#gotta reblog it somwhere
scourge-sympathiser · 5 years
Hi!! I just gotta say that I love ur account, and I’ve finally made myself a warrior cats tumblr, even tho I’m totally unfamiliar with this platform I’m already loving it!! I was just curious, for the pride icons, can we use those as our icons, or are they for reblogging only? And, if we can, how do we credit you? Write it in our bios or something? (Sorry if it’s a dumb question, I’ve legit never used tumblr for anything other than browsing before today, I just don’t wanna be rude!)
thnk u so so much omg!!!!!!!!!!! welcome 2 tumblr! itz a bit of a wild website but i hope u hav a fun n good time on here!!!!! thnkz 4 asking- my iconz r free to use!!!!!!! just credit me Wherevr i guess the discription is the best place but as long as credit is somwhere im chill !!!!!!!!!!!
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