contribution stands at $5000 per adult, with a reduced amount of $2500 designated for children.
My family is living in extreme danger due to the brutal bombing of their city. There are daily explosions and attacks. The city is no longer safe for them. My family has been unable to work for five months due to the war, and they are living on minimal food and water while constantly suffering from fear and shock from the attacks around them. Many in the family have medical needs, and their lives are at risk every moment. Prices have risen in Gaza, and they struggle daily to meet their basic needs.
The family is requesting help to cross the border into Egypt so they can begin rebuilding their lives. Time is of the essence! Help us transport them across the border to Egypt so we know they are safe from the increasing and indiscriminate attacks.
There will be a high financial cost, as mentioned earlier, for one person it is $5,000 and $2,500 for children, to enter Egyptian territory. I hope we can work together to help my family leave Gaza. Their escape from the difficulties will only be possible through this fundraising campaign. They are counting on us! Thank you for your support. Thank you for coming together
"Mohammed Jamal shamia, currently residing in Sweden, is initiating fundraising efforts to assist his family, sister, father, and mother. The funds collected will be allocated to facilitate their departure from Gaza and to provide a promising life for them. The collected funds will be transferred through money transfer companies such as Western Union and MoneyGram. The required contribution is 250,000 Swedish Krona."
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