#grampus x reader
lunarfeat21 · 6 months
Yesterday I was thinking about my platonic yandere tugs x reader wip story, and come up with these on how they interact with y/n:
If y/n either hanging around Star fleet or Zero fleet (depends on their predicament), they're very attentive with whatever you were chatting (and not using that information for their own benefits/definitely not use that against you)
They (both Star & Zero) think they're the perfect 'family' (in their delusional minds and you in the picture), in reality they're a big screwed up family (captains as the hierarchical fathers, tugs as the grown kids and y/n is the baby of the family).
Ten cents likes to take you anywhere (with him of course), and either Sunshine or Grampus tags along (and occasionally Hercules).
Captain Star appoints y/n as his assistant, fetching paperwork and helping him win contracts (same goes to Captain Zero if y/n managed to escape and be captured by him). Not only that, he also cuddles y/n like y/n were his own child.
Lillie & Grampus are often out of sight when y/n isn't looking and spy on them (also tell the Star Tugs what y/n is planning if they plan on escaping)
In times when Ten cents is extremely busy and scared that y/n will get hurt during his shift, he pawns them to other Star Tugs who aren't busy/off of their shifts.
If Tophat and y/n are alone, he lifts his wheelhouse with y/n sitting on top. If anyone saw them, he’ll quickly deny and subtly threaten them.
The Z-stacks initially were making snide comments towards y/n, but quick to apologize desperately if y/n started to cry or gets super angry that they refused to speak to them.
And that’s the end of it, I couldn’t think more on this. If you got your own headcanon or questions, you are more welcome to join in :)
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