#goon fren art
autism-criminal · 7 months
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muted5ilence · 10 months
Thinking about how Welcome Home fandom has been mostly positive for me
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maewestside · 2 years
Of Ghosts and Spirits and Spies
By Heidi Siegmund Cuda
On September 17, 2016, at 3:02 pm, I pressed send on my first Resistance blog: “Dooshbaggery, and Other Things I Resigned From,” on my Maewestside Tumblr. On that day, the investigative producer who had schooled me informed me Trump would win the election.
It was an eviscerating narrative on the decline of the newsroom, and as soon as I pressed send, I knew there would be no going back into corporate media. Good fucking riddance. At the time it seemed a fair trade - I simply did not want a veteran con man and pageant guy to be president.
In that moment, I was no longer a full-time inhabitant of planet earth. I also began to inhabit Twitterlandia. I was up all night and into the morning investigating Trump and the goons in his orbit 24/7. In a few short months, I wrote dozens of columns, warning people on the fraud, pyramid schemes, unpaid debts, underage girls, all the grifts, all the hustles, the money laundering of a fake rich guy. I typed until my fingers bled, tweets littered the floor, my bedroom turned cold as I did what any mom and investigative reporter who found herself unshackled by a corporation would do: I reported. I wrote about his gaslighting. I wrote about “real fake news” before he uttered the phrase. I wrote about a “real genuine phony.”
Despite knowing he would win, on the night of the election, my back toward the TVs behind the bar at the Peking Palace in Downtown Los Angeles, I could see the red bouncing off the mirrors. My then-partner looking panic stricken as he tried to comfort me and tell me it was just the early returns. Like millions of people globally, I woke up that next morning to a bitter world, the fight ahead. I promised my poet daughter, tears rolling down her cheeks, I would make it right and get him the fuck out of there, not knowing at the time it would take the full term. I made it to the Women’s March in D.C. to document it on film, because I knew corporate media would get it wrong, and they did.
“(Trump) may not be good for America, but he’s damn good for CBS.” Fuck you, Les Moonves.
So the rift in the space and time continuum that resulted in the real fake presidency of a fake rich guy has now revealed the black hole where his heart should be. Trump is under criminal investigation. Not just for his central role in inciting a violent attempted coup but for potential espionage.
‘Ghosts and Spirits’
In Sun Tzu’s Art of War, Chapter XXIII, On the Use of Spies, he writes:
“Foreknowledge cannot be gotten from ghosts and spirits, cannot be had by analogy, cannot be found out by calculation. It must be obtained from people, people who know the conditions of the enemy.”
So let’s look at Trump’s people, his frens. They are foreign agents, or spies, or have weird entanglements in mafia states. They do their dirt in broad daylight, emboldened by pardon fraud, by Trump’s own nefarious foreign entanglements.
One day, and the day may be coming soon, Trump’s cult is going to learn he never cared about America or them. He played them. He used victim ideology to make money off them.
Let’s consider his frens:
Tom Barrack, Trump’s former advisor, charged with acting as an agent of a foreign government; Mike Flynn, Trump’s former national security advisor, who admitted lying about his work on behalf of the Turkish government, and who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his links to a Russian ambassador; Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, convicted of violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act in relations to his work for a Putin proxy in Ukraine. Roger Stone, Trump advisor and longtime fren, charged with lying to Congress amid the probe into Trump-Russia. They all lied to cover up their crimes, allegedly and by their own admission. Manafort went to prison, Flynn and Stone, were pardoned, and Barrack is going to trial this month. Trump’s disgraced former attorney, Rudy Giuliani, is a target of Georgia’s criminal investigation into election interference. The home of Jeff Clark, Trump’s outside lawyer, was raided by federal agents while he was left on the lawn in his underwear. Trump’s other outside lawyer, John Eastman, also had his electronic devices seized by federal agents.
‘Stop Me If You Think That You Heard This One Before’
And that’s just the short list. To read about the rogues gallery who enabled America’s first illegitimate presidency*, click here. More felon-spies are documented in my “witch hunt” thread.
Now let’s look at the some of the oligarch affiliates of Trumplandia. Konstantin Malofeev was recently indicted, and the Fox News producer who worked for him Jack Hanick was arrested in London for violating U.S. sanctions. Both Viktor Vekselberg and Oleg Deripaska had their properties searched and oligarch yachts are being seized globally. And lest we forget the plethora of recently deceased oligarchs, of defenestrations, bizarre quote unquote suicides, petro execs meeting unpleasant endings. Dead men tell no tales.
And speaking of defenestrations, Trump may want to stick to one-level abodes for awhile. The latest in federal seizures occurred at Trump’s Florida beach hotel, which was visited last month by federal agents who found more than 11,000 government records, with dozens marked Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential.
‘Violence and Chaos’
Both Trump and Flynn are ratcheting up violent rhetoric as if they know their days to unfreedom are hastening. As my podcast partner, Jim Stewartson, tells me, they need violence and chaos for them to have a chance of staying out of jail.
Despite media distortions, President Joe Biden’s brilliant speech on Maga Republicans drew a very distinct line in the sand: domestic terrorism will not be tolerated.
That includes ex-presidents and retired generals.
‘Lying On the Record’
On November 10, 2017, as I battled the Great Information War with furiously typing fingers, I documented the Lying Liars of Scamalot, the Trump associates who had lied to the FBI.
It seemed a bit of madness, that lies had become so normalized.
I wrote: “Next thing you know, video will surface of the Real Fake President pulling wings off flies. His lawyers will call it science.”
These are dangerous men, and they’re running out of time.
Heidi Siegmund Cuda is an independent investigative reporter and politico. To support her work or buy her independent book documenting her early Resistance writings, please go here: https://ko-fi.com/heidicuda15373. Below photo: Banksy Spy Booth.
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