#going from earth's atmosphere to beatha's atmosphere would be like
magioffire · 10 months
Honestly because the gravity/atmospheric pressure is slightly less, and oxygen content slightly more, on Beatha than it is on Earth, Vali would be really fucking struggling his first few weeks, months on Earth. Flying would go from being the most obvious mode of transport to something he only does in an emergency. He would be exhausted,,,so tired,,,and probs in pain a little bit too??? His joints, bones and muscles for sure would not be happy being exposed to increased gravitational pressure. He would walk around like he carrying a rock on his shoulders for the first few months. But after a while of living on earth and developing his musculature to account for the increased gravity, he might come back to Beatha and be like. Absurdly strong, even by Dokkalfar standards. Eventually it would go away unless he worked really hard to maintain that, but yeah....I did a workout program on earth and now I can kick everyone's ass
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magioffire · 3 years
im in the mood to write lore and i remembered a detail about alfar biology that i thought was super interesting. 
alfar have extremely efficient hearts and circulatory and respiratory systems, and not only are their hearts more efficient than human hearts, they are also much larger. they developed this highly advanced circulatory/respiratory system that is both open and closed -- they have normal closed lungs, but they also have a network of tiny tubes running through their bodies that absorb air directly from the environment, they have tiny, tiny holes along their torsos where these tubes, called tracheae, collect air, where then it travels through the body and the oxygen diffuses into the blood stream. this extra oxygen production and extremely efficient system for oxygenating blood and transporting it around the body in a multitude of ways, is needed for them to both have advanced brains and a large brain to body ratio, facilitating their intelligence further, as well as aiding the alfar in maintaining their power of flight, as both are extremely energy intensive, particularly at their humanoid size. without this extra oxygen, they would not be able to get enough energy into their bodies and wings in order to fly, it would be much too energy intensive and they would end up having to give up one for the other. luckily, their evolutionary path demanded both intelligence and flight/heightened agility, and the slightly lower PSI atmospheric pressure/gravity on Beatha also makes flight a likely less energy intensive undertaking compared to on Earth. a dokkalfar would theoretically be able to survive in a low oxygen environment or be able to survive with having the airflow to their lungs cut off, but they would likely go into a dormant, coma like state to prevent cell damage in the brain from a lessened flow of oxygen, but they would still be able to diffuse oxygen from the air around them. they would not be able to speak without the help of their lungs either, unable to push air from their lungs through the voice box to make unique sounds, so their lungs are extremely important, but not their only means of taking in oxygen with their secondary open respiratory system. 
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