#good for him.. this gives jennifer lawrence 'i just took a shot' energy at the oscars that one time LMAOO
smokeybrand · 3 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Smells Like Spider Sh*t
I’m a massive fan of Aubrey Plaza. Her career is one of the most interesting i have seen. She picks the best roles for herself, often allowing her to be someone completely different but, at the same time, effortlessly familiar. April Ludgate, Beth Slocum, Julie Powers, Ingrid Thornburn, Lenny Busker, Riley Bennett, f*cking Grumpy Cat; All different but familiar. I’ always down for a Plaza sighting, she’s almost always the best thing about a production, and never miss an opportunity to witness her guaranteed scene stealing. That said, she’s very rarely the principal of a film. She’s almost never the starring force of a narrative. The only one that comes to mind is Ingrid Goes West and, even then, she kind of shared billing with Elizabeth Olsen. I often found myself wondering what Aubrey could do if it was her film, her focus, and then i heard about Black Bear. This was the exact film i wanted to see for Plaza but, alas, it was released in the lost year of 2020. No idea even how to watch this thing until i realized it’s available to stream. I immediately dropped that coin and took in this glory, hoping it stands up to all the hype I've heard about it.
The Good
The immediate thing which strikes you, as the viewer, is how goddamn beautiful this movie is. Seriously, the location is absolutely gorgeous. Black Bear was shot in the Adirondack Mountains and, even though I'm not a nature guy, I'd be lying if i didn’t acknowledge just how goddamn breathtaking that place appears to be. I mean, that opening shot of Plaza on the dock of the lake? Breathtaking!
Speaking of shots, the camera work in this film is exceptional. There are a lot of tight shots, a lot of intimacy captured and it feels almost unnerving. There is an underlying insidiousness to these shots that is absolutely thrust upon the viewer. This underlying, antagonistic energy, is masked by the absolute mastery of the camera and i love that about this film. Seriously, the cinematography is some of the most beautiful I've seen in some time.
I have to give a nod to the writing in this thing. It’s wild to see, man. The dialogue between these cats onscreen is absolutely enthralling. It can be a little preachy, a little heavy-handed at times, but overall, it’s mildly riveting to see. With all of the tribalism and shenanigan in the world to day, it’s f*cking hilarious to see it out in the open, dramatized, like this. I mean, everything is just so goddamn quotable and f*cking ridiculous. “I bet her pussy smells like f*cking spider sh*t!” Like, wat?
Listen, i have to commend the direction in this flick because delivering this material had to have been a straight up feat. Like, i get it. There was a story to be told and it would definitely take a special person with a particular vision to tell it but i think Lawrence Michael Levine was perfect for that task. He was the one who actually wrote this thing so it stands to reason he knows how to properly present it. I am of the mind that the auteur director should be the driving force behind films like this and Levine definitely fits that bill on this project.
I love the music in this film. It’s a perfect accompaniment to the great performances captured onscreen. I’ll get to those in a second but, f*ck, i just want to gush a little bit about how f*cking gorgeous this score really is. It’s delicate and threatening and emotional and raw. Sh*t punctuate very scenes it absolutely needs to and, at the same time, quietly inflicts upon the viewer in a kind of death-by-paper cuts, sort of fashion.
Okay, so all of that stuff is great. No complaint. Deserves all of the praise. That said, this thing would be nothing without Aubrey Plaza. Bro, this is the best performance i have ever seen her give and i was absolutely in love with her Lenny Busker. I mean, they changed entire scripts specifically to cat Plaza for that role but she eclipses that energy with this performance as Allison. Listen you’re going to have to watch Black Bear at least twice to even begin to understand what the f*ck is going on and a lot of that has to do with the unreliable narrative aspect of Plaza’s lead. I’m pretty sure this chick is out of her mind and none of the sh*t we see is actually real. Or maybe all of it is. I don’t know and that’s the magic of this performance.
Another highlight performance comes from Sarah Gadon. Yo, i love this chick, man. She’s awesome at her gig. She fist came to my attention as Gae in Letterkenny and has stayed on my radar ever since. It’ dope seeing her get some shine in legit, award fair like this thing. he deserves all of the shine, turning in an unhinged performance as Blair. The way this narrative takes form, Blair kind of becomes several different characters over the run time and Gadon has no problem sliding into those personae.
I’m not really familiar with Christopher Abbott. His choice in role doesn’t line up with my flavor too much so Black Bear is really the first thing I've ever seen him in but this is a great first impression. His Gabe is kind of a scumbag. A quiet, misogynist, scumbag but in a little bit of a naive way. Obviously, the Gabe character kind of morphs depending on the particular plot being explored but, overall, Gabe is wildly unlikable. He’s a little bit of a dick and i commend Abbott for committing to that throughout this flick.
I also have to give a nod to the supporting cast in this thing. Lindsay Burdge, Alexander Koch, Jennifer Kim, Shannon O'Neill, Paola Lazaro, Grantham Coleman, and Lou Gonzalez, were all absolutely delightful. I particularly enjoyed Paola. She was hilarious in every one of her scenes.
The Verdict
Black Bear is probably my second favorite film of 2020, after Palm Springs. Seriously, this thing is outstanding. Amazing cinematography, spectacular camera work, a strong supporting cast, and one of Aubrey’s best performances. Black Bear is surprisingly biting but, at the same time, horrifically captivating. It’s not a thriller by any means but it has that same energy. This flick seethes like Single White Female or Basic Instinct or Fatal Attraction but it’s definitely not that type of movie. It keeps you on your heels and forces you to engage in ways most people don’t necessarily want to but, if you do, it’s one hell of an experience. Seriously, Plaza’s performance, alone, is totally worth the price of admission.
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consciousowl · 7 years
How To Be Super Cool Without Even Trying
Once upon a time, a TV commercial featured a pilot flying into a hurricane until he reaches the eye, the ultracalm center of the storm. The pilot then reaches for his pack and lights up to take a break.
You have seen the matador bowing to the adulation of the spectators in the bullring, facing a restless bull, armed only with a red cape and a carefully hidden sword. The matador teases the baited bull into rushing towards him, only to turn away at the perfect moment. He knows it will be either him or the bull, but he dances throughout the spectacle, celebrating the magnificence of life.​
The great American novelist called this “machismo.” We may simply call it grace under pressure.​
Being Cool is Grace Under Pressure
When we are passing from childhood to adulthood, we pass through that wonderfully awkward stage of being a teenager. We find that we are neither children nor adults. We are beginning to discover that our parents are fallible, that they don’t know everything. For the time being, we can’t totally relate to any adult, or any child. We can only relate to our peers.
In high school, we usually find one or two teens, both male and female, who are supercool. They seem as poised as any adult and can think for themselves, as spokespeople for the next generation. Even though they are talented brains, football stars or beauty queens, they are generally nice people. All the kids like them, and see them as their exemplars.​
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Like John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John in the movie, Grease, they show grace under pressure. They are too busy building their own lives to waste much time complaining about anything. They have unshakable faith that everything will work out, and they don’t shrink from occupying the spotlight. How we wish we had their secret!
The secret to being cool is… knowing how to BE and deal with / or under pressure… at any give time… in the most graceful way possible.
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Knowing Who You Are and What You Want
It all starts with knowing who you are, and what you want. You may be a Jennifer Lawrence, discovered at any early age, who made Hunger Games so memorable. At 26, Jennifer won Best Actress and earned $50 million in a single year. While no doubt she had many breaks, and had an exceptional combination of beauty and talent, most likely Jennifer knew early on that all she ever wanted to be was an actress.
For most of us, this takes a bit longer. Getting a college degree for 20-somethings today can take nearly a decade. Instead of driving a taxi, you may work at Starbuck’s and survive on tips. You have some interests, some favorite classes and some vision of a professional role, but it takes considerable effort for it all to come together.
There are causes that you care deeply about, not the least of which is Saving the Planet. You may not like the way adults are calling the shots, but you feel relatively powerless to do anything about it. You overlook the fact that people can go now globally viral in just a few days via Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or any other social network.​
Cool Comes with Discovering Your Destiny and Getting On with It
Whenever you step back in your life and take in the larger picture, you capture a deep feeling for why you might be here and how you can serve others. It might be biking in the hills over the weekend, with a gorgeous forest surrounding you and an enchanted sky. Something needs doing in the world, and you were put here to move this vision along. Richard Bolles’ What Color Is Your Parachute? can get you started.
In the book, Richard suggests that you study your values, interests, preferences and achievements to get a clearer and clearer take on your mission. When you discover your passion in life, you then interview people who share that passion for information. Your focus is on looking and listening and asking questions.​
One interview leads to the next, and then a pattern emerges. You even discover job opportunities along the way. You begin to feel a role shaping up that you can uniquely occupy. You become increasingly intent on serving, and eventually you get invited in to make a difference.
The more that happens, the more people will be drawn to you, finding you irresistible.​
Psychology of Attraction
Learn how to be cool and likable!
Living Totally in the Present
When you live in the present, you are rarely in your head. Your senses are sharpened. You notice the details of people and things all around you. Your attention is not on yourself, but on them.
You are not caught up in comparing yourself with others, with all the men smarter or richer than you, or all the women more beautiful and accomplished than you. You find your satisfaction in just BEING.
As so few people in our contemporary society spend their time in the Eternal Now Moment, you will stand out as a potential star. You will cultivate your social skills, because you will be more present to interact with others. When you goof up, you slightly blush, laugh it off and join in with others.
Living in the present also means that you are passionate about your mission and values, but you are also not excessively attached to your agenda. You are focused on a higher purpose, and that is most definitely NOT about looking good. Sure, you groom and pay attention to what you wear, but you look much better when you are not caught up pretending to be somebody else.​
Being present and thinking different... are the two major contributors to being cool.​
Cherishing Everyone You Meet
Supercool people genuinely love others. They have nothing to prove, as their life is not about them, but about their vision. They are determined to do whatever they can to bring heaven and earth together. They are simultaneously strong and vulnerable. They are totally willing to both give and receive. Part of loving is to let yourself BE loved.
True, cherishing people truly requires a transformation. However, any teenager is a prime candidate for falling totally in love. This early romance is a prerequisite to loving the Supreme Bing (God), and to loving everyone else. We are all interlinked. We all share the same energy source.
Supercool people follow the example of the Dalai Lama. They can deeply relate to anyone, young or old, regardless of their race, religion, bank account or dress. Their sense of Self keeps expanding outward to include larger and larger circles, until it engulfs the entire world.​
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Cool Begins with Seeing the Highest Potential in Everyone
Transformational masters insist on being surrounded only by magnificent people. This is not because they are hung up on who are the right people. It is rather that they make whoever interacts with them right.
This is totally in line with the Buddha, who repeatedly saw the highest potential of each of his disciples in this incarnation. Christ took Peter, a simple fisherman in a corner of the Roman Empire, and taught him how to fish people, thereby changing the world, and creating the world’s largest religion.
You can begin to become a master by treasuring everyone in your life, seeing their hidden talents, and appreciating all their positive traits, whether it is in creating a digital canvas, or planting trees in a vacant lot to counter global warming.​
The truth is that each of us IS magnificent. It is just that we spend most of our life pretending that we are NOT.
If you find a young man or woman, and give them life direction and a global vision, you will be regarded by them as supercool. They will never forget this. Your task then will be helping them give yet others a life direction and a global vision.
If you think you are not up this, ask again. You wouldn’t be reading these lines unless you were called to make a difference. You ARE super cool, despite all your protestations to the contrary.​
Keeping Cool is Keeping the Faith – No Matter What
Once you connect with your commitment to make a difference in this world, once you invoke the Divine Presence in your life, you will keep the faith. As a part of this, you might then wish to build your social skills.
You might find the course, Psychology of Attraction and Likability, delightful and deeply insightful in understanding people on a slightly deeper level. The instructor, Dr. Andrew Luttrell, has taught 17,000 students, and informs the video discussions with the latest insights from experimental psychology.​
Andrew takes a factual, no-frills approach. He helps you better understand the dynamics of interaction, but leaves it up to you how best to apply these insights.
Building a career in professional sales and marketing, I found my earlier study of social psychology immensely helpful in arriving at the place of intuitively interacting with people of every descript as their friend. Most certainly, this course could support one of your prime objectives. Check it out.​
Beef Up Your Likability
You can never have too much of it...!
How To Be Super Cool Without Even Trying appeared first on http://consciousowl.com.
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