#gonna put it into my ocs canon that she likes dinos
llimerrence · 1 year
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also, just for funsies, respond to this w/ one of my characters and i'll post hcs (canon or oc) for that character
if we go with my canon ™ ending. Bo ends up in a poly relationship with Ben and Kenji
“I can put a straw through my eye, and get it to come out of my mouth.” This. this is a thing that Bo has said, and it is a true statement.
This video basically sums up Bo after a year on the island
I decided Bo actually got top surgery about 3 months before the 2015 incident. He didn’t need to wear his binder on the day of the incident and didn’t need his binder at all afterwards for sure. But he kept it just in case of dysphoria. Turns out, it made a pretty good Compy leg sling
Bo gets very desensitized to dinosaurs and learns that they’re just like any other big dangerous animal. Ya just kinda yell at it and they usually walk away. If not, you yell at it in its own language, and then it walks away
Arrow, unlike most compys, actually doesn't have a venomous bite. And the rest of the pack mostly used their claws, not teeth, on Bo. The little bit of venom he did end up getting in his system was enough to make him really sick, but not kill him.
The thing that gets me most about bo is that like…yes, his eye could be very traumatizing. but his biggest fear is other people seeing it. he's not grossed out by it, or even traumatized by it. he saw it worse every day on the island. His fear is that someone else might see it, and he will cause them to be traumatized. his father flinched when he saw it, and then he made a child cry, and bo went "i am gonna internalize THAT so hard"
he doesn't have mirrors anywhere. his room has no mirrors, his bathrooms don't have mirrors. he has hand held mirrors that are shoved in drawers, and he hardly uses them he just….hates the idea that someone might accidentally get traumatized because of him. he's traumatized enough from dino-island, he isn't gonna make someone else suffer from his issues
He worries so much. To the point where he’ll wear something uncomfortable, or put his hair down to cover his face, or even tie a shirt around his head if needed just so other people don’t see it
Bo would have to have surgery on his eye to try and fix whatever he did on the island himself because I promise you he cut off some of his own skin using a river reflection bevause it was infected (And I bet they did a skin graft to try and give him a bit more skin to work with)
Yes, Bo does make jokes about how his eye could be a really portable ash tray and shit bevause he’s the worst and copes thru shitty humor
Arrow has been known to lowkey stick her snout into his face hole. Not fully but enough that he can feel her breathing. Usually she does this when he’s asleep and she wants food. It’s like a cat smacking your face but worse
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