#goodbye honeypre dream story events it was nice knowing y'all~~~~
deus-ex-mona · 10 months
The Sisters' Secret Seaside Trip: Chapter 5
previous part: (chapter 4)
next part: (chapter 6)
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Having met up with each other, Sena and Mona relaxed on the beach together.
Mona: Ahh, the sunlight is still so strong! It sure feels like summer.
Sena: I agree. Do you want to head into the sea soon? I think we’ll be able to cool down a little in there. 
Mona: Don’t wanna! Let’s laze around for a little longer. I’m beat from my earlier filming…
Sena: Was it really that intense?
Mona: Didn’t I tell you about it? The project’s called “Midsummer Beach Volleyball Showdown Under the Scorching Sun!”.
Mona: Even the title gives away how much of an ordeal it is.
Mona: Variety programmes sure require a different kind of energy from concerts, y’know?
Sena: I see, so you had to play beach volleyball, huh?
Mona: But, well, idols aren’t just cute, y’know?!
Mona: I think I was able to show ‘em that us idols can be funny and have fighting spirit too.
Sena: Through beach volleyball?
Mona: Yup. We played for 8 hours.
Sena: Haha, you sure played for a long time. I truly respect you.
Sena: By the way, is that swimsuit your costume for today? You look really cute in it. It suits you.
Mona: Ah—...
Mona: Nope, my costume was a jersey.
Sena: Eh? Really?
Mona: Yeah… This is a new swimsuit I bought to wear while playing at the beach with you, Big Sis…
Sena: (...So that’s how it is.)
Mona: S-so I don’t like it at all! You’re cuter and more stylish than me…
Mona: And it’s even more glaringly obvious when we’re side by side in our swimsuits…
Mona: But, you were really pumped to play at the beach together… so…
Sena: …Hehe.
Mona: What’re you grinning like that for?
Sena: It’s nothing. I was just thinking that you really are my pride and joy.
Mona: Eh?! W-what’re you saying?! That was uncalled for!
Sena: You already look cute enough in your swimsuit, Mona!
Sena: C’mon, let’s go! We’re finally at the beach, after all!
Mona: Whoa! Wait a sec, Big Sis! Don’t yank my arm like that!
Mona: Geez! I just told you that I’m beat!
Mona: Phew, the sea was cooler than I thought.
Sena: Right? Didn’t it feel good?
Mona: Hey, Big Sis, there’s some seaweed on your back.
Sena: Eh?! You’re kidding! Get it off, get it off!
Mona: Haha, it looks super great on you! I’ll take a pic for Mom and send it straight to her.
Sena: Hey, don’t! If you want to send a pic to her, let’s take a proper one together!
Sena: …Ah! Look, Mona! There’s a beach hut over there!
Mona: Are you trying to change the subject?
Mona: Ah—... But I am getting hungry…
Sena: Right?! It looks like they sell yakisoba and shaved ice! Let’s feast!
Mona: Yup, we sure will. But, before that… snap.
Mona: Okay, and send!
Sena: Hey! I told you not to!
Mona: I already sent it to her, though. …Ah, she saw it.
Mona: Mom’s so fast!
Sena: Hey, Let’s take a pic together too.
Mona: Then come a little closer— I’m taking it, ‘kay? …Say cheese!
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