#go read the entire op ed gyns it's free!
femmesandhoney · 1 year
Leymah Gbowee, Nobel Peace Price Winner and Leader of the Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace Movement, Speaks About Women's Roles in Political and Peace Activism
"Today Liberia is still far from achieving gender equality. Fewer than 12 percent of cabinet ministers are women, and only one woman ran in the 2017 presidential elections. There is still resistance to female leadership and participation at the community and national levels. But there is also an intergenerational movement of women who are building on the work of the women’s peace movement and determined to have their voices heard...
For politics to be centered on the needs of the common people, we must ensure that more women around the world have a seat at the table. And if the table is not worth sitting at, women have the power to reshape and create their own decision-making mechanisms through political activism and mobilization."
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