#gonna post this now and then edit before it consumes everyone's dashboards
caffeinewitchcraft · 28 days
Everything I've Ever Written (on Tumblr)
I have been writing online since 2016. As a result, I have quite the few short stories listed below! They're all from different parts in my writing journey and I hope you enjoy.
If you'd like to read what I currently put out, please consider supporting me on Patreon (X)
Cinderella Doesn't Believe in Fairy Tales
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Part 4 / Part 5 /Part 6
Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
Destiny Universe
You Are the Demon King
The Hero and Hope (part 1) (part 2)
Being Villagers
Heroes and Villains
Therapist for Villains
Juniper and Discus
Self Destruct Villain (flash fiction)
Dandelion (A Villain Story)
You Help Kill Heroes
You are the Shark Hero
Mist into a Tempest
The Civilian and the Reluctant Hero
No Heroes Here
The Spoiler (humor, flash fiction)
You are Legacy
Hero in Title
Dark Lord's Former Coworker
One Minute
The Fae:
You Become Powerful
Your Friend Takes Your Name
Larkin and Yvette
Debt Must Be Repaid (humor flash fiction)
Going to the Hill
The Fae are Free
When They Don't Know (submitted to elsewhereuniversity)
The Chosen One
The Chosen One's Parents
Fate and Mercy and Dead Girls
Amulet to Save Her
Hero's Apprentice (Flash fiction)
The Aftermath of the Chosen One
Wizards Stole My Brother
You are the Chosen One's Knight
The Chosen One is a History Major
You are the Most Powerful Magic User
Time Restarts and She Remembers
Better the Witch than the Kid
It Was in a Name
The Good Witch of Hawthorne
Berthe the Green Witch
Cursed Mold (flash fiction)
Love isn't Enough
I Can't Believe it's not Proper Adjudication
Devil Deals
The Devil You Know
The Ritual
They Summoned Her on Halloween (flash fiction)
Fairytale Retellings
Ariel and Ursula (age appropriate)
The Gods
Zeus' Son
Faith in Technology
Six Red Bulls and Persistence
The Sound of Silence
Emmaline and the Apartment
Humans are Vengeful
Humans Know War (that's why we have diplomacy)
Criminals Forced to Live on as AI (flash fiction)
Misc Fantasy
Wind-Speaker and Her Wife
You Will Become
The Sirens and Leona (flash fiction)
Eldritch Princess (flash fiction)
Princess Maria and the Dragon
Princess Maria is Kidnapped
Immortals are Afraid of Change
Fiona the Dragon
A Violently Won War
Meta Stories
An Abstract Concept
Narrative Town
Narrative Town: Uncle Ralph
Princess Phaedra Breaks
You are a Horror Movie Villain
Ghost Stories
Malevolent Spirits
Your House is Haunted by an Anime Pillow
Don't Open the Door
Grandma's House
Who Is? (flash fiction)
A Face (flash fiction)
You Choose Your Fate in Hell
Time Paradox (flash fiction)
You are an Assassin
Multiple Dimension Serial Killer (flash fiction)
An Exercise in Mary Sue
She Comes Back from the Hospital (tw eating disorder)
Roses and Evil (mental health flash fiction)
Big Brother
A Conversation About Anger
Punching Depression
Two Sides (flash fiction)
Immortal Serial Killer in Prison
Theater Romance (flash fiction)
The Lady and the Knight (flash fiction)
Different (flash fiction)
6K notes · View notes
lovemychoices · 5 years
Playing with Fire - RoD AU [Colt x MC] - Ch.2 2/2
Book: Ride or Die
Once upon a time, an angel fell for a devil and they called it true love. -J.P.D
Kaela Matsuo didn’t think she would fall in love with someone during her senior year of highschool it was the last thing on her mind but then she met Colt while hanging out with Logan and everything changed. After taking down Jason and saying their heartbreaking goodbyes will Kaela and Colt ever find a way back to each other again? And if they do are they ready to face new obstacles together?
Characters except my OCs belong to Pixelberry, I am just borrowing them.
Word count : 5000+++
Chapter Summary: Kaela tries to forget Colt the only way she knows how.
A/N : Sorry it’s been months since this series has been updated and to be honest IDK when the next chapter will be up. Sorry for any grammatical error I didn’t have the time to do edits.
Warning/Triggers : Alcohol and Drug abuse. [Make sure you’re 18 years old and above if you read this]
catch up with the series here
Song Inspiration: Signals in Smoke - Coming up for air
How long can you wait
To breathe deep
How long can you stay
It's hard to believe
But I know your heart still beats
Rise on up baby
Don't need eyes to see
Tumblr media
Later that night, Kaela followed the direction of the address that Riya texted her which lead to a gated mansion somewhere in the hills but she couldn’t hear or see any signs of a party.
Confused she double checks the address on her GPS System. “This should be the right place?” She murmured to herself. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
A loud knock on her window causes her to jolt in her seat. She looks the drivers window and sees a man with strong build body wearing a crisp black suit. She cautiously rolls down her window a little.
“You lost or something miss?” The man asked eyeing her curiously.
“Um.. I’m here for a party at Mike’s place?” She answered showing the digital invite on her phone. The man takes a look at the screen taking his own phone from his pocket and started scanning the barcode on Kaela’s invite.
He gives her an approving nod and the gates in front of her open. She lets out a sigh of relief then nods back at him and quickly puts her gear into drive.
As she drives through the estate she sees a few dimly lit lamp posts and perfectly trimmed hedges. A little while after she could hear the faint sound of music playing in the background. In the driveway a bunch of expensive sports cars parked next to a two storey modern mansion.
Wow! This is where Mike lives? She checks herself in the rear-view mirror then heaves a sigh. You can do this it’s just one night out. Kaela felt like she needed something to calm her nerves so she reaches out to open her dashboard taking out an orange prescription bottle labeled Xanax on it which she had bought from one of her classmates a month ago. “Fuck! I’m all out.” She muttered throwing her head back on the headrest then glance towards mansion.
Maybe they’ll have something in there. Rich people always have the best prescription pills.
As she approaches the top step, a housekeeper opens the front door. Loud party noise and music blasted out as she enters, she felt like she was in some sort of fraternity party. People were dancing around consumed by the music around them, to the right a group of people cheering on a few guys doing a keg stand challenged.
I need to find the master bath, it must be somewhere upstairs.
“Kaela! Kaela over here!” Riya calls out with her hands waved in the air, quickly walking over to where Kaela was standing. “Omg, I’m so glad you decide to come!” She beamed excitedly giving Kaela a hug. “Come on, let's head outside by the pool, I have a few friends I want to introduce you to.”
Before Kaela can protest Riya takes her hand and guides her along the crowd to the middle of the living area and through the back door where a large swimming pool was located next to the house.
“Everyone, Kaela. Kaela, everyone.” Riya introduces her to a few people sitting by the pool.
“Hey Kaela!” Everyone greets in unison. “Hi…” Kaela smiles giving a sheepish wave. One of the girls stood up and hugged her excitedly taking Kaela by surprise. She pulls back a few moments later. “So nice to finally meet you, we always wondered when we were going to meet this mysterious Kaela, Riya’s always talking about. I’m Jane by the way.”
“Really Riya talks about me a lot?” She asked cocking and eyebrow at Riya.
Riya chuckles. “Only the good stuff I promise!” Kaela shakes her head and grabs a beer from the chiller next to her and twisting the cap open and has a sip before taking a seat next to Riya
“So does Mike have these parties all the time? Where is he anyway? I didn’t see him on the way in.”
Will snorts. “Probably inside entertaining the ladies, lucky bastard.”
The DJ starts to play a song Riya excitedly jump from her seat. “Oh I love this song!” She exclaims taking Kaela’s hand. “Common Kaela time to let loose and dance all your troubles away.”
Riya and the others danced moving their body as the music plays not missing a beat. Kaela watches stiff at first, she can’t remember the last time she danced like that. “Kaela don’t just stand there!” Riya said as she swayed from side to side.
“I’m gonna need more alcohol if I’m going to get through this.” She mutterd under her breath.
She quickly grabs a few glasses of neon shots from people nearby downing them in one go. Soon enough the alcohol starts to kick in, her body loosens, she starts swaying her hips to the sound of the music. For that brief moment she felt all her pain and sorrow being suppressed. She continues to dance letting the hours pass by, not stopping until suddenly the DJ plays a familiar song.
Flash back here…
Kaela takes in the electric colours, blacklight illuminated the ravers neon clothing. Drinks glow blue, pink and purple against the darkness. It was her first time going to a rave and it wasn’t like she had expected. She glanced down to see the colours on her clothes she borrowed from Mona how they brilliantly under the luminous lighting. Her eyes go wide opened and beamed. “Wow it’s like I’m radioactive!”
“You’re welcome.” Mona gave her a playful wink.
The group stood at the back as they watched other people dance around. “So what do we do?” Kaela asked.
“What do we do? We dance!” Mona answered with a smirk.
“Yeah. But like… how?”
Ximena chuckles. “However you want Hun. do what feels good, don’t overthink it.”
Mona sways sensually to the music, Toby jumps up and down. Salazar moves to an open spot at the dance floor and breaks into an energetically sequence of sliding and foot pumping. “And that’s called the Melbourne shuffle.” He beamed. The crew applauds and laugh. Even Logan shakes his head for smiles. He can feel his phone vibrate and excuses himself for a bit leaving Kaela and Colt alone while the others were off busy dancing.
Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while
Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies
Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?
Let us die young or let us live forever
We don't have the power, but we never say never
Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
The music's for the sad man
“Oh! I love this song!” She beamed excitedly. “Come on, Colt!”
Colt hesitated looking at the rest of the crew doing their thing. “I.. don’t really dance.”
Kaela chuckles. “Me neither. Now come on!” She quickly took Colt’s hand before he could protest. Lacing their fingers together she leads him away out of sight from the rest of the crew.
Colt pulled her body close to his and tilted her chin face up to look at him, his lips curled up into a grin. “I would be lying if I said I haven’t been waiting to get you to myself today. Just follow my lead.” He turned her around so her back is facing his then lightly touches her waist, they both swayed effortlessly to the beat. In time with the pulsating beat he pushes her away then pulled her back closer this time with her face inches away from his. “Is Logan watching?”
“Why do you care if he does?” She quirked an eyebrow at him.
“Is it bad that a part of me wants him to?” He grinned.
“I’m not some possession for you two to fight over, Colt. I’m an actual person.”
“You’re not.. you’re more than that Kaela. At least to me you are.”
“What am I to you Colt?” Colt paused for a moment, they both stopped for a moment in the middle of the crowd of people dancing. He tucks a strand of Kaela’s loose hair to the back of her ear, she can see passion in his eyes as he looks at her. Colt leans in until his lips are just a breath away from hers, “You’re my driver forever, Kaela.”
She pushed her hands through Colt’s hair, bringing his mouth to hers.In that moment they both forget about everything and everyone in the room, even the loud music starts to fade into the background as they drown in each others kiss.
Present day..
Can you imagine when this race is won?
Turn our golden the faces into the sun
Praising our leaders, we're getting in tune
The music's played by the, the madman.
Forever young
I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever, and ever.
That song, it was the song that she and Colt danced to at Hyrieus a year ago. Kaela could feel her heart beating fast and loudly as all the memories of that night with Colt replayed in her head. Suddenly the pain and sorrow comes crashing back at her, she felt like she was suffocating. “I need to get out of here.” Kaela pants and quickly pushed her way through the crowd walking up a flight of stairs leading to the first floor corridor.
She tries to open every door she comes across but each one she found was always locked until eventually one opens. She enters to what seems like the master bedroom and without a second thought saunters directly towards the bathroom.
Kaela stands in front of the mirror, hands pressed on the sink leaning with her head down. She closes her eyes and began reciting the same words repeatedly in her head. Breathe in one two three, breathe out three two one. ”Fuck this isn’t working.” She muttered under her breath, her eyes moves towards the Medicine cabinet in front of her.
Maybe there’s something in here that will.
She opens it and starts rummaging through. Lets see few dental flosses, vitamins, health supplements. Urgh where’s the good stuff?
She finally got her hands an orange prescription bottle, she took a look at the description labeled OXYCODONE one time daily or when needed. BINGO! Without even hesitating she popped the bottle open taking one pill and quickly putting it in her mouth swallowing it, later filling up a glass of water and drinking it all in one go. Kaela that the perception bottle from the sink counter top and shoves it in her purse, adjusting her messy hair before heading out.
She slowly closes the door behind her, failing to notice someone standing right outside she bumps right into them.
“Woah, careful!” Someone said catching her by the arm as she stammers back surprised, she looks up and sees a familiar face. “Mike, when did you get here?”
“Um.. I live here, it’s my party remember? What are you doing all the way up here?” He answers cocking an eyebrow.
“I um… needed to find the bathroom but got lost. Big house you got here.” She replied nervously. “But you know I succeeded in finding one so all good.”
“Good to know.” He chuckles then folds his arms scanning Kaela head to toe. “Listen, I’m heading up to the rooftop garden to get some air. You could join me if you want?”
“You have a rooftop garden?” Kaela thought for a moment before giving a half shrug.“Sure why not? I need to get some air anyway.”
Mike took her up another flight of stairs, he opened the door which lead to a beautiful rooftop garden.It had a miniature garden with pebble stones lining the pathway on one side and on the other side an outside bar with a hot tub overlooking the view of the neighborhood. Kaela’s eyes go wide open. “Wow! This is your rooftop? It’s amazing!”q
“You can thank my interior designer for that it was her vision. So have a seat anywhere you want.”
Kaela climbs on top edge of the roof and takes a seat at the edge, her legs dangling from above. She could see the pool right below her and the view of the landscape in front of her.
“This view is amazing. No offense but how’d you end up with a place like this? I thought you only owned a gym.”
Mike runs his hands through his hair. “Well not just a gym, I have few others all over California. Most of my clients big shot politics and A list celebrities. Plus my family is rich.”
Kaela snorts. “No kidding.”
“I’m serious..My last name is actually West.”
Kaela chokes a little when she hears the name. “As in West industries? They’re like multimillionaires?” Mike silently nods then looks away. “So... Why run a gym instead of being some big hot shot CEO?”
Mike shrugged at her question. “I didn’t really want to go into the family business. I’ve spent my whole life having my father tell me what I’m supposed to be and I’ve always felt so suffocated, you know? It wasn’t until I lost everything I ever cared about that I decided enough is enough.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice. I definitely know what it’s like to have a parent expect you to be someone you’re not.”
“Strike one of something we have in common.” He smirked. “I’m keeping score to see how compatible we are. You know for future reference.” He explains and gives a playful wink.
Kaela chuckles. “That’s a really interesting way of keeping score. Does it always work?”
“Most of the time.”
There was an awkward silence between them for a few seconds. Shit is he thinking of kissing me? Please don’t You’re going to ruin the moment. Mike starts to lean in, trying to close the gap between them, he was obviously going to kiss her. Kaela tilts her head down a look of regret written on her face. “I’m sorry, I can’t do this. You’re a really nice guy Mike, but I just got out of a serious relationship and I’m just not ready.”
Mike leans back, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry, I didn’t know. How long have the two of you been broken up?”
“We didn’t Break up. He—. He—.” She fumbled trying to form the words. Take deep breaths and exhale slowly Kaela. ”He was involved in an accident about 3 months, he didn’t make it.”
“I’m sorry to hear about that, believe me I know what it’s like losing someone you love. To have them suddenly ripped from you.” He seethes, Kaela noticed his jaw clenched and his hands ball into a fist.
“Who was she?” She asked, Mike turns to look at her, his expression a mixture between sad and confused. “When you said you lost everything you cared about earlier. I’m assuming it has to do with someone you cared about.”
“She was.. Someone I met in college sophomore year. She was the most kind and beautiful person I have ever met. We started dating a few months after knowing each other then it went from that to being in a relationship for the next 5 years.” Mike paused for a moment he fidget with a silver ring on his finger. Kaela could barely make out the words engraved on the ring but it has the initials M&K.
“You know the night of the accident we were supposed to spend the weekend at one of my family's estates in the mountains. I had this whole plan to propose to her.” He paused again with regret written on his face. “But I got held back at work, so I told her I’d have someone pick her up she could head up there first and I would catch up later. A few hours later I got a call from the police…..”
As Mike told Kaela about the night his girlfriend got into a car accident, voices of that night she got the call from Ximena regarding Colt’s accident starts replaying in her head.
“Kaela honey, I wish I was calling you under different circumstances and I’m sorry to be the one telling you this but—.”
“But what X? You need to tell me.”
“It’s about Colt. He’s.. He’s been in an accident and he didn’t make it.”
“Kaela. Hey Kaela you alright?”
She is slowly pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of Mike’s voice.
“Are you alright?”
“I uh… yeah. I’m fine.” She mentions, tucking strand of loose hair to the back of her ear.
“Anyway the trick is to focus on something that will make you forget. For me it was martial arts, I got to channel all my anger into someplace else. Who knows, it might be for you too. Whenever you ready just give me a call.”
He handed her his business card and she takes it, giving him a weak smile.
“We should probably head back to the party. Riya might be worried and looking for you.”
Mike slowly got up and steps away from the edge, he stretched out his hand to Kaela.
“You coming?”
“Uh… Yeah. Hey you go ahead I’ll be right behind you.”
When Mike wasn’t looking she quickly popped another piece of pill into her mouth, closing her eyes and taking deeps breaths she could feel the pill start to kick in.
Maybe this is just what I need.
In the weeks to come Kaela’s night were filled with parties endless drinking and getting high, anything to make her forget. She was sick of feeling miserable, she was sick of crying herself to sleep at night. This felt like the easiest way out to her. She did a pretty good job at hiding it from her friends and family though. Since she only hung out with Riya a few times a month and visit her dad once a month, nobody took notice in her sudden change of lifestyle choices. Everyone just assumed she had finally accepted what happened to Colt and moved on.
“No.. We are not watching that Ri.”
“Please K?” Riya pouts her lips.
“Omg… We are not going to watch TO ALL THE BOYS I’VE LOVED BEFORE for the 5th time.”
“But.. But.. Peter Kavinsky.” She pouted again throwing her puppy dog eyes at Kaela.
Kaela rolled her eyes at Riya. “Okay find, but I’m picking the next one.”
“Deal!” Riya grinned and hit the play button on the remote.
“I need to use the bathroom for a bit, the pizza delivery guy will be here soon. Take care of it will you?”
A few seconds later there is a buzz on the door, Riya opens and is greeted by the delivery guy. “That will be twenty four fifty.” He says hold the pizza box out.
Riya takes it and shuffles through her purse for cash but is a little short. “Um.. I’m a little short on cash. Could you hand on a sec?” She hurries to the island and grabs Kaela’s purse to get some cash but she ends up finding more. Oxycodone? She quickly stuffs the bottle in her jeans and pays the pizza guy. “Here you go, keep the change.”
A few minutes later Kaela came out of the bathroom and saunters over to the living area, Riya was seated on the couch glaring at her. “Is something wrong?”
“Mind telling me what’s this?” Riya asked holding up an orange pill bottle. “What do you even need Oxycodone for?”
“Omg.. Did you just go through my stuff without my permission?!” She retorted, her hands balling into a fist. “You have no right to do that Riya.”
“I was short on cash and looked through you purse to borrow some. Maybe it’s a good thing I did or who knows how long your drug addiction was going to continue.” She gives Kaela a pointed look. “Is that why you’ve been so chill the past few months? Because you’ve been using? What else have you been using? Heroin? Cocaine?”
“I’m not a drug addict if that’s what you’re implying, I only use them when I go to parties or when I’m feeling stressed out.” She folds her arms her with her eyes downcast. “And for the record I don’t do heroin or cocaine. I’m mostly on prescription pill and occasionally Molly.”
“Kaela how could you be so stupid?! Grieving is one thing but this?!”
“Don’t talk to me like you know what it’s like to feel grief. I tried to grieve him, Riya. Trust me I've got grieving down to a science at this point. But every time I let it sink in that I'm never gonna see you again, I feel like I'm gonna die.” She whimpered. “I— I want to die!
“You can’t say things like that Kaela.”
“And why not? It’s the truth! I can’t do this anymore.. I’m sorry.. I need to go somewhere.” She said taking her purse from the counter and storms out of the apartment, Riya chasing her shortly after into the parking lot “Kaela where are you going, you can’t do this you need help. Just talk to me please!” She pleaded reaching to take her hand but Kaela
“Omg! Riya can you like not!” She belts swatting Riya’s hand away as she tries to take her. “Just leave me alone!” She quickly gets into her car and drives away while Riya watches her from behind.
Kaela drives aimlessly through the streets of LA, she didn’t know where she was going, she just needed to get away from Riya. She needed to get away from everything, to clear her head and a long drive usually does the trick.
Soon she found herself off the highway and on to the freeway which soon lead to a winding road. She could feel her heart pounding as she picks up speed, tears starting to fog her eyes. I can’t do this anymore.. I just can’t. Her phone starts ringing and she looks down at the passenger seat where it was lying, it was Riya calling. She hits the reject button and turns back to the road when she did suddenly out of no where a stray dog was standing in the middle of the winding road and only a few meters from her car, she turned the steering wheel to avoid hitting the pup but at the speed she was going in it made her quickly loose control. Her car swivels on the winding road and rammed onto a divider before flipping over.
Kaela remained strapped to her seat hanging upside down.. The smell of something burning nearby, blood was dripping from her forehead to the ground and her vision was starting to get blurry, she could barely make out what looks like a figure, maybe a passerby who saw the accident dashing over to where she was. “Help me...” She murmurs in a weak voice but before the person manages to get her out she passes out and everything turns to black.
@liamzigmichael4ever @client-327 @brightpinkpeppercorn @lovehugsandcandy @lilyofchoices @justdani14 @zaffrenotes @queenkaneko @mskaneko @pintsizedelle @flowerpowell @desiree-0816 @emceesynonymroll @kinkykingliam @jlpplays1 @annekebbphotography @thecordoniandiaries @cora-nova @rainbowsinthestorm @princess-geek @leelee10898 @emichelle @pixelberrytrash
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jerometbean · 4 years
VideoTik Review + OTO Details + BEST Bonuses + Pros & Cons
In this VideoTik Review, I’ll cover what it actually does, who is it for, how much it costs, pros & cons, what bonuses you’ll get and what are all the OTO or Upsells, pricing & discount details. so that you can have more clarity about VideoTik and if it’s right for you or not.
First set of people find out and create an account about a social media site and start consuming.
Second group of people are seeing the potential behind the latest media trend and getting in early to gain a big chance.
Now you might think you ‘re never missing an opportunity-in which case-great!
But you still skipped the Instagram Train in 2004, right?
Don’t worry-I also skipped it.
But this time, we are far ahead of a new source of traffic that is, as of now, underutilized.
Today I want to give you an opportunity to become a creator-without making anything from scratch. And doing so will put you out there ahead of 99.99 per cent of marketers, opening up a whole new traffic source for leads and buyers.
This source of traffic has helped many new affiliate marketers kick-start making recurring commissions easy. Everything by recommending items to people who view their videos organically.
And why is this traffic source good? Well because it has:
More than 800 million daily users (again-the total number is in billions!). A hungry audience ready to purchase ecom and digital goods, and a 51 percent population of 25 + year-olds who spend an hour per day on this platform.
The traffic source i am talking about is “TikTok“. YES!
Millions and millions of people marketing their products and services on TikTok.
Quick tip: Here is a quick guide to market your business on TikTok
Stay on this page to learn how you can tap into tiktok without shooting videos on yourself.
Because i am gonna do “VideoTik review” to let you know the powerful features and benefits of this new TikTok video creation software.
VideoTik Review – Overview
Product NameVideoTikProduct CreatorsNeil Napier & AbhiLaunch Date & Time2020-May-27, 11:00 AM EDTPrice Range$29BonusYes, Best Bonuses AvailableRefund 30-Day Money Back GuaranteeOfficial sitehttps://www.getvideotik.com/Product TypeTikTok Video CreatorTrainingThere Under Help SectionCustomer SupportExcellentSkillsAll levelsRecommendedHighly Recommended!
VideoTik Review – What Is It?
“VideoTik” is a viral and trending video curation and creation app that lets you create interactive videos within few minutes. VideoTik doesn’t requires any camera, mic or studio setup.
VideoTik lets everyone tap into a buyer pool of 800 million plus. People can use VideoTik to build AI powered videos, without putting their faces on camera. And they can move these posts into TikTok using our built-in scheduler and publisher.
[+] Use an instant video builder takes away the need to be on camera [+] Create viral videos similar to the ones getting millions of views and thousands of leads – every month [+] Put your website, lead magnets and offers in front of engaged buyers [+] Start getting free traffic immediately
VideoTik Review – How It Works?
Use your VideoTik username and password to login
Create/curate trending or viral videos from scratch without having anything but with VideoTik.
VideoTik has many options to customize the videos. You can put text overlay, convert into square or landscape video, you can convert a text script into voice over and so much.
VideoTik has the option to export your videos into your local computer. You can use these videos wherever you want.
The good thing about this software is, you can actually schedule your video uploads right from the VideoTik dashboard.
Schedule your videos a week before and even a month before. I love this feature so much.
VideoTik Demo
VideoTik Review – The Features I Like Personally
 ♥ The Video Creator
Helps create A.I. powered viral videos that are primed to engage and lock people in.
 ♥ Cloud Video Rendering
All our created videos will be rendered from the cloud. So, we can close the app if we want. No need to stay on the app.
 ♥ The Resizer
Helps turn these any videos you have into TikTok™ compliant vertical video format
 ♥ The Video Scheduler
Helps schedule years’ worth of content, ready to go out from your mobile app. Yes, VideoTik gives you a unique mobile app.
VideoTik Review – Who Should Try This?
In seconds from now … you can begin to tap into endless floods of daily free traffic & profit. More than 800 million active users (and growing) each time you add a new video to your fingertips. Check out the many ways you can benefit from a single, two or three videos …
Imagine how much affiliate commission you can bank daily when you consistently attract 1000s of views. Just add your link in the TikTok about description.
Transform the TikTok followers into subscribers to YouTube. YouTube can’t wait to pay you … Because they’re popular, popular videos make money. You needn’t lift a finger.
Do you have your own products or services … Sell your own offers, products. It takes minutes and costs nothing.
Use VideoTik to send daily traffic… to any CPA offer you like.
Just one sale can make you more in commission than many make working all week. 100s Per Sale
Influencer? Business owners are lining up to pay you to mention their product.
What You Can Do With VideoTik?
⊕ Send people to your optin page to build your list ⊕ Build a huge social following that you can sell stuff to every single day ⊕ Build awesome pre-launch buzz for your next product or service ⊕ Grow and sell your channel for big bucks ⊕ Profit like a boss with advertising revenue, sponsorships, social mentions, affiliate promotions, cpa offers, direct sales… or collect huge paychecks creating videos for clients ⊕ Promoting affiliate products ⊕ Selling own products ⊕ Starting an ecom store ⊕ Even build your own tiktok™ channel (new!) ⊕ Sending followers to subscribe on youtube ⊕ Sending followers to engage on instagram
VideoTik Review – What You Will Get Inside?
⇒ Tiktok™ viral video builder ⇒ Tiktok™ video resize feature ⇒ Tiktok™ auto-publisher – ios + android apps included (ios awaiting approval) ⇒ Create 100 tiktok™ videos per day ⇒ Multi-user license – use on multiple devices ⇒ Create high definition videos ⇒ Download the videos to own computer ⇒ Add your own logo & watermark ⇒ Create stories vertical videos for tiktok ⇒ Access to image library with 50,000+ images ⇒ Access to video library with 10,000+ video-clips ⇒ Access to music library with 1,000+ background music ⇒ Access to 100+ fonts ⇒ Access to 5000+ quotes to use ⇒ Upload your own images, video-clips & music ⇒ Text-to-speech features ⇒ Cloud-based app – works on all computers & devices ⇒ 100% approved & evergreen software ⇒ Dedicated support and regular updates ⇒ Detailed training included
VideoTik OTO Details
OTO 1: VideoTik Unlimited ($67 Onetime)
Make your income potential unlimited with VideoTik unlimited … Without the baggage of monthly payments.
♣ Unlimited Videos: Creating as many videos as you wish. There is no limit for every day, weekly or monthly. If you do want to use the commercial license to make unlimited videos for yourself and others, this is great.
♣ Unlimited Publishing: Scheduling and posting as many videos as you like. Again-there is no limit on how much content you might bring into it. Remember better content = more followers = more leads and more money! So, this should be part of your TikTok dominance strategy.
♣ Unlimited Social Channels: One of the best aspects about content creation is being able to repurpose content through various social media platforms. Not many software allow for that. VideoTik is something special. VideoTik helps you republish content that is compliant with Facebook , YouTube and yes-even Instagram.
♣ Priority Support: If you are upgrading to the unlimited package today , we know that you are serious about it and will need priority assistance. We will tag you in our support desk based on your purchase, and as soon as your ticket comes in our dedicated support agents will put it in the front of the queue and get you priority support.
♣ Create FULL HD 1080p Videos: No longer waiting for days to render your videos… With VideoTik Unlimited you can simply create and edit your videos in FULL HD 1080p, and create them, ready to download and publish in just one click. Or just schedule them into our limitless scheduler ..
♣ Step-by-Step Video Selling Training: You get access to our underground video training with the VideoTik Unlimited edition, which shows you a easy method, step-by – step finding clients and selling them viral video production services, resources!
♣ Ready Made Agency Website with Paypal Checkout: You get a Professional Video Marketing & Publication Business website with a price list, features pages, about-us page, contact-us page, Certified PayPal checkout page and more ready and set up for you in three simple steps.
♣ Done-For-You Client Contracts: Want to sell your clients videos and marketing on TikTok but want to look professional? VideoTik Unlimited gives you access to legitimate “Customer Contracts” that you can use when selling videos to local customers, look genuine and professional and charge more!
♣ Clients Access Account Features: Create exclusive VIEW-ONLY privileges for your clients so you can give them access to VideoTik, giving them the ability to view all the videos you make and all the campaigns you run for them, and charge more.
♣ 100+ Facebook Ad Templates: VideoTik Unlimited comes with 100 proven and profitable Facebook ad templates along with ad copy to help you start running FB ads quickly, bringing in 10X ROI from cheap ads.
♣ Access to 1 Million New Quotes: Would you like to create quote videos but worried about using the same boring quotes that nobody wants to share? With VideoTik Unlimited you get a library of updated quotes of more than 1,000,000 (million) quotes. This means you can make as many quote videos as you want and need not worry about sharing the same quote again and again.
Access to 50,000 NEW Images To Use: Concerned about repeating pictures, or not uploading enough new ones? You get access to 50,000 NEW images with VideoTik Unlimited, all copyright-free and you don’t even have to pay a single dime extra.
♣ Access to 10,000 NEW Videos To Use: Need to work on more videos? VideoTik Unlimited comes with a massive 10,000 video clip library that you can use just the way you want. No limits, no captures, nothing holds you off.
♣ Sub-User & Team Member Account: With the 5X team members and sub-user license from VideoTik, you can build 5 NEW sub-accounts that can be used by your team members , staff or colleagues, allowing them complete access to your own VideoTik account. Let your team do everything they can for you.
♣ Virtual Assistance Account: It is not a great idea to do everything by yourself. VideoTik Unlimited comes with the Virtual Assistance account feature, which allows you to share your account and also build 1 VA sub account to use your VideoTik Unlimited application.
♣ Connect Unlimited Dropbox Accounts: You can now connect as many Dropbox accounts as you want using VideoTik Unlimited, and publish or back up all of your videos and access them from anywhere in the globe on your smartphone or any laptop.
♣ Outsourcers & Developers License: VideoTik Unlimited comes with an Outsourcing and Developer license. That means you can hire clients and charge for making and publishing videos, attracting customers and designing their social media marketing plans for your company and letting your employee / team member do all of the work. There’s no limit on how many customers you get, no limit on how you’re recruiting customers and absolutely no limit on how much you can charge.
♣ Video Traffic Generation Training: Training with VideoTik Video Traffic Generation will take you by the hand and show you step-by – step, topic-by-topic, and tool-by-tool what you really need to know to dominate video marketing as easily as possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest possible time.
OTO 2: VideoTik Site Builder ($197 Onetime)
♣ Create UNLIMTIED TikTok Video-Websites every single day: There is no cap to how many times you can use the videotik website creator, how many video websites you can make every day and how many computers you can use this to. You can create an unlimited number of tiktok video websites with videotik site builder pro, without any limitation whatsoever. No catch.
♣ Automatically Create TikTok-Based Video Websites: The process is extremely simple, and just select a few parameters, press a button, and you’ll be ready to rock and roll with traffic-inducing video websites! In just a minute, you can build 100s of those video websites.
♣ Create UNLIMITED TikTok Video Blogs: Yes! Create hundreds of videos in a easy way…and generate TONS of qualified, targeted traffic.
♣ Use Your Own Domain…And Your Own Branding: You can use your own domain name to remind visitors of your brand-important if you want to make a great first impression.
♣ Free Web-Hosting Included: This is one of the most exciting pieces … once you get access to the videotik website builder app, you get free webhosting instantly. Yes, that’s right-100 % free.
♣ Choose From A Massive Collection Of Over 100+ Video Website Designs: The experience of customization is simply unbeatable-choose from 100 eye-catching, professional designs for your automated video blogs! Customizable to 100 per cent.
♣ Hundreds Of Different Money-Making TikTok™ Videos To Choose From: You just have to select your niche, enter your keywords and the rest will be done by the app. You’ll have hundreds of various tiktok videos you can choose from.
OTO 3: VideoTik Agency ($197 Onetime)
With this package of videotik agencies build your own tiktok powered agency. Attract more customers to a brand new service, and instantly set you apart.
♣ Ready Made Agency Website with Paypal Checkout: You get a professional video marketing & publication business website with pricing list, features pages, about us page, contact-us page, professional paypal checkout page and more to make it super simple and easier for you to set up and get your video creation & publication business.
♣ Done-For-You Client Contracts: Want to sell your clients videos and marketing on tiktok but want to look professional? Videotik unlimited gives you access to legitimate “Customer contracts” that you can use when selling videos to local customers, look genuine and legitimate and charge more.
♣ Step-by-Step Video Selling Training: With the videotik unlimited version, you get access to our underground video training showing you a simple process, step-by-step to find clients and to sell them viral video creation services. Easy stuff.
♣ Clients Access Account Features: Create exclusive view-only access for your clients so you can give them access to videotik, giving them the ability to view all the videos you make and all the promotions you run for them, and charge more.
♣ Allow Clients to Schedule Appointments: Let customers book your appointments right from the app. This way, after you show them all the magic you can do with VideoTik, you can close them.
♣ Pricing Strategy: Let customers book consultations directly from the site. This way, after showing them all the magic you can create with VideoTik, you can close them.
What Other Marketers Say About VideoTik?
TikTok is the next Instagram and it’s about to blow up for marketers, eCommerce and alike. If you’re not taking advantage of the wild-wild-west of TikTok right now, you’re literally leaving the gold. Now is the time to get on TikTok and build a huge following and with VideoTik, you don’t really need to be doing a lot. Get this!
VideoTik takes the headache away from TikTok marketing. You can easily create funny and engaging videos in pretty much any niche, spend an hour and schedule a whole month worth of videos to be published on your TikTok and you’re done. Easy, painless and gives you a kickstart in finally getting started and generating traffic from TikTok.
This is a brilliant product. VideoTik makes it so much easy to leverage TikTok to finally start generating real buyers in pretty much any niche (800 million active users!). It’s easy to use, the video creator is perfect and tons of customization option and the scheduling feature the icing on the cake. Time saver and possibly the best way to generate traffic from TikTok easily.
VideoTik Review – Pros and Cons
  ♥  You don’t need to hire freelancers at $20 per hour
  ♥  Builtin Tiktok viral video builder
  ♥  Detailed training included
  ♥  Dedicated support and regular updates
  ♥  Commercial license
  ♥  Video creation resources included
  ♥  30-day money back. So it is risk free to try
  ♥  I don’t have any issues with this software till now.
VideoTik Bonuses
These are my custom bonuses for VideoTik You can’t find these bonuses anywhere else on the internet.
I hope my bonuses will help you get best results with VideoTik.
Please Note: The above mentioned are my exclusive bonuses to get best results using VideoTik. If you like my bonuses, you can purchase to VideoTik via my link. After that, send me you purchase receipt to below email id. You will get your bonuses within 12 hours.([email protected])
VideoTik Review – F.A.Q
Q. Are there any monthly charges?
No … If you buy VideoTik today you’ll pay one price that will give you ongoing access to it. You won’t be paid for the order again.
Q. Do you have tutorials?
Yes we do … You will find all the video tutorials inside VideoTik which details how to use the software…
Q. Is this another loophole?
Absolutely not … tiktok represents perhaps the biggest traffic generation opportunity since the start of instagram. It’s very rare to come across real channels we can use for traffic. It’s even more unusual to be able to do this early on, using a script.
Which is Videotik. We are months ahead of everyone else, so you’ll be months ahead of everyone else by buying videotik today.
Q. I’m on a tight budget?
There are no additional costs required. You do not need domains, hosting or anything else.
Q. Is it really easy to use?
Hey! VideoTik is 100% Newbie Friendly … Designed very easy to navigate and easy to use. Just enter your keyword, and in minutes, the App will build you a traffic-rich video. To push it out into your TikTok channel, use our built-in scheduler and publisher along with our mobile app.
Q. Does VideoTik violate any TikTok™ ToS?
No … Videotik is fully compliant and connects with tiktok via a special customer-only app that we have created for you. If anything, we took special care to play by the rules of tiktok, making sure that the videos you create can be published in the correct format on tiktok.
Q. What if I experience a problem?
They have dedicated on-hand technical support 6 days a week. Support can be easily accessed from within your VideoTik dashboard.
Q. How much traffic can I drive?
The amount of traffic you can drive depends on the niche, the niche audience, and the keyword. Some videos immediately go viral, others take time and some do not. As long as you keep pushing out new videos, you’ll see traffic, and you’ll be seeing success. And yeah-it ‘s easy to do that 100 per cent.
Thanks for reading my VideoTik review. We will see you on the next review. Before that, make sure to get this software for a lowest price possible and claim my custom bonuses.
source https://spsreviews.com/videotik-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=videotik-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviewscom1.blogspot.com/2020/05/videotik-review-oto-details-best.html
0 notes
gertrudejnieves · 4 years
VideoTik Review + OTO Details + BEST Bonuses + Pros & Cons
In this VideoTik Review, I’ll cover what it actually does, who is it for, how much it costs, pros & cons, what bonuses you’ll get and what are all the OTO or Upsells, pricing & discount details. so that you can have more clarity about VideoTik and if it’s right for you or not.
First set of people find out and create an account about a social media site and start consuming.
Second group of people are seeing the potential behind the latest media trend and getting in early to gain a big chance.
Now you might think you ‘re never missing an opportunity-in which case-great!
But you still skipped the Instagram Train in 2004, right?
Don’t worry-I also skipped it.
But this time, we are far ahead of a new source of traffic that is, as of now, underutilized.
Today I want to give you an opportunity to become a creator-without making anything from scratch. And doing so will put you out there ahead of 99.99 per cent of marketers, opening up a whole new traffic source for leads and buyers.
This source of traffic has helped many new affiliate marketers kick-start making recurring commissions easy. Everything by recommending items to people who view their videos organically.
And why is this traffic source good? Well because it has:
More than 800 million daily users (again-the total number is in billions!). A hungry audience ready to purchase ecom and digital goods, and a 51 percent population of 25 + year-olds who spend an hour per day on this platform.
The traffic source i am talking about is “TikTok“. YES!
Millions and millions of people marketing their products and services on TikTok.
Quick tip: Here is a quick guide to market your business on TikTok
Stay on this page to learn how you can tap into tiktok without shooting videos on yourself.
Because i am gonna do “VideoTik review” to let you know the powerful features and benefits of this new TikTok video creation software.
VideoTik Review – Overview
Product Name VideoTik Product Creators Neil Napier & Abhi Launch Date & Time 2020-May-27, 11:00 AM EDT Price Range $29 Bonus Yes, Best Bonuses Available Refund  30-Day Money Back Guarantee Official site https://www.getvideotik.com/ Product Type TikTok Video Creator Training There Under Help Section Customer Support Excellent Skills All levels Recommended Highly Recommended!
VideoTik Review – What Is It?
“VideoTik” is a viral and trending video curation and creation app that lets you create interactive videos within few minutes. VideoTik doesn’t requires any camera, mic or studio setup.
VideoTik lets everyone tap into a buyer pool of 800 million plus. People can use VideoTik to build AI powered videos, without putting their faces on camera. And they can move these posts into TikTok using our built-in scheduler and publisher.
[+] Use an instant video builder takes away the need to be on camera [+] Create viral videos similar to the ones getting millions of views and thousands of leads – every month [+] Put your website, lead magnets and offers in front of engaged buyers [+] Start getting free traffic immediately
VideoTik Review – How It Works?
Use your VideoTik username and password to login
Create/curate trending or viral videos from scratch without having anything but with VideoTik.
VideoTik has many options to customize the videos. You can put text overlay, convert into square or landscape video, you can convert a text script into voice over and so much.
VideoTik has the option to export your videos into your local computer. You can use these videos wherever you want.
The good thing about this software is, you can actually schedule your video uploads right from the VideoTik dashboard.
Schedule your videos a week before and even a month before. I love this feature so much.
VideoTik Demo
VideoTik Review – The Features I Like Personally
 ♥ The Video Creator
Helps create A.I. powered viral videos that are primed to engage and lock people in.
 ♥ Cloud Video Rendering
All our created videos will be rendered from the cloud. So, we can close the app if we want. No need to stay on the app.
 ♥ The Resizer
Helps turn these any videos you have into TikTok™ compliant vertical video format
 ♥ The Video Scheduler
Helps schedule years’ worth of content, ready to go out from your mobile app. Yes, VideoTik gives you a unique mobile app.
VideoTik Review – Who Should Try This?
In seconds from now … you can begin to tap into endless floods of daily free traffic & profit. More than 800 million active users (and growing) each time you add a new video to your fingertips. Check out the many ways you can benefit from a single, two or three videos …
Imagine how much affiliate commission you can bank daily when you consistently attract 1000s of views. Just add your link in the TikTok about description.
Transform the TikTok followers into subscribers to YouTube. YouTube can’t wait to pay you … Because they’re popular, popular videos make money. You needn’t lift a finger.
Do you have your own products or services … Sell your own offers, products. It takes minutes and costs nothing.
Use VideoTik to send daily traffic… to any CPA offer you like.
Just one sale can make you more in commission than many make working all week. 100s Per Sale
Influencer? Business owners are lining up to pay you to mention their product.
What You Can Do With VideoTik?
⊕ Send people to your optin page to build your list ⊕ Build a huge social following that you can sell stuff to every single day ⊕ Build awesome pre-launch buzz for your next product or service ⊕ Grow and sell your channel for big bucks ⊕ Profit like a boss with advertising revenue, sponsorships, social mentions, affiliate promotions, cpa offers, direct sales… or collect huge paychecks creating videos for clients ⊕ Promoting affiliate products ⊕ Selling own products ⊕ Starting an ecom store ⊕ Even build your own tiktok™ channel (new!) ⊕ Sending followers to subscribe on youtube ⊕ Sending followers to engage on instagram
VideoTik Review – What You Will Get Inside?
⇒ Tiktok™ viral video builder ⇒ Tiktok™ video resize feature ⇒ Tiktok™ auto-publisher – ios + android apps included (ios awaiting approval) ⇒ Create 100 tiktok™ videos per day ⇒ Multi-user license – use on multiple devices ⇒ Create high definition videos ⇒ Download the videos to own computer ⇒ Add your own logo & watermark ⇒ Create stories vertical videos for tiktok ⇒ Access to image library with 50,000+ images ⇒ Access to video library with 10,000+ video-clips ⇒ Access to music library with 1,000+ background music ⇒ Access to 100+ fonts ⇒ Access to 5000+ quotes to use ⇒ Upload your own images, video-clips & music ⇒ Text-to-speech features ⇒ Cloud-based app – works on all computers & devices ⇒ 100% approved & evergreen software ⇒ Dedicated support and regular updates ⇒ Detailed training included
VideoTik OTO Details
OTO 1: VideoTik Unlimited ($67 Onetime)
Make your income potential unlimited with VideoTik unlimited … Without the baggage of monthly payments.
♣ Unlimited Videos: Creating as many videos as you wish. There is no limit for every day, weekly or monthly. If you do want to use the commercial license to make unlimited videos for yourself and others, this is great.
♣ Unlimited Publishing: Scheduling and posting as many videos as you like. Again-there is no limit on how much content you might bring into it. Remember better content = more followers = more leads and more money! So, this should be part of your TikTok dominance strategy.
♣ Unlimited Social Channels: One of the best aspects about content creation is being able to repurpose content through various social media platforms. Not many software allow for that. VideoTik is something special. VideoTik helps you republish content that is compliant with Facebook , YouTube and yes-even Instagram.
♣ Priority Support: If you are upgrading to the unlimited package today , we know that you are serious about it and will need priority assistance. We will tag you in our support desk based on your purchase, and as soon as your ticket comes in our dedicated support agents will put it in the front of the queue and get you priority support.
♣ Create FULL HD 1080p Videos: No longer waiting for days to render your videos… With VideoTik Unlimited you can simply create and edit your videos in FULL HD 1080p, and create them, ready to download and publish in just one click. Or just schedule them into our limitless scheduler ..
♣ Step-by-Step Video Selling Training: You get access to our underground video training with the VideoTik Unlimited edition, which shows you a easy method, step-by – step finding clients and selling them viral video production services, resources!
♣ Ready Made Agency Website with Paypal Checkout: You get a Professional Video Marketing & Publication Business website with a price list, features pages, about-us page, contact-us page, Certified PayPal checkout page and more ready and set up for you in three simple steps.
♣ Done-For-You Client Contracts: Want to sell your clients videos and marketing on TikTok but want to look professional? VideoTik Unlimited gives you access to legitimate “Customer Contracts” that you can use when selling videos to local customers, look genuine and professional and charge more!
♣ Clients Access Account Features: Create exclusive VIEW-ONLY privileges for your clients so you can give them access to VideoTik, giving them the ability to view all the videos you make and all the campaigns you run for them, and charge more.
♣ 100+ Facebook Ad Templates: VideoTik Unlimited comes with 100 proven and profitable Facebook ad templates along with ad copy to help you start running FB ads quickly, bringing in 10X ROI from cheap ads.
♣ Access to 1 Million New Quotes: Would you like to create quote videos but worried about using the same boring quotes that nobody wants to share? With VideoTik Unlimited you get a library of updated quotes of more than 1,000,000 (million) quotes. This means you can make as many quote videos as you want and need not worry about sharing the same quote again and again.
Access to 50,000 NEW Images To Use: Concerned about repeating pictures, or not uploading enough new ones? You get access to 50,000 NEW images with VideoTik Unlimited, all copyright-free and you don’t even have to pay a single dime extra.
♣ Access to 10,000 NEW Videos To Use: Need to work on more videos? VideoTik Unlimited comes with a massive 10,000 video clip library that you can use just the way you want. No limits, no captures, nothing holds you off.
♣ Sub-User & Team Member Account: With the 5X team members and sub-user license from VideoTik, you can build 5 NEW sub-accounts that can be used by your team members , staff or colleagues, allowing them complete access to your own VideoTik account. Let your team do everything they can for you.
♣ Virtual Assistance Account: It is not a great idea to do everything by yourself. VideoTik Unlimited comes with the Virtual Assistance account feature, which allows you to share your account and also build 1 VA sub account to use your VideoTik Unlimited application.
♣ Connect Unlimited Dropbox Accounts: You can now connect as many Dropbox accounts as you want using VideoTik Unlimited, and publish or back up all of your videos and access them from anywhere in the globe on your smartphone or any laptop.
♣ Outsourcers & Developers License: VideoTik Unlimited comes with an Outsourcing and Developer license. That means you can hire clients and charge for making and publishing videos, attracting customers and designing their social media marketing plans for your company and letting your employee / team member do all of the work. There’s no limit on how many customers you get, no limit on how you’re recruiting customers and absolutely no limit on how much you can charge.
♣ Video Traffic Generation Training: Training with VideoTik Video Traffic Generation will take you by the hand and show you step-by – step, topic-by-topic, and tool-by-tool what you really need to know to dominate video marketing as easily as possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest possible time.
OTO 2: VideoTik Site Builder ($197 Onetime)
♣ Create UNLIMTIED TikTok Video-Websites every single day: There is no cap to how many times you can use the videotik website creator, how many video websites you can make every day and how many computers you can use this to. You can create an unlimited number of tiktok video websites with videotik site builder pro, without any limitation whatsoever. No catch.
♣ Automatically Create TikTok-Based Video Websites: The process is extremely simple, and just select a few parameters, press a button, and you’ll be ready to rock and roll with traffic-inducing video websites! In just a minute, you can build 100s of those video websites.
♣ Create UNLIMITED TikTok Video Blogs: Yes! Create hundreds of videos in a easy way…and generate TONS of qualified, targeted traffic.
♣ Use Your Own Domain…And Your Own Branding: You can use your own domain name to remind visitors of your brand-important if you want to make a great first impression.
♣ Free Web-Hosting Included: This is one of the most exciting pieces … once you get access to the videotik website builder app, you get free webhosting instantly. Yes, that’s right-100 % free.
♣ Choose From A Massive Collection Of Over 100+ Video Website Designs: The experience of customization is simply unbeatable-choose from 100 eye-catching, professional designs for your automated video blogs! Customizable to 100 per cent.
♣ Hundreds Of Different Money-Making TikTok™ Videos To Choose From: You just have to select your niche, enter your keywords and the rest will be done by the app. You’ll have hundreds of various tiktok videos you can choose from.
OTO 3: VideoTik Agency ($197 Onetime)
With this package of videotik agencies build your own tiktok powered agency. Attract more customers to a brand new service, and instantly set you apart.
♣ Ready Made Agency Website with Paypal Checkout: You get a professional video marketing & publication business website with pricing list, features pages, about us page, contact-us page, professional paypal checkout page and more to make it super simple and easier for you to set up and get your video creation & publication business.
♣ Done-For-You Client Contracts: Want to sell your clients videos and marketing on tiktok but want to look professional? Videotik unlimited gives you access to legitimate “Customer contracts” that you can use when selling videos to local customers, look genuine and legitimate and charge more.
♣ Step-by-Step Video Selling Training: With the videotik unlimited version, you get access to our underground video training showing you a simple process, step-by-step to find clients and to sell them viral video creation services. Easy stuff.
♣ Clients Access Account Features: Create exclusive view-only access for your clients so you can give them access to videotik, giving them the ability to view all the videos you make and all the promotions you run for them, and charge more.
♣ Allow Clients to Schedule Appointments: Let customers book your appointments right from the app. This way, after you show them all the magic you can do with VideoTik, you can close them.
♣ Pricing Strategy: Let customers book consultations directly from the site. This way, after showing them all the magic you can create with VideoTik, you can close them.
What Other Marketers Say About VideoTik?
TikTok is the next Instagram and it’s about to blow up for marketers, eCommerce and alike. If you’re not taking advantage of the wild-wild-west of TikTok right now, you’re literally leaving the gold. Now is the time to get on TikTok and build a huge following and with VideoTik, you don’t really need to be doing a lot. Get this!
VideoTik takes the headache away from TikTok marketing. You can easily create funny and engaging videos in pretty much any niche, spend an hour and schedule a whole month worth of videos to be published on your TikTok and you’re done. Easy, painless and gives you a kickstart in finally getting started and generating traffic from TikTok.
This is a brilliant product. VideoTik makes it so much easy to leverage TikTok to finally start generating real buyers in pretty much any niche (800 million active users!). It’s easy to use, the video creator is perfect and tons of customization option and the scheduling feature the icing on the cake. Time saver and possibly the best way to generate traffic from TikTok easily.
VideoTik Review – Pros and Cons
  ♥  You don’t need to hire freelancers at $20 per hour
  ♥  Builtin Tiktok viral video builder
  ♥  Detailed training included
  ♥  Dedicated support and regular updates
  ♥  Commercial license
  ♥  Video creation resources included
  ♥  30-day money back. So it is risk free to try
  ♥  I don’t have any issues with this software till now.
VideoTik Bonuses
These are my custom bonuses for VideoTik You can’t find these bonuses anywhere else on the internet.
I hope my bonuses will help you get best results with VideoTik.
Please Note: The above mentioned are my exclusive bonuses to get best results using VideoTik. If you like my bonuses, you can purchase to VideoTik via my link. After that, send me you purchase receipt to below email id. You will get your bonuses within 12 hours.([email protected])
VideoTik Review – F.A.Q
Q. Are there any monthly charges?
No … If you buy VideoTik today you’ll pay one price that will give you ongoing access to it. You won’t be paid for the order again.
Q. Do you have tutorials?
Yes we do … You will find all the video tutorials inside VideoTik which details how to use the software…
Q. Is this another loophole?
Absolutely not … tiktok represents perhaps the biggest traffic generation opportunity since the start of instagram. It’s very rare to come across real channels we can use for traffic. It’s even more unusual to be able to do this early on, using a script.
Which is Videotik. We are months ahead of everyone else, so you’ll be months ahead of everyone else by buying videotik today.
Q. I’m on a tight budget?
There are no additional costs required. You do not need domains, hosting or anything else.
Q. Is it really easy to use?
Hey! VideoTik is 100% Newbie Friendly … Designed very easy to navigate and easy to use. Just enter your keyword, and in minutes, the App will build you a traffic-rich video. To push it out into your TikTok channel, use our built-in scheduler and publisher along with our mobile app.
Q. Does VideoTik violate any TikTok™ ToS?
No … Videotik is fully compliant and connects with tiktok via a special customer-only app that we have created for you. If anything, we took special care to play by the rules of tiktok, making sure that the videos you create can be published in the correct format on tiktok.
Q. What if I experience a problem?
They have dedicated on-hand technical support 6 days a week. Support can be easily accessed from within your VideoTik dashboard.
Q. How much traffic can I drive?
The amount of traffic you can drive depends on the niche, the niche audience, and the keyword. Some videos immediately go viral, others take time and some do not. As long as you keep pushing out new videos, you’ll see traffic, and you’ll be seeing success. And yeah-it ‘s easy to do that 100 per cent.
Thanks for reading my VideoTik review. We will see you on the next review. Before that, make sure to get this software for a lowest price possible and claim my custom bonuses.
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