#god i've also been so slow replying to messages this week and i'm so sorry about that... head's been a bit of a mess asfkjds
byanyan · 4 months
it appears to be a 'write a few sentences and then just stare at the draft for several minutes before clicking off to another tab, then coming back to start the process over again' kind of night :/
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reighlee-greaves · 4 years
Snapped : Tom Hiddleston x Reader
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So this is a collaboration between me and @just-the-hiddles who is responsible for half of the dialogue and the header image. I would like to thank @just-the-hiddles for giving me the idea for this x reader.
-Summary- Tom and the reader get into a heated argument about a photo that the paparazzi snapped of her and her ex Sebastian Stan. To apologise Tom enlists the help of Benedict.
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Tom hadn't glanced at his phone that morning until well after his run. When he picked it up, he found himself bombarded with voice messages and texts. They all were about one thing. He clicked on one of the links to find a headline from the Daily Mail blaring out him: Hiddles Out, Seb In. Romance Rekindled.
Tom's face paled as he scrolled to find a grainy photo of you looking rather cozy with your ex, Sebastian Stan. Without another thought, Tom grabbed his keys and headed towards your place.
“Tom, what are you doing here our date isn’t until tomorrow?” you asked Tom.
Tom barged through the door, his face red. "Care to explain this?!" he yelled as he shoved his phone in your face.
“Tom I—“ you began only to be cut off by Tom’s frantic pacing.
“—I, I, I," he mocked. "You can't even come up with a plausible lie for why you were photographed with your ex."
“Ok, Tom if you calm down I can explain why I was with Seb in the first place.”
"Calm down!!? I will not fucking calm down! My phone is filled with messages and texts of condolences, of questions. You've humiliated me publicly and you tell me to calm down?!" Tom seethed. His hands flexed at his side, a death grip on his phone.
You took a step back, away from him.
“Tom I didn’t mean to humiliate you. I bumped into Sebastian, and he congratulated me on our relationship. Besides, what about that photo of you and your ex that I got tagged in on Twitter the other week?”
"That's completely different! We dated for six months. And that story was about her new project, not about me having an affair. You and Sebastian were together for three years! Three years! And in case you missed it, I am apparently out and he is in!"
“So you can be friends with your exes but I can’t be friends with mine?” Your voice trembled. You had never seen Tom so mad.
"That's not the point! The point is you didn't see the problem with being photographed with him and how it would affect me. Affects us. And if you don't see the problem with that, I'm not sure this relationship can work." Tom's shoulders slumped.
“I cannot believe that you just said that Thomas Hiddleston!” you yelled in frustration.
"I can't believe you would cheat on me. But here we are. Goodbye." Tom turned and left as quickly as he came.
Once the door slammed behind him, he only then allowed the tears to fall. As he walked down the sidewalk, with shaking hands, he punched in a familiar number.
"Ben? Can I come by? Yeah. It's about that. Thanks."
Ben steepled his fingers in front of his mouth as Tom stood huffing in front of him.
"If you are done with your tantrum, can I say something?"
“What?!” Tom snapped.
Ben leaned back at Tom's tone."Okay, first of all, there is no need to snap my head off. You called me. I am here to help you."
“I’m sorry Ben, I didn’t mean to snap at you.” Tom replied before sighing. “I’m just frustrated.”
"In more ways than one, I'm sure." Ben chuckled to himself.
"What I was trying to say before you turned into a small child was... exes are exes for a reason. She is a good person. I am sure there is a innocent explanation."
“Like what Ben, they just happened to bump into each other?” Tom questioned as he slumped further into Ben’s sofa.
"Perhaps. That does happen. You know how you sometimes just bump to your exes." Ben raised a knowing eyebrow. "The point is coincidences happen. And the paparazzi are ruthless. But you can't let them get inside your head."
“But it’s Sebastian Stan we’re talking about!” Tom crowed.“They were together for three years Ben, THREE YEARS! He was her first everything.”
"And you can be her last everything. But not if you don't pull your head out of arse and talk to the poor girl. Honestly, you are about to ruin the best thing in your life over a single photo."
“What do I say to her, Ben, I’ve already lost her.”
Benedict moved to sit next to Tom. He clapped his hand on Tom's knees. “Use all those big words you learned at Cambridge. Tell her you love her. Tell her you were a prized idiot for ever letting her get away. Tell her you will spend the rest of your days proving to her you are worthy of her love. Tell her she is your one.”
Tom sighed as he let Ben’s words sink in. “ Do you think you and Sophie could help me with that?”
Ben smiled. "I believe that can be arranged."
The Next Day
You awoke to a constant pounding against your front door. As you stumbled to the door, bathrobe wrapped around, you opened the door to find Sophie standing there, two coffees in hand.
"Get dressed, we're going shopping."
“Alright, alright, I’m coming hold on.” you groaned as she invited Sophie inside.
Sophie settled herself onto a kitchen chair, and slid one of the coffee cups in your direction. "Here, I got it how you like it."
“Thanks Soph, give me about twenty minutes and I’ll be ready.”
Sophie yelled after as you trot off to get ready. "I'll be waiting with bells on!"
Once you were out of sight, Sophie whipped out her phone and typed a message off to Ben.
Got her to agree to shopping. You should have several hours to get things ready. Don't fuck this up.
After an agonisingly slow twenty minutes you were ready. “Let’s go, Soph.”
"Took you long enough. I was about ready to make myself some lunch."
You shot daggers at Sophie.
"Now..." Sophie linked arms with you as both of you exited the house. "...what's new with you?"
“Oh nothing much, I bumped into Sebastian the other day and the paparazzi caught us. I think Tom’s mad at me even though we weren’t doing anything.” you explained.
"I didn't realize you and Seb were still close. How many years were you together again?" Sophie asked, acting stupid.
“We were together for three years, Soph. We still chat every so often but it means nothing. We’re friends now. But nothing more.” you replied.
Sebastian and you broke because of many things. Partially because of the long distance, and also the fact that you wanted to settle down and have a few children. Sebastian wanted to pursue his acting career longer before settling down with a wife and kids. He still wanted the life of a bachelor.
”Have you told Tom that? Or the reasons you and Sebastian broke up?"
“I tried to Sophie, but he stormed out of my house before I could. He didn’t even say goodbye.” you sighed.
"Try harder. He looks like he is made of marble, but his heart is as fragile as glass. He must care about you to have such a vehement reaction."
“I know, I know, but I have no idea how to tell him. It’s hard for me to express myself, you know?”
“For two such sensitive and dramatic people, the both of you are horrid at saying what you feel." Sophie taunted. "How about calling him up and saying 'I love you' and I want to be with you and only you?"
“That is the sort of thing you say in person.” you responded.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Sophie grabbed your arm and pulled you down the street off towards Tom's.
“Ben, has Sophie text you yet to see when she’s bringing you here?” Tom asked as he paced up and down his kitchen.
Benedict fished his phone out of his pocket. As he scrolled through his messages, his eyes widened. "They are on their way over right now."
“Shit!” mumbled a panicked Tom.
“How do I look? Do I look ok? Do I smell?” Tom asked a smirking Benedict.
Benedict picked at Tom's sweater, smoothing it out. "Like sex on a stick, mate." He gave Tom a wink.
“Ok, ok I can do this...” Tom whispered to himself as the doorbell rang. Tom whipped back around to Ben for a moment. "No, I can't! You answer the door." Tom shoved Benedict towards the foyer.
"Are you serious!?" Ben protested. "This is your house and if I answer the door, it will be even more awkward than it already is. So man up and answer the damn door!" Benedict pushed Tom hard causing him to stumble, falling against the front door.
"Is everyone alright in there?" Sophie's voice called out from the other side of the door.
“Just a moment!” Tom yelled back.
“Ok what do I say to her, do I say hi or hello or—“ Tom rambled only to get cut off by Ben.
"I swear to God man, if you don't open that door right now and let my wife and your girlfriend in right this second, I am telling this story at your wedding. Pull yourself together!" Ben hissed before disappearing to the kitchen.
“Ok I got this.” Tom said as he opened the door.
"About bloody time." Benedict muttered just out of sight.
"Tom!" Sophie greeted him with a warm hug. “Guess who I brought with me." She tugged you into view.
“Hello ladies.” Tom greeted the pair with a smile. "Please come on in.”
You shuffled in behind Sophie and gave Tom an awkward smile.
"So... Thomas," Sophie interjected. "Where is my impossible husband?"
“Ah, he’s in the kitchen.”
"Then I shall see myself that way." Sophie exited before giving time for either of you to protest.
“So Tom how are you?” you asked awkwardly as you stepped into the living room.
"I've been better." Tom commented as he followed you into the room. He offered you her favourite spot on the sofa which you took and he sat down in the chair across from her. "And you?"
“I’ve had better days. We need to talk about yesterday.”
"I'm sorry I overreacted.” Tom started in. “It's just that you were dating Sebastian for so long and this relationship is new. I worried about losing you." Tom reached out to grab your hand, giving it a slight squeeze. "And I care about you too much to have that happen."
“No I’m the one who should apologise, I didn’t tell you I bumped into Sebastian before you saw those photos.” You squeezed his hand back before continuing. “I care about you too, and I should have been upfront about everything at the start of our relationship. I guess I was scared of losing you too.”
Tom chuckled. "Sounds like both of us are just a bunch of sorry fools. Forgive me?" He looked at you with hopeful eyes.
“Of course I forgive you, will you forgive me too?”
Tom leaned over, his hand ran along the curve of your cheek. "Always, my love." He pressed his lips against hers for a moment.
Only to be interrupted by cheers from the kitchen.
Tom chuckled. "I believe we have an audience. Come out, you two!" He called out to Ben and Sophie.
“So now that that’s out of the way, what is that delicious smell?” you asked as you sniffed the air.
Benedict poked his head around the corner. "Steak frites. Your favourite."
Sophie snuck around the corner. "Now if you don't mind us, we need to get back to the babysitter. We'll show ourselves out."
Once Sophie and Ben left, you turned to Tom with your arm stretched out. “Come eat with me please?”
"With pleasure."
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