#god i have so many non cyberpunk OCs i should tell y'all about some day
butchsquatch · 8 months
#24 for reev, #5 for viko, #19 for vulp
aaand #30 for all three! 👃
here's the post in case anybody else has questions about my boys.
24. do they have any creative hobbies?
Reev learned how to play the guitar when he was a teen because of his intense love for Samurai! He doesn't play for a while and I think Johnny gets him to start doing it again.
5. how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
Viko has definitely leaned toward aesthetics most of his life, especially when he was working at Arasaka! Lots of cool jackets, he's a sucker for those. As things progress with the Relic and in 2079 though, he gets a lot more practical; a lot more comfortable outfits.
19. are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
YES! He has a very hard time keeping his anger in. He gets mad when he feels he's not being respected or when people are trying to fuck him over. When people get in his way of success too, he gets so mad about that.
30.do they smell like anything notable?
oooh lovely..... Reev always smells like gun powder and probably CHOOH2? Viko smelled like a fancy cologne when he was working for Arasaka. Burrito XXL, Nicola Fire, and blood during the main game. Evelyn's weird cigarettes, alcohol, and Kerry's body wash during Phantom Liberty (he spends a lot of time going between Dogtown and Kerry's villa). Hair dye and beer in 2079.
Vulp???? Damn what does he smell like...Honestly cheap body wash. I will report back once I play more with him and learn what he's all about.
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