ambroseias · 5 years
my plan
write a generic guidelines page
add more roles so we can secrettt channellsss dfkjsdhjkfh
institute a #nsfw channel for any content that might be triggering. this is an 18+ rp, but we still want to err on the safe side.
wipe the introductions (previously alias + pronouns) channel + pin a form so members can fill out their alias, pronouns, timezone, n a fun-fact upon entering.
delete the #blog-drops channel in general and the #blogs-to-follow channel in administration. create a single #blogs channel in the dashboard section where it belongs.
delete the #replied threads channel and #closed starter channels. while these are nice, the same effect can be done by just messaging the person and this isn’t information that needs to be communicated to the whole group.
consolidate the most wanted/wanted plots channel into a single #character requests channel. i don’t really understand what’s going on with either of them/their difference.
change plotting to #plot calls
add a #group plotting channel
tentatively? the channels r gonna be????
+ landing pad + guidelines + introductions
communications + ooc chat + questions + nsfw
administration + announcements + friday drops
dashboard + blogs + plotting calls + group plotting + starter calls + open starters
villeland + slyville + gritville + carniville + godville + dearville
0 notes