#graydon carter would argue namedropping gore vidal was just how people came out in the '90s
gregdotorg · 1 year
'Ah, Have You Seen Cy's Picasso?'
we already know now, but the way Edmund Wilson wrote a 1994 Vanity Fair profile of Cy Twombly to cast uncertainty, if not exactly doubt, on whether the Picasso Twombly copied for his partner Nicola del Roscio in 1988 was the same Picasso copy he called the first painting he ever made—or recalled making, to be at once both more precise and more vague—while hinting at the actuality of their relationship, but keeping Twombly and del Roscio—and Johns and Rauschenberg, for that matter—tastefully in the closet, is quite a period piece.
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