#gov. tom wolf
New data from Pennsylvania's elections agency shows an early November state court decision that barred mail-in ballots without accurate handwritten dates on their exterior envelopes resulted in otherwise valid votes being thrown out.
The Department of State said this week more than 16,000 mail-in ballots were disqualified by county officials because they lacked secrecy envelopes or proper signatures or dates. Democratic voters, who are much more likely to vote by mail, made up more than two-thirds of the total canceled ballots. The agency said 8,250 Pennsylvania mail-in ballots were rejected because they were sent in without being contained within a secrecy envelope, making it impossible for them to be tabulated without putting voter privacy at risk.
The remaining 7,904 invalidated ballots were tossed out because the exterior envelopes used to send in those ballots did not have the voters' signatures, or because those exterior envelopes were either undated or improperly dated. Many counties, but not all, worked with voters to “cure” undated ballots. Those fixed ballots were counted and are not among the number of rejected ballots now being reported by the Department of State.
Some people whose mail-in ballots were thrown out in the high-stakes November election may not be aware that happened.
“In many counties, voters who provide their email address when applying for a mail ballot automatically receive email notifications with status updates on their ballot, including whether their ballot was canceled,” Department of State spokesperson Ellen Lyon said in an email. “There is no similar automatic notification system for voters who do not provide an email address when applying for a mail ballot.”
Pennsylvania Democrats flipped Republican U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey's seat this fall, elected Attorney General Josh Shapiro as Governor and won just enough state House races to retake majority control by one vote.
But the Democrats' much greater use of mail-in voting also meant they saw far more of their votes disqualified than did Republicans, independents and third party voters combined. Democrats had 10,920 votes thrown out, about half for lacking secrecy envelopes. Republicans saw 3,503 ballots forfeited. Independents and third parties amounted to 1,731 votes that did not count in the fall election.
Negotiations between Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf and Republican legislative leaders about ending the exterior envelope date requirement failed because the sides could not reach agreement on a wider bill to address a host of election procedures and policy changes. The exterior envelope dates are not needed to ensure ballots arrive in time — that occurs when they are received and clocked in by county elections workers.
Republican lawmakers have defended the need for the requirements, saying they are important for security and secrecy.
The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in May that the dates were not required — calling them “immaterial” — but the U.S. Supreme Court then ruled that decision moot.
Other federal litigation against the secretary of state and county elections boards over the inaccurate or missing envelope dates remains pending. It claims enforcing the date requirement has a larger impact on voters who are "significantly older than both other Pennsylvanians who voted by mail and all registered Pennsylvania voters.”
In the Governor's race, Shapiro collected just over 1 million mail-in votes, about a third of his total, on his way to a nearly 15-point win over Republican state Sen. Doug Mastriano, whose received more than 187,000 mail-in ballots. There were fewer than 19,000 third-party or independent mail-in votes in the gubernatorial race.
Marian Schneider, senior voting rights policy counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, said state law needs more clarity about the process of curing flawed ballots so more voters’ choices will count. The total number may be a small portion of total votes cast, but they could determine the winner of a close race.
“It's still 16,000 people whose votes didn't count,” Schneider said. “It would be good to avoid that, right?”
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled a week before the November election that mail-in votes may not count if they are “contained in undated or incorrectly dated outer envelopes." Ballots without properly dated envelopes have been the topic of litigation since mail-in voting was greatly expanded in Pennsylvania under a 2019 state law.
The justices had split 3-3 on whether making the envelope dates mandatory under state law would violate provisions of the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964, which states that immaterial errors or omissions should not be used to prevent voting. The tie meant the date mandate has remained in place. The court has yet to issue a written opinion laying out its reasoning and explaining why it ordered county officials to “segregate and preserve” the canceled ballots.
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More than 2,500 apply for pardon under Pa. marijuana pardon project
More than 2,500 apply for pardon under Pa. marijuana pardon project
More than 2,500 Pennsylvanians with minor, nonviolent marijuana criminal convictions have applied for a pardon under a new program launched by Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf and Lt. Gov. John Fetterman this month. And the deadline to apply to the Pennsylvania Marijuana Pardon Project, a one-time, large-scale pardon effort through the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons, is Friday. Applying is free and…
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foreverlogical · 1 year
● AK Ballot: Alaska voters made history in 2020 when they made their state the first in the nation to adopt a top-four primary with a ranked-choice general election, but conservatives tell the Alaska Beacon's James Brooks that they're close to qualifying a measure to repeal the system that would go before voters next year.
The campaign has until the start of the January legislative session to turn in about 27,000 valid signatures, a figure that represents 10% of the total number of votes that were cast in the most recent general election, and it must also hit certain targets in three-quarters of Alaska's 40 state House districts. One leader says that organizers have already gathered 30,000 petitions so far but will analyze them later to see if more are needed.
Under the current top-four system, all the candidates run on one primary ballot, and the four contenders with the most votes—regardless of party—advance to an instant-runoff general election. This method was first used last year in the special election to succeed the late GOP Rep. Don Young as Alaska's lone House member, a contest that ultimately saw Democrat Mary Peltola defeat former Republican Gov. Sarah Palin 51-49.
Conservatives both in Alaska and across the country were furious because Palin and another Republican, Nick Begich, outpaced Peltola by a combined 59-40 in the first round of tabulations. They blamed their surprise loss on instant-runoff voting rather than Palin's many failings or the Democrat's strengths.
"60% of Alaska voters voted for a Republican," griped Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, "but thanks to a convoluted process and ballot exhaustion—which disenfranchises voters—a Democrat 'won.'" But even without ranked-choice voting, Peltola still would have come in first, as she beat Palin 40-31. And since Begich took third with 28%, he may well still have lost a traditional primary to Palin had one been used.
Furthermore, a poll conducted right after the special by supporters of ranked-choice voting showed that Alaskans saw their new voting system as anything but "convoluted." Instead, 85% of respondents found it to be "simple," while 62% said they supported the new method.
Hard-right groups, though, soon had even more reasons to hate the new status quo. Thanks to the top-four system, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a rare Republican who's crossed party lines on high-profile votes, would no longer face what would almost certainly have been a tough GOP primary against Donald Trump's preferred candidate, former state cabinet official Kelly Tshibaka. (Murkowski famously lost her 2010 primary to a far-right foe but won the general through a write-in effort.)
Instead, Murkowski and Tshibaka easily advanced to the general election with Democrat Pat Chesbro and a little-known third Republican. Murkowski led Tshibaka 43.4-42.6 in the first round of general election tabulations, but the 10% of voters who supported Chesbro overwhelmingly broke for the incumbent and helped lift her to a 54-46 victory. Peltola also won her rematch with Palin 55-45 after initially leading her 49-26; unsurprisingly, both Palin and Tshibaka ardently back the effort to end the top-four system.
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kp777 · 2 years
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
Nov. 7, 2022
National and state-level Republicans are engaged in a coordinated legal effort to disqualify thousands of absentee and mail-in ballots in key battleground states ahead of Election Day, a mass voter suppression campaign that—if successful—could swing the results of close races.
In states such as Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, right-wing organizations and Republican groups animated by former President Donald Trump's "Big Lie" have filed lawsuits seeking to toss ballots on technical grounds, potentially disenfranchising thousands of voters for failing to put a date on the outer envelope of a ballot or other small mistakes.
"They've calculated that this is a way that they can win more seats."
Additionally, Republicans in Pennsylvania sued in an unsuccessful attempt to block counties from notifying voters about technical errors on their ballots.
Last week, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court sided with GOP groups in ruling that mail-in and absentee ballots without a date on the outer envelope cannot be counted. Voting rights organizations are fighting back, and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D) said in a statement Sunday that "no voter should be disenfranchised simply because they made a minor error in filling out their ballot."
"This was not a controversial concept in our country or our commonwealth until recently, with the rise of the Big Lie and the efforts to spread mis- and disinformation in the days leading up to the general election," Wolf added. "I urge counties to continue to ensure that every vote counts."
In Georgia, home to a razor-close U.S. Senate race that could decide control of the upper chamber, right-wingers have challenged the eligibility of tens of thousands of individual voters, making use of a GOP-crafted law allowing state residents to file an unlimited number of challenges.
Republican groups in several states—including Arizona, Michigan, and Nevada—have also filed lawsuits aimed at requiring the appointment of more Republican poll workers.
Read more.
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medicalmpa1 · 11 months
The goal of MediCalm, as a practice, is to provide a superior level of care, with (or without) medical marijuana combined with education, advocacy, and strategies based on a holistic approach to enable our patients to achieve optimal health. A key tenet of MediCalm practice includes prioritizing the advancement of medical marijuana science in the framework of Osteopathic Medicine traditions inclusive of an ongoing bonafide relationship with our patients.
We are a medical practice dedicated to helping patients benefit from the new and evolving treatments now available with Pennsylvania’s compassionate medical marijuana legislation signed into law by Gov. Tom Wolf on April 17, 2016.
Contact Us:
Medicalm PA
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Pennsylvania Sees Drop in Drug Overdose Deaths in 2018, Hopeful Signs for Addiction Treatment Efforts
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Pennsylvania has seen a remarkable decrease in its opioid-related overdose deaths last year. According to recent findings released by the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, the number of overdose deaths dropped 3.6%, with 3,306 drug-related overdose deaths from January to December 2018. The lower number of opioid overdose deaths is considered a major milestone for the residents and law enforcement of the state. The new statistics have given hope to the people of Pennsylvania that together they can help reduce the number of tragedies resulting from opioid misuse. In this blog post, we will cover the statistics of Pennsylvania's opioid overdose deaths in 2018, what efforts have been made to help reduce the number of overdose-related tragedies, and the long-term impact of the opioid crisis in the state. Overview of 2018 Overdose Deaths
3,306 overdose deaths occurred in Pennsylvania from January to December 2018
There was a 3.6% decrease in drug-related overdose deaths since 2017
Comparatively, deaths by fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, decreased by 12.3%
Pennsylvania has had to grapple with the opioid crisis for many years. This is why recent news of a decrease in drug-related overdose deaths is cause for hope. The governor of the state, Tom Wolf, wants to keep building on this progress to further reduce overdose deaths. What's Being Done to Reduce Overdose Deaths? There have been several efforts working towards decreasing the opioid-related overdose deaths in Pennsylvania. Gov. Wolf's plan to reduce drug-related overdose deaths includes a prevention and treatment strategy that involves enhancing the use of existing resources, providing psychological support, and community outreach to educate people on the dangers of opioid misuse. Additionally, partnerships between the state government and different organizations and institutions have been formed to provide easier access to opioid-substitution treatments and drugs such as naloxone which help reduce the risk of opioid overdose deaths. The Long-Term Impact of the Opioid Crisis in Pennsylvania The opioid crisis in Pennsylvania is far from over. Even though the number of overdose deaths has decreased, the issue is still a major problem in the state. It has caused a lot of trauma within families and communities, and has led to an increase in mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. The opioid crisis in Pennsylvania is also having an economic impact on the state, with the crisis costing Pennsylvanians approximately $26 billion a year due to lost economic production and the cost of providing medical services to people affected by opioid addiction. It is paramount that the state and its residents work together to help reduce the number of opioid-related tragedies even further. Through education, increased access to treatment, and more collaboration between government organizations, families, and communities, Pennsylvania can make a major difference in reducing opioid deaths. Thanks for reading! If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid addiction, please visit Clearbrook Treatment Centers for more information.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) -- Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro said Thursday he will not allow Pennsylvania to execute any inmates while he is in office and called for the state's lawmakers to repeal the death penalty.
Shapiro, inaugurated last month, said he will refuse to sign execution warrants and will use his power as governor to grant reprieves to any inmate whose execution is scheduled.
In doing so, he is exercising an authority used for eight years by his predecessor, Gov. Tom Wolf, to effectively impose a moratorium on the death penalty in a state where it has been sparsely used.
Shapiro went further, asking lawmakers to repeal the death penalty and calling it fallible and irreversible.
"Today, I am respectfully calling on the General Assembly to work with me to abolish the death penalty once and for all here in Pennsylvania," Shapiro said in a news conference at Mosaic Community Church in Philadelphia.
The state, he said, "should not be in the business of putting people to death."
The first execution warrant came to his desk last week, Shapiro said.
Twenty-seven states allow the death penalty, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
On the campaign trail last year for governor, Shapiro had said he was morally opposed to the death penalty, even though he had run for attorney general in 2016 as a supporter of the death penalty for the most heinous cases.
Shapiro is shifting his stance amid shrinking support nationally for the death penalty.
While Wolf was governor from 2015 until last month, judges delivered eight more death sentences. In the meantime, Wolf issued eight reprieves to inmates who had been scheduled to be put to death.
Wolf had said he would continue the reprieves until lawmakers addressed inequities in the use of the death penalty, but lawmakers never did and Wolf's reprieves remain in effect.
Wolf's use of reprieves was upheld by the state Supreme Court in a legal challenge brought by county prosecutors, who argued that Wolf was unconstitutionally turning what had been intended to be a temporary tool into a permanent one.
Pennsylvania has 101 men and women on its shrinking death row, according to statistics from the Department of Corrections. The state has executed three people since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, as courts and now governors have blocked every other death sentence thus far.
All three men who were executed gave up on their appeals voluntarily. The state's most recent execution took place in 1999.
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brandedcities · 2 years
Pennsylvania passes 'forever chemicals' drinking water limit after contamination in Bucks, Montco
Former Gov. Tom Wolf's administration initiated a plan to cleanup affected sites, test water systems and create a standard after testing in communities of Bucks and Montgomery counties near military installations showed tap water contaminated with the compounds.
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rnewspost · 2 years
Pennsylvania Governor Pardons Meek Mill's Drug And Gun Charges
Pennsylvania Governor Pardons Meek Mill’s Drug And Gun Charges
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Rapper Meek Mill, who spent most of his adult life on probation following a teenage arrest, celebrated the latest twist in his legal case Friday after he was pardoned by Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf. “I got pardoned today,” the 35-year-old rapper born Robert Williams tweeted, noting he has come a long way. Under a photo of the pardon on Instagram, the Philadelphia…
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insideusnet · 2 years
Wolf Ends Term With Strong Ratings After Tumultuous Times : Inside US
Wolf Ends Term With Strong Ratings After Tumultuous Times : Inside US
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Gov. Tom Wolf will wrap up eight years in office next month, having steered Pennsylvania through unpredictable times when the Democrat made life-and-death decisions in the ravaging COVID-19 pandemic and managed the battleground state’s presidential election amid unprecedented Republican efforts to overturn it. Wolf, 74, leaves office with positive approval ratings from…
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nycannabistimes · 2 years
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#Repost @necannacon with @use.repost ・・・ Only 250 people met the qualifications for expungement, according to Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D). Learn more about these pardons: https://necann.com/news/nj-approves-cannabis-consumption-lounge/ Check link in bio: https://linktr.ee/necannacon . . . . . #cannabisanatomy #cannabis #cannabisflower #thrichomes #hemp #hemplove #cannabislife #cannabiscultivation #cannabisindustry #cannafam #b2b #learntogrow #growyourown #cannabiseducation #cannabislife #420 #highlife #businessopportunity #businessgrowth #entrepreneur #ganjapreneur #cannabislove #cannabisnetwork #cannabiseducation #growyourbusiness #businessopportunity #elevate #medicate #cannabismedicine (at Hudson Heights, Manhattan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmk_QyrsjQf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Pennsylvania’s Democratic-controlled House of Representatives approved a measure by a close vote Tuesday that would raise the minimum wage to $15 by 2026, fulfilling a long-held party campaign plank that has run up against Republican legislative majorities for years.
The bill passed 103-100 with all but one Democrat voting for it and two Republicans joining them. But it has an uncertain future in the Republican-controlled Senate as lawmakers and Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro increasingly focus on budget legislation ahead of the July 1 start of the new fiscal year.
Pennsylvania’s minimum wage is set at the federal minimum of $7.25, and last increased in 2009.
The measure would gradually increase the minimum wage to $15 by changing from $7.25 to $11 in its first year, then to $13 in 2025 and finally to $15 in 2026. The bill ties future increases to inflation, which sponsors say mirrors action taken by 15 other states.
The legislation would also increase the tipped wage to 60% of the minimum wage from the current $2.83 an hour. The movement comes after Democrats won a House majority for the first time in a dozen years, albeit by one seat.
It’s been a yearslong effort for Democrats, who have campaigned on increasing the minimum wage nationally.
Rep. Justin Fleming, a Dauphin County Democrat, said it was one of his priorities as a candidate. He recalled working for a former Democratic governor when the Legislature last increased the minimum wage.
“If you had told me that it would be 14 years before this body would take another stab to raise the minimum wage, I simply wouldn’t have believed it,” he said. “Passing this bill will keep workers who live close to our borders here in the state and patronizing Pennsylvania businesses.”
Republicans emphasized concerns for small businesses and rising costs associated with raising the wage.
“I cannot support a bill that would put a local family restaurant out of business and, along with it, the many employees who make a living at their three locations,” said Rep. Katie Klunk, a York County Republican.
For some Democrats, the effort didn’t extend far enough.
“An African proverb says, ‘When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers,’” said Dauphin County Democratic Rep. Patty Kim. “Even if we raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, the grass still suffers. I support this bill because this is a piece to a larger puzzle that will help working families.”
Shapiro campaigned last year for a $15 minimum wage and, in his first budget address, he asked for the increase. Republican opposition stymied efforts by former Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf through his eight years in office to raise the minimum wage.
Wolf imposed higher wage requirements on companies getting loans, grants or tax breaks from the state government through an executive order in 2021. He did the same to state contractors in 2016.
All told, 30 other states and Washington, D.C., have raised the minimum wage above the federal minimum, including some Republican-controlled states, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Every neighbor of Pennsylvania also has raised the minimum wage, although Ohio’s law exempts lower-earning businesses and employees under 16.
June is budget month in Pennsylvania’s Legislature and often a time for deal-making on pet policy priorities between governors and top lawmakers.
Senate Majority Leader Joe Pittman, R-Indiana, said last week that his caucus would wait for the House to pass a minimum wage bill to consider it. However, he said, “$15 an hour is not a practical number” for Republicans in that chamber to consider.
In a deal with Wolf in 2019, the Senate agreed to raise Pennsylvania’s minimum wage in four steps to $9.50 in 2022, but the House’s Republican majority blocked it.
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Gov. Wolf’s final food security report notes 37% decrease in food insecurity
Gov. Wolf’s final food security report notes 37% decrease in food insecurity
WILKES-BARRE — Upon taking office, Gov. Tom Wolf and First Lady Frances Wolf immediately prioritized fighting hunger. This week, Governor’s Food Security Partnership published its final report which revealed a 37% decrease in food insecurity since the beginning of the Wolf Administration. In an action finalizing his legacy of support to improve access to food for all Pennsylvanians, Gov. Wolf…
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drjohngkuna · 2 years
Therapy for Bloomsburg
These extreme mental situations embody bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia. Those with anxiety or despair can contemplate outpatient remedy. This gives them time to work one on one with a therapist, learning more concerning the situation and the way they can get higher. Many of those suffering from addiction also suffer from psychological or emotional sicknesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression therapist Bloomsburg pa, or anxiousness disorders. Rehab and other substance abuse facilities treating these with a twin prognosis or co-occurring dysfunction administer psychiatric therapy to address the individual's psychological well being concern in addition to drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Mental well being services in Bloomsburg can provide remedy and counseling for a extensive range of mental well being issues and issues.
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He is there to be here with you every step of the greatest way to realize your goals and balance, whether I need to help you process through difficult feelings, problem-solve with you, hold you accountable, give you a wholesome perspective, or just hear. I discover self-care and self-compassion essential to your ongoing mental/social/physical/emotional wellness. I also believe a positive rapport will solely assist us to work in the course of your remedy goals and desires collectively. The individual doesn’t need to hire their very own legal professional, which can be expensive. Harrisburg, Pa. — In the closing days of his final time period in office, Gov. Tom Wolf is backing a regulatory change that may formalize nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ folks whereas therapist Bloomsburg pa circumventing the legislature.
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hakesbrother · 2 years
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Ivey prevented a runoff within the spring despite dealing with a slate that included eight Republican challengers who compelled her to the proper. Meanwhile, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey simply received a second full term towards Democrat Yolanda Flowers, the primary Black girl to win a significant party’s gubernatorial nomination within the state. Hassan defeated Donald Bolduc, a retired Army basic who has espoused conspiracy theories about vaccines and embraced the discredited belief that former President Donald Trump gained the 2020 election. Shapiro, a two-term state legal professional general, will substitute the term-limited Democrat Tom Wolf. Democrat Josh Shapiro has been elected as governor of Pennsylvania, defeating hard-right Republican candidate Doug Mastriano after a extremely anticipated battle in a key battleground state. It was a tough blow to Abrams, who had been seen as a possible pressure within the party at a time when Georgia has been increasingly contested as a battleground state.
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After the Democrat misplaced her gubernatorial marketing campaign in 2018, she refashioned herself as an advocate for voting rights and garnered the admiration of Democrats nationwide. The margin, although slight, appeared too wide for an automatic recount, Curtas mentioned, which is triggered when candidates are inside one quarter of one percent. Vasquez campaign spokesman Robert Phillips stated the candidate had not yet declared victory as votes were still new homes las cruces being counted. All of the district’s 650 voter precincts were reporting Wednesday morning, in accordance with data from the New Mexico Secretary of State’s Office. The District spans 15 counties in New Mexico and consists of rural areas like Eddy and Lea counties to the southeast, and the urban areas of Dona Ana and Bernalillo counties. Across the nation, vote tallies are nonetheless underway Thursday to determine control of the united states
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usnewsrank · 2 years
Josh Shapiro projected to win Pennsylvania governor race
Josh Shapiro projected to win Pennsylvania governor race
(NewsNation) — The Pennsylvania governor’s race, which was in the national spotlight during the 2022 midterms, has been called by NewsNation/ Decision Desk HQ in favor of Josh Shapiro. Pennsylvania’s Democratic Attorney General Josh Shapiro battled it out against hardline Republican State Senator Doug Mastriano for the top job in the state. Incumbent Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf is…
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