#gonna be the type where his sprite doesn't do him justice
choerry-lipped · 1 year
devon... i'm not wooed yet but something tells me his illus will be top tier
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smolghostbot · 5 months
6 - What are their special interests? for a character of your choice
(For this ask game. For anyone reading this, it's not to late to send more questions from it! I love this set of asks.)
Ok, so I feel bad for letting this one simmer in my inbox (It was a busier week than planned), so I'm gonna answer it for all three autism-coded characters I listed the asks for, since I actually have answers for them!
Melody: Fantasy creatures, and the why of how they came to be. Not just "Dragons cool", but "Where did dragons originate from? Who first decided to make up a big flying reptile and why? What cultural purpose do they serve?". There's a reason she got a degree in anthropology (Not that it helps her at all).
That's part of why sprites being A Thing captivates her so much, especially early on, their existence threw a wrench in her previously solid understanding of things but in a way that opens so many more doors. Are fairies a thing because people saw sprites long ago? Or are fairies real? Who knows!
Patch: At the point in the story as it's been posted now, Patch is still coming into his own as an independant person, so he wouldn't really know how to answer the question unlike the other two.
However, I'll say that Patch loves nature and the outside world and how it all works, mostly due to how different it is from the world they've grown up in (urban sprawl). Mel first introduced him to nature documentaries as "what's something benign and mostly conflict-free to watch", but Patch ended up absorbing the information like a sponge and wanted to know everything. When his written English gets better he 100% goes Wikipedia crawling through pages on various animals and plants. Once he learns about taxonomy it's over for everybody.
Contralto: If it wasn't blatently obvious, her spin is heroics, specifically the very knight-coded type of heroics usually seen in fiction. The entire thing of living by a code of honor and justice and all that fun stuff. Though she doesn't get to show it off, she also loves learning about different classical melee weapons from around the world... though her knowledge is very tinted by anime and video games.
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