#gonna be honest we're mailing it in on this one a little bit even though it's 50% of my grade
last exam of my undergrad career is shaping up to be long & annoying contour integral hell times
(granted the entire course has been long and annoying integral hell, so... I suppose that's fitting for the final? still doesn't make me want to do it any more)
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luffythinker · 1 year
I don't know if i'd consider myself a swifty but one song that does make me think of them is the 10 minute version of "all too well" i do listen to a lot of taytay tho, i was listening to her since she was country love me some paper rings and im only me when im with you don't get me started on stay stay stay
But All too well. im going to get into it
"Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place And I can picture it after all these days"
The days they spend at UA together when he's sitting in the jailcell thinking about Bakugo and all his friends
"And I know it's long gone and that magic's not here no more And I might be okay but I'm not fine at all"
After everything's been said and done the war is over and everyone's recovered Bakugo is the one reaching out to Aoyama who probably did a little jail time for his crime he's gotten out and he's able to be with everyone again
"You told me 'bout your past thinking your future was me"
Aoyama remembering his time with Bakugo AGAIN
"And I know it's long gone and there was nothing else I could do And I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed to"
Aoyama trying to apologize for "wasting" Bakugo's time knowing full well they couldn't be what either of them want them to be and he still doesn't believe it after all this time even though they are in a time of peace
"'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night We're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light Down the stairs, I was there I remember it all too well, yeah"
i have to kinda think a little bit but maybe them reconnecting living together and remembering dorm life actually being in the relationship they wanted to be in
"And maybe we got lost in translation Maybe I asked for too much But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up"
Bakugo having an argument with Aoyama about how he loved and still loves him even though he hurt him in such a way with what he did but he can't bring himself to be completely angry cause it isn't his fault he was put into that kind of position
"And you call me up again just to break me like a promise So casually cruel in the name of being honest"
Bakugo's perspective of Aoyama telling everyone what he did
"I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here 'Cause I remember it all, all, all Too well"
Me lol but really so them.
"Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it I'd like to be my old self again But I'm still trying to find it After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone "
Aoyama wanting the old days back AGAIn but this time he is alone living by himself after he got out of jail he doesn't tell anyone he doesn't contact anyone he just is alone and in all honestly probably not living in a house and if he is it's a small apartment
"But you keep my old scarf from that very first week 'Cause it reminds you of innocence And it smells like me You can't get rid of it 'Cause you remember it all too well, yeah"
Bakugo keeping Aoyama's cape and sleeping with it he probably will tell him about it when they reconnect and refuse to give it to him until he's retaken a hero's whatever if the government will allow him to be a hero again
"And you were tossing me the car keys, "Fuck the patriarchy" Key chain on the ground, we were always skipping town"
Bakugo recalling all the stuff they got into as 1-years cause im gonna add in little things you know stuff kids do they shouldn't be doing "I wont say anything if you wont" doesn't have to be sexual but you know
"And I was thinking on the drive down, any time now He's gonna say it's love, you never called it what it was"
"Check the pulse and come back swearing it's the same After three months in the grave And then you wondered where it went to as I reached for you But all I felt was shame and you held my lifeless frame"
Bakugo spilling his feeling about everything and about how he practically died in the war and never thought he'd see Aoyama again he didn't even try to contact him when he got out of jail and it really hurt his feelings Bakugo is balling his tears possibly on the floor for this man
"And I know it's long gone and There was nothing else I could do And I forget about you long enough To forget why I needed to"
Aoyama saying how the feelings they had are probably gone because Bakugo coudln't possibly love him anymore after everything they've been through why in the world would he even want to hold on to something like this?
"And there we are again when nobody had to know You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath Sacred prayer and we'd swear To remember it all too well, yeah"
Bakugo staying strong until the day he gets to live the life he wanted with Aoyama cause he is not giving up on Aoyama that isn't winning, winning is happy ever after so he made sure he got through whatever rehabilitation he needs cause ya boy probably got heart problems after what happen to him
"They say all's well that ends well, but I'm in a new Hell Every time you double-cross my mind"
Could be either of them thinking of eachother but i can see it more Bakugo
"You said if we had been closer in age maybe it would have been fine And that made me want to die"
Aoyama thinking maybe if he was born with a quirk or if Bakugo was quirkless and his friend in the school he went to maybe that would have made things better but Quirkless Bakugo gets in the way of Bakugo's dream and being Quirkless would make Bakugo want to die
"The idea you had of me, who was she? A never-needy, ever-lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you"
The person Bakugo saw as Aoyama but he was putting on a front
"Not weeping in a party bathroom Some actress asking me what happened, you That's what happened, you"
What happened to Aoyama? why is he so sad? Bakugo he is upset with himself because of how he hurt Bakugo
"But then he watched me watch the front door all night, willing you to come And he said, "It's supposed to be fun turning twenty-one" "
Bakugo waiting to hear anything about Aoyama's return and Deku or Kirishima saying something like that when they are older cause Aoyama is potential gonna do time for im being generous 5 years im sorry but bro could have had many people taken out and more then hurt by what he did
"Just between us, did the love affair maim you, too?"
Bakugo asking Aoyama if what he did, did it hurt him too? did it hurt him to live hurting Bakugo hurting them both?
omg that's so cool, I love that your songs are very niche!! love that we're getting into all too well today, I love this song with my whole heart
can't imagine Aoyama in jail but I hope he does his time too!!
I don't think we need to connect every verse but it's so magic how a lot of it suits them, like the "maybe this thing was a masterpiece etc" verse is so painful, because they could have had the best relationship but it was broken apart so suddenly :(
Imagine Aoyama calling Bakugo after he left, he doesn't say anything but you can hear both of their breathing, they both cry over the phone, Aoyama hangs up without saying a word
THE WAY THEY BOTH NEVER CALLED IT WHAT IT WASKJFDKJDFK a big step for them would be saying I love you in the future and it's justsdihdfjodfj
"You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath" THIS ONEKJDFJKDFKJ it's so particular, cause I imagine Bakugo never really telling anybody about it (besides Kiri who already knows), nobody really understands why he's so devasted when Aoyama left, but he kept what they had with him, securing it till the day they could be together again
i loved your analysis of the song, this makes me feel so feral, I love connecting lyrics to my ships
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topicprinter · 8 years
PREVIOUS POSTS & CLIFFS - Skip if you've been with us the whole journey!Part 0I'm going to start a dropshipping e-commerce website with a large number of items & a (hopefully) unique value proposition. I'm using this as a test post to see if you guys would be interested in taking the journey with me.Most importantly: I'm not now, nor plan to, sell anything or benefit from this directly by any means. I won't be posting my website, linking to my blog, or offering a course at end (if I start making money). The reason for these posts will be: to gather my thoughts into words, to regurgitate what I'm learning (teaching is the best way to learn new concepts, etc etc) and most importantly to get input from you guys. I'm hoping people may learn from what I do, mistakes I make, things I read/summarize, etc. and that I can learn from your guys' experience.My rules for myself & my customers - I won't use dropshipping from overseas as an excuse for lack of quality. I will only put up items that I have faith in because of reviews, orders, and vendors. I will spend the time to make sure my customers are not "fooled" - upfront on shipping times, easy returns, etc. I will not con people for the sake of making a sale. With transparency & honest interactions I hope to limit my returns/problems & keep recurring buyers as well as take pride in my products & websiteQUESTIONS ANSWERED:I have a question. I've seen some dropshipping sites based on franchise merchandise. Harry Potter, Disney, etc. Are there legal risks? Is there any risk of being shut down or sued?Question - if you ship from aliexpress, how long does it take for your customers to receive the product? A week, a month?How will you address the fact that most customers will probably feel cheated when they order something from your website and then it turns up as a package from some "random" Chinese retailer ?Part 1First and foremost: thank you all for your kind support in this thread... not only the responses, but the dozen+ messages. Some of you just wrote to say you're interested, some even offered to help out. I'm grateful and hope you all keep along with me on the journey - rain or shine.The idea: I debated whether to get specific with you all or not, but.... here goes. If you can do the idea better than I will, congratulations :) The website will be a variety of items curated into collections for gift giving. For example - a curated list of items for college graduation for someone who is into automobiles. This custom curated list will include car tools, unique car items (one real example: an anti-glare sun visor), maybe a battery charger, etc. This gives me two target markets - for the gift giver, and the gift getter. It will have a request feature ("wishlist") but will be marketed towards gift givers ("hey sister of a college graduate, no idea what to get your brother? check out what our staff recommends"The problem(s): it's broad. But what's the biggest problem I forsee? Gift giving isn't always thought ahead of time. It's not something you plan a month in advance (because, you know, dropshipping). Shipping times, shipping problems, shipping times, shipping problems. We'll tackle it. Our marketing will have to be top-notch.Marketing PlanApps & ProgramsChoosing ProductsFinancialsQUESTIONS ANSWERED:Newbie here. Question for you: why did you start your business with shopify? Why not sell your product on amazon first, build up some sales $, then expand into your own webspace? The way you're doing it seems very daunting to someone who has never done this before (me).How do you decide on product pricing ? Do you have a formula you use ? Does it take into account the possibility of returns and the upfront cost of purely the operating cost ? Id love to know more of what kind of margin you shoot for and how you take everything into account to come up with a price.I have a question about how drop shippers become successful at all with the shit turn around time. Unless it's a really niche item I can't get anywhere else I would close any website so fast if I saw 20 day shipping time.Part 2The Website: is more or less finished. I have about 20 products left to finalize (choosing pictures, editing description, etc.) & finalizing some of the categories.The Legal Stuff: This is the major sticking point before I'm ready to launch. A lot of you guys mentioned that my idea of using an LLC & a DBA was overkill and I looked into it further. I decided on bypassing the LLC for now, and just starting as a sole prop w/ a business bank account & credit card and using a DBA. When/if we start making some money, we can move to an LLC (not a single-member one though because it's pretty useless, as far as I've read). I decided against an LLC due to the tax, record keeping, etc. & the fact that in my state the fees for an LLC are about $500 minimum.The Marketing PlanQUESTIONS ANSWERED:Will you reach the merchants from aliexpress before placing an order or you will just place the order without contacting them directly? How do you know they are up for dropshiping? If a client want a refund, they will send the item back to china, you get to pay them (the client) then you ask for the money from the merchant? I really want to know how refund works in this business.How do you know that your customers won't realize you're drop shipping and then order directly from your supplier for a cheaper price?I have a question about how drop shippers become successful at all with the shit turn around time. Unless it's a really niche item I can't get anywhere else I would close any website so fast if I saw 20 day shipping time.1 - WE ARE LIVE, LADIES AND GENTLEMENThe website launched earlier this week, once I finished up all my paper. Here's a cliffnotes on what I did before launch -DBA: Registered DBA instead of using an LLC or starting a new company. We're gonna start as a sole prop and see where we go.Mailbox: I purchased a 3 month plan @ the local UPS for a large sized box for returns, paperwork, and to be able to register for official paperworkBusiness Bank Account: I went with Chase. Easy and smooth. I'm even considering moving my personal accounts over because I liked the experience so much better than my ~15 years of experience with Wells Fargo.Business Credit Card: I applied for and got the Spark Business Card from Capital One. They offer 2% cash back and $500 cash bonus. Got a $10k spending limit off the bat. Thank you Dad for teaching me about maintaining good credit @ 16 years old. I did however run into one problem with Capital One.... they made me go to visit a branch in person to be able to authorize my card. They're only open 9am-4pm on weekdays, and the closest one to me is 50 miles away. That was a shitty day. Totally unncessary... but I guess fraud protection brings about weird things.Sales tax: Did a little bit of research, talked to a few friends, shit is confusing. First filing date is next year, so we got some time to work it out. For right now, Shopify is taking care of determining the sales tax for customers in my stateAliexpress account created, all social accounts made, products finished & updated, and the website framework is complete.2 - What the Website Looks LikeHomepageHomepage2CategoriesProduct PageTracking PageAll the pictures are free use stock photos from https://unsplash.com/3 - Wait - we have sales?Of course we have sales! Unfortunately.... they're all from family :( During the first few days of launch, I wanted to work on the tracking pages, practice ordering from Aliexpress, looking at the e-mail templates for ordering/shipping/payment, etc. We have a variety of outcomes....Order 1: 2/3/17 (2 items)Item 1: Processed (purchased on Aliexpress) 2/4/17, shipped 2/6/17 from China, arrived in USA 2/9/17, expected delivery 2/11/17 = ONE WEEK TURN AROUNDItem 2: Uhoh. Processed 2/4/17...... quiet. Quiet. Nothing from vendor. Where is it? Messaged vendor 2/7/17.... bummer. Cancelled. I've heard about some vendors who put ePacket as an option but do not actually offer it. This company had TONS of orders & good feedback, as well as the top star rating, but still had this issue. Kind of scary. For the future, if this comes up again I will tell the customer that the item is backordered and the ship date will increase, and ask them if they prefer to receive a refund or accept the increased shipping time. I will then be removing the vendor and all their products off my list.Order 2: 2/5/17 (1 item)Item 1: Processed (purchased) 2/5/17, shipped 2/6/17 from China, arrived in USA 2/9/17, out for delivery 2/10/17 = FIVE DAY TURN AROUNDSo....Ordering via Aliexpress using Oberlo is a BREEZE. Orders easily, uses customers address, pays easily, leaves pre-written note, attaches information to Shopify when order is placed, and easily updates tracking. All done via the Chrome extensionUsing three different vendors, I had three vast experiences. The first item processed & shipped reasonably. The second item I heard NOTHING until I reached out, and then had the epacket issue. The third item, I got a message from the vendor very quickly saying they received the order and will be shipping soon - processed quickly and no problems.4 - Wait.... wtf is this Merchandise section?You may have noticed in the screenshots of the new MERCHANDISE section. I know this T-shirt Dropship Thread by /u/W1ZZ4RD got lots of hate on this subreddit (the people on /r/juststart were much nicer....) but I ran across it and I was inspired. I see why a lot of people are skeptical - he's selling his b2b software, he's not talking much about how to actually MAKE the sales, and he seems to have an invested interest in teelaunch. I looked into it heavily and here's why I decided to pursue a similar (if not same) approach to add to my website:Yes he's promoting his b2b program. He doesn't shy away from it. He answers all the questions in the thread, and knows what he's talking about. I can appreciate the honesty, and I definietly appreciate that he's still answering questions 1 month laterThe biggest hiccup people will have is finding a designer - I already have one. My best friend is a designer, and we've decided to work on it together. He designs on his spare time, and we'll split up profits from merchandise. I don't need to do any work on that end.The biggest deal for me: my products felt sparse. I had ~230 products at the moment from Aliexpress, but each of the categories felt light because it's spread so thin. I found this opportunity to be a GREAT way to increase my inventory list easily - and without maintaining a huge 500-750 product list from Aliexpress.The fulfillment & following up could not be easier using teelaunch. I have found their customer service & information lacking, but as long as they follow through with their promise of fulfillment I have found it great so far. I've placed one test order for myself, and the app deals with the fulfillment, the payment, shipping, e-mailing, tracking, etc.Using a second sales channel on Amazon will be a great way to boost income - I hope. Since it's pretty easy to transfer information from Shopify to Amazon now that they're integrated, I think there could be a lot of space for additional income streams. Unfortunately, I could not post any of the Aliexpress items on Amazon (for obvious reasons), but custom merchandise I can. Let's see how it goes.Here's a screenshot: http://ift.tt/2lyhT8a - I'm still working on adding all the items to Amazon as well as to the website itself. This will be a continual process but one I have great hope for.5 - So what's next?Over the next month, I will be introducing a few new products from Aliexpress, lots of custom merchandise products (whenever I get designs from my designer, basically), and then spending the majority of the time on marketing & advertising now that the framework is set in place. The plan:$100/month on Google Adwords (plus a free $100 thanks to Shopify's coupon thing)$100/month on Facebook Ads/Facebook Likes$100/month on the remaining ad spend - Reddit? Instagram? Social Influencers? Etc.Now that the majority of the website framework is done, the next post will cover the marketing plan & advertising. I will include my plans, my ads, my results, what I've learned, ask for advice, all that good stuff. I'm looking forward to analyzing the ROI and sharing the results with you all.The last remaining part of the website to do is SEO - keyword analysis, content creation, backlinking, etc. That will be a continuous process that I will explain further along w/ the marketing in the next postHere's a few links I'll be reading and using over the next month.... http://ift.tt/2ltlAjB http://ift.tt/2lyexCb http://ift.tt/2c2kClY http://ift.tt/2l0vFUE - Financials & AppsBusiness Expenses so far (approx 2 months):DBA Register: $23.00DBA Newspaper Posting: $23.00Shopify Theme: $58.00Namecheap Domain & Email: $14.06 (1 year)Instagress Payment: $9.99 (1 month of "time", mostly for testing)UPS Mailbox: $150.00 (3 months)Shopify: $106.88TOTAL: $384.93..Monthly Costs Moving Forward (including Shopify Apps):Mailbox: $50.00Amazon Professional Account: $39.99Shopify Monthly: $29.00Consistent Cart App: $4.99Fomo App: $19.00Oberlo App: $29.90 (/u/kalvel please give me free stuff)Trust App: $0.00HelpCenter App: $0.00MailChimp App: $0.00SocialShopWave App: $29.00 (these guys had the best wishlist app, and their customer service was AMAZING. they helped me for hours via chat. I love them. /u/Kalysbek you are a baller, thank you.)TaxJar App: $19.00Teelaunch App: $0.00Trackr App: $0.00TOTAL: $220.88/month..So, let's try to make $250/month profit to start off with. Cool?THE END. Please let me know any questions you have, any suggestions you have, any advice you have, and let me know if you guys like the layout of the posts. More info? Less info? More screenshots? More explanation? More TL;DR? Let me know.P.S. I will respond to posts & messages as fast as I can, but please be patient. Thanks. Thanks for your kind words, thanks for your help, and thanks for your love.
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