#good time to keep pongal 2018
robertmcangusgroup · 7 years
The Daily Tulip
The Daily Tulip – News From Around The World
Monday 22nd January 2018
Good Morning Gentle Reader….  Beautiful day yesterday in Southern Spain, clear blue skies, with visibility as far as the eye could see, the ocean was calm and looked as if it had been plucked from a picture postcard, .. this morning is the same clear, star filled skies, 6c so it’s jacket weather, well it is for me.. today we have a promise of 15c and the same clear blue skies..
'THOMAS HARDY' WOOL BRIDGE COLLAPSES INTO RIVER FROME….  An Elizabethan bridge that features in Thomas Hardy's novel Tess of the D'Urbervilles has partially collapsed and been washed away. Cracks began to appear on the Grade II* listed Wool Bridge, which crosses the River Frome in Dorset, on Thursday. Since then the wall foundation has "slumped" and been washed away, a county council spokeswoman said. The bridge has been closed to traffic for many years, except for pedestrians and cyclists, she added. The collapse has not affected the arches of the bridge, Dorset County Council said. The council hoped to put large bags of aggregate into the river on Friday to help stop further erosion to the walls and to prevent damage to the arches. "The longer-term plan for repair will be to wait until summer when the conditions are better, dam the affected area off, to allow it to dry out and we can see what has happened," the spokeswoman added. A bridge is first recorded to have crossed this point of the river in 1343, though it is thought the current structure was built in the 16th Century, according to Historic England. It features in Thomas Hardy's novel Tess of the d'Urbervilles due to its location next to Woolbridge Manor, the home of the d'Urberville family. It was considered to be the best preserved Elizabethan bridge in Dorset.
JAPANESE CITY ON ALERT FOR DEADLY FUGU BLOWFISH…. A Japanese city has broadcast emergency warnings to prevent people consuming blowfish, after potentially deadly portions were mistakenly sold. A local supermarket in Gamagori city sold five packets of fugu fish without removing the livers, which contain poison. Three have been found but two remain missing. The delicacy is so poisonous that the smallest mistake in its preparation can be fatal. Each year there are several cases of fugu poisoning in the country, but not all are lethal. The fish more poisonous than cyanide.  City authorities in Gamagori, in central Japan, have activated an emergency system, urging people to return the potentially lethal portions. "We are calling for residents to avoid eating fugu, using Gamagori city's emergency wireless system," which broadcasts over loudspeakers located around the city, local official Koji Takayanagi told AFP. Fugu, an expensive seasonal winter dish, is eaten raw as sashimi or cooked in soup. The fish's livers, ovaries and skin contain the deadly poison tetrodotoxin and special training and a licence are required to prepare the fish. There is no antidote to the poison. Tetrodotoxin affects the nerve system and the poisoning has been described as "rapid and violent", leading to first a numbness around the mouth, then paralysis and eventually death…
THE INDIAN WOMAN WHO CHOSE A BULL OVER MARRIAGE…. Selvarani Kanagarasu, a daily wage labourer from the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu, has shunned marriage so that she can take care of a prize-fighting bull. BBC Tamil's Pramila Krishnan talks to her about her life. Ms Kanagarasu, now 48, was only a teenager when she decided that she wanted to follow in the footsteps of her father and grandfather, who raised bulls that competed in the state's traditional bull taming contests known as Jallikattu. Jallikattu has been popular for centuries in Tamil Nadu and is traditionally practised during the harvest festival of Pongal in January. Thousands of men chase bulls to grab prizes tied to their horns. The sport was not practised for two years, following a ban by the Supreme Court on the grounds of animal cruelty. But following mass protests in the state, the federal government cleared the way for it to resume in January 2017, bypassing the ban. "My father and grandfather both raised bulls and also considered them their children," she says. The task of continuing the family tradition would have ordinarily fallen to Ms Kanagarasu's brothers, but she says they did not have the time to look after the animals. So she decided to step in. The bull she looks after, Ramu, is an 18-year-old animal who is a legend in local Jallikattu circles. Ramu has won five of the seven Jallikattu events he has participated in, netting prizes like silk sarees and a gold coin for his devoted owner. ''Ramu is a son to me. He won prizes but more importantly, he won honour for my family in the village," she says, adding that Ramu is very "loving" despite his size and his temper in the Jallikattu arena. Over the years, scores of people have been gored or trampled to death in the contests. Hundreds, including spectators, have been mauled or injured. In some arenas, coir matting from coconut trees cushions the impact of a fall - but it provides no defence against a raging bull…. And Folk “That an’t No Bull!”
WOODCHIP IN UNDERPANTS EXCUSE FAILS FOR MALL MASTURBATOR…. A public masturbator who claimed he was just trying to get woodchips out of his underpants has been sentenced to community service. Nigel Cedric Heta, 51, was found guilty of one charge of committing an indecent act (masturbating) in a place where the public have access when he appeared in the Rotorua District Court on Tuesday. He was sentenced to 100 hours community service and to undergo a 12-month rehabilitation programme order. The offending occurred on Saturday September 23 at around 3.25pm as Heta sat in his car while parked in a loading zone directly outside the main entrance of a busy shopping mall. Heta's offending was seen by a witness who walked past with her five-year-old son. Sentencing Heta, Judge Greg Hollister-Jones said the offending was "upsetting and shocking for passersby". "[This was] a busy public place and the masturbation occurred in front of a five-year old." Heta initially pleaded not guilty to the charge before changing his plea to guilty. The summary of facts also revealed his explanation that he was "he was pulling wood chips out of his underpants""… Must be a “Chip off the Old Block”…
CAPE TOWN ABOUT TO BECOME WORLD’S FIRST MAJOR CITY TO RUN OUT OF WATER…. Cape Town could be the first major city in the world to run out of water as officials warn it is about to run dry. The city, perched right on the southern tip of the African continent, is just 90 days away from running out of water. Unpopular Republican govenor Chris Christie officially replaced with Democrat Officials have urged residents to conserve water with usage capped at 87 litres per person per day. Recent projections have suggested it could run out as early as March, while Mayor Patricia De Lille said the city has until April 22 until ‘Day Zero’. April 22 is when authorities have predicted the taps will run dry if current consumption continues and residents don’t scale back their usage.
Well Gentle Reader I hope you enjoyed our look at the news from around the world this, Monday morning… …
Our Tulips today are very red... and the coffee is black, just the way I like it…..
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A Sincere Thank You for your company and Thank You for your likes and comments I love them and always try to reply, so please keep them coming, it's always good fun, As is my custom, I will go and get myself another mug of "Colombian" Coffee and wish you a safe Monday 22nd January 2018 from my home on the southern coast of Spain, where the blue waters of the Alboran Sea washes the coast of Africa and Europe and the smell of the night blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle fills the air…and a crazy old guy and his dog Bella go out for a walk at 4:00 am…on the streets of Estepona…
All good stuff....But remember it’s a dangerous world we live in
Be safe out there…
Robert McAngus
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lindafrancois · 6 years
5 Millets Health Benefits & Their Role in Weight Loss
Millet Types  |  Benefits  |  Recipes  |  Side Effects
Millets are a group of small seed grasses grown in semi-dry areas of Asia and Africa.
Millets have been widely cultivated as cereal crops or as fodder for animals. Because millets have a short growing season, can withstand dry and high-temperature conditions yet yield well, they are popularly grown in the developing nations.
In the developed nations, millets have been relegated to be used as bird feed. However, millets in India are enjoying rising popularity due to a variety of health benefits of millets.
They are gluten-free grains and hence it can be consumed by everyone. We will elucidate on the types of millets.
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Types of Millets in India
Millets in India enjoy prime importance that is because India is one of the biggest producers clocking 8 million tonnes every year followed by Africa and China [2]. So let us know a bit more about the types of millets grown in India and millet nutrition that will convince you to stock them. [3]
1. Sorghum (Jowar)
Sorghum or jowar is one of the most popular millets for weight loss
The very mention of millets and you would have picturized jowar or jowar rotis in your mind. Well, it is one of the most popular, much-researched millet for weight loss.
Due to jowar roti benefits, many grandmas prefer it over regular wheat rotis. Compared to rice and wheat, jowar has a high proportion of calcium.
It also packs in a neat iron, protein, and fiber punch. Researchers have found that a typical sorghum wax is rich in policosanols which helps in reducing the levels of cholesterol.
Being a gluten-free grain, it is also much preferred by those who can’t tolerate wheat-based products.
2. Foxtail millet
Foxtail millet can be cooked just like rice. Millet recipes are easy to make. Here foxtail millet is pictured with husk
Foxtail millets are available in the form of rice, semolina (like rava) or as flour. As with other millets, foxtail millet is rich in smart carbohydrates, the kind which doesn’t increase the blood sugar levels immediately.
It is rich in dietary fibre, and minerals like iron and copper. Due to this, it helps to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and keeps the immune system strong.
3. Finger millet (ragi)
High in calcium, ragi or finger millet is worth including in the diet
One of the most popular and commonly consumed millet there could be. Due to ragi’s nutrition, it can be considered as a good replacement for rice and wheat.  
The most notable nutritional feature is that it is a rich source of calcium and other minerals.
It is a storehouse of protein and amino acids that make it a good inclusion in porridges and even wheat flour. This ragi benefit can be derived from patients with diabetes.
4. Pearl millet (Bajra)
Bajra or pearl millet flour can be mixed with wheat atta for weight loss
Pearl millet or bajra is said to be a miracle millet with iron content 8 times higher than that present in rice.
Other facts about pearl millet nutrition are that it is also rich in protein, fibre, and minerals such as calcium and magnesium.
Consumption of pearl millet will help ease constipation issues and any problems with the digestion as well. Because of the nutritional line-up, it can also make for a good lactagogue.
So I hope all these bajra benefits will make it a staple in your kitchen.
5. Barnyard millet
Barnyard millet belongs to our tables and not in the barn
Barnyard millet, with its nutritional profile, should belong on our tables already.
It has 6 times more of fibre than wheat making it an ideal weight loss millet.
The fibre will help maintain satiety. Apart from this, millet is rich sources of bone-building minerals calcium and phosphorus. The good antioxidant profile makes it an ideal replacement to rice in dosa/idli/dhokla batters.
6. Kodo millet
The millet which closely resembles rice is kodo millet, use it for weight loss
If you are looking for a millet that closely resembles rice, then it is the Kodo millet.
It is easy to digest and is rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants, all of which helps prevent the occurrence of major lifestyle diseases.
Weight loss enthusiasts, this is the millet you have to watch out for. Cook it like rice once in a while but without the guilt accompanied by it. Kodo millet has shown to reduce knee and joint pain, helps regularize menstruation in women among others.
7. Little Millet
Little millet but mighty in nutrition
The little millet may be called little but in no means its nutritional content is little.
It is a rich source of B-vitamins, minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, potassium among others.
It also provides essential fats to the body, the kind that helps in weight loss. Its high fibre content is yet another positive making it an ideal part of pongal or even kheer instead of rice.
8. Proso Millet
Proso millet is cultivated in developed countries
Like it’s millet cousins, proso millet is rich in protein and low glycemic index carbs.
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The developed world cultivates this millet to use it as bird feed. It is yet to be consumed as a mainstream millet.
Health Benefits of Millet Grain[4]
Before you think that millets are just an alternative to regular cereal grains, we let you in on the health benefits of millets. Similarly, millets for weight loss shouldn’t be the only thing you should be searching for!
1. Millets help to fight Type-2 Diabetes
  As you must have seen, millets are all a rich source of magnesium, a mineral which is extremely important for starch digestion. Magnesium makes many carbohydrate-digesting enzymes, even the ones which manage insulin’s action. Researchers find that magnesium-rich whole grain consumption can help lower the risk of type-2 diabetes. 
2. Millets are as nutritious as Fruits and Vegetables
Millets are gluten free grains and also rich in antioxidants
We aren’t pitting one food group against the other but this is what research has to say. Scientists from Cornell University have found that millets are not any lesser than fruits or vegetables in their antioxidant activity. According to their research, most of the studies have explored the ‘free’ forms of antioxidants seen amply in fruits and vegetables. But the difference is that these antioxidants in millets are in the bound form which needs to be released on fermentation by bacteria. Thus the health benefits of millets are at par with fruits and vegetables.
3. Millets fight Heart Diseases
One of the phytonutrients amply present in millets is lignans. Lignans are known to be prebiotic fibre which is fermented in our gut by bacteria. Upon fermentation, they yield enterolactone, a product which is known to protect against heart disease and also some forms of breast cancers.
4. Millets help to prevent Gallstones
Have good digestive health with millets. Millets also help in weight loss
Studies have shown that consuming foods high in insoluble fibre has the ability to prevent the occurrence of gallstones. The Nurses Health Study found that people eating both soluble and insoluble fibre reported 13% lower risk of gallstones. However, those who ate more of insoluble fibre reported a greater risk reduction in the occurrence of gallstones that is around 17%. So you can eat the millet grain to prevent gallstones in the future.
5. Millets role in childhood asthma
Studies have found that a combination of whole grains like millets and fish helps reduce the incidence of wheezing in children. The positive is that millets are gluten-free grains too so it can be well tolerated by many.
5 Tasty Millet Recipes
Now that you have known the multiple benefits of including millets in the diet, we give you some great ways they can be a part of your food and yet loved.
1. Millet instead of rice
It’s really easy, millets get cooked just like rice.
All you have to do is pressure cook or pan cook 1 glass of millet with 3 cups of water.
When pan cooking you can observe the progress. Just when the water evaporates, take it off the flame and let it stay. It will cook some more in the remnant heat and fluff up, looking just like rice.
You can now eat this cooked millet with sambhar or rasam.
You can cook millets instead of rice once a week but make sure to check with a dietician if you have thyroid issues before consuming millets. 
2. Millets in khichdi or Pongal
Rice and dal make for a good combination in khichdi. So replacing rice with millets do not make a big difference in taste but a world of difference in the nutritional profile.
Take this bajra khichdi, jowar khichdi or foxtail millet khichdi for instance. You could use millets in sweet or salty pongal too. Simple yet salivating millet recipes can be made.
3. Millet for upma
Millets are available in different forms, even in the semolina version. So you can use millets to replace traditional wheat rava and make upma. We even found ragi vermicelli and made a ragi vermicelli upma out of it.
4. Salads with milletsDon’t rub your eye in disbelief, we mean it. We made this bajra salad with lime seasoning and the result was finger-licking. Try it for yourself.
5. Millets incorporated in the wheat flour
So most of you will be comfortable with chapatis made of wheat flour. We give that comfort to you but you can make it healthy by incorporating millet flour in wheat flour. You can have your own combinations to make healthy rotis. Check with your dietician about the ideal millet to wheat flour ratio especially if you have thyroid troubles. 
Millet Side Effects: Do Not Consume too many Millets [5]
Millets are high in thyroid affecting goitrogens
Ok, so millets are not all painted in white as well. Millets are known to possess goitrogens, the anti-nutritional factor if you have thyroid problems. Hence it would be advisable to include them in batters and not eat it every day like rice or wheat. Do check in with a dietician or a nutritionist before you go overboard on millets. 
If you are wondering what can be safely consumed and what to be avoided if you have thyroid issues, you can check our blog titled the thyroid diet food list.
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