#going to use this tag for my weekly journals and 'rei rambles' for my normal og posts
novaae · 1 year
going on with my first ever weekly update on life, here it is:
I finished and posted a fanfic this Tuesday, and while I think I really should just write the longfic, I'm still glad I got to put out an idea I had in my head for so long.
I also worked on an illustration yesterday, and while I can't see my skills improve from my last piece, I'm just relieved that I finally drew something after a whole week. It was fun ngl.
I've been phoning @just-an-evil-immortal a bit too much, probably to the point of annoying him but also hehehe 👉👈 ily and idc
On a slightly productive note, I gave my psychology exam this Friday and it went fucking horrible I hated it. But I also got back my legal studies exam and while it could have been better, I now know that the most specific area I lack in is legal reasoning.
I'm thinking of sitting for the CLAT alongside CUET, since my reading comprehension isn't that bad and I'm already fairly decent at law. Getting into a National Law University (any of the top 7) would be good career-wise, even if it means I can't do anthropology.
Right now I'm currently still upset with my best friend for revealing a private conversation referring to another person, and even though it was mostly harmless (me joking about a friend not having time for me now that he's dating someone), I'm still irritated over it. I wish it didn't happen.
Also, maybe I'll finally take the gym seriously now that I'll stop going to the gym after November because of exams. Hoping to grow bigger shoulders and lose some weight, I've already restricted how much I eat.
Also I got into some unfair drama last week, with a teacher falsely accusing me of something I never said, and while it was in a student setting, I still have to work with her for another event and I am actually terrified of doing so. I asked my law teacher to fucking stop her from coming in between class, and he responded fairly positively to it. I'm just scared man what if she says shit in front of other teachers??? She used to teach me back in 8th grade and now even that I've changed schools she's just fucking here.
That said I'm proud of how I managed things because if 13yo me was dealing with this, she would have fucking folded.
The weather's getting colder here, and I hope I don't go into the terrible mood I always do in winter. Last two winters were extremely difficult for me emotionally, and I don't want autumn to end just yet.
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