#go watch him I love Pentar
connor6sex · 5 months
because apparently i fucking hate myself, i felt a compulsion to try to transcribe some of Minutetech's last stream. Here's the transcript of Minutetech getting Impeached. Idk if it's all fully accurate, these fuckers love crosstalk more than life itself.
Long post, so below cut. Or on Google Docs,
Mapicc: Minutetech and I have made a bet. If I can get 14 people to oust him publicly. He will hold a reelection.
Mapicc: Right now we have 5, Baconnwaffles, Mapicc, Princezam, um, Roshambo and Jepex. THats five. I'm now going to go down the list, unmute people and if you want to say you are ousting Minute, you can now. We'll start with Wemmbu.
Wemmbu: Hello Chat, I'd like to oust Minute.
Mapicc: Okay, what does that make, 6/14? I'll unmute you now Minute, just so you can help me keep count while we go.
Minute: hello. So you're going to force them into making a decision before I can disprove the lies in that video? Is that what we're doing here?
Mapicc: I'm pretty sure we're going down the list to oust people. you can make a response afterwards, but that's kinda defeating-
Minute: That's what I just said, that you're trying to make them make a decision before I can disprove the lies in that video or what.
Roshambo: Let's do it by votes. Do you guys want to hear Minute's response or has that been enough proof?
Bacon: Jumperwho and Pentar say yes. Thank you for your input.
Mapicc: I think I'm going to go down the list and unmute people, you can make a response video on your own time, Minute. We're not gonna sit here for 30 minutes and have a debate, that's not the purpose of this vc.
Minute: Alright, I'll make a response video and see if their answers change.
Mapicc: Okay. We'll start with Poafa. Poafa do you oust Minute?
Poafa: I believe that Minutetech is an imposter, just like among us.
Mapicc: Is that a?
Poafa: I oust Minute.
Mapicc: Okay, thank you, Jesus Christ. What is that, 6 now?
Minute: 7
Mapicc: 7/14. We'll go next with Woogie. Hello Woogie, do you oust Minute?
Woogie: I like everything you've done, but I think, without a response I have to say I oust Minute.
Mapicc: 8 out of what? 14. We'll next go with Spoke.
Minute: I have a response, it's just they're not letting me say it, so. Keep that in mind.
Roshambo: Well, if you have a good response-
Spoke: Dog, can I wait till he gives a response?
Mapicc: No.
Minute: Oh! Convenient, convenient! Convenient response from Mapicc.
Zam: You can just choose to not oust him.
Bacon: Fine fine,
Zam: What do you mean? You can just choose to not oust him, I feel like, what?
Minute: He just said can we wait, and Mapicc just yapped no.
Ro?Leo?: Zam, Zam. What if we all say like 'we're not to oust him' and Minute's like 'yeah i'm not going to give a response now' That was our once chance to like, actually get him out of office
Mapicc: Okay. Fine, what would you like to say Minute?
Zam: I thought we had until next weekend?
Minute: You have until next weekend.
Mapicc: I'm allowed to ask people to oust now. But if you would like to respond, you can make a response video.
Minute: Oh, I have a response video, don't worry.
Spoke: I can change my answer?
Ro: Wait, Aren't you going to- Let's hear your response now?
Minute: I can bring up the video, I can go through it, I can bring up old recordings, I can do all that.
Mapicc: I don't want to watch you look through recordings.
Minute: Hey, I got the time, do you have the time?
Mapicc: No. Not everybody has the time, dude.
Spoke: Okay, whip up a video, whip up a video.
Mapicc: Oh my god.
Bacon: We don't have time for him to whip up a video
Mapicc: We don't have time for him to edit a video
Minute: Shall we postpone this?
Spoke: I'm going to oust him now, but like. He can drop a video, I'll just change my answer if it's fire.
Ro: Okay, so let's keep going down the list.
Mapicc: Okay, so you oust him now, right Spoke?
Spoke: Uhuh.
Mapicc: Okay, what is that 10/14?
Minute: 8, wait what? Did we?
Bacon: I'm really glad we unmuted Minute for the counting, because he's way better at this than Mapicc.
Mapicc: Okay, so 9/14. We'll go next for 4C. 4C do you oust Minute?
4CVIT: uh, my mic was muted. This is uh, this is a really interesting discussion. Like meeting, I was not prepared for this today. Um, oh my goodness, I want to hear Minute's response, and I want to talk to Minute. But for now, I'll explain later, I will oust Minute, yes.
Mapicc: And that makes? You do the counting Minute.
Minute: I believe that's 10 now right?
Mapicc: Probably. Alright, we'll go down to Reddoons. Reddoons do you oust Minute?
Reddoons: Well, my friends are saying to oust Minute, so I'm falling to peer pressure. I'm saying oust Minute, this is definitely a gaslit, peer pressure decision, definitely no other ulterior motive. Oust MinuteTech.
Mapicc: Okay, that's 11. Planetlord, do you oust Minute?
Planet: Um, hey, so, Minute, um, you know, you're a great guy and all, I can't- You don't understand this all right now but I'm sorry, I'm going to have to say yes.
Mapicc: So that's 12/14? We'll go to Spepticle. Spepticle do you oust Minute?
Spepticle: Um, hello. I don't think I can oust Minute, yeah. I don't. Yeah, that's all I'm going to say.
Mapicc: I guess I'll unmute Pentar, and I'll unmute Jumper, you guys want to say your piece? You don't oust Minute right?
Jumper: I don't.
Pentar: Would you believe me if I say that I don't oust Minute.
Mapicc: I do believe you, I do believe you. So what are we on right now? 11/14?
Minute: 12 I think.
Mapicc: 12, okay. LeoWook, this is an interesting one, do you oust Minute, LeoWook?
LeoWook: No.
Mapicc: Ok.
LeoWook: What? “this is really interesting”
Mapicc: Okay. So we have what? 11/14 right now Minute?
Minute: 12, 12, 12! Jesus, 12!
Mapicc: Okay, 12.
Mapicc: There's got to be an easier
Zam: I am shocked how many times it was counted wrong, I'm actually in shock. It's been counted wrong so many times dude.
Mapicc: You're mean to me
Zam: Bro, lock the fuck in.
Ro: We're at 12, we're at 12.
Mapicc: Okay, we're at 12. Spoke, do you want to make an announcement for people to react to, that way they can change their thing whenever they want? And the final poll will go down
Spoke: Wanna oust Minute? Reply with a checkmark if so.
Bacon: react with a checkmark
Spoke: He will be kicked and a president will be elected. Okay this is about to be the craziest-
Mapicc: How would this have worked Minute? If I did get 14 people, would we have just hosted a reelection right now or?
Minute: It would have happened at session, and then. Depending if people change their minds
Mapicc: That's interesting. 
[Segment removed by Transcriber due to talking about poop]
Mapicc: I thought it was, Once you hit 14 we host a reelection then.
Minute: I said- hold on hold on hold on
Wemmbu: That aside, that aside, that aside. In your original video Minute, you said before session.
Minute: Didn't I say by session?
Mapicc: I think you said before
Minute: I said if I get 14 people to say that before session, than the next session's policy would be reelection.
Ro: So what are we at right now? 12.
Mapicc: If you just voted to oust Minute, go to the announcement and react positively, you can take your thing off if he convinces you later. But just so we have a count for right now.
Bacon: The X doesn't do anything guys, if your wondering.
Spoke: It's for like, uh,
Bacon: It's for moral support i guess.
Spoke: It's for interactions, engagements.
Mapicc: Who are we missing that hasn't reacted yet. Oh, Zam, Ro.
Ro: Oh sorry.
Poafa: Which ones which?
Mapicc: What the fuck do you mean which ones which?
Bacon: So the checkmark is for if you want him to be ousted, and the X is for. I don't know, if you want to react with an X.
Mapicc: Hold on, we need an extra reaction for the Jepex's of the community. He can just do it later.
Ro: We can just imagine it's plus one for Jepex, right?
Mapicc: Yeah, can we do 12? It counts as 12 right now Minute?
Minute: Uh, yeah. Current count is 12.
Mapicc: Hold on. This is interesting. This is a closer number than you had expected, Minute?
Minute: I figured there was a moment where it might have gotten to this.
Mapicc: Really? You expected it to hit 11?
Zam: 12!
Minute: After you guys said your response I figured some of the votes might get to this.
Mapicc: It's 11 in the reactions.
Minute: It's 12 total though
Zam: Okay, but it's 12 total though.
Mapicc: Yes, it's 12 total, i said 11 cause the thing. What the fuck are you doing Poafa?
Zam: Does our amazing current president want to come on stage and say anything?
Leo: I think Minute should defend himself
Ro: Yeah, why can't we settle this now? You do your response now.
Minute: I can do this now, it's just that I'm eventually going to have to pull up recordings to disprove a lot of what you've done.
Spoke: There's receipts
Zam: That's okay, can you do some-
Minute: I can do a start now. So what was the first part of the video? You said, um, Foundation was some lie or whatever?
Zam: Publicity stunt. It might have not started out as one, but it did become one.
Ro: I said that you, uh. The Abyss Arc, and the Presidency Arc. The presidency Arc was planned before the Abyss, and there's a screenshot.
Minute: When I say Abyss Arc and Foundation created, you know that was like back in January right, not March where you pulled the screenshot from. How can that be possible? Did I time travel?
Ro: There's screenshots from before the abyss arc, no? When was Abyss arc?
Minute: When the Abyss was created, like January.
Jumper: January 13th.
Bacon: It was before the week of Abyss, before like the Foundation-
Ro: A better landmark would be when was Foundation created?
Minute: Back in January, we have recordings Ro, why are we being so oblivious?
Jumper: January 13th
Zam: But we've had plans for an Election Arc far before um.
Minute: It started back in March, like earliest is March.
Zam: No I said further, before January-
Minute: Well after we founded Foundation was already created and we were knee deep in our goals. Right.
Zam: I'm saying before January, are you hearing me or no?
Minute: You're saying presidency was discussed before January?
Zam: It was!
Ro: I do agree with that. I recall talking about it in an airport, and that was probably traveling over winter break.
Bacon: Let's be real here also. The Foundation was not. When the Foundation was started, Minute was not like immediately active. Minute really locked in for the most part, on the Foundation when it got to like the last month. Which is at the time when-
Minute: That's not true at all, I got active on it the day the Foundation was created. Like I have recordings of this. What is this?
Zam: Did Planet and Ro move the elder guardian on the nether roof or...
Minute: I was right there with them! Hello? Oh Clown's on.
Jumper: You know Minute and I had meetings like every other day, right? Like we had so many meetings outside
Zam: You would know Jumper, you would know.
Jumper: Yeah I would, cause I have recordings of it!
Mapicc: I have something interesting. Minute, I'd like you to go to the announcements page of the discord right now.
Minute: Okay, what's going on?
Mapicc: It's currently 12 right now, we need 14 total. If anybody else, who hasn't voted yet would like to click on the react, you may now do so.
Minute: Did we not just go over this? Why are we trying to change the subject once I started disproving things?
Ro: That's 14.
Mapicc: Click on it. I think that's 14 Minute.
Minute: Okay, so by rule, if that number doesn't change or go below 14 then we'll have a reelection
Wemmbu: Nah nah nah nah nah. That is not what you said in the video.
Ro: You said before session.
Minute: If by before session we have 14 people
Wemmbu: You said before session, it's before session
Minute: Okay wait did we not just go over this right now in vc? like people have time to change their vote hello?
Wemmbu: Yes, for the session.
Minute: What are you saying? you just said people might change their minds or not
Wemmbu: Yes, you can change people's minds for when the, the election at the session.
Mapicc: You try and get reelected
Wemmbu: So now you need to do a reelection on Saturday and you can try to win that election.
Minute: If it stays at 14 yeah.
Wemmbu: No, that was not in the original video. We will quote the video
Minute: Okay okay, so did we not just talk about in VC the number could go up or down? now it's changing now you guys magically have 14?
Mapicc: Oh my God.
Zam: Minute loves twisting narratives afterwards. This is so interesting.
Ro: Minute, listen to me, listen to me. Minute, Minute, Minute, if you're arguing that it shouldn't change then why should it change from what you said in the video?
Wemmbu: Exactly.
Minute: Okay what do you say? Okay wait hold on, I didn't hear you okay what you said-
Ro: And what you said in the video is if I get 14 votes before the session on Saturday.
Minute: Look at the number now what does that mean! What? Oh now it's 15 okay fuck.
Bacon: Okay wait, I have a question, I have a question who added those extra votes? cuz it seemed like it was pretty-
Mapicc: It seemed like it was like-
Zam: Mid Mystic one as well wow,
Mapicc: I'm curious Minute, who added those votes?
Minute: Okay so now so now okay so now you cross the threshold we're going to ignore the whole conversation we just had in vc where you said the number could go up or down?
Leo: I want to say I added my vote because I think it would be kind of cool.
Minute: Oh okay.
Clown: I'm sorry, Minute. I'm not for peace. Ever. So it's just it's just a matter of disagreeing.
Ro: Oh Minute-
Mapicc: Minute, I think we should host a re-election right now. I think you said in the video, before the session-
Minute: That's not, that's not how this thing was supposed to go.
Bacon: You know we can have reelection at the-
Wemmbu: -Saturday. But we're gonna have to have-
RO: -Fine
Mapicc: Minute are you a man of democracy like you stated in all of your pitches, all of your videos? how about we take a vote on whether we should re-elect right now?
Zam: (giggly)Oh
Wemmbu: That's a really good question.
Mapicc: -That do you think of that Minute?
Minute: Can you do a server ping Spoke?
Spoke: Yeah what am I-?
Mapicc: Spoke do a server ping.
Spoke: What am I doing? Hello-
Mapicc: Just ping everyone and be like are you down to revote right now? React yes or no.
Minute: I don't know, it's just-
Wemmbu: We get a majority vote.
Minute: -this, this does feel a little hypocritical Mapicc, I have to, to say this.
Ro: How come? How so?
Mapicc: How come?
Minute: The other- I think it was yesterday, you and I had a, you and I had a, a little chat yesterday Mapicc, you said you said the presidency that I won was unfair because I had a lot of people online that I convinced that was the good guy is this not the same thing but on your end?
Mapicc: Um what if I told you I wasn't running for president.
Minute: You aren't running?
Mapicc: I'm not running.
Ro: He's not running.
Minute: Is someone on your team running?
Mapicc: Everybody react.
Ro: No I'm not running, Zam's not running.
Zam: I'm- I have no plans of running, yeah, uh, no.
Mapicc: Who punched me? That's not cool.
Poafa?: Spepticle.
Leo: I'm gonna run for President!
Mapicc: Uhoh! LeoWook's going to run for president. If you haven't reacted go check announcements now and react.
Leo: One time on my brother's SMP I ran for president and didn't get elected so this, like this, would be like Vengeance for them.
Clown: Oh Redemption, yes.
Leo: Yeah, Redemption.
Zam: Like the LeoWook.
Leo: Yeah.
Mapicc: And, that's that's that's not- that's a ClownPierce drawing okay
Clown: ClownPierce! Sorry, I love that drawing.
Mapicc: If you haven't reacted- There's more than 13 people in the VC so either react yeah or no please. Just so we like, know everybody is like locked in. okay.
Wemmbu: Oh
Mapicc: So Minute it's hit a majority.
Minute: So be it. It's a democracy.
Leo: Oh boy, Minute's no longer President.
Ro: It's time for a reelection
Mapicc: It's time for a reelection.
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