toasthaste-art · 7 years
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I drew my new Pathfinder character! Her name is Kova Tenring and she’s a Nagaji Incanter, using the Spheres of Power magic supplement book(it’s so good y’all).
She’s a magic researcher from a college to the south who’s come to the tiny oasis town of Gritspring in order to study a magical phenomenon that’s unique to the region. Unfortunately, when this phenomenon will occur is completely unpredictable, so she’s been kicking it in town for a while and is bored as all hell.
She’s not exactly a good person, but she’s very smart, and wants to understand every single possible thing about magic and the planes. She’s a bit rude in the way very smart people sometimes are, in that she’s so caught up in her own head and ego that she sort of disregards the mundanities of everyday life as beneath her.
I tried to design her outfit to sort of look like an evil scientist from a Pokemon game, but with a little bit of fantasy/magical flair. Clothes are hard! I also haven’t actually decided if she has a tail or not, I just like drawing them.
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