#god it's just abdioawufhl;wejrfh god i think it's so FUNNY
artsybi · 3 years
so i knew going into watching the new star trek movies that i would never be able to form my own completely independent opinion on them or on star trek as a whole, i know too much about the history of fandom and how star trek factors into it to have ever been able to do that, and i acknowledge that completely, and i acknowledge that my opinion of it will be colored by that, however, you wanna know what i think is one of the funniest fucking things ever?
they couldn't fucking de-gay the new movies. like, i love in general when that happens, like with spn when it's clear they tried to de-gay destiel and couldn't, but it's even funnier with aos spirk because it's so clear that they tried so damn hard
like, they gave spock an actual girlfriend (and btw i love and stan uhura, but like, oh honey no) and it's clear that from the very beginning they intended to de-gay spirk as much as they could, and they just fucking couldn't
like, they gave us spirk as enemies, had them clash in ways they don't in tos (at least from what i've seen/heard) gave us a different first meeting for them, tried to change things enough that maybe the relationship would remain a de-gayed platonic rivals thing, except then they gave us leonard nimoy as prime!spock and one of the gayest damn scenes i've seen in a long while with the fucking cave mind meld i just- i can't fucking even because oh my god
and like, don't even get me started on the into darkness shit with the reactor and spock going batshit on khan after jim dies, like, wow, that's gay babe
it's just, oh my god it's so funny
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